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1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 179及答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause

2、. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. ( A) Australia. ( B) Asia. ( C) Europe. ( D) America. ( A) Because he can always see new things. ( B) Because he can

3、 relax himself. ( C) Because he can make new friends. ( D) Because he can buy foreign products. ( A) There are too many people. ( B) There is no party at night. ( C) He knows everybody there. ( D) Its nice to meet different people there. ( A) He is searching for a new job. ( B) He hates living at th

4、e guesthouse. ( C) He wants to get more sleep. ( D) He is going to open a restaurant. ( A) He wants to be a waiter. ( B) He knows a lot about cooking. ( C) He is interested in Japanese dishes. ( D) He has already got a new job. ( A) She is not interested in sports. ( B) She is not a keen sports watc

5、her. ( C) She prefers movies to history programs. ( D) She has never played in a match. ( A) She wants to gain some new knowledge. ( B) It makes her feel fulfilled in her spare time. ( C) She intends to do some research on it. ( D) It makes sight-seeing more interesting. ( A) In Japan. ( B) In Korea

6、. ( C) In Europe. ( D) In Egypt. ( A) It is very interesting. ( B) It is too hot in summer. ( C) The view is bad. ( D) There are many things to see. ( A) It used to be a city built by the Inca People. ( B) It was built three hundred years ago. ( C) It was recently discovered by Europeans. ( D) Resea

7、rchers have found out why it had disappeared. ( A) She hasnt changed a lot. ( B) She went to America 4 years ago. ( C) She has known the man for 10 years. ( D) The last time she saw the man was 4 years ago. ( A) She was a teacher in a private school. ( B) She didnt get any money there. ( C) The scho

8、ol where she worked was not very big. ( D) She worked as a volunteer teacher on weekends. ( A) It offers chances for many to try new things. ( B) There are so many volunteer jobs to do. ( C) You have to be skillful at the job you take. ( D) It is easy to find a job as a teacher. ( A) They learned a

9、lot from her. ( B) They had great passion for Japanese. ( C) They had never met a foreign teacher before. ( D) They taught the woman some English. ( A) She visited lots of places with her colleagues. ( B) She learned English and tried to use it. ( C) She made some new friends during the trip. ( D) S

10、he was helped a lot by the local people. ( A) He is going to find another job. ( B) He is much busier than before. ( C) He used to be an official. ( D) He started to work before graduation. ( A) Because he was selling membership. ( B) Because he didnt do a good job. ( C) Because he thought it was fr

11、aud. ( D) Because he didnt try hard to work. ( A) Because he had to talk a lot to people. ( B) Because he didnt like what he was selling. ( C) Because he had to knock on peoples houses. ( D) Because he hated to work for a long time. ( A) The ones near his place. ( B) The ones who were rich. ( C) The

12、 ones he met randomly. ( D) The ones he knew about. ( A) It was tough but natural. ( B) It just happened in the bubble economy. ( C) People were not interested in clubs. ( D) People didnt know him a lot. 专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 179答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations.

13、 At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer t

14、o each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. 1 【听力原文】 W: Hey, I heard that you are really a world traveler. Where have you been up to now? M:(1)Actually, most of the countries in Asia, as well as Europe and America. W: Wow, that sounds a lot of countries. M:

15、 Yeah, quite many. As long as I have a vacation, I will fly away to any place that I havent been to before. W: You are into traveling, arent you? M:(2)Thats quite me. I enjoy the lifestyle like that. You know, always have something new in my eyes. W: So how do you think about this trip? M: Fantastic

16、, as usual. W: OK. How about we talk about the guesthouse? M: Yes, sure. Why not? What do you think about it? W: I just feel that therere lots of people here. M: Yep. W: Uh huh. What do you think about the guesthouse? M:(3)Its quite nice to meet different people from different countries. W: Uh-huh,

17、what do you do at night at the guesthouse? M: At night? W: Yeah! M: Normally, I start working quite early, so Im sleeping at night. W: Oh, you dont party with the people, or have drinks or anything? M: Only on Saturday. But on Saturday, after work I go to Ginza to have a drink with my workmates. W:

18、Oh, OK. M: Then, I come back quite late, so maybe I stay here for two hours or something. W: Oh, really? Um, and do you know everybody at the guesthouse? Do you know everybody here? M: I dont think I know everybody, but I know some people who come down to the first floor. W: Yeah. And how long do yo

19、u plan to live here at the guesthouse? M: My plan is, um. Im going to leave here within one month, so it will be four weeks. W: Four weeks? Oh, youre going to move. M: Yeah. W: Really? Why? M:(4)Uh, Im searching for a job in a restaurant. As long as I get the job Id like to move and live close to th

20、e restaurant because the restaurant life is quite long hours, so I have to live, you know, close to the restaurant to get some sleep. W: Yeah. What kind of restaurant job? Cook or waiter or.? M: A chef. W: A chef? M: A cook, of course. W: Oh, OK. M:(5)I dont get any skills, so I have to start from t

21、he bottom, but I want to do the Japanese cuisine. W: Sounds interesting. Wish you good luck! 1. Where has the man NOT been to? 2. Why does the man enjoy traveling? 3. What does the man say about the guesthouse? 4. Why does the man plan to move? 5. What do we know about the man? 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考

22、查地点。由句 (1)可知,男士曾经去过亚洲以及欧洲和美洲的大部分国家。对话没有提及澳洲,因此 A为答案。 【知识模块】 对话 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查原因。由句 (2)可知,男士很喜欢这种生活方式,因为总能发现新事物。因此 A为答案。 【知识模块】 对话 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题考查人物观点。由句 (3)可知,男士认为在家庭旅馆能 够遇到来自不同国家的人,这是件挺好的事情。因此 D为答案。 【知识模块】 对话 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查原因。由句 (4)可知,男士要搬走的原因是他正在一家餐厅找工作。因此 A为答案。 【知识模块】 对话 5

23、【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题考查人物特征。由句 (5)可知,男士现在还不具备任何烹饪的技能,不得不从底层做起,但是他想学做日本菜。因此 C为答案。 【知识模块】 对话 6 【听力原文】 M: Hello, Linda. You seem to be very tired. W: Yeah, I have just had a football match. M: You? Really? I didnt know you are into sports before. It really surprises me. W: Well, dont be. I am really crazy

24、 about sports. M: Really? W: Yes! M: Then lets talk about sports. W: But Im not big on sports. M: Well, thats OK. So you dont like sports? W:(6)Well, I like sports but Im just not a keen sports watcher. You know I would usually rather watch a movie or some kind of history program. M: Oh. So youre in

25、to history? W: Oh, yes! M: What kind of history? W: Thats a kind of a difficult question.(7)I would say, ah, primarily I am interested in the ancient and medieval history, but I also like studying the history of the countries that I have visited. It makes it more interesting when I go sight-seeing.

26、M: What countries have you visited? W: Ive been to 26 countries. M: Really? W: Yeah! M: Oh. Yeah, you cant name them all. W: The big ones I would say, Ive been over a good bit of Europe, ah, Mexico, and Peru. I spent almost a year in Egypt and I went to Isreal, Jordan,(8)and now Im here in Japan. Iv

27、e been here in Japan for a year and a half. And while I have been here, I visited Korea for about a week. M: Wow. Thats a lot. So did you see the Pyramids in Egypt? W: Oh, yes. Actually, I climbed the pyramids. M: Oh, really? Nice. Whats it like on the top? W:(9)Very, very interesting. But it was du

28、ring the summer, so the visibility was rather low. M: Oh, OK. W: But we were on the Great Pyramid, and to see the second Pyramid, it is a very different perspective. M: Wow! So you were in Peru, right? W: Yes. M: Whats the big thing people see in Peru? W: Machu Pichu. M: Machu Pichu? So what is Mach

29、u Pichu? W:(10)Machu Pichu is the ruins of a city that was built by the Inca People. M: OK. W: Over maybe three. six hundred years ago, it was lost. No one knew what happened to it until it was recently discovered about a hundred years ago. M: Wow, nice. Alright, thanks a lot. W: You are welcome. Ni

30、ce talking with you. See you next week! 6. What does the woman say about herself? 7. Why does the woman like studying the history of the countries that she has visited? 8. Where is the woman now? 9. What does the woman say about the top of the pyramids? 10. What do we know about Machu Pichu? 6 【正确答案

31、】 B 【试题解析】 本题考查人物特征。由句 (6)可知,女士说她喜欢运动,但她并不热衷于观看体育比赛。因此 B为答案。 【知识模块】 对话 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题考查原因。由句 (7)可知,女士说研究不同国家的历史可以让她在该国的观光旅游更加有趣。因此 D为答案。 【知识模块】 对话 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查地点。由句 (8)可知,女士现在在日本。因此 A为答案。 【知识模块】 对话 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查人物观点。由句 (9)可知,女士表示在金字塔顶端时感觉很有趣,但是因为是夏季,所以能见度比较低。因此 A为答案。 【知识模块】

32、对话 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查事物特征。由句 (10)可知,马丘比丘古城是印加帝国人早年间建造的城市的遗迹。因此 A为答案。 【知识模块】 对话 11 【听力原文】 M: Hey, how are you? You look good! W: Hi, Mike. Nice to see you here. Im good. Thanks. M: Where have you been? I remember the last time we met was ten years ago. W: Right, and by the way, you havent change

33、d a lot. M: Really? Good to hear that. Where have you been? W: America, actually. M: Tell me something about it. W: Of course, what do you want to know? M: OK. When did you go to the U. S. ? W:(1)Its about 4 years ago. M: And what did you do? W: Actually, I went to Michigan and I worked as a volunte

34、er teacher in a public school. M: Volunteer teacher? You mean without pay? W: Actually not, but we received allowance from the local government. M: OK. What was the public school like? W: It was not big. I dont know how to say that. M: It was just a small school? W:(2)Yeah. Small school, only maybe

35、200 students, I think. M: Wow, that is small. W: Yeah, it was really small. M: Did you know all the students? W: I dont think so. I just visited some classes. M: So what did you think of America? W:(3)I think it is a great country for many people who want to try new things. M: OK. W: You know, for e

36、xample, I did not have any special skills to teach, but they let me work there as a volunteer, and they gave me a great opportunity to meet a lot of students, who are really nice, I think. M: Ah, OK. I agree. What were your students like? W:(4)They were really motivated to learn Japanese, but they d

37、idnt learn a lot. They just wanted to play with me who is from another country. M: OK. Do you have any special memories from your trip? W:(5)Yes, I visited lots of places by myself and I was really afraid of speaking English to people there, but they tried to understand me, and they helped me a lot.

38、 I really think there are lots of people who are nice all over the world. M: So you seem to enjoy the trip to America a lot. I am happy to hear that. W: You are right. I do think that it has been one of the most valuable experiences in my whole life. We need something like that in our life, dont we?

39、 M: Yeah, of course. Well, thanks for sharing your story. W: And thanks a lot for listening and talking with me. See you next time! 1. What do we know about the woman? 2. What do we know about the womans job in America? 3. What does the woman say about America? 4. What does the woman say about her s

40、tudents? 5. What special memory does the woman have about America? 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题考查人物特征。由句 (1)可知,女士大约四年前去的美国。因此 B为答案。 【知识模块】 对话 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题考查事物特征。由句 (2)可知,女士说她当时做志愿者的学校很小,大约只有 200名学生。因此 C为答案。 【知识模块】 对话 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查人物观点。由句 (3)可知,女士认为美国对于许多想尝试新事物的人而言是一个很好的国家。因此 A为答案。 【知识模块】

41、 对话 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题考查人物观点。由句 (4)可知,女士说她的学生们都很积极主动地去学日语,但他们并没有学到很多,他们只是想与来自他国的女士玩而已。因此 B为答案。 【知识模块】 对话 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题考查细节。由句 (5)可知,女士在美国独自游历了很多地方,当时她很害怕与当地人说英语,但他们尝试着理解她,并帮助了她许多。因此 D为答案。 【知识模块】 对话 16 【听力原文】 W: Hello, we havent met for a long time. Are you busy? M: Actually yes. Much busi

42、er than my first job. W: You have changed your job? Why dont we talk about your first job? M: You mean my official full-time first job? W: Yeah, sure. How about that? M: OK. That was right after I graduated from university. I became a salesman. W: Ooh, salesman! Nice. M: Yep, salesman. W: What were

43、you selling? M: I was selling nothing. W: Nothing? M: Nothing. Well, basically I was selling membership. So, its not something people can see or visualize, but its just membership. W: Was it like membership to a country club? M: Yeah, actually a private resort and golf club. W: Nice. Was this in Jap

44、an or in the U. S. ? M: In Japan. W: Wow. What was the best thing about your job? M: Troubles! Because I had to knock on peoples houses. W: Oh, wow, it was door to door. M: Exactly, without any appointments and the membership cost 5 million yen the starting cost. W: 5 million yen to start and you mu

45、st have been in very rich neighborhoods. M: No, actually we just went to any areas. We just stopped off at a station and we started from there. W: Really? Were you successful? M: Its a long story but to be honest with you, how many membership cards do you think I sold in a year? W: Wow, I dont know.

46、 I will take a guess. In one year, maybe one or two a week. So my guess is, I dont know, a hundred. M: One! W: One? M: Can you believe it? W: So you must.so you remember the lucky person? Probably you still remember that person. M: And you know what, the person who bought my membership is my father.

47、 W: Ooh, that was a tough job. M: It was tough, really. It was really tough. W: There was a lot of rejection, every day. No, no, no. M: I know. I mean if you think about it, thats natural though. I mean 5 million yen. And I couldnt really show the place, because I couldnt take the person to the plac

48、e. All I could do was to show the picture and speak, and that was right after the bubble economy burst, so nobody really had money. W: Wow, man, so were you depressed? Were you sad? M: It was very interesting. It was hard to motivate myself. The people would call the police, and call me like a robbe

49、r, because I had to open the gate and run to the door and stick my leg so that they wouldnt shut the door. W: Seriously? M: Yeah, that was how you did it. Door to door sells. W: Wow, that was a tough job. M: Yeah. Thanks for listening to me so much! 6. What do we know about the man? 7. Why does the man say that he was selling nothing? 8. Why did the man not enjoy his first job? 9. Who were the mans target neighborhoods? 10. What does the man say about being rejected a lot of times? 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题考查人物特征。由句 (6)可


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