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1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 201及答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause

2、. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. 1 What is the main topic of the interview? ( A) Recycling and its benefits. ( B) The group Marcy belongs to. ( C) Wh

3、at Marcy believes. ( D) The project Marcys group is involved with. 2 What is the goal of the organization? ( A) To get the city to restore the funding to the RRR. ( B) To raise awareness of the importance of recycling. ( C) To force the city to change its mind over a decision. ( D) To increase fundi

4、ng to the organization. 3 What form of protest did the RRR use? ( A) Sign a petition. ( B) Dump garbage on the city lawn. ( C) Put their garbage in the street. ( D) Hold a demonstration. 4 What is the womans main problem? ( A) She lives so far away. ( B) She has no time to visit her parents. ( C) He

5、r parents wont be back. ( D) She needs to work but also see her parents. 5 What did the womans parents do in Central America? ( A) Travel around the area. ( B) Volunteer their services. ( C) Teach in some schools. ( D) Visit relatives in the area. 6 Why does the woman not want to borrow money? ( A)

6、She has her own money. ( B) She wouldnt be able to get a loan. ( C) She prefers to be independent. ( D) Her bills are too high. 7 What is the problem of working? ( A) If she works she cant see her parents. ( B) She has no experience. ( C) She cant find work. ( D) She wants to relax. 8 What conclusio

7、n can we draw about Mike before he went to the camping school? ( A) He was eager to do the course. ( B) He had done outdoor activities. ( C) He enjoyed life in the open. ( D) He was reluctant and timid. 9 Mike participated in all the following activities EXCEPT ( A) hiking. ( B) canoeing. ( C) swimm

8、ing. ( D) camping. 10 Which of the following words is most appropriate to describe Mike after the camping school? ( A) Independent. ( B) Strong. ( C) Determined. ( D) Persistent. 11 What happened on January 27th, 1967? ( A) Three men were injured during a fire. ( B) One man died during the fire acci

9、dent. ( C) A fire started inside a spaceship. ( D) A spaceship was launched. 12 What happened in 1981? ( A) The space program was suspended. ( B) Five men were injured during an accident. ( C) The accident occurred before the rehearsal. ( D) No accident happened that year. 13 What does the talk say

10、about accidents? ( A) Accidents are unavoidable. ( B) Accidents can be avoided. ( C) Human beings are always careless. ( D) There should be more precautions. 14 BBCs weather forecast is a _ program. ( A) seldom watched ( B) little known ( C) new ( D) popular 15 Weather observations come from all the

11、 following sources EXCEPT ( A) computers. ( B) satellites. ( C) the ground. ( D) radar. 16 What does the talk say about BBCs forecasters? ( A) They read from script. ( B) They are professional. ( C) They use a map for presentation. ( D) They care about their clothes. 17 What does the talk say about

12、British television viewers? ( A) They remember what they saw on weather forecasts. ( B) They like talking about weather instead of watching. ( C) They pay more attention to the style of the presenters. ( D) They watch and remember what is necessary. 18 Which is NOT showing an increase this year? ( A

13、) Number of tourists. ( B) Holiday travelers. ( C) Shopping. ( D) Dining and entertaining. 19 What does the talk say about this years business travelers? ( A) There are fewer business travelers. ( B) There are more business travelers. ( C) The number remains the same as last years. ( D) It is not me

14、ntioned in the talk. 20 Which is the largest single visitor expenditure? ( A) Hotel accommodation. ( B) Meals. ( C) Shopping. ( D) Entertainment. 21 Over 2,000 Japanese cars have been seized at the port in Mombasa because ( A) they were too old. ( B) they were in poor quality. ( C) they were not ins

15、pected. ( D) they arrived in the country late. 22 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? ( A) Kenya drives on the right. ( B) Japan drives on the left. ( C) All used vehicles imported from Japan to Kenya would be inspected. ( D) In 2013, about 52,000 Japanese vehicles were exported to Kenya

16、. 23 How can one become the citizen of Republica Glaciar? ( A) By getting nominated for the Nobel Prize. ( B) By investing the local companies. ( C) By encouraging others to become its citizens. ( D) By pledging his loyalty online. 24 What poses a major threat to South Americas glaciers? ( A) Mining

17、 companies. ( B) Greenpeace Chile. ( C) Republica Glaciar. ( D) Argentina. 25 Why did smugglers in Pakistan tried to hide heroin inside hollowed-out onions? ( A) To keep it fresh. ( B) To keep it from getting wet. ( C) To prevent sniffer dogs eating it. ( D) To stop sniffer dogs from detecting it. 2

18、6 One kilogram of “high quality“ drugs were worth ( A) around 4,065. ( B) around 6,000. ( C) around 250,000. ( D) around 100,000. 27 How many tonnes of rubbishes are produced in Russia? ( A) 9 million tonnes. ( B) 45 million tonnes. ( C) 24 million tonnes. ( D) 43 million tonnes. 28 Which of the fol

19、lowing statements is INCORRECT? ( A) 24 dumps in Moscow are planned to shut this year. ( B) People in Russia sorted their own rubbish in the Soviet era. ( C) Russia has a higher rate of recycling rubbish. ( D) Some recycling start-ups are appearing in Moscow. 29 What is the farmers attitude towards

20、Obamas aid package? ( A) Suspicious. ( B) Completely unsatisfied. ( C) Indifferent. ( D) Welcoming but not satisfied. 30 What is the purpose of the one-billion-dollar program? ( A) To aid the livestock disaster. ( B) To handle issues of climate change. ( C) To bolster food banks. ( D) To settle the

21、states water problems. 专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 201答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will

22、 be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. 1 【听力原文】 M: Today, as our guest on Student Radio West-mark is student organizer and well-known

23、 Biology major and activist, Marcy Reynolds. Marcy, welcome to the show. First, can you give us some ideas about your work? W: Well, weve been trying to pressure the local government to resume funding of its recycling centre. As you may know, they cut off funding to the main plant. Our group, Restor

24、ing Recycling Radars (or RRR), called for funding. We hope to succeed in not only getting the funding restored, but also increased. M: Since you have repeatedly said in the previous interview in the newspaper that the city government doesnt care about this. So my question is why would they listen to

25、 your group? W: Well, weve been advocating these issues for a long time and now the council is pretty split on this issue. So a push in the right direction couldnt hurt. M: Any light, so far, at the end of the tunnel? W: Plenty. The council wasnt happy about the garbage we dumped on the City Hall la

26、wn, but they got the message. Now, theyre reviewing their actions and voting tomorrow in a special council meeting. M: Well, thanks for that briefing and it was a pleasure once again to talk with you. Stay tuned now for some fine tunes from our DJ, so dont touch that dial! 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 采访通篇谈论的是

27、有关 Marcy和她的组织所从事的要求政府恢复拨款支持废物回收中心的计划,故选项 D符合要求。虽然 Marcy和她的组织要求政府恢复拨款继续维持废物回收中心,但并未提到它所带来的好处,选项 A不正确; B和 C有所提及,但不是主要话题。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 女士在谈话中提到:她的组织正在给地方政府施加压力以要求政府恢复拨款继续维持废物回收中心,故选项 C正确。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 录音中女士提到:政府对她的组织倾倒在市政大楼前草坪上的垃圾表示不满。由此可推断出 RRR使用的抗议方式,故选项 B为正确答案。 【知识模块】 听

28、力 4 【听力原文】 W: Are you going to find a job again this summer? M: Yes, of course. Otherwise, how am I going to pay for the tuition fees in the fall? W: I am thinking of working too but my folks insist I have to spend sometime with them during the summer. You know, I havent seen them for two years. M:

29、Thats considering you are only an 8-hour drive away from your hometown. Why havent you been home for so long? W: Its not that I didnt want to go home but because my parents were volunteering in the charitable organization in Central America for the last couple of years. M: In that case, the more you

30、 should visit them in the summer. W: Thats true, but I didnt want to spend the whole summer staying at home. I want to make some money and pay off my tuition fees too. M: Well, you can always get a loan. W: Loan? I hate the idea of borrowing. I would rather make my own money and pay it off. M: Thats

31、 true. Its not uncommon for people to have whopping bills to pay once theyve graduated. W: Yes, Thats exactly what I didnt want to get myself into. What do I do about money? M: Well, you can work part-time when you are at home. Theres no need to think of this as a dichotomy. Why not do both? W: I wa

32、s thinking about that but my parents think I should be at home with them full-time. M: Well, I think you do have to make a decision then. 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从对话可知,女士很想在暑假找一份工作,但是必须要回家陪家人,她两年都没有回家了,因此,工作和回家的矛盾正是她的问题所在,故 D正确。 【知识 模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士很奇怪女士回家只有 8小时车程,为什么两年都没回家,女士答道:不是她不想回家,而是因为她父母

33、是慈善机构的志愿者,在过去的两年在中美洲工作。由此可知,她的父母到中美洲做了两年志愿者,选项 B正确。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士向女士建议申请贷款,女士回答宁愿自己挣钱。这表明她崇尚独立,故 C正确。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 女士说她想做兼职,但是她的父母想要她 所有时间都在家里陪着他们,故 A正确。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 M: My brother Mike is just on a course at the Green-park camping school. W: Really? What made h

34、im decide to do that? M: Well, for one thing, some boys in his class decided to do it and they dared him to go listen. W: You mean he really didnt want to go? M: I think he wanted to go, but I think he was also a little frightened. Of course, now that he has done it, he is very pleased with himself.

35、 Hes always talking about it. W: So he enjoyed it, didnt he? M: Not exactly. I think hes enjoying the feeling of having done it more than he actually enjoyed doing it. W: What sorts of things did he do? M: Em, all sorts of opening-air activities: hiking, camping, and canoeing. One thing he had to do

36、 was to capsize a canoe and then ride it again without getting out. He said the water was very cold, but he hardly noticed it at the time. W: Why not? M: He was busy riding the canoe. W: That doesnt sound very comfortable at this time of the year. M: Thats what I said when he told me. On another occ

37、asion, he had to spend the day and night by himself in the open country. W: Was he frightened? M: He was at first, apparently. But then he got used to it. W: It seems to me that the course did him a lot of good. I expect it made him more self-reliant. M: Thats what he says. And now, he wants me to g

38、o. 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士在听到男士说其弟弟去参加了某个课程时,便问是什么原因促使他参加,男士说他弟弟是受了同学的激将而去参加的,并且有点害怕。 D中的reluctant(不情愿的 )和 timid(胆小的 )分别对应这两点,故选 D。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 女士问男士弟弟都做了哪些事,男士的回答中提到了 hiking,camping, canoeing,因此可以排除 A、 B、 D三项。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 对话末尾女士提及这个课程对男士弟弟的影响,解题关键在于听清并理解 “self-reliant”

39、一词,该词意为 “依靠自己的 ”,不难选出答案为 A项independent(独立自主的 )。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【听力原文】 Although it is impossible to eliminate all risks from such a complex and experimental project, as the American space program, every precaution is taken to reduce the possibility of injury. Nevertheless, accidents do happen. The firs

40、t major casualties occurred when, despite every precaution, fire broke out on the Apollo V capsule on January 27th, 1967. In spite of every effort to save them, three men died in this terrible accident. The program continued without pause, however, and there were no more serious injuries until 1981.

41、 Then having successfully tested the engines, on an earlier occasion, a rehearsal for the actual launching was held. Not knowing that an engine chamber was full of Nitrogen gas used to clean the motor, 6 technicians entered for routine work after the final rehearsal had been declared successful. The

42、y collapsed as soon as the gas entered their lungs. One man died, and the others were very ill. Although everyone involved was shocked and grieved by this apparently unnecessary accident, preparations continued for the actual launching later that year. However hard we try, accidents are bound to hap

43、pen. Whenever a new and challenging project is undertaken, it seems to be the price of progress. 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 录音开头就提到, Apollo V航天舱起火的时间是 1967年 1月 27号,据此可知 C为答案。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题只要抓听到 6 technicians和 One man died, and the others were very ill这些关键信息,便不难选出 B为答案。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】

44、A 【试题解析】 录音结尾提到,不论我们怎样努力,事故总是不可避免的,可知 A为答案。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【听力原文】 In Britain, just as the largest audience is watching the main television news programs, its weather forecast time. The BBC broadcast 44 live forecasts a day, 433 hours of weather a year, using forecasters from the Meteorological Office.

45、 The Met Office makes predictions about the weather 7 days in advance. These are based on observations from the ground, from satellites and from radar. The observations are stored in computers that can do up to 4 billion calculations per second. In Britain, the weather is news. A television weather

46、forecast often begins with an interesting fact: The town with the top temperature of the day or the place with the most rain. “The public like that kind of information,“ says senior forecaster Bill Jails, “The BBC forecasters are professional meteorologists, but they dont have an easy job.“ They are

47、 the only presenters on television who do not use a script and they cannot see the map that they are describing. Viewers are often critical, especially of female presenters. One woman left the job after rude letters and press reports about her clothes. The British talk about the weather more than an

48、y other subject, so it is surprising to discover 70% of television viewers cannot remember what they saw on the weather forecast. “What happens“, says one forecaster, “is that people like watching and hearing the forecasters, but they probably only take real notice when they need to, or of course, w

49、hen we make mistakes.“ 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 短文开篇便说到英国最多人 看的电视新闻节目是天气预报,接着还列举了 BBC天气预报的播放数量和年度总时长以作说明,因此选 D。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问气象观测的来源没有包括哪一项。根据 These are based on observations from the ground, from satellites and from radar,可以排除 B、 C、D三项。 computers只是处理观测数据的工具,并非来源,故选 A。 【知识模块】 听力 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据 The BBC forecasters are professional meteorologists可知 B正确。听到 who do not use a script and they cannot see the map时可排除 A和 C;短文只是在举例的时候提到了一名女预报员因为着装被挑剔而辞职,并未说预报员都很注重服装。故 D也排除。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】


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