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1、北京成人本科学位英语模拟试卷 42及答案与解析 一、 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corres

2、ponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 0 Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage such people, but I also explain that theres a big difference between “being a writer“ and writ-ing. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wea

3、lth and fame, not the long hours a-lone at a typewriter. “Youve got to want to write,“ I say to them, “not want to be a writ-er“. The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair. For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded. When

4、 I left a 20-year career in the U. S. Coast Guard to become a freelance (自由栏目 ) writer, I had no prospects at all. What I did have was a friend who found me my room in a New York apart-ment building. It didnt even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom. I immediately bought a used manual typewr

5、iter and felt like a genuine writer. After a year or so, however, I still hadnt gotten a break and began to doubt myself. It was so hard to sell a story that I barely made enough to eat. But I knew I wanted to write, I had dreamed about for years. I wasnt going to be one of those people who die wond

6、ering: What if? I would keep putting my dream to the test even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure. This is the Shadow Land of hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there. 1 The passage is meant to_. ( A) warn young people of the hardships that a successful writer

7、has to experience ( B) advise young people to give uptheir idea of becoming a professional writer ( C) show young people its unrealistic for a writer to pursue wealth and fame ( D) encourage young people to pursue a writing career 2 What can be concluded fromthe passage? ( A) Genuine writers often f

8、indtheir work interesting and rewarding. ( B) A writers success depends on luck rather than on efforts. ( C) Famous writers usually live in poverty and isolation. ( D) The chances for a writer to become successful are small. 3 Why did the author begin to doubt himself after the first year of his wri

9、ting career? ( A) He wasnt able to produce a single book. ( B) He hadnt seen a change for the better. ( C) He wasnt able to have a rest for a whole year. ( D) He thought that he lacked imagination. 4 “. people who did wondering. What if?“ (paragraph 3) refers to “those_“. ( A) who think too much of

10、the dark side of life ( B) who regret giving up their career halfway ( C) who think a lot without making a decision ( D) who are full of imagination even upon death 5 “Shadow Land“ in the last sentence refers to_. ( A) the wonderland oneoften dreams about ( B) the bright future that one islooking fo

11、rward to ( C) the state of uncertaintybefore ones final goal is reached ( D) a world that exists only in ones imagination 5 Man is a land animal, but he is also closely tied to the sea. Throughout history the sea has served the needs of man. The sea has provided man with food and a convenient way to

12、 travel to many parts of the world. Today, experts believe that nearly two thirds of the worlds population live within eighty kilometers of the sea coast. In the modern technological world the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive. Resources on land are beginning to grow less. The sea, h

13、owever, still offers hope to satisfy many needs for man in the future. The riches of the sea yet to be developed by mans technology are impressive. Oil and gas explorations have existed for nearly thirty years. Valuable amounts of minerals such as, iron, copper and so on exist on the ocean floor. Be

14、sides oil and gas, the sea may offer new sources of energy. For example, warm tem-perature of the ocean can be used as the steam in a steamship. Sea may also offer a source of energy as electricity for mankind. Technology is enabling man to explore even deeper under the sea. It is obvious that the t

15、echnology to harvest the sea continues to improve. By the year 2050, experts believe that the problems to explore the food, minerals and energy resources of the sea will have been largely solved. 6 Whats the best title for the passage? ( A) Needs of Man. ( B) Sea Harvest and Food. ( C) Sea and Sourc

16、es of Energy. ( D) Sea Exploring Technology. 7 It can be inferred from the passage that_. ( A) man hasnt completely made use of the riches of the sea ( B) technology for exploring the sea bas been found ( C) harvesting rice in the sea will be made possible ( D) in the near future man can live on the

17、 ocean floor 8 Why does the author mention a steamship? ( A) To illustrate that man can make use of sources of energy from the sea. ( B) To show that a steamship is better thanother kinds of ships. ( C) To argue that man should use steamships. ( D) To indicate that it is warmer in the ocean than on

18、land. 9 According to theauthor, technology is important because_. ( A) resources on land are running short in ten years ( B) man can use it to explore the deeper sea ( C) it is a lot of fun diving into the sea ( D) ancient people used it to explore the sea 10 According to the author, when will the p

19、roblems to explore the deeper sea be largely solved? ( A) In the next generation. ( B) By the end of the 20th century. ( C) Inthe near future. ( D) By the middle of the 215. century. 10 Today, cigarette smoking is a common habit. About forty-three percent of the adult men and thirty-one percent of t

20、he adult women in the United States smoke cigarettes regu-larly. It is encouraging to see that millions of people have given up smoking. It is a fact that men as a group smoke more than women. Among both men and women the age group with the highest portion of smokers is 24-44. Income, education, and

21、 occupation all play a part in determining a persons smoking habit. City people smoke more than people living on farms. Well-educated men with high in-comes are less likely to smoke cigarettes than men with fewer years of schooling and lower incomes. On the other hand, he is likely to smoke packs of

22、 cigarettes per day. This situation is somewhat different for women. There are slightly more smokers among women with higher family income and higher education than among the lower in-come and lower educational groups. These more highly educated women tend to smoke more heavily. Among teenagers the

23、picture is similar. There are fewer teenaged smokers from upper-income, well-educated families, and fewer from families living in farm areas. Children are most likely to start smoking if one or both of their parents smoke. 11 What do we know from the first paragraph? ( A) More and more people take u

24、p the habit of smoking. ( B) There are more smoking women than smoking men in USA. ( C) It is good news that more people have given upsmoking. ( D) TheU. S. has more smoking people than any other country. 12 What factors determine a persons smoking habits? ( A) Age, incomeand education. ( B) Age, se

25、x and income. ( C) Occupation, income and sex. ( D) Occupation, income and education. 13 Which of the following is true according to the passage? ( A) City people are less likely to smoke. ( B) People in rural areas are more likely to smoke. ( C) Men with higher income tend to smoke. ( D) Well-educa

26、ted men with high incomes are generally less likely to smoke. 14 What is the smoking situation for women? ( A) The situation is quitethe same for women as for men. ( B) Better-educated women are likely to smoke heavily. ( C) There are more women smokers with low incomes. ( D) Women with higher incom

27、es and higher education do not tend to smoke. 15 What can we say about teenaged smokers? ( A) The picture about the teenage smokers is similar to that of women smokers. ( B) The situation among teenagers is quite the same with men. ( C) High school students are more likely to smoke than college stud

28、ents. ( D) Farmers children tend to smoke more. 二、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%) Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding le

29、tter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 16 The news quickly spread through the village_the war had ended. ( A) which ( B) what ( C) that ( D) where 17 We hurried to the station_find ourselves three hours earlier for the train. ( A) only to ( B) in order to ( C) so as to ( D)

30、such as to 18 I meant_you, but Im afraid I forgot. ( A) ringing ( B) being ringing ( C) to ringing ( D) to ring 19 We live in a time_, more than ever before in history, people are moving. ( A) what ( B) when ( C) which ( D) where 20 Is there any possibility of getting the price_further? ( A) reduced

31、 ( B) reduce ( C) reducing ( D) be reduced 21 _you feel too ill to go out, I would rather not stay at home tonight. ( A) Because ( B) Although ( C) Unless ( D) If 22 Because of many mistakes, she was made_these letters again. ( A) type ( B) to typing ( C) typed ( D) to type 23 It is hot and dry, and

32、 the flowers need_. ( A) being watered ( B) be watered ( C) to water ( D) to be watered 24 He began by showing us where the country was and went on_us about its climate. ( A) telling ( B) to tell ( C) to telling ( D) to be told 25 Our failure_ourselves to modern life often causes us trouble in our w

33、ork. ( A) to adopt ( B) to apply ( C) to adapt ( D) to act 26 Once_of the necessity of a move, he worked hard to find a new home. ( A) convinced ( B) be convinced ( C) convincing ( D) having convinced 27 So many representatives_, the conference had to be put off. ( A) were absent ( B) to be absent (

34、 C) being absent ( D) had been absent 28 In no case_the students from exploring new ideas. ( A) we should prevent ( B) we could prevent ( C) should we prevent ( D) shouldnt prevent 29 I dont think it advisable that Tom_to the job since he has no experience. ( A) be assigned ( B) is assigned ( C) wil

35、l be assigned ( D) has been assigned 30 With all this work on hand, she_to the dance party last night. ( A) oughtnt to go ( B) hadnt gone ( C) shouldnt have gone ( D) mustnt have gone 31 As Christmas was coming, the town began a_clearing on a large scale. ( A) through ( B) thorough ( C) though ( D)

36、thought 32 E-mail writing has become the usual means of communication_peoplesome distance away. ( A) for ( B) on ( C) to ( D) with 33 It is a good idea for parents to monitor the_as well as the kind of television that their children watch. ( A) number ( B) size ( C) amount ( D) screen 34 Im afraid t

37、hat there isnt_for you in my car. ( A) place ( B) seat ( C) corner ( D) room 35 It suddenly_to me that we could use a computer to do the job. ( A) happened ( B) occurred ( C) agreed ( D) presented 36 The old people often raise_for the sake of companionship. ( A) pets ( B) pipes ( C) pills ( D) pies

38、37 The river here is very wide but _ , so you can walk across it. ( A) narrow ( B) arrow ( C) shallow ( D) hollow 38 The streets were empty_the policemen on duty. ( A) besides ( B) except ( C) excepting ( D) except for 39 Dont leave matches or cigarettes on the table within the_of little chil-dren.

39、( A) hand ( B) reach ( C) space ( D) distance 40 -How did you pay the workers? -As a rule, they were paid by_. ( A) the hour ( B) an hour ( C) hour ( D) the time 41 _of the students in our class are from the north. ( A) Two ninth ( B) Second ninth ( C) Second nines ( D) Two ninths 42 My father has c

40、lasses_day: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ( A) each other ( B) every other ( C) this and the other ( D) all other 43 This morning Jack came to school late_. ( A) than usual ( B) as usual ( C) like usual ( D) like usually 44 Im putting on weight. The doctor has warned me to_sugar. ( A) keep up ( B

41、) keep back ( C) keep off ( D) keep away 45 We were_for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late. ( A) kept up ( B) held up ( C) cut up ( D) brought up 三、 Part III Identification (10%) Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the

42、one that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 46 This morning I heard (on the radio) (which) the steel industry has decided (to give) its employees a (10% raise) in pay. ( A) on the radio ( B) which ( C) to give ( D) 10% raise

43、47 (Not knowing) the language and (having no) friends in the country, he (found) (impossible to get) a job. ( A) Not knowing ( B) having no ( C) found ( D) impossible to get 48 Once (giving) (a set of) instructions, a computer can gather (a wide ranger) of informa-tion (for different purposes). ( A)

44、 giving ( B) a set of ( C) a wide ranger ( D) for different purposes 49 The old man (will never) forget the event, (that) (has changed) his life (ever since). ( A) will never ( B) that ( C) has changed ( D) ever since 50 Little children (will listen) (what) people say and (try to) imitate (what) the

45、y hear. ( A) will listen ( B) what ( C) try to ( D) what 51 We should start (at once) and not waste (too) much time (to argue) (about the) procedure. ( A) at once ( B) too ( C) to argue ( D) about the 52 “ (Shall I) give you a check (for $10) ? “ “ Id rather you (give) me $10 (in notes).“ ( A) Shall

46、 I ( B) for $10 ? ( C) give ( D) in notes 53 After (driving) twenty miles, he suddenly (realized) that he (has been driving) (in) a wrong direction. ( A) driving ( B) realized ( C) has been driving ( D) in 54 We (will have) to (put off) our departure (in the case) it (rains). ( A) will have ( B) put

47、 off ( C) in the case ( D) rains 55 The girl (her) father (is) a famous pianist (learned) to play (the) piano when she was a small child. ( A) her ( B) is ( C) learned ( D) the 四、 Part IV Cloze (10%) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices mar

48、ked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fit into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 55 In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words, which make up the whole vocabu

49、lary. First, there are those words 【 C1】 _ which we become familiar in daily conversation, which we 【 C2】 _ , that is to say, from the 【 C3】_ of our own family and from our friends, and 【 C4】 _ we should know and use 【 C5】 _ we could not read or write. They 【 C6】 _ the common things of life with all the people who 【 C7】 _ the language. Such


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