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1、口译二级实务卫生与健康练习试卷 1及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets beg

2、in. 1 Honorable Ministers, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the first session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. One hundred and twenty one countries are now contracting parties to the Convention. Of t

3、hese, 110 are here today, with full powers of participation. You represent nearly three quarters of the worlds population. You represent nations at all levels of income and all stages of development. /In this powerful gathering, we have three of the five top tobacco-leaf exporting countries, and fou

4、r of the five top cigarette-exporting countries. This group of countries represents 69% of the worlds cigarette consumption. It might seem astonishing that this group is also preparing to put into action the roadmap for countries to control tobacco. But this group has already changed history. / When

5、 the process began there was some skepticism over its success. The skeptics were wrong. You are driving change forward. To name some examples: India has introduced comprehensive tobacco advertising bans. Australia, Brazil, Canada, Singapore and Thailand have introduced highly visible graphic warning

6、s on cigarette packets. The European Union is on its way to doing the same. In Ireland, Norway, and now in Spain, smoking has been banned in indoor public places. These, and other similar steps, will result in a major reduction in tobacco deaths. / New York State passed a smoking ban. It termed this

7、 act its “strongest public health policy ever“. Ironically, now its said that the only place you can smoke with impunity in New York City is the United Nations Building. Both Ann Veneman and I have said that this is wrong. / Smoking should be banned in all UN premises. Also, cigarette sales should b

8、e banned in all United Nations premises. After all, the people who are smoking in the UN building sometimes are the representatives of the same Member States who have signed up to the Framework Convention. But it can be hard to put agreements into practice. We will all face this. / Ladies and gentle

9、men, when we know that, in an Irish pub, a smoking ban can really work, then we know that anything is possible. Smoking is an advance contract. Those who smoke dont pay now, but will do so 30 to 40 years later, when their health fails. They pay with lung cancer, with obstructive airways disorders, w

10、ith cardiovascular diseases. One in two smokers pays with their life. We have to help them stop smoking. We have to prevent them from starting. / This convention is something that we all committed to. Its provisions are bold. They are based on knowledge of what is effective. We will make it work. Th

11、ank you. / (Speech by LEE Jong-wook, former Director-general of WHO, at the Conference of the Parties in Geneva on February 6, 2006) 2 Ladies and Gentlemen, Ten years ago, food safety was not on many peoples mind in Europe. We all expected our food to be safe, not only because it generally was safe,

12、 but also because incidences of chemical or microbiological contamination were local in nature. So was the reporting about them. A conference like this one would not generate much interest beyond the people present. / What a contrast with the present. Today, food safety is one of the highest priorit

13、y issues for consumers, producers and governments alike, all over Europe. / What has caused this change? The occurrence of BSE, of course, which brought with it the link to the terrible and fatal Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, created a widespread and deep-set unease about meat products. Yet, fo

14、r a long time, continental Europeans left the worrying to the unfortunate British, safe in their conviction that the danger was contained by the Channel. / No longer. The consequences of BSE are felt across Europe and beyond. And the recent occurrence of foot-and-mouth disease spread alarm across Eu

15、rope in a matter of days. even though it has no direct relation to human health. Through such and other incidents, European consumers have woken up to the reality that the trade in food and farm products is truly internationalnot least because countries of origin are clearly marked on supermarket pr

16、oduce. They are starting to discover the intricate network of international trade that underlies the food industry and brings products to supermarket shelves. / Still, based on evidence, it is clear that the main food safety problems are not the spectacular outbreaks which make their way into the me

17、dia. In fact, the problem is a vast number of sporadic cases, many of which not only fail to reach the headlines; they dont even make it into our reporting system. / As I look at the vast area of food safety from the point of the World Health Organization, I see three major challenges to protect the

18、 health of the consumer: 1) We need to accept that the systems we use in Europe to ensure food safety are not as good as we have come to believe. To improve these systems and re-establish consumer confidence, we must reassess them all the way from the farm to the table; / 2) We need to ensure reason

19、able food safety standards that apply throughout the world and assist all countries to reach these standards. In the long run, it is in our own self interest to do so. Secondly, unless we do so, developing countries cannot participate in global trading systems: / 3) We must develop global standards

20、for pre-market approval systems of genetically modified food to ensure that these new products not only are safe, but also beneficial for consumers and more efficient than existing products. / (Excerpts from the speech “Food Safetya World-wide Challenge“ by Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Director

21、-general of World Health Organization, Uppsala, Sweden) 口译二级实务卫生与健康练习试卷 1答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listen

22、ing. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 尊敬的各位部长, 阁下, 女士们,先生们: 非常高兴欢迎各位参加世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约缔约方会议第一次会议。目前,已有 121个国家成为本公约的缔约方其中,有 110个国家今天在座,拥有充分的参与权利。你们代表了世界上近四分之三的人口,代表了处于不同收入水平和发展阶段的各个国家。 /此次重大的聚会包括了世界前五名烟叶出口同中 的三个和前五名卷烟出口国中的四个,这些国家占世界卷烟消费的 60%。令人感到惊讶的是这些国家也正准备将控制烟草的路线图付诸实施,而

23、它们已经改变了历史。 / 在此进程发轫之初,一些人对取得成功表示了怀疑。但这些持怀疑态度的人是不正确的。正是你们在推动变革的发生。这里试举几个例子:印度已经全面禁止烟草广告;澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、新加坡和泰国规定在烟盒上印制醒目的警告标识;欧盟也正着手这样做;而在爱尔兰、挪威,以及西班牙,室内公共场所禁止吸烟、所有这些连同其他类似的措施,将大大减少烟草造成的死亡。 / 纽约州已立法禁止吸烟,并将该法称作 “前所未有的最强硬的公共卫生政策 ”。但具有讽刺意味的是,据说目前在纽约市唯一可以自由吸烟的场所是联合国大厦。我和安娜都表示,这是荒唐的。 /所有联合国场所部应禁止吸烟,同时,所有联合国场所

24、都应禁止出售烟草。毕竟,在联合国大楼里吸烟的那些人,有的可能就是签署了框架公约的会员国代表。不过,将协议付诸实施并非容易。我们都将面临这一现实。 / 女士们,先生们,当我们得知,在爱尔兰酒吧禁烟确实能够付诸实施时,那么我们知道,任何事都是可能做到的。吸烟是一项预支合同,吸烟者现在不必为此付出代价,但 30至 40年后,他们的健康出现问题时,就要为此付出代价,比如身患肺癌,阻塞性气管疾病和心血管病等。每两名吸烟者中,就有一人为此付出生命的代价。我们必须帮助他们戒烟,必须从一开始就阻止他们吸烟。 / 我们都对此公约做出了承诺,其中的条文很是大胆,那是基于我们了解什么措施最为有效。 我们将促使公约发

25、挥效力。 谢谢! / (世 界卫生组织前总干事李钟郁于 2006年 2月 6日在日内瓦缔约方会议上的讲话 ) 【知识模块】 卫生与健康 2 【正确答案】 女士们,先生们: 10年前,食品安全还没有引起欧洲人的关注。我们都认为我们的食品是安全的,不仅仅因为过去食品总体说来是安全的,而且也由于发生的化学和微生物污染事件只是在局部地区,关于这些事件的报道也是如此。过去像这样的会议除了与会者之外,不会引起其他人的兴趣。 / 现在的情形大不一样了。如今在整个欧洲,食品安全对于消费者、生产商和政府来说是头等重要的事情这一 。 / 是什么引起了这种变化 ?当然是疯牛病的出现,疯牛病与可怕而致命的变异克 雅氏

26、病联系在一起,因而引起人们普遍对肉制品深感不安。然而在很长一段时间,欧洲大陆人把这种不安留给了不幸的英国人,因为他们确信危险已经被英吉利海峡阻断了。 / 情况已不再是这样。疯牛病席卷整个欧洲并已蔓延到欧洲以外的地区。尽管近来发生的口蹄疫对人体健康并没有直接的影响,但它很快在欧洲引起警觉。通过这样和其他一些突发事件,欧洲消费者开始意识到这样一个现实:食品和农产品的贸易的确是国际性的 尤其是超市的农产品都清楚的 标着原产地国家的名字。他们开始发现食品工业背后以及将产品带到超市货架上的是复杂的国际贸易网络。 / 有证据表明,食品安全的主要问题并不是那些经媒体报道的突发事件。事实上,问题在于大量不定期

27、发生的事件不仅未能成为头条新闻,甚至也没有引起媒体的关注。 / 从世界卫生组织的角度来看食品安全的方方面面,我意识到为了保护消费者的健康,我们面临着三个巨大的挑战: 1我们需要接受的是我们用于保证欧洲食品安全的系统并不像我们想象的那么理想。为了改进这些系统和重新树立消费者的信心,我们必须对从养殖场 到餐桌的所有环节进行重新评级; / 2我们需要确保合理的、适用于全球的食品安全标准,并帮助所有国家达到这些标准。从长远来看,这样做符合我们自身的利益。其次,如果我们不这样做,发展中国家就不可能加入到全球贸易体系中来; / 3我们必须为转基因食品获准上市提供全球化的检测标准,以确保这些新产品不仅是安全的,而且对消费者有益,同时比现有产品更为有效。 / (节选自世界卫生组织前总干事布伦特兰博士在瑞典乌普萨拉发表的演讲 “食品安全 世界范围的挑战 ”) 【知识模块】 卫生与健康


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