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1、口译二级实务环境保护练习试卷 4及答案与解析 一、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begi

2、n. 1 中国西藏自治区位于青藏高原的主体,地势高峻,地理特殊,野生动植物资源、水资源和矿产资源丰富,素有 “世界屋脊 ”和 “地球第三极 ”之称。这里不仅是南亚、东南亚地区的 “江河源 ”和 “生态源 ”,还是中国乃至东半球气候的 “启动器 ”和“调节区 ”。 / 西藏自治区面积 122万平方公里,平均海拔在 4000米以上,有着独特的自然生态和地理环境。西藏的气候自东南向西北由暖热湿润向寒冷干旱呈递次过渡,自然生态由森林 、灌丛、草甸、草原到荒漠呈带状更迭。复杂多样的地形地貌和特殊的生态系统类型,为生物多样性营造了天然乐园。 / 中国政府高度重视西藏的生态建设与环境保护,为加强西藏的生态建

3、设与环境保护,促进西藏经济、社会可持续发展,提高各族人民的生活质量,做出了巨大的努力。 /半个多世纪以来,西藏的生态建设与环境保护作为西藏现代化建设的一项重要内容,与经济发展、社会进步、人民生活的提高同步推进,取得了重大成就。 /回顾西藏生态建设与环境保护事业发展的历程,展示西藏生态建设与环境保护的现状,昭示西藏可持续发展的前景,有 助于澄清人们对西藏生态环境问题的误解,增进对西藏的了解。 / (节选自中国国务院新闻办于 2003年 3月发布的西藏的生态建设与环境保护白皮书 ) 2 西藏森林面积 717万公顷,活立木蓄积量达 20.91亿立方米,保存有中国最大的原始森林。为了保护西藏的生态环境

4、,政府实行限额采伐,以严格控制森林的采伐规模,每年的商品性采伐量一直控制在 15万立方米以内。 /同时,对采伐基地进行及时更新,恢复森林植被。在影响长江下游生态的江达、贡觉、芒康三个县实施西藏长江上游天然林资源保护工程,总面积达 3.1万 平方公里。 /在风沙危害和水土流失严重的金沙江、澜沧江、怒江上游及雅鲁藏布江流域的 28个县实施退耕还林工程,规划退耕地造林 5.2万公顷,宜林荒山荒地造林 5.3万公顷, /2002年已实施退耕地造林 0.67万公顷,宜林荒山荒地造林 0.67万公顷。政府还大力推行能源替代建设,营造薪炭林,推广太阳能以保护天然灌木植被。 / 植树造林已成为西藏广大人民的自

5、觉行动。西藏自治区先后制定了西藏自治区造林绿化规划和关于加快造林绿化步伐的意见,全区人民共同努力,从改善人们的周边生活环境做起,从绿化庭院、街道、 城市环境,到建设人类活动集中的河谷地带及各主要公路沿线绿色走廊,植树造林成效显著。 /据统计,五十多年来,西藏人工造林 7万多公顷, “四旁 ”(村旁、宅旁、路旁、水旁 )植树 9000多万株,种植经济林木 150多万株。 / 工程造林和生态工程项目不断实施。拉萨及周边地区造林绿化工程、雅鲁藏布江防护林体系建设工程、芒康长江防护林体系建设试点示范工程、日喀则林业治沙示范工程等重点项目的实施,在很大程度上改善了所在区域的自然生态环境。 /从1996年

6、开始,国家开始在西藏实施长江上中游防护林体系建设工程,截止 2000年,共投入资金 370多万元,积极支持西藏地方因地制宜地开展人工造林、封山育林,累计造林面积达 1.3万多公顷,为改善当地群众生产生活条件发挥了良好的作用。 /隶属 “一江两河 ”农业开发重点项目的雅鲁藏布江防护林体系建设工程实施后,形成了从上游的日喀则到泽当几百公里的人工林带,成为西藏一道新的亮丽景观,对雅鲁藏布江的水土保持起到了积极的作用。 / 通过对西藏天然林资源的有效保护和植树造林,西藏的森林覆盖率不断增加,从二十世纪五十年代的不足 1%,上升到目前的 5.93%,对生态环境改善起到了积极作用。 /据 有关部门监测,由

7、于人工植被增加,西藏的风沙天气明显减少,如:目前拉萨比三十年前减少了 32天;日喀则比三十年前减少了 34天;泽当比三十年前减少了 32天。 / (节选自中国国务院新闻办于 2003年 3月发布的西藏的生态建设与环境保护白皮书 ) 口译二级实务环境保护练习试卷 4答案与解析 一、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and sto

8、p it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region is situated on the main body of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. With high altitude, unique geographical features and rich wildlife, water and miner

9、al resources, it has been called the “Roof of the World“ and the “Third Pole of the Earth.“ It is not only the “source of rivers“ and the “ecological source“ for the areas in South and Southeast Asia, but is also the “starter“ and “regulating area“ of the climate of China and indeed of the Eastern H

10、emisphere as a whole. / The Tibet Autonomous Region is 1.22 million sq km in area, with an average altitude of well over 4,000m. above sea level. It boasts a unique natural ecology and geographical environment. The climate in Tibet turns gradually from being warm and moist to cold and dry from its s

11、outheast toward its northwest. Ecologically, the changes are manifested in belts from forest, bush, meadow and steppe to desert. The complex and varied terrains and landforms as well as the unique type of ecological system have created a natural paradise for biodiversity. / The Chinese government at

12、taches great importance to ecological improvement and environmental protection in Tibet. It has made tremendous efforts to strengthen ecological improvement and environmental protection work in Tibet, promote the sustainable development of its economy and society, and improve the quality of life of

13、the people of its various ethnic groups. / For over half a century, ecological improvement and environmental protection in Tibet, as an important part of the effort to modernize Tibet, has, together with economic development, social progress and enhancement of peoples riving standards, pressed forwa

14、rd and made great achievements. / It would help clarify some peoples misunderstanding concerning Tibets eco-environmental problem and enhance their understanding of Tibet to review the progress of the ecological improvement and environmental protection work in Tibet, to present the status quo of thi

15、s undertaking, and to envisage the prospects of sustainable development for the region. /(Excerpts from the English version of the White Paper “Ecological Improvement and Environmental Protection in Tibet“ issued by the Information Office of the State Council of PRC in March 2003) 【知识模块】 环境保护 2 【正确答

16、案】 Tibet boasts 7.17 million ha. of forest, and the stocking volume has reached 2.091 billion cum. Tibet has the largest primitive forest in China. To protect Tibets ecological environment, the government exercises a “felling by quota“ policy, and strictly controls the scale of tree-felling in fores

17、ts. The annual felling amount for commercial purpose is limited to 150,000 cu m. / Simultaneously, a rotation system is in place for lumbering bases so as to help restore vegetation. A project for the protection of natural forest resources on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in Tibet, with a t

18、otal area of 31,000 sq kin, has been implemented in the three counties of Jomda, Gonjo and Markam that have a weighty bearing on the ecology of the lower Yangtze valley. / In 28 counties along the upper reaches of the Jinsha, Lancang and Nujiang rivers and the catchment area of the Yarlungzangbo Riv

19、er, where the hazards of sandstorm and soil erosion are serious, a project to restore farmland to forest is being undertaken, under which 52,000 ha. of cultivated land will be restored to forest and trees planted on 53,000 ha. of barren mountains and wasteland. /By 2002, some 6,700 ha. of cultivated

20、 land had been restored to forest and 6,700 ha. of barren mountains and wasteland afforested. The government is also striving to promote the development of energy substitutes and fuel forests, and popularize solar energy in order to protect natural bush vegetation. / It has become the conscious acti

21、on of the Tibetan people to join afforestation efforts. The government of the Tibet Autonomous Region has formulated the “Forestation Plan of the Tibet Autonomous Region“ and the “Opinions on Acceleration of Afforestation.“ The people of the whole region are making efforts by starting with the impro

22、vement of their living environments, first of all by greening their courtyards, streets and urban environment in general, and eventually building green belts in river catchment areas where human activities are concentrated, and along major highways. The results have been remarkable. / According to a

23、 survey, over the past 50-plus years some 70,000 ha. of land have been afforested in Tibet, 90 million trees have been planted beside villages, houses, roads and waterways, and 1.5 million cash trees have been grown. / Afforestation and ecological projects have been launched steadily. Implementation

24、 of the key projects, such as the afforestation project in Lhasa and its outskirts, the construction of the shelter-forest system of the Yarlungzangbo River, the pilot project of the Yangtze River shelter-forest system in Markam and the pilot project for controlling sand by afforestation in Xigaze,

25、has, to a great extent, improved the natural eco-environment of those localities. / Since 1996, the State has begun to build a shelter-forest system along the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River. By 2000, it had invested more than 3.7 million yuan in the project, actively supporting Tibet

26、in building man-made forests and sealing off mountainous areas to facilitate afforestation as appropriate to local conditions. The afforested area has topped 13,000 ha, which, as a result, has played a positive role in improving local residents working and living conditions. /Following implementatio

27、n of the project tot the construction of the shelter-forest system of the Yarlungzangbo River, which is part of the key “three rivers“ agricultural development undertaking, a man-made forest belt measuring several hundred km. from Xigaze to Zetang on the upper reaches of the Yarlungzangbo River has

28、been formed. Now, a new spectacular scene, the belt plays a positive role in conserving water and topsoil along the Yarlungzangbo River. / Due to the effective protection of natural forest resources and afforestation, the forest coverage in Tibet has kept growing. It has grown from less than 1% in t

29、he 1950s to 5.93% today, and has played a positive role in improving the Autonomous Regions ecological environment. / According to reports from relevant monitoring departments, due to the increase in man-made vegetation, the number of sandstorm days has decreased noticeably in Tibet. Currently. it i

30、s 32 days fewer in Lhasa, 34 days fewer in Xigaze and 32 days fewer in Zetang, than 30 years ago. / (Excerpts from the English version of the White Paper “Ecological Improvement and Environmental Protection in Tibet“ issued by the Information Office of the State Council of PRC in March 2003) 【知识模块】 环境保护


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