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1、口译二级综合能力模拟试卷 25及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 (20 points) Listen to the following short passages and then decide whether the corresponding statements are true or false. You will hear the passages only ONCE. There are 10 questions in this part of the test, 2 points for each question. 1 The Tsunami that occurred in

2、 November 2004 killed over 140,000 people, leaving several million homeless in Aceh Province and Sri Lanka. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 2 For fear of terrorist attacks, Japan, a host country of this years World Cup, has tightened the security for the event. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 3 Migratory birds may rely on the earths m

3、agnetic field for guidance while traveling during cloudy days. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 4 Adware is a software program that may help advertisers collect information about consumers preferences and promote sales online. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 5 A fortnights delay for treatment is acceptable for women with suspected brea

4、st cancer according to the government. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 6 The worm infecting PCs with the Windows operating system has three names in all. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 7 According to the speaker, four people have been killed by bird flu, and many more are having it in the capital of Vietnam. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 8 According

5、 to the speaker, the number of electors in each state equals that of its representatives in the House. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 9 According to the speaker, the human community tends to have a narrow interpretation of the notion of “progress“. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 10 According to the speaker, one reason contributing t

6、o Uruguayans rejection of privatization lies in peoples fear of job loss. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 二、 PART 2 (20 points) Listen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage. The passages will be read only ONCE. There are 10 passages in this part

7、of test, each with 1 question, which carries 2 points. 11 What did Jim Cantalupo promise at a Wall Street meeting on April 7? ( A) McDonalds will launch a 100-day campaign for a larger market. ( B) McDonalds will make adjustments to further improve its qualities. ( C) As the worlds biggest fast-food

8、 chain, McDonalds will make further expansions. ( D) McDonalds will open 100 more chain stores in the near future all over the world. 12 According to the talk, for what is the Glasgow School of Art famous? ( A) Its educational faculty. ( B) Its collection of art works. ( C) Its architectural design.

9、 ( D) Its museums and art galleries. 13 According to the passage, when will the person be contacted by the lost-and-found office? ( A) When the person is on the subway. ( B) When the person comes to the office in person. ( C) When the office finds a match for the item lost. ( D) When the office fini

10、shes the search for the item lost. 14 What can be concluded from the passage? ( A) Medical tests and education for Americans with diabetes are not covered by the present healthcare schemes. ( B) If you are 20 years old or more, you are more likely to suffer from diabetes. ( C) Family help is the mor

11、e important and most effective in detecting and treating diabetes. ( D) In the US, July 1 is a day of celebration for hospital staff, nurses and patients. 15 Which of the following is true, according to the passage? ( A) Email shows more authority than other products of digital technology. ( B) Emai

12、l is as fragile a thing as it is convenient to its users. ( C) Email can keep as many as 1,500 saved messages. ( D) Email may help strengthen your own memory. 16 What is the main topic of the passage? ( A) Opportunities for All Americans ( B) Challenges of the Information Age ( C) Engineering and In

13、dustrial Revolution ( D) Progress and Prosperity 17 Who is the speaker ? ( A) A tourist guide. ( B) A department head. ( C) A university student. ( D) An expert on language testing. 18 Who can tolerate pain much longer? ( A) People who are listening to an informative tape. ( B) People who are listen

14、ing to light music. ( C) People who are listening to something funny. ( D) People who are listening to no tape at all. 19 What is the main source of death and destruction in a hurricane? ( A) The heat. ( B) The wind. ( C) The water. ( D) The mountains. 20 Which of the following is true about the Jap

15、anese economy, according to the passage? ( A) It will slide into deflation very soon. ( B) It has been affected by economic recession for almost ten years. ( C) It has maintained a sustained economic recovery for the past decade. ( D) It will propose to attract more American businesses to invest in

16、key industries. 三、 PART 3 (40 points) Listen to the following longer passages and then choose the best answer to each of the questions. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 20 questions in this part of test, 2 points for each question. You w

17、ill hear the passages only ONCE. At the end of each passage, you will have 2 minutes to finish the questions. 21 According to psychologists, a compulsive spender wants to spend a lot of money because: ( A) he suffers from an irrational compulsion. ( B) he takes great pleasure in the things he buys.

18、( C) he needs more necessities in life. ( D) he feels he can do anything with his credit card. 22 Which of the following is true about compulsive bargain hunters? ( A) They buy things to save money. ( B) They are easily excited at playing games. ( C) Small budgets make it necessary for them to buy c

19、heap things. ( D) They dont need all the things theyve bought. 23 According to the passage, how do stores and companies use the psychology of money spending to promote business? ( A) They stress the practical value of the things they sell. ( B) They try to improve the quality of the things they sell

20、. ( C) They stress the non-practical value of the things they sell. ( D) They try to diversify the functions of the things they sell. 24 How can compulsive spenders solve their problems? ( A) By constant buying. ( B) By giving up credit spending. ( C) By consulting psychologists. ( D) No way. 25 Acc

21、ording to psychologists, most people buy things_. ( A) to meet their basic needs in life ( B) to enjoy spending money ( C) for a different reason from the one they claim ( D) to satisfy their inexplicable psychological needs 26 The German court is facing a legal dilemma because the law hasnt stipula

22、ted the punishment of_. ( A) tomato-throwing ( B) unemployed people in Germany ( C) throwing yellow tomatoes ( D) throwing yellow tomatoes for a joke 27 According to the passage, what kind of tomatoes will induce the biggest offense? ( A) Red and soft. ( B) Yellow and soft. ( C) Green and hard. ( D)

23、 Not mentioned. 28 According to the spokeswoman for a local court, what is the most important feature of a tomato in deciding a tomato-throwing offense? ( A) Color. ( B) Hardness. ( C) Weight. ( D) Quality. 29 According to the passage, why are the public in eastern Germany especially furious with th

24、e politicians? ( A) Because the politicians have failed to fulfill the objective of employment. ( B) Because the court fails to convict the tomato-thrower very soon. ( C) Because the unemployment benefits are going to be reduced. ( D) Because the unemployment benefits are going to be stopped. 30 Whi

25、ch of the following statements is true according to the passage? ( A) Many people protested in the past six months. ( B) Many people threw tomatoes at the German Chancellor. ( C) Many people threw eggs at an important member of the German Chancellors Social Democrats. ( D) Many people threw eggs at

26、the German Chancellor, but he was not hit. 31 What did PETA ask Hamburg authorities to do in its letter? ( A) To have a new name for the city. ( B) To stop the sale of hamburgers in the city. ( C) To help with charities in the city. ( D) To stop selling unhealthy beef burgers to its citizens. 32 The

27、 German section of PETA has_members. ( A) 10,500 ( B) 15,000 ( C) 75,000 ( D) Not known how many 33 Which of the following words best describes the city governments attitude towards this request? ( A) Indifferent. ( B) Surprised. ( C) Cooperative. ( D) Confused. 34 Which of the following is NOT true

28、 of Hamburg according to the passage? ( A) The original meaning of Hamburg means bay and fortress. ( B) Hamburg is the third largest city in the country. ( C) The origin of Hamburg traces back to the ninth century ( D) Hamburg is where hamburger steak originated. 35 According to the passage, PETA at

29、tribute _to eating hamburgers. ( A) peoples death ( B) cattle being pulverized ( C) emphysema ( D) strokes 36 How much will Lenovo pay in cash to purchase IBM? ( A) US $ 1. 75 billion. ( B) US $ 1. 25 billion. ( C) US $0.6 billion. ( D) US $0.5 billion. 37 What was Lenovos ranking in PC in the world

30、 before the merger? ( A) Third. ( B) Fourth. ( C) Sixth. ( D) Eighth. 38 Why did IBM decide to sell its PC business? ( A) Because IBM has been brewing this sale for about 10 years. ( B) Because IBM is going to produce mobile phones that have access to the Internet. ( C) Because IBM can enlarge its P

31、C sales with this merger. ( D) Because IBM no longer enjoys any edges in PC making. 39 The three largest PC makers in the world are: ( A) Hewlett, Dell, and Packard. ( B) Dell, Hewlett-Packard, and Lenovo. ( C) Aptiva, Dell, and Lenovo. ( D) Dell, TCW and Lenovo. 40 What advantage does the purchase

32、give Lenovo? ( A) Lenovo can use a world-famous brand name for some time. ( B) Lenovo can hold 18. 9% of the stocks of IBM. ( C) Lenovo can enter into the area of catering to businesses over the Internet. ( D) Lenovo can shake off a US $ 500 million debt. 四、 PART 4 (20 points) Listen to the followin

33、g passage. Write a short English summary of around 150-200 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only ONCE and you will have 25 minutes to finish you English summary. This part of test carries 20 points. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfacto

34、rily. 41 Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150-200 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only once and then you will have 25 minutes to finish your summary. This part of the test carries 20 points. You may need to scribble a few notes to wr

35、ite your summary. 口译二级综合能力模拟试卷 25答案与解析 一、 PART 1 (20 points) Listen to the following short passages and then decide whether the corresponding statements are true or false. You will hear the passages only ONCE. There are 10 questions in this part of the test, 2 points for each question. 1 【听力原文】 The

36、late-December tsunami ushered in 2005 on a somber note, with the death toll at over 140,000 and rising. Several million have been left homeless along the Indian Ocean coast, in particular in Indonesias Aceh province and in Sri Lanka. The rebuilding, along with the immediate need for emergency food a

37、nd medical assistance, will require a global relief effort. 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据题干中 专有名词和数字信息多的特点,注意将其一一与原文对照,看表达是否一致。 2 【听力原文】 Now 6,000 England football fans are expected to travel to Japan for this summers World Cup, far more than for any other European team, according to the Football Association

38、. The Japanese have ordered the highest security levels for the event; they are also worried about the threat of terrorist attacks. 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 注意同义词或短语的替换,是解题的关键。如本题题干中 for fear that和 ordered the highest security levels分别与原文 worded about和 tightened the security同义。 3 【听力原文】 Migratory birds use

39、 several ways to help them navigate. While traveling on a clear night they use the stars as guides. On cloudy nights, they may be using the earths magnetic field or the wind to help them navigate accurately. While flying during the day, the sun provides help for their precise flight. 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解

40、析】 根据表示时间的信号词,可判断段落的主要结构。 4 【听力原文】 Advertisers interested in selling products over the Internet may use adware to identify possible buyers. Adware is a software program sent with free files or programs to a computer. Once loaded onto a computer, adware can collect information about a persons interes

41、ts. Adware can use this information to provide targeted sales messages to the computer user. 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 在纷繁复杂的信息中把握句子的主要结构,获得主要信息。 5 【听 力原文】 Doctors are warning that some women with suspected breast cancer are facing unacceptable delays for treatment. The government wants women to wait no lon

42、ger than two weeks to see consultants, but researchers at a London hospital say it can be as long as three months, and warn that lives could be at risk. 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 掌握同义词的替换是解题的关键。如本题题干中 fortnight与文中的 two weeks意思相同。 6 【听力原文】 Many computer users around the globe apparently heeded the warnings a

43、bout a worm with a sexy name and took precautions to protect their data from the destruction of “ Kama Sutra“. The worm, also known as Blackworm, Nyxem, and Blackmal, is a type of malware, or malicious software that infects PCs using the Windows operating system. 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据题干中关键词 name,着重找寻

44、原文 中关于姓名的专有名词。 7 【听力原文】 The United Nations health agency has confirmed a fourth bird flu death in Vietnam, and says an increased number of patients are seeking treatment for flu-like symptoms in the countrys capital. Bird flu has been spreading rapidly among chickens in several Asian countries. 7 【正

45、确答案】 B 【试题解析】 了解新闻体的一般特点。对于短消息而言,一般第一句传达重要信息,如本题中第一句传达了关于越南禽流感情况的重要信息,而第二句则是对该疾病的一般性背景介绍。 8 【听力原文】 In the American electoral system, people dont really vote for presidential candidates. Instead, voters cast their ballots for “electors“ who support each candidate. Each state has as many electors as t

46、he total number of its representatives in Congress. This equals two senators per state plus the number of its representatives in the House. The candidate who has the most votes in a state wins all of the states electors. To win the presidential election, a candidate must gain at least 270 of the 538

47、 total electoral votes. 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 1)理解比较结构的含义; 2)正确理解指示代词的指带意义,如文中This即指前一句的内容。 9 【听力原文】 Society is all too committed to the notion of “progress“ as measured through economic growth and population expansion. The concept of working toward a “ sustainable future“ is not given much thought. Ene

48、rgy policy, for example, concentrates on expanding supply, with relatively little R in other words, not at all. Still, some people have come to depend on them. The recent proliferation of lie detectors has reignited a decades-old debate over the ethics and politics of when and how they should be use

49、d and whether such important questions as guilt or innocence should be left to machines. Mankind has looked for centuries for a physical indicator that would expose a liar. The Romans studied the entrails of suspected liars. In China, rice was shoved into the mouths of interviewees to measure how dry they were the drier the mouth, the more likely the person was lying, it was thought. Other cultures tried various chemical concoctions, but they worked no better than chance. Especially since September 11, law enforcement agencies consider lie


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