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1、口译二级综合能力(段落听力理解与选择)模拟试卷 5及答案与解析 一、 PART 2 (20 points) Listen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage. The passages will be read only ONCE. There are 10 passages in this part of test, each with 1 question, which carries 2 points. 1

2、 The troubled U. S. -Canada relationship might be fixed by_. ( A) a new trading partner ( B) an undefended border ( C) a serious friction ( D) a new Prime Minister 2 What brought the historic talks between the United States and Cuba? ( A) The status of Cold War rivals. ( B) Artful negotiation betwee

3、n the countries. ( C) Pope Franciss divine diplomacy. ( D) Five-decade-long embargo. 3 What is the consequence of Russias falling ruble? ( A) An economic boom. ( B) An economic crisis. ( C) Panic purchase behavior. ( D) Consumption of household appliances. 4 What is the topic of the passage? ( A) Th

4、e homeless. ( B) Refugees from Europe. ( C) Refugees from the Middle East. ( D) Immigrants to western countries. 5 How long have Yemenis irrigated crops with groundwater? ( A) 70 years. ( B) More than 40 years. ( C) More than 30 years. ( D) 110 years. 6 What do demonstrators protest against? ( A) La

5、bor rights. ( B) Cheap labor. ( C) The new law. ( D) The government. 7 What is the passage mainly about? ( A) Salaries of civil servants. ( B) Revenue taxes. ( C) Oil business. ( D) The economics of ISIS. 8 Which of the following is a steady force for international security? ( A) East Asia. ( B) Mid

6、dle East. ( C) North Korea. ( D) Europe. 9 What is the topic of the passage? ( A) International social structures. ( B) International roles. ( C) Social positions. ( D) Group functions. 10 It can be inferred that China_. ( A) will lead the world economy ( B) is challenging American dominance ( C) is

7、 to finance World Bank ( D) lends money only to developing countries 11 Why did people cross the the Mediterranean? ( A) For journeys. ( B) For adventures. ( C) For safety. ( D) For money. 12 What can be inferred from the passage? ( A) Local government should support the U. K. business. ( B) The Bre

8、xit challenges the competence of the president. ( C) Britain needs the entrepreneurs at the present. ( D) The president promotes the relationship with U. K 13 What is the main idea of this passage? ( A) The export of Iran had been blocked by the Iran nuclear deal. ( B) The Iran nuclear deal has take

9、n into effect. ( C) The Iranian economy has revived because of the Iran nuclear deal. ( D) The petroleum revenues are the pillar industry. 14 What can be inferred from the passage? ( A) Asian countries are developing faster out of expectation. ( B) Asian economy has greater potential than other part

10、s of world. ( C) Vietnam has been out of poverty. ( D) Vietnam is a new star in Asia, with a good momentum. 15 Why did Europes politicians have a discussion recently? ( A) For the official visits. ( B) For the reasons of the failure. ( C) For the prosperity of EU. ( D) For the happiness of citizens.

11、 16 What can be inferred from the passage? ( A) Terrorism is the top question in America. ( B) 88% of Americans are afraid of IS. ( C) 77% of Americans take IS as the terminator. ( D) The presidential candidates should take anti-terrorism seriously. 17 How many causalities were in the conflicting? (

12、 A) 60. ( B) 140. ( C) 200. ( D) 100. 18 What does the passage focus on? ( A) Anti-Semitism on the rise. ( B) Violent attacks on Jews on the decline. ( C) The research on the Jews. ( D) The lowest number of violent attacks. 19 What is the main idea of this passage? ( A) Iranian candidate says nuclea

13、r deal failed to lift sanctions. ( B) The President tried to make compromises with the West. ( C) The nuclear deal is too tricky to handle. ( D) Iran has failed to control its ballistic missile program. 20 What is the expectation of Mr. Macron for politicians ? ( A) Making positive efforts. ( B) Be

14、cooperative. ( C) Fighting fear with fear. ( D) Reducing the risks. 21 The defects of the Bible may be caused by_. ( A) theological disagreements ( B) the Greek manuscripts ( C) bad translation ( D) human nature 22 What is the reason for Adeles popularity? ( A) She is the icon of grandmothers. ( B)

15、Her voice can break your memory. ( C) Her dominating performance is liked. ( D) She combines pop musics past with future. 23 What is the advancement of LGBT rights in 2015? ( A) Religious-freedom laws. ( B) Same-sex marriage. ( C) Different discrimination. ( D) Voting right. 24 What can be inferred

16、from the passage? ( A) Christmas season is a great opportunity for reunion. ( B) It is difficult to send Christmas cards from prison. ( C) Prisoners use Christmas cards as reminders. ( D) Entrepreneurs sell artifacts to prisoners for profits. 25 Which of the following is NOT true of millennials ? (

17、A) They are skillful in technology. ( B) They are in favor of social media. ( C) Most of them may develop AIDS. ( D) They live in a world with HIV chance. 26 Who employed Child Protective Services workers? ( A) Childrens parents. ( B) The state or local government. ( C) Caregivers of children. ( D)

18、Public schools. 27 What can be inferred about Backstreet Boys? ( A) Backstreet Boys was a household name 20 years ago. ( B) Backstreet Boys released their first album anonymously. ( C) Backstreet Boys will be the heroes of a new film. ( D) Backstreet Boys celebrate their 20th birthday this year. 28

19、What can be inferred from the passage? ( A) Shakespeares plays werent published in his time. ( B) Shakespeare preferred performance to publication. ( C) Todays dramatists view theatrical presence as their destination. ( D) Todays dramas are much influenced by Shakespeare. 29 What is the advantage of

20、 Match Group over its competitors? ( A) It is popular among the middle-aged. ( B) It offers a variety of dating services. ( C) It provides many dating apps. ( D) It has many free accesses to dating. 30 American athletes are appreciated when they_. ( A) dont mix sports and politics ( B) dont express

21、themselves in public ( C) play well for America on the field ( D) talk about social issue in private 31 Which of the following is true about “seniority rules“? ( A) Those who are working less than a year will be vulnerable to be laid off. ( B) The headmaster made them for relieving pressure of econo

22、mic crisis. ( C) The dismissal of teachers is related to their performance. ( D) The longer the workers have worked, the more likely they keep their jobs. 32 How much did the e-books account for in the publishing market? ( A) 9.7%. ( B) 3.8%. ( C) 27%. ( D) 1%. 33 What is their research field? ( A)

23、Rewarding executives. ( B) Contract theory. ( C) Cooperate governance. ( D) Bankruptcy legislation. 34 What problem made the musician Sting investigated? ( A) Illegal immigrants. ( B) Illegal employment. ( C) Enslaving workers. ( D) Producing wines. 35 What can be inferred from the passage? ( A) The

24、 automobile industry has declined. ( B) The popularity of cars has risen up. ( C) The teenagers have lost their passion in cars gradually. ( D) The seniors are more dependent on cars. 36 What is the result of this research? ( A) Students are unwilling to show their opinions about their teachers. ( B

25、) New York University provides the research with data. ( C) The feedback from the students are anonymous. ( D) The evaluations from students include praises and complaints. 37 What can be inferred from the passage? ( A) EU takes education level as the most important thing. ( B) Highly educated peopl

26、e might like Europe. ( C) Europe favors those who are highly educated. ( D) People are fascinated in pursuing qualifications. 38 Which of the following is NOT the important sector of Tasmania economy? ( A) Wool. ( B) Seafood. ( C) Mining. ( D) Timber. 39 What can be inferred from the passage? ( A) T

27、he fare increase will not affect the middle class. ( B) Buying an unlimited monthly card is a better way for students. ( C) The fare should have been less for the poor. ( D) Low-income workers should buy an unlimited monthly card. 40 What is the main idea of this passage? ( A) The definition of soci

28、al-semiotics. ( B) The definition of field. ( C) The connotations of tenor. ( D) The account of two parts of context. 口译二级综合能力(段落听力理解与选 择)模拟试卷 5答案与解析 一、 PART 2 (20 points) Listen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage. The passag

29、es will be read only ONCE. There are 10 passages in this part of test, each with 1 question, which carries 2 points. 1 【听力原文】 The relationship between the U. S. and Canada should be as placid as Lake Ontario on a calm summer day. The border is undefended. Their peoples seem like cousins. Each is the

30、 others largest single trading partner. Yet there has been serious friction between the two neighbors in recent years friction that might now be eased by the surprise election of a new Canadian Prime Minister. 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 原文指出美加关系一向友好、平稳,只是最近几年摩擦不断。这些摩擦在加拿大选举了新总理后有望解决。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选 择 2 【听力原

31、文】 Call it a miracle, or simply an exercise in artful negotiation, but in brokering the historic talks between the United States and Cuba that ended a five-decade-long embargo, Pope Francis managed to accomplish something that had long eluded some of the worlds finest diplomats: resolving a seemingl

32、y intractable stalemate between two bitter Cold War rivals. 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 原文指出美国与古巴历史性的对话是教皇 Francis斡旋并促成的,堪称世界外交史上最成功的一笔。 Cold War,冷战,是指 1947年至 1991年间,美国、苏联在争夺世界霸权的同时又尽力避免世界大战而采取的相互遏制政策,包括政治、经济、军 事等方面的对抗和斗争。冷战在两个阵营中间进行,一是美国、北大西洋公约组织为主的资本主义阵营,一是苏联、华沙条约组织为主的社会主义阵营。古巴导弹事件是冷战期间的重要事件。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与

33、选择 3 【听力原文】 When an economic crisis looms, Russians go shopping. As the ruble crashed through new lows last month, tills buzzed late into the night in the mega-malls that surround Moscows ring road as Muscovites rushed to buy Ikea sofas, new cars and washing machines. Russian state television, attem

34、pting to put a cheerful spin on the rubles collapse, reported the panic buying as a “ consumer boom“. 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 原文指出卢布贬值使俄国人陷入突发性抢购当中,俄罗斯国家电视台戏称其为 “消费热 ”。所以,卢布贬值的后果应该是 C,突发性抢购行为。 Ikea,宜家,是来自瑞典的全球知名家具和家居品牌。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 4 【听力原文】 More people around the world have been displaced from their

35、homes than at any point since the end of World War II. In 2016 the number is unlikely to fall especially in the Middle East, where the ongoing war in Syria will keep pushing refugees toward Europe, especially Germany. 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 讲话者指出越来越多的人会无家可归, 2016年这个数字不可能会减少,因为叙利亚难民还在不断涌向欧洲。这段讲话的主题是无家可归的人

36、,难民只是其 中的一个细节。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 5 【听力原文】 Yemens water crisis has been in pipeline, as it were, for at least 40 years. Until the 1970s Yemenis irrigated their crops as they had always done, with seasonal rainwater captured in elaborate systems of mountain terraces. Increasing demand for food as the p

37、opulation expanded, however, led farmers to seek a more reliable source of irrigation and they found one in groundwater, pumped up by tube wells from beneath their feet. 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 讲话者指出从 20世纪 70年代始,也门 人使用地下水灌溉农作物。计算一下,到现在已超过 40年了。讲话者也指出也门的用水危机也已持续了 40年。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 6 【听力原文】 Thousands of

38、 young men and women marched through the streets of Lima to protest the governments new youth labor law that eliminates some labor rights for workers ages 18 to 24. This was the fourth march against the bill since it was passed last month, with protesters claiming the law turns many young people int

39、o cheap labor. Under the new law, young workers would not get severance and would be entitled to half the vacation pay given to their older counterparts. 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 秘鲁首都利马数以万计的人走上街头抗议政府新颁布的劳动法。所以他们反对的不是政府,而是新出台的法律。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 7 【听力原文】 ISIS takes in more than $ 1 million per day in extor

40、tion and taxes. Salaries of Iraqi government employees are taxed up to 50% ; companies may have their contracts and revenue taxed up to 20%. That revenue base will help ISIS survive even if its oil business is crippled. 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 原文指出 ISIS通过税收和勒索、强抢获得收入,在石油生意受挫的情况下,依然可以生存。总结一下,本段主旨是 ISIS的经济状

41、况。 ISIS,全称Islamic State of Iraq and al Shams,伊拉克和大叙利亚伊斯兰国,阿拉伯国家和部分西方国家称为 “达伊沙 ” (DAESH),是一个自称建国的活跃在伊拉克和叙利亚的极端恐怖组织。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 8 【听力原文】 The best news for international security is that East Asia will remain relatively quiet in 2016. Political leaders in China, Japan and India are preoccupied wi

42、th all-important domestic economic-reform plans and cant afford conflicts that are bad for business. Compared with Europe and the Middle East, East Asia should remain calm unless North Korea surprises us. 8 【正确答案】 A 【试 题解析】 原文指出,东亚国家忙于国内经济改革,无暇制造冲突,在 2016年东亚还会持续稳定 (朝鲜除外 ),这对国际安全来说是个好消息。 【知识模块】 段落听力理

43、解与选择 9 【听力原文】 International roles are primary components of international social structures. As defined by Thies, international roles are social positions constituted by ego- and alter expectations regarding the purpose of an actor in an organized group. The positions functions in and for the group

44、are limited in time and scope. They depend on the groups structure and purpose as well as on the actors aspirations and capabilities. 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 讲话者向听众讲解了一个概念: International roles。这一段讲话始终围绕这一概念展开,是典型的概念阐释型讲话。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 10 【听力原文】 Beijing will use its $3.4 trillion in foreign-exchange re

45、serves to finance ambitious alternatives to Western-led institutions like the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. China will become a new lender of first resort for governments of developing countries that dont want to meet U. S. demands. U. S. allies like Britain and Germany, eager to diver

46、sify their economic partnerships and profit from Chinas rise, will continue to follow Chinas lead, extending the prolonged battle over whether global commercial standards are decided in Beijing or Washington. 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 通过两点信息可以确定,中国正在挑战美国在世界经济领域的主导地位。一是中国借钱给发展中国家以及美国同 盟国家,借此抗衡世界货币基金组织和世界银行,

47、二是中美两国都想制定全球贸易规则。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 11 【听力原文】 Over 400, 000 people have crossed the Mediterranean during 2015, undertaking unthinkable journeys from countries like Syria, that have been torn apart by war and persecution. These families are fleeing for their lives, risking the treacherous sea and land

48、 crossings. 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从文中 “fleeing for their lives”可以知道,人们逃难是为了生命安全。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 12 【听力原文】 How does Britain produce the next Steve Jobs or the next Martha Lane Fox? And how do we make sure that as the hottest new industries emerge it is British businesses and British skills that are le

49、ading the way? As the leaders dither and lurch towards a Brexit that will hinder entrepreneurs and damage our economy, and with the president making strong overtures to U. K. -based business, it is local government that must step up. 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本文告诉我们在英国脱欧的历史阶段,对于英国的表现,人们还有些不确定。但是既然总统都已经表示大力支持英国企业,那么地方政府也应该积极配合立刻行动起来。 【知识模块】 段落听力理解与选择 13 【听力原文】 Used clothing, toiletries and gifts worth no more than $ 100 for a decade, these were among the few Iranian products allowed into the U. S. , thanks to crippling international sanctions. But


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