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1、口译二级综合能力(篇章听力理解与选择)模拟试卷 2及答案与解析 一、 PART 3 (40 points) Listen to the following longer passages and then choose the best answer to each of the questions. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 20 questions in this part of test, 2 points for each

2、 question. You will hear the passages only ONCE. At the end of each passage, you will have 2 minutes to finish the questions. 1 What is the similarity shared by a wok and a vest? ( A) They are large in size. ( B) They can protect you. ( C) They are portable. ( D) They are practical. 2 How long does

3、it take for the screen size to get to five inches? ( A) 5 years. ( B) 7 years. ( C) 2 years. ( D) 3 years. 3 Why are phones bigger and bigger? ( A) Because it is a multiuse product. ( B) Because it is fashionable among youngsters. ( C) Because it aims to overpass laptops. ( D) Because it is mostly u

4、sed by youngsters. 4 According to the passage, which of the following is the least valued? ( A) Using phones to surf online. ( B) Using phones to see movies. ( C) Using phones as social media. ( D) Using phones to make a call. 5 What does the expression “well go back to square one “ probably mean? (

5、 A) We will go back to the age of laptops. ( B) We will have even bigger phones. ( C) We will have phones as small as before. ( D) We will buy laptops instead of phones. 6 Which of the following is the best title? ( A) Intelligence Is the Most Important for Being a President ( B) The Presidents in U

6、. S. History are Very Intelligent ( C) Who is the Most Intelligent in U. S. ( D) The List of Intelligence for Every President Has Come Out 7 Why did the professor conduct such a research? ( A) To testify the correlation between the intelligence and successful presidency. ( B) To find the smartest pr

7、esident in U. S. history. ( C) To show the importance of the high IQ. ( D) To design a scientific method for presidency. 8 What is the result of Simontons research? ( A) 27 smartest presidents have been listed. ( B) Useful data has been presented for the government. ( C) Each presidents IQ has been

8、estimated. ( D) The books of the presidents are analyzed. 9 What can be inferred from the list? ( A) Further explanation should be given to the list. ( B) The presidents have high IQ. ( C) Some presidents did not have the bachelor degree. ( D) The list has provided the government with useful informa

9、tion. 10 Why did the speaker mention the eight presidents? ( A) They were the smartest presidents. ( B) They never attended college. ( C) They dropped out before finishing their degrees. ( D) Their educational experiences made the list questionable. 11 Who was Jim, according to the passage? ( A) A b

10、anker of England. ( B) A banker of Canada. ( C) The prime minister. ( D) The former finance minister. 12 Which of the following is NOT true about Canadian government? ( A) The deficit had been wiped out. ( B) Resource-producing sector can substitute the manufacturing. ( C) The banking system had bee

11、n improved by the measures. ( D) It is well aware of its weakness. 13 What is the “too big to fail“ problem for Canada? ( A) It is the weakness from the banks capital requirements. ( B) The banks are given more powers than necessary. ( C) The banking system controls more wealth, which cannot afford

12、to fail. ( D) Canada depends on United States greatly, especially in exportation. 14 Which of the following has NOT been done by Canada in the past two years? ( A) Building a pipeline of crude from Alberta to Asia. ( B) Reaching an agreement in principle with the European Union. ( C) Signing a free

13、trade with South Korea. ( D) Gaining the admission to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership. 15 What is the IMF projection of Canadian growth? ( A) The growth will be 2. 3% . ( B) The growth is behind Mexico. ( C) The growth is in the lead. ( D) The growth will involve more risks. 16 What is the a

14、ttitude of British towards the financial-transactions tax? ( A) Eager to join in. ( B) Wait and see. ( C) Suspicious. ( D) Refusing to adopt it. 17 Which of the following is true of the financial-transactions tax? ( A) The agreement has been reached on the financial-transactions tax. ( B) Every trad

15、e will be levied in term of the financial-transactions tax. ( C) Those countries that do not accept FTT will draw benefits from it. ( D) Financial industries will be affected by FTT. 18 What will FTT bring about according to the pass-through argument? ( A) Efficient management. ( B) Higher prices. (

16、 C) Sustainable development. ( D) Prosperous market. 19 What can be learned from liquidity, according to the passage? ( A) It is a sign of the frantic activity in global stock market. ( B) It will be hindered by the FTT. ( C) It can be activated by the FTT. ( D) It can be measured by the faster econ

17、omic growth. 20 What does the lemons problem center on? ( A) The correlation between information and trade. ( B) The unwillingness of the participants. ( C) The better informed investors. ( D) The market mechanism. 口译二级综合能力(篇章听力理解与选择)模拟试卷 2答案与解析 一、 PART 3 (40 points) Listen to the following longer p

18、assages and then choose the best answer to each of the questions. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 20 questions in this part of test, 2 points for each question. You will hear the passages only ONCE. At the end of each passage, you will

19、have 2 minutes to finish the questions. 1 【听力原文】 Googles Nexus 6 is supposed to be a phone, but its practically as big as a wok. Put it in your inside jacket pocket and it looks as if youre wearing half a bulletproof vest. Phone sizes are getting bigger faster. “ It took five years for the average s

20、creen size to get from three inches to four inches, but only two more to get to the current average of five inches,“ notes Alex Barredo, who analyzed data on 7, 000 phone models. Whats driving this? A younger generation, in particular, is using the phone for almost everything that formerly belonged

21、on the laptop: Web searching, Facebooking, movie watching. So it makes sense that theyd want a larger screen, as long as it can awkwardly make a call in an emergency, like when they have to ask their father for money. At least thats been my experience. But the trend cant continue or phones will soon

22、 end up as big as laptops. And then some college-age genius will have an epiphany that it would be really cool to have a connected device you could carry in your shirt pocket, as if that never happened before. Then well go back to square one. 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 这篇文章主要论述了手机尺寸越来越大的问题。在开篇处把手机和炒锅、防弹马甲做了对

23、比,以幽默的方式提出手机屏幕越来越大的问题。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原文指出手机屏幕从三英寸涨到四英寸用了五年,又用了两年就涨到了五英寸。算下来,从三英寸到五英寸用了七年时间。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 原文指出几乎原来笔记本的所有功能现在都集中在手机上了。所以,手 机越来越大的原因在于它的多功能。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 讲话者认为年轻人喜欢大的手机屏幕,他们用手机上网、聊天、看电影,只要有急事时能打个电话就行,比如,朝他父亲要钱。可见,在这四个功能里,打

24、电话的功能是最不受重视的。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 这句话的意思是 “回到原点 ”, “从头再来 ”。通过上文 “如果能有一部可揣在衣兜里的手机,那就很酷 ”可知,这句话在本文的语境中指的是手机的尺寸又会变 小。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 6 【听力原文】 In the first Republican debate, Ben Carson argued that when it comes to being a good president, “the thing that is probably most important is ha

25、ving a brain. “ While a high IQ does not guarantee success, it is true that intelligence is often associated with effective leaders. But does that trend hold true for U. S. presidents? Are the most successful presidents also the most intelligent? With that question in mind, InsideGov ranked the 27 s

26、martest presidents in U. S. history, using data from UC Davis professor, Dean Simonton. In a 2006 study, Simonton used historiometric methods to estimate each presidents IQ, analyzing information from their biographies and writings that would indicate a higher-than-average intellect. This list is by

27、 no means definitive, but it should give a good sense of which presidents were highly intellectual. Interestingly, eight of the presidents on this list either never attended college or dropped out before finishing their degrees. 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本文主要讨论了美国历任总统智商的高低。加州大学的一位教授通过研究,给出了一个名单,名单上列出了美国历史上最

28、聪明的 27位总统。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 文中 “with that question in mind”告诉听者,做这个研究是基于 “是否最成功的总统智商最高 ”这个假设。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 文中 “Simonton used historiometric methods to estimate each presidentS IQ, analyzing information from their biographies and writings”告诉听者,这位教授是用历史测量学的方法来评估

29、历任总统智商的。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 从文中 “but it should give a good sense of which presidents were highlyintellectual”可以推断出这个名单应该更好地解释为什么总统智商高。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 原文中的研究成果证明,总统的智商高于平均智商,并列出了名单,但最后列数了八位总统从未上过大学的史实,从而使先前的研究变得很有争议。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 11 【听力原文】 Canada weathered the

30、 financial crisis well. No bank needed to be rescued; the World Economic Forum anointed Canadas banking system the soundest in the world. Mark Carney was exported to the Bank of England in large part because of his work at the Bank of Canada. Stephen Harper, the prime minister, took to describing Ji

31、m, who died on April 10th just weeks after leaving the cabinet, as “the best finance minister on the planet“. The government was lucky that steps had been taken to strengthen the banking system after a series of failures in the 1980s, he says; lucky that a previous Liberal government had eliminated

32、the deficit; and lucky that resource-producing western provinces could take up the slack when the manufacturing heart land slowed dramatically. “There is a risk that if we think weve done really well because of our institutions and some type of Canadian exceptionalism, we might become complacent,“ s

33、ays Mr. Di Matteo. Mr. Harpers Conservative government has recognized some weaknesses. Despite the plaudits for its banks, Canada still has a “too big to fail“ problem. Six lenders dominate a system with financial assets worth five times GDP. The federal banking regulator tightened up the banks capi

34、tal requirements and supervision in March 2013. The body that would have to resolve a bank failure has been given more powers. In the past two years Canada has reached agreement in principle with the European Union on one free trade deal, signed another with South Korea and won admission to the grou

35、p of 12 countries negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership. To diversify energy trade almost all its oil exports currently head south the prime minister has also thrown his weight behind a proposed pipeline that would redirect Albertas crude to Asia. But all this will take time. And Mr. Harper can

36、no longer boast that Canada, smallest of the G7 economies, is leading the pack. The IMF projects growth will be 2. 3% this year, behind the United States and Britain. 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从文中 “Jim, who died on April 10th just weeks after leaving the cabinet, as the best finance minister on the planet”

37、可以知道他曾是财政部长。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从文中 “and lucky that resource-producing western provinces could take up the slack when the manufacturing heart land slowed dramatically”可以得知,当生产制造业地区速度放慢的时候,那些物质资源丰富的产地就会加紧前进的步伐,这对于政府来说是件好事。因此选项 B的说法与原文不符。 “take up the slack”原意是 “拉紧松弛的绳子 ”,在本文指的是 “加快步伐

38、 ”。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从文中 “Six lenders dominate a system with financial assets worth five times GDP”可以知道,银行拥有庞大的资产,结合上文题干中所说的 “too big to fail”,言者的意思是要采取措施防止银行出问题。因此,选项 C陈述的内容与原文大意一致 。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 从文中 “the prime minister has also thrown his weight behind a p

39、roposed pipeline that would redirect Albertas crude to Asia But all this will take time ”可以知道,选项 A叙述的内容目前还未完成。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 15 【正确答案】 C 【 试题解析】 从原文中 “The IMF projects growth will be 2 3 this year,behind the United States and Britain”可以知道增长率预计达到 2 3。结合上一句和全文主题,可以知道 2 3的增长率指的是加拿大。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择

40、 16 【听力原文】 Britains attempt to stop 11 other European countries from adopting a financial-transactions tax (FIT) was blocked by the European Court of Justice this week. Further legal challenges will doubtlessly be mounted, prolonging the battle between proponents of this “Robin Hood tax“ aimed at pu

41、nishing the finance industry and those who believe the EU is exceeding its powers by allowing a levy (imposed on every trade) that will have repercussions even in countries that do not participate. The pass-through argument that an FIT will be passed on to clients undermines the Robin Hood element o

42、f the levy, since pension funds and retail investors will bear much of the burden. Taxes on corporate profits, for example, are passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices or to workers in the form of lower wages. Nor is the argument that an FTT will restrict liquidity particularly compellin

43、g. Enthusiasts for free markets have turned liquidity into a bit of a fetish, using it to justify the activities of high-frequency traders. The idea is that more liquid markets reassure investors because they can abandon their holdings with ease; the result is a lower cost of capital, which leads to

44、 more investment. The markets may be very liquid on an average trading day, but illiquid in a crisis. If institutional investors believe that other market participants are better informed (because they have advance information on order flows, for example) , they may be less willing to trade. “It wou

45、ld be an extreme example of the lemons problem. “ 16 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从本文一开始 “Britains attempt to stop 11 other European countries from adopting a financial-transactions tax” 可以知道,英国是反对金融交易税的。所谓金融交易税,即俗称的 “罗宾汉税 ”。 2010年 2月,国际金融危机肆虐之际,英国国内多达 48家慈善机构共同发起了课征 “罗宾汉税 ”的运动。这一运动取侠盗罗宾汉 “劫富济贫 ”之意,呼吁对包括股票、债券、外汇

46、、金融衍生品等金融交易行为征收交易税。按照运动倡导者的预计,这项征税计划有望增加2500亿英镑收入,可以用于帮助贫困群体、保护环境等。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从 “imposed on every trade”可以知道, FTT要对每一笔交易都收税。选项 A、 C、 D叙述均与原文大意不符。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从文中 “Taxes on corporate profits, for example, are passed on to consumers in the form of high

47、er prices or to workers in the form of lower wages ”可以知道,这样的税收制度将最终转嫁到老百姓头上,导致更高的物价或工人更低的收入。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 19 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 综合上下文可以推断出, FTT的实行将会影响流动性。但人们对于流动性也有不同的看法,有人十分崇尚流动性,认为市场就应要有十分强的流动性。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 从文中 “If institutional investors believe that other market particip

48、ants are better informed(because they have advance information on order flows, for example), they maybe less willing to trade It would be an extreme example of the lemons problem ”可以看出, “柠檬问题 ”的关键是信息不对等。柠檬问题的含义:一是在交易中隐藏信息的一方对交 易另一方利益产生损害;二是市场的优胜劣汰机制发生扭曲,质量好的产品被挤出市场,而质量差的产品却留在市场,极端的情况是市场会逐步萎缩直到消失。这是因为买者只愿意根据他所知道的平均质量来决定支付的价格,这个价格将使质量低的卖者愿意成交,质量高的卖者由于不能得到同质量相称的价格而退出市场。综合上文,这 “柠檬问题 ”指的是由于信息不对等而影响交易的问题。 【知识模块】 篇章听力理解与选择


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