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1、国家公共英语五级(阅读理解)练习试卷 14及答案与解析 Part A Directions: Read the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 0 A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but

2、this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the be

3、tter. A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic impulses. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who have not. Aggres

4、sive, destructive, sadistic impulses every child has and, in the whole, their symbolic verbal discharge seems to be rather a safety valve than an incitement to overt action. As to fears, there are, I think, well-authenticated cases of children being dangerously terrified by come fairy story. Often,

5、however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition tums the pains into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered. There are people who object to fairy stories on the ground that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches, two-headed dra

6、gons, magic carpets, etc. do not exist; and that, instead of indulging his fantasies in fairy tales, the child should be caught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If th

7、eir case were sound, the world should be full of madmen attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a broomstick or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their enchanted girlfriend. No fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external world and no sane child ha

8、s ever believed that it was. 1 The author considers that a fairy story is more effective when it is _. ( A) repeated without variation ( B) treated with reverence ( C) adapted by the parent ( D) set in the present 2 Some people dislike fairy stories because they feel that they _. ( A) tempt people t

9、o be cruel to children ( B) show the primitive cruelty in children ( C) lend themselves to undesirable experiments with children ( D) increase a tendency to sadism in children 3 Fairy stories are a means by which childrens impulses may be _. ( A) beneficially channeled ( B) given a destructive tende

10、ncy ( C) held back until maturity ( D) effectively suppressed 4 The advantage claimed for repeating fairy stories to young children is that it _. ( A) makes them come to terms with their fears ( B) develops their power of memory ( C) convinces them there is nothing to be afraid of ( D) encourages th

11、em not to have ridiculous beliefs 5 The authors mention of broomsticks and telephones is meant to suggest that _. ( A) fairy stories are still being made up ( B) there is little confusion about fairy tales and objective world ( C) people try to modernize old fairy stories ( D) there is more concern

12、for childrens fears nowadays Part B Directions: In the following article some paragraphs have been removed. For Questions 66-70, choose the most suitable paragraph from the list A-F to fit into each of the numbered gaps. There is one paragraph which does not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers

13、 on ANSWER SHEET 1. 5 Nearly three years ago, I tested positive for HIV. Since then I have discovered a support system that steadfastly refuses to encourage responsible behavior, and a society whose silence ensures the continued spread of this disease. 16. _ The people I am talking about are nothing

14、 like Nushawn William, the drug dealer who is believed to have infected numerous people in New York State. They did not grow up in ghettos surrounded by street gangs. They come from stable homes in safe neighborhoods. They went to high school and college and graduate school. 17._ We are more than 15

15、 years into the MDS epidemic, and I have been asked my status by prospective partners only twice. Since testing positive, Ive made a point of disclosing my status to any potential partner; all but one told me I was the first person to do so. Each believed that if he practiced safe sex, there would b

16、e no need to know. There is no such thing as safe sex, only levels of risk that one must choose. In making that choice, a partners HIV status is the critical piece of information. 18._ The CDC will only “suggest that you might want to consider informing your partner,“ a hot-line counselor told me. C

17、ounselors at the San Franciso AIDS Foundation said it was their job to dispense information, not moral or ethical recommendations, and, again, that I must do what makes me feel comfortable. 19. _ The emphasis on the individuals right, without an equally strong emphasis on the individuals responsibil

18、ity, is wrong and is a direct cause of the spread of this disease. 20._ A We are not talking about being comfortable here. We are talking about life and death. B Groups such as the Gay Mens Health Crisis claim they cannot dictate behavior Granted. But that is all the more reason that AIDS organizati

19、ons have a responsibility to encourage people who are HIV positive to do what is right. C Most HIV-positive people I have encountered do not voluntarily disclose their status to potential partners. Indeed, even people in long-term relationships lie about their status. These are the realities of HIV

20、transmission today. D For years the AIDS community has rallied around the battle cry “Silence=Death. What it has failed to realize is that silence comes in many forms and that all are lethal. E They remain silent because it is difficult to tell the truth, and because their friends and community supp

21、ort them in their silence. Their doctors, psychiatrists, even the AIDS organizations they call for help, offer comfort and sympathy but dont necessarily encourage them to tell the truth. F Leading advocacy groups have perpetuated the culture of irresponsibility. Last year when I called the hot line

22、for the Gay Mens Health Crisis, one of the nations leading AIDS service agencies, I was advised to “experiment“ informing some partners of my HIV status while remaining silent with others. In this way I could decide which was more comfortable for me. 国家公共英语五级(阅读理解)练习试卷 14答案与解析 Part A Directions: Rea

23、d the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 文章第一段 “if a parent can produce what in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text

24、, so much the better ”一句说 明父母如能根据实际情况对故事加以改编,会更好一些。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 文章第二段 “A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic impulses ”可以说明有人认为童话故事会使儿童变得 残暴。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 文章第二段 “their symbolic verbal discharge see

25、ms to be rather a safety valve than an incitement to overt action ”一句说明作者更赞同情绪的宣泄。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解 析】 文章第二段 “Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pains into the pleasure of a fear faces and mastered ”一句说明对故事熟悉后,孩子们就不再感到痛苦,而 是一种欢娱。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 作者提及 broomsti

26、ck和 telephone时使用的是虚拟语气,目的是为了反驳那些 批评家们,世界上没有很多人把故事当真。 【知识模 块】 阅读理解 Part B Directions: In the following article some paragraphs have been removed. For Questions 66-70, choose the most suitable paragraph from the list A-F to fit into each of the numbered gaps. There is one paragraph which does not fit

27、in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 在该题的前一段作者谈到自己三年前一次化验 HIV的经历让他发现我们这个 社会有一种维护传播 HIV行为的体系,沉默使得 AIDS持续传播。选项 C中作者谈到自己 所遇到的大多数 HIV患者都不愿意向自己的性伙伴透露自己的真实情况,由此可判断选项 C与上文内容衔接,故为正确项。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 7 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 在该题的上文作者讲到这些长期对他们身份保密的 “HIV-positive people”

28、来 自收入稳定的家庭,并且受过良好的教育。那么为什么能长期保密他们的身份呢 ?选项 E 回答了这个问题,从此判断 E为正确项。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 8 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 在该空白段的上文作者讲到在 AIDS流行的年代,没有安全性交,只有选择不 同的风险度。在做这一选择时,性伙伴的 “HIV status”极为重要,而在该空白段的后一段 首句讲到一个热线顾问告诉作者 “CDC will only suggest you might want to consider informing your partner ”。那 CDC指代什么 ?在选项 F中可知 CDC指代 Gay Me

29、ns Health Crisis,选项 F中也提到作者给 CDC打热线电话,由此可知 F应为正确项。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 该空白段的前一段结尾处谈到 “I must do what makes me feel comfortable”,在 选项 A中作者讲到 “we are not talking about being comfortable here” ,上下文内容连贯一 致,因而 A为正确项。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 在该空白段的前一段讲到只强调一个人的权利而不强调一个人的责任是错误 的,也是导致这种病传播的直接原因。在选项 B中,讲到 AIDS组织有责任鼓励 HIV-positive people做正确的事。根据此线索可判断 B为正确项。 【知识模块】 阅读理解


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