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1、国家公共英语(一级 B)模拟试卷 38及答案与解析 第一节 图片判断 在本节中,你将听到 5个句子或对话,每个句子或对话配有 A、 B、 C三幅图片。请选择与句子或对话内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有 15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。 1 2 3 4 5 第二节 对话应答 在本节中,你将听到 10个简短话语,请从 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出一个最佳应答,并标在试卷的相应位置。每个话语后有 20秒钟的停顿,以便 选择答案和阅读下一个问题。每个话语读两遍。 ( A) A glass of milk, please. ( B) Two mor

2、e, please. ( C) I never drink tea. ( A) Its bad for you. ( B) Two bottles of orange juice, please. ( C) I drink a lot of milk every day. ( A) No, it isnt. ( B) No, thank you. ( C) Yes, it is. ( A) Yes, please. ( B) Here you are. ( C) Be careful. ( A) No, thank you. ( B) Thats right. ( C) It doesnt m

3、atter. ( A) No, not yet. ( B) I was ill last month. ( C) Have you heard about it? ( A) Yes, sir. ( B) Friendship Hotel. ( C) Thank you. ( A) Over there. ( B) Of course, sir. ( C) Three nights. ( A) Sorry. ( B) What do you think? ( C) Swimming ( A) What about a cup of tea? ( B) Can you help me? ( C)

4、Why not? 第三节 对话理解 在本节中,你将听到 10个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段话后有 20秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一个问题。每段对话读两遍。 ( A) Go to work. ( B) Take a bus. ( C) Take a walk. ( A) By car. ( B) By bus. ( C) By bike. ( A) He wants to have a long walk. ( B) He wants a chocolate cake. ( C) He wants a fruit cake.

5、( A) Coming for dinner. ( B) Make a cake. ( C) Make a big meal. ( A) Train ( B) Plane ( C) Ship ( A) Cinema ( B) Park ( C) Classroom ( A) Three ( B) Five ( C) Six ( A) Football ( B) Basketball ( C) Baseball ( A) Very pleasant. ( B) Very tiring. ( C) Very bad. ( A) RMB. ( B) His letter. ( C) US dolla

6、rs. 第一节 短文理解 1 根据短文内容,判断文后给出的陈述是否正确。认为正确的,选 A(True);认为 错误的,选B(False)。 25 Early in the morning Mr. Smith is cutting the grass in the yard. Mr. Green comes out and helps him. Mr. Smith is very happy and he asks Mr. Green, “Do you often help people cut grass?“ “No!“ Mr. Green answers. “So why do you ge

7、t up and help me?“ Mr. Smith keeps on asking. Mr. Green says: “I help you cut the grass so that I can go back to sleep soon again.“ 26 Mr. Smith is cutting the grass in the morning. ( A)真 ( B) False 27 Mr. Smith is not happy to see that Mr. Green comes out. ( A)真 ( B) False 28 Mr. Green helps Mr. Sm

8、ith because he wants to go to bed again. ( A)真 ( B) False 28 Long, long ago there Were many animals living in the forest (森林 ). One day there came a fairy (仙女 ). She asked the monkey, “Do you want me to make you look beautiful? No, no. Im already a good-looking monkey,“ answered the monkey. The fair

9、y then turned to the horse, “Your face is too long. Do you want me to help you?“ Again the horse said, “No.“ Then a peacock came to the fairy and asked, “Can you make my tail (尾巴 ) longer and more beautiful? Yes, of course,“ the fairy answered. With her magic stick (魔杖 ), the fairy helped the peacoc

10、k grow a beautiful tail. The peacock was very happy. The monkey and the horse were unhappy because they felt sorry that they turned down the fairys offer (提议 ). 29 The money thought he was good-looking enough. ( A)真 ( B) False 30 The horse wanted to get the fairys help. ( A)真 ( B) False 31 The peaco

11、ck became beautiful with the fairys help. ( A)真 ( B) False 31 Miss Rogers taught physics (物理 ) in a New York school. Last month she was teaching to one of her classes about sound (声音 ). “Now, I have a brother in Los Angeles (洛杉矶 ). If I was calling him on the phone, and at the same time you were 75

12、meters away listening to me on the other side of the street, which of you would hear me earlier, you or my brother? And why?“ John answered, “Your brother, Miss Rogers, because electricity (电流 ) travels faster than sound waves.“ “Thats very good,“ Miss Rogers said. “I disagree,“ said Mary. “Your bro

13、ther would hear you earlier, because when its eleven oclock here, its eight oclock in Los Angeles.“ 32 Miss Rogers taught physics in a Los Angeles school. ( A)真 ( B) False 33 Miss Rogers was telling her students about sound. ( A)真 ( B) False 34 Miss Rogers had a brother in Los Angeles. ( A)真 ( B) Fa

14、lse 35 Miss Rogers agreed with John. ( A)真 ( B) False 35 Tommy has a little dog. Her name is Goddy. She is pretty and interesting. Tommy loves her very much. The other day, Goddy was out walking with Tommy. She cut her paw (爪子 ) on a bit of glass. When they arrived home, Tommys mother thought that t

15、he cut was deep. She asked Tommy to take Goddy to the vet, an animal doctor. The vet was very kind, and he gave her an injection (注射 ). Then he put some medicine on the wound and put on a bandage (绷带 ). Goddy looks ever so funny as she walks on three legs, holding her paw as if she had been to a war

16、 (战争 )! 36 Goddy is _. ( A) Tommys dog ( B) Tommys friend ( C) Tommys cat 37 The dog cut her foot when she _. ( A) was out walking ( B) was fighting ( C) was eating 38 The vet was _. ( A) Tommys mother ( B) an animal doctor ( C) Tommys father 39 Wearing a bandage on her paw and walking on three legs

17、, Goddy looks like _. ( A) a wounded soldier ( B) a funny boy ( C) a shy girl 39 One day a man went into a chemists shop (药店 ) and said, “Have you got anything for headache (头痛 )?“ The chemist took out a bottle and put it under the mans nose. The smell (气味 ) was so strong that tears came into the ma

18、ns eyes and ran down his face. “What did you do that for?“ the man said angrily. “But you didnt have headache, did you?“ said the chemist. “You fool (傻瓜 ),“ said the man. “Its my wife that has the headache, not me!“ 40 The man went into the chemists shop to buy _. ( A) nothing ( B) a bottle ( C) med

19、icine for headache 41 The doctor took out a bottle and put it under the mans nose, because he _. ( A) wanted to help the man to get better ( B) wanted to show the man how to use the medicine ( C) wanted to sell the medicine to the man 42 It was _ who caught a bad headache ( A) the chemist ( B) the m

20、an ( C) the mans wife 42 How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other words, the beginning (起源 ) of language is not clear. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express ideas and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate (

21、交流 ) with each other, and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters. These letters could be put together to stand for (代表 ) those sounds, and could be written down. These sounds, whether spoken or written m letters, we call words. They bring up ideas before our minds. 43 The beginnin

22、g of language is _. ( A) clear ( B) a question easy to answer ( C) not clear 44 What is true about the words? ( A) They cannot be written down. ( B) They are simply sounds. ( C) They are ideas. 45 What is the best title for this passage? ( A) Words ( B) History of Words ( C) How Words Came into Bein

23、g 第三节 词语配伍 从上边一栏中找出一个与下边一栏的含义相符的选项。 45 A Whats you name? B Tracy is my name. C Thank you very much. D Excuse me. El You are welcome. F Would you come to our party? G How are you? 46 How do you do? 47 My name is Tracy. 48 Will you come to our party? 49 Thanks a lot. 50 Thats all right. 国家公共英语(一级 B)模拟试卷 38答案与解析


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