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1、国家公共英语(三级)口试模拟试卷 14及答案与解析 一、考生个人情况介绍 1 Interlocutor: Good afternoon. My name is Li Lin, and this is my colleague He Fei. He is just going to be listening to us. Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you. And your names are Sun Li and Jiang Lei? (Hand over the mark sheets to the assessor.) Fir

2、st of all, Candidate A, we d like to know something about you, so I m going to ask you some questions. Hometown Were you bom in this city? If not, where were you born? How long have you lived here? How do you like it? Why? Do you think you will live here forever? Why? Interlocutor:Thank you. Now, Ca

3、ndidate B, V m going to ask you some questions. Education Do you like English? Why? Which is your favorite subject? Why? Which subject dont you like? Why? Do you want to get a job about the subject you like? 二、考生相互问答 2 Interlocutor: Now, Id like you to talk about something between yourselves. Were j

4、ust going to listen.(Place the Picture Sheet 1 in front of the candidates.)I d like you to talk to each other about different ways of transport. This is the picture for your reference. It shows four references. It shows four kinds of transport: 1)plane: 2)train: 3)bus: 4)car. Please talk to each oth

5、er about computer games according to the picture. It is not necessary to agree with each other. Remember you have only 3 minutes for this part, so don t worry if I stop you then. Please speak loudly so that we can hear you. You may start now.Candidates:(Approximately 3 minutes.)Interlocutor: Thank y

6、ou.(Receive the picture sheet.) 三、继续性问答 3 Interlocutor:Now, Im going to give each of you a different picture and I d like you to first describe it and men tell us what you think about it.(Hand over the Picture Sheet 2 to Candidate A.) Candidate A, here is your picture: spoiled child. Please let Cand

7、idate B have a look at it.Candidate B, please listen carefully while Candidate A is speaking. When he has finished, you may say some-tiling more about the picture.Candidate A, remember you have only one and a half minutes for this, so don t worry if I stop you then. Would you like to begin now?Candi

8、dates A:(Approximately one and a half minutes.)Interlocutor:Thank you.Candidate B, is there anything else you would like to say about the picture? You may have half a minute for this.Candidates B:(Approximately 30 seconds.)(Retrieve the picture sheet.)题目 2Interlocutor:(Hand over the Picture Sheet 3

9、to Candidate B.) Candidate B, here is your picture: house price. Please let Candidate A have a look at it.Candidate A, please listen carefully while Candidate B is speaking. When he/she has finished, you may say something more about the picture.Candidate B, remember you have only one and a half minu

10、tes for this, so don t worry if I stop you then. Would you like to begin now?Candidates B:(Approximately one and a half minutes.)Interlocutor:Thank you.Candidate A, is there anything else you would like to say about the picture? You may have half a minute for this.Candidates A:(Approximately 30 seco

11、nds.)(Retrieve the picture sheet.)Interlocutor: Thank you.(That is the end of the test.) 国家公共英语(三级)口试模拟试卷 14答案与解析 一、考生个人情况介绍 1 【正确答案】 A + B: Yes, we are. 考生 A A: No, I was born in a village of Hebei Province. A: I have lived here for five years. A: I like living here because it is the capital of our

12、 country and it develops fast. A: I don t dunk I will live here forever because people living here have too much pressure. 考生 B B: Yes, I like English very much because I can learn the foreign lifestyle through learning a foreign language. B: My favorite subject is Computer Science because I am very

13、 interested in computers. B: I dont like politics because I think it is a little dull. B: Yes. I hope I can work in an IT company when I graduate. It will be interesting to work on what I like. 二、考生相互问答 2 【正确答案】 A: Which kind of transport do you like best? Why? B: I usually travel by train. I think

14、it is much safer and cheaper than other ways. What about you? A: I love traveling by car. It is more convenient. I can stop whenever and wherever I want to. B: That s true. But there are also some disadvantages about driving a car. For example, you have to worry about that the car may go wrong somet

15、imes and you have to pay much attention to the road condition. A: I agree with you on this point but I really enjoy driving. B: What do you think about traveling by air? A: If we go to somewhere that is too far such as the US, plane is obviously the most convenient way. It is fast. B: And what about

16、 bus? A: It is suitable for relatively short trips. It is slow but it is cheap. B: Yes. We can choose different ways of transport when we go to different places. 三、继续性问答 3 【正确答案】 A: The picture shows us a mother and a son are going shopping. The mother s arms are full of toys already, but the son in

17、sists on buying another one. If the mother doesn t buy him one, he will cry. Things of this kind often happen now. In shops, if children can not get what they ask for, they will keep crying to threaten their parents. Most of the parents will buy them what they want. They think it is not a big deal i

18、f this can make their children happy. But I don t think it s good for children. As time goes by, children will be spoiled and they will become very selfish. B: I agree with Candidate A. Parents should not spoil their children in this way. This can do nothing good for them. What they should do is to

19、tell them what kind of things are necessary and worthy to buy, and it is hard to make money. 题目 2 B: From this picture we can see that the house price is so high that it goes beyond the economic ability of ordinary people. In Beijing, the price of house is now above eight thousand yuan for one squar

20、e meters in most of the places. However, the income of an ordinary worker is about three or four thousand yuan a month. So they have to work two months or more to earn only one square meter. This is obviously unreasonable. People hope that the government can control the increase of the price efficie

21、ntly. In the recent few years, the government does do a lot in this field but the effect is not satisfying. One of the reasons is that the demand exceeds the supply. Maybe the government can take measures according to the market. A: I agree with Candidate B. The unreasonably high house price has influenced people s living standard. Housing is one of the basic requirements of life. If this essential need can not be realized, let alone the higher pursuits. In my opinion, the government has to control the price to improve people s living standard.


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