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1、国家公共英语(三级)笔试模拟试卷 230及答案与解析 Part B Directions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds

2、to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. 1 Who is the woman? ( A) A landscape artist. ( B) A teacher. ( C) A student. ( D) A school register. 2 What does a student usually have to do before taking the advanced sketching course? ( A) Write a book. ( B) Attend an afte

3、rnoon meeting. ( C) Enroll in another class. ( D) Go to the art museum. 3 What does the man give the woman? ( A) A texbook. ( B) Some paintbrushes. ( C) A bouquet of flowers. ( D) Some drawings. 一、 Section II Use of English (15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or ph

4、rase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. 3 Standard English is the variety of English which is usually used in print and which is normally taught in schools and to non-native speakers leaning the language. It is also the variety which is normally 26 by educated people an

5、d used in news broadcasts and other 27 situations. The difference between standard and nonstandard, it should be noted, has 28 in principle to do with differences between formal and colloquial 29 ; standard English has colloquial as well as formal variants. 30 , the standard variety of English is ba

6、sed on the London 31 of English that developed after the Norman Conquest resulted in the removal of the Court from Winchester to London. This dialect became the one 32 by the educated, and it was developed and promoted 33 a model, or norm, for wider and wider segments of society. It was also the 34

7、that was carried overseas, but not one unaffected by such export. Today, 35 Eng-lish is arranged to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary of English are 36 the same everywhere in the world where English is used; 37 among local standards is really quite minor, 38 the Singapore, South Africa, and

8、 Irish varieties are really very 39 differ-ent from one another so far as grammar and vocabulary are 40 . Indeed, Standard English is so powerful that it exerts a tremendous 41 on all local varieties, to the extent that many of long-established dialects of England have 42 much of their vigor (活力 ) a

9、nd there is considerable pressure on them to be 43 This latter situation is not unique 44 English: it is also true in other countries where processes of standardization are 45 But it sometimes creates problems for speakers who try to strike some kind of compromise between local norms and national, e

10、ven supranational (跨国的 ) ones. ( A) said ( B) told ( C) talked ( D) spoken ( A) same ( B) similar ( C) equal ( D) identical ( A) anything ( B) something ( C) nothing ( D) everything ( A) language ( B) vocabulary ( C) idioms ( D) words ( A) Surprisingly ( B) Historically ( C) Interestingly ( D) Gener

11、ally ( A) accent ( B) pronunciation ( C) spelling ( D) dialect ( A) preferred ( B) learned ( C) praised ( D) created ( A) to ( B) in ( C) as ( D) for ( A) basis ( B) norm ( C) rule ( D) variety ( A) formal ( B) colloquial ( C) non-standard ( D) standard ( A) not ( B) very ( C) much ( D) hardly ( A)

12、variation ( B) standardization ( C) unification ( D) transformation ( A) therefore ( B) but ( C) so that ( D) nevertheless ( A) great ( B) much ( C) no ( D) little ( A) talked ( B) concerned ( C) mentioned ( D) involved ( A) press ( B) pressure ( C) power ( D) force ( A) lost ( B) gained ( C) missed

13、 ( D) got ( A) abandoned ( B) changed ( C) standardized ( D) reformed ( A) in ( B) of ( C) for ( D) to ( A) in the way ( B) under way ( C) out of the way ( D) all the way Part A Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers

14、on ANSWER SHEET 1. 23 The word health can be used in a number of ways. In the past, health meant only the absence of disease or illness. Today, though, health has a broader meaning. Health is the state of your well-being that includes how you feel physically, mentally, and socially. Wellness is anot

15、her term that describes this broader view of health. You can understand the need for a broader definition if you think about how health in your life is different from health in your grandparents lives. In 1900, the main causes of death were diseases that were spread by bacteria (细菌 ) and viruses (病毒

16、 ). If you had lived then, the danger of your dying from pneumonia (肺炎 ) would have been three times greater than the danger of your dying from cancer. The diseases that were most common in 1900 affected people of all ages. It is not surprising, then that around 1900, the emphasis of health was on f

17、reedom from illness. Today many of the diseases that were common in 1900 can be prevented or cured by improved medicines and methods of sanitation (卫生 ). Most diseases now are likely to occur later in life. You as a teenager will probably not have to think about the same threats to your health as yo

18、ur grandparents did. These improvements in health conditions mean that not only can you now enjoy a better life, but you also have a greater chance of having a longer life. Controlling diseases has in-creased the life expectancy in the United States. Generally, people born more recently have higher

19、life expectancies. Since 1900, the life expectancy in the United States has increased by more than 27 years. It has increased from 47 years for those born in 1900 to 74 years 1981. 24 According to Paragraph 1, health and wellness_. ( A) can be used interchangeably on all occasions ( B) are different

20、 in that the latter has a broader sense ( C) had the same meaning in the past ( D) both refer to the state of your well-being 25 Which of the following statements is true? ( A) Diseases caused by bacteria and viruses were incurable in 1900. ( B) Bacteria and viruses are the main causes of death toda

21、y. ( C) Medicines for curing pneumonia were not available in 1900. ( D) Pneumonia caused as many deaths in 1900 as cancer does today. 26 “Life expectancy“in the last paragraph most probably means_. ( A) the kind of life that a person may expect to live ( B) the mode of life that a group of people ha

22、ve lived ( C) the length of time that a person or an animal has lived ( D) the length of time that people may expect to live 27 On an average, people in America who were born in 1900_. ( A) had a life-span of 74 years ( B) lived a shorter but better life than those born later ( C) lived to 47 years

23、of age ( D) lived 27 years longer than those born in 1981 28 The intended readers of the passage are_. ( A) teenagers ( B) the diseased ( C) adults ( D) aged people Part B Directions: Read the text, match the items (61-65) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SH

24、EET 1. 28 Joan: That is, goals that are small, manageable, achievable, realistic and tangible. Too many people judge whether theyre overweight by those depressing insurance-company tables listing“ ideal“or“healthy“body weights based on low mortality rates. But such tables represent only the weights

25、of people who applied for life insurance and lived the longest. They do not accurately measure the effects of excess body fat on sickness or longevity for the entire population. Nor do they tell you your healthiest weight. Kate: To reduce, you must combine the three key elements of long-term weight

26、control. First, follow a nutritionally balanced, healthful eating plan. Increase the fiber in your diet and cut your fat intake to 25 to 30 grams per day. If youve selective about the food you choose, you can eat three meals a day and up to three low-fat snacks. One explanation for this quick impact

27、 is that you are what you eat. Its not just the pounds of excess body fat that cause all the trouble. Its the high-fat calories that you consume every day to maintain those extra pounds. As soon as you cut out those additional high-fat calories, youll be healthier and happier. Jean : Heres the tough

28、 part. After trimming down, easy-does-it dieters spend at least six months adapting to their new weight. This gives the body time to adjust to the changes it has undergone in diet, exercise and life-style. Dont get caught in the trap of all-or-nothing thinking. An occasional lapse is normal. We reco

29、mmend what we call the “R-K-0“system. Each day that you follow a program of low fat diet and exercise is an “R“day of “regularly reducing. “Days when you want to just hold steadyeat a bit more, exercise slightly lessare “K“days, for“keeping it off. “Days when you splurge are“0“days, for“off“. At the

30、 end of each day, mark an R, K or O on your calendar. The winning formula is to have your K days, and your K days outnumber your O days. Rose: Of the 34 million American adults who are classified as overweight, about two million should lose 100 or more pounds. These people obviously need to lose mor

31、e than ten percent of their body weight; they will require medical supervision, rapid weight loss and the use of special portion-controlled foods. In most cases, however, people who are overweight can start an easy-does-it plan. Then, after theyve maintained their new, slimmer bodies for six months,

32、 they can consider a second cycle. How do you decide whether youve lost enough weight? Feeling good is the first sign. Health-risk factors are an even better indicator. Before you go on an easy-does-it weight-loss program, have your doctor measure your cholesterol, body fat and blood pressure. Then

33、check with your physician at the beginning of the six-month maintenance stage. After that, you can move forward on your own. Jone: The easy-does-it diet is not so much a diet as an approach to weight loss and life-style. You dont have to hit a magic number on your scale. You can achieve a healthy we

34、ight safely and permanentlyif you just remember:easy does it. Statements 61. Joan A We should set“smart“goals. 62. Kate B The first few pounds you lose are the most valuable. 63. Jean C One must keep it off. 64. Rose D Moderate weight loss is easier to sustain. 65. Jone E Easy-does-it is necessary.

35、F You should take it off. G Reassess. Part B 34 Below is a picture showing that the community newspaper board is covered by advertisements. Look at the picture and write an essay of about 120 words making reference to the following two points: 1) what the problem is and what causes the problem; 2) how to improve the situation. 国家公共英语(三级)笔试模拟试卷 230答案与解析


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