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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 167及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 How long was Dilys late? ( A) Half an hour. ( B) Twenty minutes. ( C) One and a half hours. 2 Why does Jack want to leave right away? ( A) The time is so late. ( B) J

2、ack wants to take. the children to see a film. ( C) Jack has a lot of work to do. 3 What do you understand from the mans answer? ( A) He enjoys writing home every week. ( B) He never writes home once a week. ( C) He doesnt write home once a week now. 4 When will the womans mother leave for London? (

3、 A) 7:15. ( B) 7:00. ( C) 6:50. 5 Who gave Lily flowers? ( A) Molly. ( B) Henry. ( C) Her boyfriend. 第二节 听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或 独白前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 6 Where does Jane work? ( A) In a restaurant. ( B) In a firm. ( C) In a

4、shop. 7 What is most probably their relationship? ( A) They are friends. ( B) They are classmates. ( C) They used to be colleagues. 8 What are the speakers talking about? ( A) A flight timetable. ( B) The way to Union Street. ( C) Hiring a taxi. 9 Where is the woman going on Saturday? ( A) Garden Ho

5、tel. ( B) The airport. ( C) The taxi company. 10 How much is a large bottle of aspirin? ( A) 56 pence. ( B) 87 pence. ( C) 67 pence. 11 How much is a tube of toothpaste? ( A) 87 pence. ( B) 67 pence. ( C) 56 pence. 12 How much is a film? ( A) 1.78 pounds. ( B) 1.72 pounds. ( C) 1.76 pounds. 13 If th

6、e woman has to ask for a sick leave, who should she turn to? ( A) Her department manager. ( B) The personnel department. ( C) The director of the workshop. 14 What is the usual period of time for a sick leave? ( A) One week at most. ( B) It depends on particular cases. ( C) As short as possible. 15

7、If the woman asks for a four-day sick leave, what will happen to her? ( A) She will be fired. ( B) She will be laid off for a month. ( C) She will have a reduced salary. 16 What if the woman leaves without permission from her company? ( A) Her salary will be cut, ( B) Her work will be suspended. ( C

8、) She will be asked to leave. 17 Why did Carolyn decide to bake cookies? ( A) She loved cookies and wanted to eat them. ( B) She decided to bake them for her children to keep them quiet. ( C) She was going to sell them at the school bake sale. 18 Why did Carolyn try to remember the recipe? ( A) She

9、lost the recipe book. ( B) She left it outside. ( C) The children stole the book. 19 What were the nine children doing while Carolyn was baking cookies? ( A) They were sleeping. ( B) They were running around. ( C) They were coloring pictures. 20 What happened when the oven door popped open? ( A) The

10、 cookies were ready to eat. ( B) The cookies were good and the children loved them. ( C) The cookie dough went all over everywhere. 单项填空 21 All that _ is not gold. ( A) glitter ( B) glitters ( C) glittering ( D) glittered 22 I thought your mother _ like something interesting to listen to, so I have

11、brought her some newly-released records. ( A) may ( B) could ( C) must ( D) might 23 You must have missed the meeting the other day, _ you? ( A) mustnt ( B) havent ( C) neednt ( D) didnt 24 He is accustomed _ late on weekends for he has the habit of working at night. ( A) to sit up ( B) to sitting u

12、p ( C) at sitting up ( D) for sitting up 25 In reorganizing the curriculum in the late 1800s, Elizabeth Mead laid the foundation _ the modern college rests. ( A) is which ( B) on which ( C) which is on ( D) on it 26 Why is there _ traffic on the streets in January than in July? ( A) less ( B) fewer

13、( C) few ( D) little 27 In this modem era, we dont need to go to the library to search for information _ we must decades ago. ( A) like ( B) for ( C) since ( D) as 28 The old lady looks best in _ of that color. ( A) dressing ( B) a dress ( C) dress ( D) the dress 29 She had expected them to be indif

14、ferent to _ grown-up topics _ taxes and social security. ( A) such . as ( B) the same . with ( C) such . like ( D) same . like 30 One reason that reform is called _ is that it costs so much to run _ political office. ( A) on . at ( B) for . for ( C) at . for ( D) off, with 31 The class walked down t

15、he long hallway to the gym with Mr. Smith _ of the line. ( A) in end ( B) at end ( C) at the end ( D) in the end 32 What was _ about the way Mr. Els students and Miss Joan reacted to the blue jeans? ( A) case ( B) the case ( C) same ( D) the same 33 Who came to their rescue when they _ get different

16、 haircuts? ( A) are about to ( B) had to ( C) had better ( D) were supposed to 34 Abraham was a person who loved to read. He had lo study and learn _. ( A) on his own ( B) of his own ( C) by his own ( D) at his own 35 Two men took the parcel _ the plane and carried it into the Customs House. ( A) ou

17、t ( B) off ( C) away ( D) into 完形填空 36 It was Clarks first visit to London Underground Railway. Against 【 B1】 advice of his friends, he decided to go there after 5 oclock in the afternoon. This is a bad time to 【 B2】 in London, because numerous people go home from work 【 B3】 this hour. He had to joi

18、n a long 【 B4】 of people who were waiting for tickets. When his turn came, he had some difficulty in making himself 【 B5】 by the man selling tickets. However, he got the right ticket 【 B6】 the end and, by asking people the 【 B7】 , he also found the fight platform. It was packed tight 【 B8】 people. H

19、e did not 【 B9】 to get on the first train, but he was 【 B10】 to move nearer to the edge of the platform so as to be in a better 【 B11】 to get on the next one. When this train came in, Clark was 【 B12】 forward on to the train by the 【 B13】 of people from behind. The doors closed and the train 【 B14】

20、off. He was unable to see the names of the stations where the train stopped, but he knew that the station he wanted was the sixth 【 B15】 along the line. When the train got to the sixth station, Clark got off, feeling good that his 【 B16】 had been so easy. But be suddenly 【 B17】 that he had come to a

21、 station he had never heard of. He explained his difficulty to a man who was standing on the platform. With a 【 B18】 on his face, the man 【 B19】 Clark that he had caught a train going in the opposite 【 B20】 . 36 【 B1】 ( A) an ( B) some ( C) any ( D) the 37 【 B2】 ( A) leave ( B) visit ( C) stay ( D)

22、travel 38 【 B3】 ( A) on ( B) in ( C) at ( D) by 39 【 B4】 ( A) group ( B) team ( C) queue ( D) crowd 40 【 B5】 ( A) understand ( B) understood ( C) understanding ( D) understandable 41 【 B6】 ( A) in ( B) at ( C) by ( D) on 42 【 B7】 ( A) route ( B) track ( C) way ( D) path 43 【 B8】 ( A) for ( B) of ( C

23、) in ( D) with 44 【 B9】 ( A) manage ( B) succeed ( C) fail ( D) achieve 45 【 B10】 ( A) able ( B) sure ( C) easy ( D) possible 46 【 B11】 ( A) position ( B) state ( C) seat ( D) way 47 【 B12】 ( A) hurried ( B) crowded ( C) forced ( D) swept 48 【 B13】 ( A) push ( B) rush ( C) drag ( D) brush 49 【 B14】

24、( A) began ( B) drove ( C) ran ( D) moved 50 【 B15】 ( A) pause ( B) stop ( C) place ( D) rest 51 【 B16】 ( A) journey ( B) travel ( C) visit ( D) voyage 52 【 B17】 ( A) followed ( B) realized ( C) though ( D) recognized 53 【 B18】 ( A) laugh ( B) look ( C) smile ( D) stare 54 【 B19】 ( A) explained ( B)

25、 said ( C) told ( D) advised 55 【 B20】 ( A) direction ( B) path ( C) route ( D) journey 短文理解 56 An elderly woman yesterday made a legal claim against a department store because it had wrongly accused her of stealing a Christmas card. Ms. Doss White, 72 years old, is claiming $ 3 000 damages from the

26、 store for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment. Ms. White visited the store while doing Christmas shopping, but did not buy anything. She was followed through the town by a store manager. He had been told that a customer saw her take a card and put it in her shopping bag. He stopped her at a book

27、store as she was reading a book. Ms. White said. “This man, a total stranger, suddenly grasped my bag and asked if he could look in it.“ She was taken back to the store and shut in a small room in full view of shoppers for 20 minutes until the police arrived. At the police station she was body-searc

28、hed and nothing was found. Her lawyer said the department store sent an insincere apology and they insisted that she might have been stealing. The hearing continues today. 56 The story tells us that the old woman _. ( A) was accused of stealing in a store ( B) was robbed while doing shopping ( C) ac

29、cused the store of wronging her ( D) stole a Christmas card 57 What happened to Ms. White after she was taken back to the store? ( A) She was shut in a room for 20 minutes. ( B) The police came and arrested her. ( C) She was body-searched by the store manager. ( D) The audience all looked at her. 58

30、 What does the woman think of the stores attitude in this case? ( A) Agreeable. ( B) Unsatisfied. ( C) Sorrowful. ( D) Apologetic. 59 People in most western countries celebrate Valentines Day on February 14th. It is a special time to send greeting cards called “valentines“ to their sweethearts, frie

31、nds, parents and other family members. Esther A. Howland of Worcester, Massachusetts became one of the first American manufacturers of valentines in 1847. She saw several British valentines and decided to make her own. She used ribbons, lace, flowers and painted leaves on her cards. She hired a staf

32、f of young women to help her make these cards and took orders from stores. Today valentines are sold in many stores all over the world and may have messages of love or be very humorous. People also send flowers, candy and gifts to those they want to remember on Valentines Day. Children in America de

33、corate their classrooms with paper hearts and cupids, and may hold classroom parties to celebrate Valentines Day with their classmates and teachers. Older students may have dances at their schools on Valentines Day. Valentines Day in Europe is celebrated in many ways. Children in England sing specia

34、l songs and receive gifts of fruit, candy and money. People may bake special buns with caraway seeds, plums or raisins in them. In Denmark, people send pressed white flowers called snowdrops to their friends. However you decide to celebrate on Valentines Day, take some time to tell your friends and

35、family that you love them. 59 According to this writing, Valentines Day is _. ( A) celebrated on Feb. 14th ( B) most popular in Denmark ( C) a special holiday for families ( D) first celebrated in America 60 What is the authors purpose of this writing? ( A) Entertain. ( B) Inform. ( C) Persuade. ( D

36、) Describe. 61 Which of the following is an OPINION? ( A) I think it is great Ms. Howland made valentines in 1847. ( B) Ms. Howland saw British valentines before making her own. ( C) Ms. Howland took orders from stores for her valentines. ( D) American children decorated their classrooms with paper

37、flowers. 62 How do people in England celebrate Valentines Day? ( A) Sing special songs. ( B) Receive gifts of fruit, candy and money. ( C) Make buns with caraway seeds, plums or raisins. ( D) Send snowdrops to their friends. 63 Tyrus Raymond Cobb was born in Narrows, Georgia in 1886. He grew up in R

38、oyston, Georgia with his parents, William and Amanda Cobb. Ty began playing baseball as a child and was a professional baseball player before the age of twenty. Cobb played mostly for the Detroit Tigers and served as their player manager from 1921 1926. He played baseball for a total of twenty-four

39、years before retiring. Cobb won twelve American League batting titles and was known for his great speed and excellent batting skills. He used both of these as weapons on the baseball diamond. Cobb still holds the record as the all-time leading hitter in the major leagues, with a 367 lifetime batting

40、 average. His career total of 4 191 hits was the major league record until it was broken by Pete Rose in 1985. Ty Cobb was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1936 and was one of the first five players to receive this award. Cobb died in Atlanta, Georgia on July 17, 1961 and will be remembered a

41、s the great “Georgia Peach“. 63 Ty Cobbs interest in baseball began _. ( A) in Philadelphia. ( B) when he lived in Detroit. ( C) at the University of Georgia. ( D) as a young boy. 64 How many years did Ty Cobb play professional baseball? ( A) 33 years. ( B) 19 years. ( C) 20 years. ( D) 24 years. 65

42、 What job did Cobb have with the Detroit Tigers from 1921 1926? ( A) Banker. ( B) Doctor. ( C) Player manager. ( D) Leader of the League. 66 Ty Cobb is called “the Georgia Peach“ because _. ( A) he had won many awards ( B) he played for the Atlanta Braves ( C) Georgia was proud of him ( D) he lived

43、in Georgia most of his life 67 The world of music will never be the same since the formation of a band in Liverpool, England in 1956. The Beatles were formed by George Harrison, Ringo Start, Paul McCartney, and John Lennon. Their first hit song “Love Me Do“ was recorded in 1962. The Beatles quickly

44、became the worlds best known pop music group and many people today still regard them as the finest band in the history of pop music. Lennon and McCartney were the authors of most of the songs the group recorded. Harrison also wrote songs often using ideas from Indian music. The drummer of the group

45、was the famous Ringo Starr and he occasionally sang. For six years the Beatles had hit after hit song. Twenty-eight of their songs were on the Top Twenty record charts and seventeen of these songs reached number one on the charts. The group also had a successful movie career. The comedy A Hard Days

46、Night and Yellow Submarine became very successful movies. People imitated their long hairstyles, clothing, and wisecracking humor. Almost all later pop bands learned from the Beatles. The strong fan following the Beatles was called Beatlemania. 67 Who was the drummer of the band? ( A) Paul McCartney

47、. ( B) John Lennon. ( C) George Harrison. ( D) Ringo Starr. 68 Which of the following were NOT copied from the Beatles by other people? ( A) Hairstyles. ( B) Clothing. ( C) Way of singing. ( D) Humor. 69 The strong following of the Beatles by their fans was called _. ( A) Beatlejuice ( B) Beatlemani

48、a ( C) Beatlehit ( D) Beatletime 70 Which of the following is NOT true? ( A) The Beatles were formed in Britain. ( B) The Beatles first recorded music in 1962. ( C) The Beatles had a successful movie career. ( D) The Beatles are regarded as one of the finest jazz groups. 第一节 短文改错 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题

49、号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右 边横线上画一个勾 ();如有错误 (每行只有一个错误 ),则按下列情况改正: 多一个词:把多余的词用斜线 ( )划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。 缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 ( ),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。 71 Spring have come to Portland at last. The sky is blue. 【 S1】_ Birds are singing on the trees, flowers are blooming, and 【 S2】 _ everyone are in a good mood. Spring has always been 【 S3】_ a busy time with college stu


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