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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 213及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 When does the man think they will leave? ( A) 6:33. ( B) 6:13 ( C) 6:23 2 What does Jack have? ( A) A car. ( B) A bike. ( C) A bar. 3 What will the man probably do ne

2、xt? ( A) Ask the woman for the recipe. ( B) Get a receipt for his purchase. ( C) Call the womans mother. 4 What mark did the woman get in her exam? ( A) 90. ( B) 95 ( C) 80 5 How did the man feel about his work? ( A) It was interesting but it kept him busy. ( B) He doesnt like it because it is unint

3、eresting. ( C) He likes the work very much. 第二节 听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 6 Why did the man get to sleep so late? ( A) He is doing some medicine research. ( B) He talked with his friend. ( C) He felt pain

4、. 7 What will the woman do for the mian? ( A) Call for a doctor. ( B) Give him some stronger medicine. ( C) Do nothing. 8 Why didnt the girl go to the movies? ( A) She had to review her lessons. ( B) She had seen the movie before. ( C) She didnt want to go with the boy. 9 What did the boy think abou

5、t the girl? ( A) She never studied hard. ( B) She studied very well. ( C) She couldnt pass the exam. 10 Where does the conversation take place? ( A) In a hotel ( B) In a restaurant ( C) At school 11 What are they talking about? ( A) Booking a room ( B) Staying for another few days here ( C) Visiting

6、 the place 12 What are these men doing in the next few days? ( A) They are riding to Spain ( B) They are going to book the room ( C) They are driving to the south of Spain 13 what was the woman planning to do today? ( A) Type the letters ( B) Take her son to the show ( C) Do some spots 14 How many l

7、etters left does the woman have to type? ( A) About 5 ( B) About 8 ( C) About 3 15 what does the man want to do? ( A) Take his son to the show ( B) Type these letters for the woman ( C) Go to the show himself 16 What does the author do at the airport? ( A) Teach airhostesses and help them with probl

8、ems ( B) Be the pilot ( C) Carry luggage for the passengers 17 When does the author usually work every day? ( A) From 1 pm to 9 pm ( B) From 8 am to 4 pm ( C) From 8 am to 9 pm 18 How does the author feel about his work? ( A) It is boring ( B) He is happy with his work ( C) He doesnt want to stay in

9、 his work place 19 What does the man want to buy? ( A) A jacket. ( B) A T-shirt. ( C) A pair of trousers. 20 Which is too expensive? ( A) The blue one. ( B) The black one. ( C) The small one. 21 Why does the man want to buy the blue one? ( A) Its nice and cheaper. ( B) His son likes the color. ( C)

10、There arent any black ones left. 22 When will the man come again? ( A) Tomorrow. ( B) On Monday. ( C) Next week. 23 What is the speaker? ( A) A guide. ( B) A visitor. ( C) A teacher. 24 What is the purpose for the speech? ( A) Discuss the visiting course. ( B) Sell the tickets of the zoo. ( C) Intro

11、duce the park. 25 Where are the animals of Asia? ( A) On the fight of the walkway. ( B) On the left of the walkway. ( C) At the end of the walkway. 26 Where can we see the Monkey Mountain? ( A) At Flamingo Pond. ( B) Beside Asian animals. ( C) After North American animals. 单项填空 27 I knew the manager

12、 has been here for several days because he came to see my father _day ( A) other ( B) another ( C) the other ( D) some 28 Look at the trouble I am in! If only I _your advice ( A) followed ( B) would follow ( C) had followed ( D) should followed 29 -Are you coming to Kates birthday party? -Im not sur

13、e I _go to the theater instead ( A) must ( B) would ( C) should ( D) might 30 -How long are you staying? -I dont know _ ( A) Thats OK. ( B) Never mind. ( C) It depends. ( D) It doesnt matter. 31 Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is not an easy task because technology _so rapidly. ( A) is cha

14、nging ( B) has changed ( C) changed ( D) will change 32 Mike was always speaking highly of his role in the play, _of course, made the others unhappy. ( A) who ( B) which ( C) that ( D) what 33 Im going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything_? ( A) to be buying ( B) to buy ( C) for b

15、uying ( D) bought 34 Mary kept weighing herself to see how much _she was getting. ( A) heavier ( B) heavy ( C) the heavier ( D) the heaviest 35 Stand over there _youll be able to see it better. ( A) or ( B) while ( C) but ( D) and 36 Id like to buy a house-modern, comfortable, and _in a quiet neighb

16、orhood. ( A) in all ( B) above all ( C) after all ( D) at all 37 -Smoking is bad for your health. -Yes, I know. But I simply cant_. ( A) give it up ( B) give it in ( C) give it out ( D) give it away 38 The missing boys were last seen _near the river. ( A) playing ( B) to be playing ( C) play ( D) to

17、 play 39 The conference has been held to discuss the effect of tourism _the wildlife in the area. ( A) in ( B) on ( C) at ( D) with 40 Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health _poor. ( A) proves ( B) remains ( C) maintains ( D) continues 41 When he left _college, he got a job as _reporter

18、 in a newspaper office. ( A) /; a ( B) /;the ( C) a; the ( D) the; the 完形填空 41 It was Clarks first visit to London: Underground Railway. Against【 36】 advice of his friends, he decided to go there after 5 oclock in the afternoon. This is a bad time to【 37】 in London, because numerous people go home f

19、rom work【 38】 this hour. He had to join a long【 39】 of people who were waiting for tickets. When his turn came, he had some difficulty in making himself【 40】 by the man selling tickets. However, he got the right ticket【 41】 the end and, by asking people the【 42】 , he also found the right platform. I

20、t was packed fight【 43】 people. He did not【 44】 to get on the first train, but he was【 45】 to move nearer to the edge of the platform so as to be in a better【 46】 to get on the next one. When this train came in, Clark was【 47】 forward on to the train by the【 48】 of people from behind. The doors clos

21、ed and the train【 49】 off. He was unable to see the names of the stations where the train stopped, but he knew that the station he wanted was the sixth【 50】 along the line. When the train got to the sixth station, Clark got off, feeling good that his【 51】 had been so easy. But he suddenly【 52】 that

22、he had come to a station he had never heard of. He explained his difficulty to a man who was standing on the platform, With a【 53】 on his face, the man【 54】 Clark that he had caught a train going in the opposite【 55】 . ( A) an ( B) some ( C) any ( D) the ( A) leave ( B) visit ( C) stay ( D) travel (

23、 A) on ( B) in ( C) at ( D) by ( A) group ( B) team ( C) queue ( D) crowd ( A) understand ( B) understood ( C) understanding ( D) understandable ( A) in ( B) at ( C) by ( D) on ( A) route ( B) track ( C) way ( D) path ( A) for ( B) of ( C) in ( D) with ( A) manage ( B) succeed ( C) fail ( D) achieve

24、 ( A) able ( B) sure ( C) easy ( D) possible ( A) position ( B) state ( C) seat ( D) way ( A) hurried ( B) crowded ( C) forced ( D) swept ( A) push ( B) rush ( C) drag ( D) brush ( A) began ( B) drove ( C) ran ( D) moved ( A) pause ( B) stop ( C) place ( D) rest ( A) journey ( B) travel ( C) visit (

25、 D) voyage ( A) followed ( B) realized ( C) though ( D) recognized ( A) laugh ( B) look ( C) smile ( D) stare ( A) explained ( B) said ( C) told ( D) advised ( A) direction ( B) path ( C) route ( D) journey 短文理解 61 Forty-thousand of the worlds young children die every day. This is 15 million a year.

26、 Many of these deaths can be prevented. In fact, experts say, techniques now exist to save the lives of half of these children. The techniques are medically effective, simple to use and low cost. The biggest task has been to inform parents about these life-saving techniques. Diarrhea(腹泻 )is the main

27、 cause of death among children in developing countries. Diarrhea results when the body tries to clear itself of harmful bacteria(细菌 ). The body does this by getting out liquids, sometimes uncontrollably. If too much water, sugar and salt are lost in this way, the body cannot work normally. The child

28、 may die. The United Nations International Childrens Fund, UNICEF, introduces a technique. It uses a simple mixture of sugar and salt in water. The mixture does not stop diarrhea. But if used often as needed, it keeps fluid (体液 ) levels normal until the body has fought off the harmful bacteria. In E

29、gypt, for example, the treatment was used in a childrens health care program in the province of Alexandria. It reduced by one-half the number of deaths caused by diarrhea. The technique has now been used throughout the country. 62 According to the passage, a large number of children can be saved onl

30、y when_. ( A) the life-saving ways are medically effective ( B) their parents are rich enough for the life-saving techniques ( C) the life-saving techniques are easy to use ( D) their parents learn the life-saving techniques 63 Which of the following situations will cause the death of a child? ( A)

31、The child clears its body of bacteria. ( B) The body loses liquids without any control. ( C) The child has diarrhea in a developing country. ( D) The body controls its fluid levels. 64 When the mixture is used, it is important to_. ( A) keep sugar and salt in water ( B) drink it as often as necessar

32、y ( C) take it as much as possible ( D) use it to kill the bacteria 64 Nipponex Electrics Tokyo, Japan 27 August, 2008 Ampedite Ltd 146 OLeary St Dublin, Ireland Dear Sirs, Improved ways of production make US able to offer you our change of Drilite batteries(电池 )at a reduced price for large quantiti

33、es Further information of the new prices for your market are sent to you together with the letter, and you will see that the price has already reduced 5 percent As C i f(成本、保险加运费 )to Dub-fin is included in our prices, you will agree that they are clearly lower than those of producers of the same bat

34、teries, both here in Japan and elsewhere The quality of our products remains the same-only the finest chemicals are used The new prices are for the least orders of 1000 pounds and will begin from January 1 Immediate sending off is sure because enough can be made whenever you require it We appreciate

35、 your past dealing and co-operation(合作 )with US, and look forward to supplying you in the new year at the new prices Yours truly, Nipponex Electrics 65 From the passage we know the quality of the products_ ( A) is as high as before ( B) is lower ( C) is improved ( D) is reduced 66 If the Irish expec

36、t to enjoy the 5%of reduction at prices, they should_ ( A) pay the Japanese at least 1000 ( B) order 1000 pounds of batteries in weight ( C) order 1 000 worth batteries at least ( D) pay the Japanese 1 000 ahead 67 Which is NOT the reason of reduction of the price at 5 percent? ( A) The Japanese pro

37、ducer holds a large quantity of stores and cant sell them out. ( B) The Japanese have improved their production means. ( C) They can turn out more products. ( D) They expect to go on dealing with the Irish in the coming year. 68 From the letter, we can know_. ( A) the two sides cooperated before ( B

38、) the Irish should pay for the transportation fee in terms of the new price ( C) they use the best chemicals to improve the quality ( D) they have enough storage that can supply at any time 68 More than 6,000 children were expulsed (开除 ) from U.S. schools last year for bringing guns and bombs to sch

39、ool, the U.S. Department of Education said on May 8. The department gave a report to the expulsions as saying handguns accounted for 58 percent of the 6,093 expulsions in 2003-2004, against 7 percent for rifles(步枪 ) or shotguns and 35 percent for other types of firearms. “The report is a clear sign

40、that our nations public schools are cracking down(严惩 ) on students who bring guns to school,“ Education Secretary Richard Riley said in a statement. “We need to be strong-minded about keeping guns out of our schools and do everything to keep our children safe. “ In March 2004, an 11 years old boy an

41、d 13 years old boy using hand-guns and rifles shot dead four children and a teacher at a school in Jonesboro, Arkansas. In October, two were killed and seven were wounded in a shooting at a Mississippi school. Two months later, a 14 years old boy killed three high school students and wounded five in

42、 Dasucah, Kentucky. Most of the expulsions, 56 percent, were from high schools, which have .students from about age 13. 34 percent were from junior high schools and 9 percent were from elementary schools, the report said. 69 From the first paragraph we can infer that in the U.S. schools_. ( A) stude

43、nts enjoy shooting ( B) students are eager to be soldiers ( C) safety is a problem ( D) students can make guns 70 The report from the U. S. Department of Education shows that_. ( A) the number of the expulsions is not large ( B) the number of the expulsions is wrong ( C) there are soldiers hiding am

44、ong the students ( D) guns are out of control in U.S. schools 71 The main idea of the second paragraph shows us_. ( A) some examples of shooting in U.S. schools ( B) the Americans feeling ( C) some famous schools ( D) that some teachers were killed by students 72 From this passage we know that_. ( A

45、) every American cannot have guns ( B) only soldiers and police can have guns ( C) every American citizen can own guns ( D) teachers have no money to buy guns 72 In period of the summer holidays there will be a revised schedule(修改过的时刻表 ) of services for the students. Changes for dining-room and libr

46、ary service hours and for bus schedules will be posted on the wall outside the dining-hall. Weekly film and concert schedules, which are being arranged(安排 ) ,will be posted each Wednesday outside the student club. During the summer holidays, buses going to the town centre will leave the main hall ev

47、ery hour on the half hour during the day. The dining-room will serve three meals a day from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. during the week and two meals from noon to 7:00 p.m. on weekends. The library will continue its usual hours during the week, but has shorter hours on Saturdays and Sun-days. The weekend

48、 hours are from noon to 5:00 p.m. All students who want to use the library lending services must have a new summer card. This announcement will also appear in the next weeks student newspaper. 73 The main purpose of this text is to_. ( A) tell students of important schedule changes ( B) tell student

49、s of new bus and library services ( C) show the excellent services for students ( D) ask students to renew their library cards 74 At which of the following times will the bus leave the main hall? ( A) 8:00,9:00,10:00,11:00. ( B) 8:30,9:30,10:30,11:30. ( C) 8:30,9:00,9:30,10:00. ( D) 8:00,9:30,11:00,12:30. 75 In the summer holidays, the library will have_. ( A) no spe


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