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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 385及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 What does the man want to order? ( A) Scrambled eggs. ( B) Toast. ( C) Scrambled eggs and toast. 2 Who are the two speakers? ( A) Workers. ( B) Strangers. ( C) Teache

2、rs. 3 What will the speakers do over tonight? ( A) Go to a party. ( B) Stay at home. ( C) Climb mountains. 4 Where are the two speakers? ( A) In a bookstore. ( B) On a bus. ( C) At a post office. 5 What does the man ask the woman to do? ( A) Drink more water. ( B) Stay in bed. ( C) Take some medicin

3、e. 第二节 听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 6 Dose the woman like Chinese food? ( A) Yes. ( B) No. ( C) Unclear. 7 What is the woman s favorite Chinese food? ( A) Beans. ( B) Bean curd. ( C) Peas. 8 What kind of roo

4、m does William Woods want? ( A) A single room. ( B) A double room with bath. ( C) A single room with bath. 9 How much will William Woods pay for the room? ( A) $390. ( B) $400 ( C) $490 10 On which day will William Woods leave the hotel? ( A) On Sunday, Aug. 29th. ( B) On Monday, Aug. 23rd. ( C) On

5、Saturday, Aug. 28th. 11 What is the relationship between the two speakers? ( A) Daughter and father. ( B) Friends. ( C) Couple. 12 What is Kirsty doing in the city? ( A) She is working there. ( B) She is studying there. ( C) She is traveling there. 13 What does Kirsty feel about the city? ( A) It is

6、 a big and busy city. ( B) It is so frightening. ( C) It is really great city. 14 Where does Kirsty live? ( A) In the countryside. ( B) In a house with her roommate. ( C) In an apartment in the downtown. 完形填空 14 In September, in Britain, you may see a lot of birds【 C1】 _on roofs and telegraph wires.

7、 These birds are swallows. They are【 C2】 _together because, very soon, they will be flying【 C3】 _to much warmer lands, where they will find【 C4】 _small flying insects on which they【 C5】 _There are no such insects【 C6】 _in Britain during the winter, as it is【 C7】 _cold for them. The swallows settle,

8、fly off, swoop, and【 C8】 _again. This they do many times, for they are making short【 C9】 _flights in order to be fit for the long journey【 C10】 _them. 【 C11】 _of these migrating birds leave Britain in the autumn. They fly【 C12】_for hundreds of miles【 C13】 _they reach the warm lands of Africa. But no

9、t all the birds get there, for many of them perish in the stormy weather they meet with【 C14】 _ In the spring of the following year they【 C15】 _the long and tiring journey back to Britain. They return to the identical barn or tree in the【 C16】 _district which they had left the 【 C17】 _autumn. How do

10、 these birds find their【 C18】_there and back over such vast distances? Nobody knows exactly【 C19】 _, but it has something to do【 C20】 _winds and air currents. 15 【 C1】 ( A) being perched ( B) perching ( C) being perching ( D) be perched 16 【 C2】 ( A) gathering ( B) assembling ( C) waiting ( D) formi

11、ng 17 【 C3】 ( A) to south ( B) the south ( C) to southwards ( D) south 18 【 C4】 ( A) great number of ( B) a great deal of ( C) plenty of ( D) numerous 19 【 C5】 ( A) feed ( B) are fed ( C) eat ( D) rely 20 【 C6】 ( A) near ( B) about ( C) nearby ( D) over 21 【 C7】 ( A) too ( B) abit ( C) very ( D) muc

12、h 22 【 C8】 ( A) fly off ( B) swoop ( C) settle ( D) turn back 23 【 C9】 ( A) practical ( B) practicing ( C) practice ( D) practised 24 【 C10】 ( A) in advance ( B) ahead of ( C) in front of ( D) in front 25 【 C11】 ( A) Swarms ( B) Herds ( C) Flocks ( D) Schools 26 【 C12】 ( A) firmly ( B) stoutly ( C)

13、harshly ( D) steadily 27 【 C13】 ( A) until ( B) before ( C) when ( D) as 28 【 C14】 ( A) in the way ( B) on the way ( C) half the way ( D) all the way 29 【 C15】 ( A) take ( B) fly ( C) find ( D) make 30 【 C16】 ( A) old ( B) original ( C) familiar ( D) identical 31 【 C17】 ( A) before ( B) previous ( C

14、) ago ( D) former 32 【 C18】 ( A) way ( B) path ( C) course ( D) route 33 【 C19】 ( A) why ( B) when ( C) how ( D) what 34 【 C20】 ( A) against ( B) away ( C) for ( D) with 语法填空 34 Daniel: Good morning, madam. Im Daniel. Im applying for the position of manager. Madam: Sit down, please.【 K1】 _did you le

15、arn about our company? Daniel: I got to know【 K2】 _company through such famous brands as LUX, LIPTOS and WALLS. Your products impressed me deeply. Madam: Well, please tell me【 K3】 _about your past work achievement. Daniel: All right, Madam. When【 K4】 _ (work)for my previous company, I succeeded in r

16、aising the yearly sales volume(销售额 ) 【 K5】 _25% . Madam: Oh, that is quite an achievement! Why have you decided to change jobs? Daniel: I hope to change【 K6】 _I am looking for a more challenging position. There are no more【 K7】 _ (opportunity)for me to grow in my current job. Madam: OK, I understand

17、. But why have you made the【 K8】 _ (choose)to work for us? Daniel: I have【 K9】 _ (careful)studied the information about your company on the Internet and I have checked your company s homepage. The working conditions are so excellent here. I 【 K10】 _ (sincere)hope to be a member of your company. Mada

18、m: That s fine. Thanks for coming to see us. I will let you know about the job within the week. 35 【 K1】 36 【 K2】 37 【 K3】 38 【 K4】 39 【 K5】 40 【 K6】 41 【 K7】 42 【 K8】 43 【 K9】 44 【 K10】 44 Sometime in the next century, the familiar early-newspaper on the front gate will disappear. And instead of re

19、ading your newspaper, it will read to you. You 11 get up and turn on the computer newspaper just like switching on the TV. An electronic voice will distribute stories about the latest events, guided by a program that selects the type of news you want. You 11 even get to choose the kind of voice you

20、want to hear. Want more information on the brief story? A simple touch makes the entire text appear. Save it in your own personal computer if you like. These are among the predictions from communication experts working on the newspapers of the future. Pictured as part of broader home-based media and

21、 entertainment systems, computer newspapers would unite print and broadcast reporting, offering news and analysis with video images of news events. Most of the technology is available(可用的 )now, but convincing(说服 )more people that they dont need paper to read a newspaper is the next step. But resista

22、nce to computer newspapers may be stronger from within journalism. Since it is such a cultural change, it may be that the present generation of journalists and publishers will have to die off before the next generation realize that the newspaper industry is no longer a newspaper industry. Technology

23、 is making the end of traditional newspapers unavoidable. Despite technological advances, it could take decades to replace newsprint with computer screens. It might take 30 to 40 years to complete the changeover because people need to buy computers and because newspapers have established financial(财

24、经的 )interests in the paper industry. 45 What is the best title for this passage? ( A) Computer Newspapers Are Well Liked ( B) Newspapers of the Future Will Likely Be on Computer ( C) Newspapers Are out of Fashion ( D) New Communication Technology 46 It might take 30 to 40 years for computer newspape

25、rs to replace traditional newspapers, because _. ( A) it is technologically impossible now ( B) computer newspapers are too expensive ( C) there is strong resistance from both the general population and professional journalists ( D) traditional newspapers are easy to read 47 Journalists are not eage

26、r to accept computer newspapers, because_. ( A) they don t know how to use computers ( B) they think computer newspapers take too much time to read ( C) they think the new technology is bad ( D) they have been trained to write for traditional newspapers 47 “ How far is it to the next village?“ the A

27、merican asks a man sitting by the side of the road. In some countries, because the man realizes that the traveler is tired and eager to get to his destination(目的地 ), he will politely say “Just down the road“. He thinks this is more encouraging, gentler , and therefore the wanted answer. So the Ameri

28、can drives through the night, getting more and more angry, feeling “ tricked“. He thinks the man purposely cheated him, for obviously he must have known the distance quite well. Had conditions been turned over, the American would have felt he was “cheating“ the driver if he had said the next town wa

29、s close when he knew it was really 15 miles further on. Though, he, too, would be sympathetic(同情的 )to the weary driver, he would say “You have a good way to go yet; it is at least 15 miles“. The driver might be disappointed, but he would know what to expect. Whether to be correct or polite leads to

30、many misunderstandings between people of different cultures. If you are aware of the situation in advance, it is sometimes easier to recognize the problem. 48 The man at the roadside tells the American it is close to the next village because_. ( A) he is playing a trick on him ( B) the American expe

31、cts the answer ( C) he doesn t know the exact distance at all ( D) he wants to encourage him to go further 49 If you ask an American how far it is from the next village, he will_. ( A) tell you the exact distance if he knows it ( B) tell you it is close although he knows it isn t ( C) say that he do

32、esn t know and encourage you to go on ( D) decide whether you are tired or not, and then give you an answer 50 The short passage advises us to_. ( A) be polite but honest to foreigners ( B) learn customs of different countries ( C) decide whether to be polite according to different cultures ( D) tel

33、l more truths to Americans than to people from other countries 50 Robert Spring, a 19th century forger(伪造者 ), did well in his job that he was able to make his living for 15 years by selling false signatures of famous Americans. Spring was born in England in 1813 and arrived in Philadelphia in 1858 t

34、o open a bookstore. At first he made some money by selling his small but real collection of early US autographs(亲笔签名 ). Discovering his ability at copying handwriting, he began to learn the signatures of George Washington and Ben Franklin and write them on the title pages of old books. To reduce the

35、 chance of being discovered, he sent his works to England and Canada for sale. Forgers have a difficult time selling their products. A forger can t go to a respectable buyer but must deal with people who don t have much knowledge in the field. Forgers have many ways to make their works look real. Fo

36、r example, they buy old books to use the aged paper of the title page, and they treat paper and ink with chemicals. After the Civil War, Britain was still fond of the southern states, so, Spring invented a respectable lady known as Miss Fanny Jackson, the only daughter of General “Stone Wall“ Jackso

37、n. For several years Miss Fanny s money problems forced her to sell a great number of letters belonging to her famous father. Spring had to work very hard to satisfy the demand. All this activity did not prevent Spring dying in poverty. 51 Why did Spring sell his false autographs in England and Cana

38、da? ( A) There was a greater demand there than in America. ( B) There was less chance of being discovered there. ( C) Britain was Spring s birthplace. ( D) The prices were higher in England and Canada. 52 Robert Spring spent 15 years_. ( A) running a bookstore in Philadelphia ( B) writing letters to

39、 Miss Fanny Jackson ( C) as a forger ( D) as a respectable seller 53 According to the passage, forgers are usually sold to_. ( A) experts ( B) persons who aren t experts ( C) book sellers ( D) owners of old books 54 Who was Miss Fanny Jackson? ( A) The only daughter of General “Stone Wall“ Jackson.

40、( B) A little known girl who sold her father s letters to Robert Spring. ( C) Robert Spring s daughter. ( D) An imaginary person created by Spring. 补全文章 54 Where would you most like to go on vacation? Paris? London? The Amazon Rainforest? Each of these destinations is attractive.【 B1】 _ As a new wor

41、d, staycation refers to people staying at home during their vacation time, and going sightseeing around their hometown. Staycations have become really popular recently, as a way of having an enjoyable vacation, without spending too much money. There are shortcomings to every positive thing, however.

42、 【 B2】 _You also might prevent yourself from enjoying things to the fullest, as the atmosphere might be the same as any other time. 【 B3】 _It means you won t be available for work or other activities. What can you do to make your staycation fun? 1. Go to a nearby town, or to a fancy hotel in your ho

43、metown and stay overnight. Treat yourself to room service and any other fun things the hotel has to offer. 2.【 B4】 _ You would have done it on a vacation, right? Treat yourself to this, at least for one day! 3. Throw a small party. Think about the money you are saving by not going away. You will sti

44、ll save money, but have more fun, and you will help other people to have fun too! 4. Go shopping! Window shopping, or the super fun type, where you buy things! You would have bought souvenirs(纪念品 )if you had gone on a vacation, so treat yourself during your staycation! The most important thing to re

45、member is to do things that make you and your family excited! 【 B5】 _ AEat out for every meal! BGo on a day trip to a nearby town, or to a beach. CBut why not remain at home and enjoy a staycation? DIf you are on a staycation, you might get calls from work. EMost of the time it involves dining out m

46、ore frequently than usual. FMake sure you all have fun, and when it is over, you feel refreshed. GThe trick is to make sure your friends and co-workers know you are on a staycation. 55 【 B1】 56 【 B2】 57 【 B3】 58 【 B4】 59 【 B5】 第二节 书面表达 60 假设你是王霞,计算机专业,即将毕业,现在想要申请去美国留学,就此写一封 100词左右的英文申请信。要点: 1简单的自我介绍

47、 2申请理由 注意:可以适当添加细节,以使行文连贯。 改写对话 61 阅读下面的对话,根据其内容写一篇有关该调查的说明文。 要求: 1所写短文应与对话相关内容意义相符,涵盖其要点。 2用你自己的语言来表达,可以改写对话中的句子,但不可以照抄原句。 注意:词数 80词左右。 Tina: What are you reading, Chris? Chris: A report about a recent Harris poll. They asked people in different countries how they spend their spare time. Tina: Soun

48、ds interesting. But I spend so much time working that I dont have much time left for leisure activities. Chris: Exactly. The report says the average working hours for Americans is 50 hours a week. Tina: And we also have to sleep, eat, and take care of our families. Chris: Still, having time to relax

49、 and pursue your hobbies is important. Tina: Yeah, I agree. So what do people do in their free time? Chris: Americans read the most in their spare time. Tina: Yeah, you can often see people with books on the subway or while waiting for the bus. Chris: The NO. 2 popular activity is watching TV. Tina: I totally understand that. Don t you ju


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