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1、在职攻硕英语联考(阅读)模拟试卷 11及答案与解析 一、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your an

2、swer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 0 The family is a social institution. The importance of the family in an individuals life usually depends on the size of the society. In small, primitive (原始的,早期的 ) societies, the family is the dominant social institution in an individu

3、als life. In larger, more complex societies, other social institutions are created to meet the needs of an individual. There are two basic family structures. The first structure is the extended family. The extended family includes all of an individuals blood relatives, including spouse, children, pa

4、rents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, cousins, and aunts and uncles. The nuclear family is limited to the basic family nucleus: father, mother, and children. The extended family structure tends to exist in agricultural societies. In such societies family ties serve as a strong source of cultura

5、l and societal interaction. The nuclear family structure tends to exist in industrialized societies. In industrial societies, other social institutions (such as religion, education, and government) act as the primary sources of cultural and societal interaction. 1 Based on the information in the pas

6、sage, it can be inferred that the extended family is most likely to be found in agricultural societies because_. ( A) agricultural societies are larger than industrial societies ( B) agricultural societies have fewer social institutions ( C) agricultural societies are stronger than industrial societ

7、ies ( D) extended families are less complex than nuclear families 2 Based on the information in the passage, all of the following can be concluded about extended and nuclear family structures EXCEPT that_. ( A) the nuclear family generally is smaller than the extended family ( B) the family is more

8、important in primitive societies than in industrialized societies ( C) the extended family structure can not survive in an industrial society ( D) the nuclear family generally is not as strong a source of cultural and societal interaction as the extended family 3 The author implies that the developm

9、ent of social institutions other than the family in a society would probably lead to_. ( A) the end of the family as a social institution ( B) the rise of industrialization ( C) the rise in importance of the extended family ( D) the decrease in the need for the extended family 4 Which of the followi

10、ng best illustrates the idea of the extended family? ( A) A son travels from New York to Chicago to visit his parents. ( B) A father and his children go to church. ( C) A man and woman marry and move away from their parents. ( D) A young girl learns how to read from her grandmother. 5 As it is used

11、in the second paragraph of the passage, the word “spouse“ means_. ( A) a husband or wife ( B) a waiter or waitress ( C) a bridegroom or bride ( D) a doctor or nurse 5 The economy of the United States after 1952 was the economy of a well-fed, almost fully employed people. Despite occasional alarms, t

12、he country escaped any postwar depression and lived in a state of boom. An economic survey of the year 1955, a typical year of the 1950s, may be typical as illustrating the rapid economic growth of the decade. The national output was valued at 10 percent above that of 1954 (1955 output was estimated

13、 at 392 billion dollars). The production of manufacturers was about 40 percent more than it had averaged in the years immediately following World War II. The countrys business spent about 30 billion dollars for new factories and machinery. National income available for spending was almost a third gr

14、eater than it had been in 1950. Consumers spent about 256 billion dollars; that is about 700 million dollars a day, or about twenty-five million dollars every hour, all around the clock. Sixty-five million people held jobs and only a little more than two million wanted jobs but could not find them.

15、Only agriculture complained that it was not sharing in the boom. To some observers this was an ominous (不祥 的 , 恶兆的 ) echo of the mid-1920s. As farmers share of their products declined, marketing costs rose. But there were, among the observers of the national economy, a few who were not as confident

16、as the majority. Those few seemed to fear that the boom could not last long and would eventually lead to the opposite depression. 6 What is the best title of the passage? ( A) The Federal Budget of 1952. ( B) U. S. Economy in the 1950s. ( C) The Unemployment Rate of the 1950s. ( D) The Agricultural

17、Trends of the 1950s. 7 In the second sentence, the word “boom“ could best be replaced by_. ( A) rapid economic growth ( B) general public support ( C) thunderous noise ( D) nearby explosion 8 It can be inferred from the passage that most people in the United States in 1955 viewed the national econom

18、y with an air of_. ( A) suspicion ( B) disappointment ( C) confusion ( D) confidence 9 Which of the following were LEAST satisfied with the national economy in the 1950s? ( A) Steelworkers. ( B) Politicians. ( C) Farmers. ( D) Economists. 10 The passage states that income available for spending in t

19、he U. S. was greater in 1955 than in 1950 by_. ( A) 90% ( B) 33% ( C) 50% ( D) 60% 10 “Block patrol (巡逻 ,巡逻队 ),“ “community watch“ “civilian patrol. “ They may have different names in different cities across the country but they all are civilian volunteer groups that help police department in major

20、metropolitan (大城市的 ) areas. In the volunteer groups, men and women are trained by local police to watch for potential trouble in their neighborhood. Spotting a suspicious looking vehicle or person can help police to fight crime in the neighborhood. Aside from keeping an eye on the neighborhood, volu

21、nteers often perform other duties. Civilian volunteers may work at parades or other types of gatherings, freeing the police to do their main job catching criminals. Volunteers in some cities also conduct surveys to make people aware of ways that they can protect themselves from being crime victims.

22、Some volunteers help people to engrave identification numbers on their personal property. Such a number would make the retrieval (追回 ) of a stolen item easier. Other volunteers watch children who may need help going to and from school. If you are interested in becoming a part of the volunteer group

23、in your area, contact your local police department. 11 The author is primarily concerned with_. ( A) the different duties of police officers ( B) crime in major metropolitan areas ( C) civilian volunteer groups that help the police ( D) how volunteer groups started 12 The author mentions all of the

24、following as duties of civilian volunteers EXCEPT_. ( A) reporting unusual vehicles ( B) engraving valuables with identifying marks ( C) helping children on their way to school ( D) shopping for the elderly and handicapped 13 The author would probably consider civilian volunteer groups to be_. ( A)

25、helpful to the police department and an asset to the community ( B) less important than other types of volunteer workers ( C) taken advantage of because they do not get paid ( D) overworked because of their heavy burdens 14 As it is used in the third paragraph of the passage the word “engrave“ means

26、_. ( A) cut or carve (words, designs, etc. ) on (a hard surface) ( B) occupy all the time or attention of (somebody) ( C) print (a design, the date, lettering, etc. ) on paper, cloth or some other surface ( D) make letters, pictures, etc. on paper by pressing an inked surface against it 15 Which of

27、the following would be the most appropriate word for the authors attitude towards the civilian volunteer groups and their duties? ( A) Criticism. ( B) Praise. ( C) Sympathy. ( D) Indifference. 15 It is often claimed that nuclear energy is something we cannot do without. We live in a consumer society

28、 where there is an enormous demand for commercial products of all kinds. Moreover, an increase in industrial production is considered to be one solution to the problem of mass unemployment. Such an increase presumes an abundant and cheap energy supply. Many people believe that nuclear energy provide

29、s an inexhaustible and economical source of power and that it is therefore essential for an industrially developing society. There are a number of other advantages in the use of nuclear energy. Firstly, nuclear power, except for accidents, is clean. A further advantage is that a nuclear power statio

30、n can be run and maintained by relatively few technical and administrative staff. The nuclear reactor represents an enormous step in our scientific evolution and, whatever the anti-nuclear group says, it is wrong to expect a return to more primitive sources of fuel. However, opponents of nuclear ene

31、rgy point out that nuclear power stations bring a direct threat not only to the environment but also to civil liberties. Furthermore, it is questionable whether ultimately nuclear power is a cheap source of energy. There have, for example, been very costly accidents in America, in Britain and, of co

32、urse, in Russia. The possibility of increases in the cost of uranium (铀 ) in addition to the cost of greater safety provisions could price nuclear power out of the market. In the long run, environmentalists argue nuclear energy wastes valuable resources and disturbs the ecology to an extent which co

33、uld bring about the destruction of the human race. Thus, if we wish to survive, we cannot afford nuclear energy. In spite of the case against unclear energy outlined above, nuclear energy programmes are expanding. Such an expansion assumes a continual growth in industrial production and consumer dem

34、ands. However, it is doubtful whether this growth will or can continue. Having weighed up the arguments on both sides, it seems there are good economic and ecological reasons for sources of energy other than nuclear power. 16 The writers attitude toward nuclear energy is_. ( A) indifferent ( B) favo

35、rable ( C) tolerant ( D) negative 17 According to the opponents of nuclear energy, which of the following is true of nuclear energy? ( A) Primitive. ( B) Exhaustible. ( C) Cheap. ( D) Unsafe. 18 Some people claim that nuclear energy is essential because_. ( A) it provides a perfect solution to mass

36、unemployment ( B) it represents an enormous step forward in our scientific evolution ( C) it can meet the growing demand of an industrially developing society ( D) nuclear power stations can be run and maintained by relatively few technical and administrative staff 19 Which of the following statemen

37、ts does the writer support? ( A) The demand for commercial products will not necessarily keep increasing. ( B) Nuclear energy is something we cannot do without. ( C) Uranium is a good source of energy for economic and ecological reasons. ( D) Greater safety provisions can bring about the expansion o

38、f nuclear energy programmes. 20 The function of the last sentence is to_. ( A) advance the final argument ( B) reflect the writers attitude ( C) reverse previously expressed thoughts ( D) show the disadvantages of nuclear power 20 The most fundamental group to which a person belongs is the family. T

39、he institution of the family exists in almost every human culture. It is considered by behavioral scientists to be one of the oldest institutions in human history. The family unit serves many important functions. The performance of these functions is the reason for the familys importance. Above all,

40、 the family serves as a mechanism of species survival. Families also have important economic functions. In primitive societies, the tasks of gathering food and providing shelter were divided among family members. Today, both husband and wife may work and share the duties of homemaking and child rear

41、ing. In addition to its survival and economic functions, the family gives its members social status. In many societies, a person is not considered a complete member until he has married and produced children. Finally, the family helps to meet the basic emotional needs of a person through the love an

42、d support received from parents, siblings (兄弟或姐妹 ), and relatives. 21 Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage? ( A) The family has changed greatly over time. ( B) Many of the functions of the family today are being performed by government agencies. ( C) The most important rol

43、e for the family is to gather food. ( D) The family has served many useful functions throughout history. 22 According to the passage, which of the following is an example of the role of the family in giving status? ( A) A child is taught to respect his elders. ( B) A couple works for several years t

44、o save for the purchase of a home. ( C) A politician makes a campaign commercial with his family. ( D) A mother comforts a child after he skins his knee. 23 It can be concluded from the passage that the family is_. ( A) undergoing many changes ( B) the only useful social institution ( C) likely to e

45、xist in future societies ( D) not the same today as it was in the past 24 As it is used in the second paragraph of the passage, the word “mechanism“ means_. ( A) parts of an organism or system which work together ( B) racial group united by language, religion, customs, etc. ( C) the people living in

46、 one place, district or country, considered as a whole ( D) a worker skilled in using or repairing machines or tools 25 Based on the information in the passage, you can infer that the passage is_. ( A) about the familys mechanism of species survival ( B) about the social, economic, and emotional use

47、fulness of the family throughout human history ( C) about duties of the family shared by both husband and wife ( D) about the emotional needs received from parents, siblings, and relations 在职攻硕英语联 考(阅读)模拟试卷 11答案与解析 一、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 pas

48、sages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 【知识模块】 阅读 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这是一道推断题。文中第一段第三句、第四

49、句说: “在小的、早期的社会中,家庭是支配个人生活的社会机构。在较大的、较复杂的社会中,其他社会机构被创造出来以满足个人的需要。 ”在文中第三段中我们得知,这种支配个人的家庭,即大家庭倾向存在于农业社会。原因 就在于在这种社会中缺乏满足个人需要的其他社会组织。 【知识模块】 阅读 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题可通过排除法找到答案。在文中第二段通过对大家庭与核心家庭的成员对比来看,核心家庭的成员无疑要比大家庭的成员少得多,因此选项 A的内容文中已涉及,应排除。由第一段我们得知,家庭在早期社会中是支配个人生活的社会机构,因而非常重要。在第三段最后一句中我们得知,在工业社会中,其他的社会组织充当了人们进行社会、文化交流的主要来源。由以上我们可以推断出,家庭在早期社会所起的作用比在工业社会中更重 要,选项 B可排除。第三段第二句说: “在这样的社会中,家庭是维系人们社会与文化交流的核心场所。 ”结合文中最后一句,我们可以断定:作为人们社会和文化交往的核心场所,核心家庭普遍不如大家庭那么重要。因此选项 D可排除。 【知识模块】 阅读 3 【正确答案】 D 【


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