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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 431及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) $14. ( B) $15.00 ( C) $2 more. ( D) $24.00 Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded qu

3、estions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) Because they were red. ( B) Because they were worn out. ( C) Because they were new. ( D) Because they were out of style

4、. ( A) She bought one pair of shoes at last. ( B) She bought three pairs of shoes at last. ( C) She didnt buy any pair of shoes at last. ( D) She bought two pairs of shoes at last. ( A) Its wet. ( B) Its foggy. ( C) Its wet and foggy. ( D) Its cool and dry. Section C Directions: This section is to t

5、est your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 5 What did Peter find when he woke up one morning?

6、 He found that the floor of his room was _. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 6 _ the cause, they were able to propose to a remed

7、y. ( A) Found ( B) Having found ( C) Have found ( D) Having been found 7 It was not until 1920 _ regular radio broadcasts began. ( A) while ( B) which ( C) that ( D) since 8 How I wish I _ that! Everybody was angry with me. ( A) didnt do ( B) hadnt done ( C) wouldnt do ( D) wasnt doing 9 The work th

8、ey are doing is _great value. ( A) in ( B) of ( C) by ( D) from 10 Here is the ticket for _ 4708 to New York. You may go to the airport right now. ( A) plane ( B) flight ( C) train ( D) airplane 11 It cost her a lot of money, but she doesnt regret _ a year traveling around the world. ( A) to have sp

9、ent ( B) to spend ( C) spent ( D) spending 12 _, we shall go on a picnic. ( A) The weather is fine ( B) Should weather be fine ( C) The weather being fine ( D) Would weather be fine 13 Fresh air and exercise _ good health. ( A) contribute to ( B) result from ( C) attribute to ( D) draw on 14 I had n

10、o idea about that accident _ my mother told me. ( A) until ( B) unless ( C) except ( D) if 15 There may be a need for retraining if you expect employees _ new technology. ( A) using ( B) use ( C) to use ( D) used Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each

11、bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 16 A few people who do not agree with us about the matter havent realized the (important) _ of the matter. 17 Jack must (go) _ away-we cant find him anywhere in the factory. 18 Jim had to exert all his (strong) _ to pull the man out of th

12、e fiver. 19 Mr. Green (not receive) _ my letter, otherwise he would have replied by now. 20 To my surprise, Jenny, as well as her parents, (be) _ unfriendly to me. 21 I got to the station, only (find)_ that the train was pulling out. 22 A series of cultural programmers (hold)_ in Shanghai to celebra

13、te this largest national sports meeting in history. 23 He remembers_ (take) to Paris when he was a very small child. 24 We should read more and see more in order to (wide) _ our horizons. 25 Consumers have become less interested in 3D TV at home, partly because of (have) _ to wear special glasses. T

14、ask 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 25 Most men and more than half of the women in North Americ

15、a work. In fact, many people who are lazy and dont work for a living are looked down upon, such as people who have got a fortune from their parents, or those who receive money from the government when they are young enough to take a job. Americans usually are expected to work hard at their regular j

16、obs. They have believed that they felt shameful if they did not work as hard and carefully as they could, and God would punish those who were careless or lazy in their work. This is called the “work ethic“. Its roots are in the Bibles teachings: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.“ and “Do no

17、t work to please men, but just please God.“ For 400 years or more, it has been a characteristic of Americans. Historians say that this “work ethic“ was perhaps the single most important reason for the rapid economic growth and continuing success of the United States, For the sake of better work, now

18、 companies are much more flexible in the number of days and hours their employees work. Many offices now allow their employees to choose the time they begin in tile morning, so long as they arrive before 10:00 am and work for 8 hours. In America, there are women who choose to stay home as homemakers

19、 rather than to pursue a career. This is possible if the husbands salary is enough to support the family. These women value family over career, and are not considered lazy by any means. 26 In America, “work ethic“ refers to _. ( A) inheriting fortune from parents ( B) receiving the governments help

20、when one is young ( C) no eating without working ( D) working hard and carefully as he/she could 27 According to the passage, tile American economy grows fast essentially because of ( A) the peoples attitude towards work ( B) peoples hard and careful work ( C) the role of the government ( D) the inf

21、luence of the religion 28 Which of the following is TRUE about the passage? ( A) American companies allow each worker to choose the time to begin work. ( B) American women who are homemakers are very lazy. ( C) Men work harder and more carefully than women in America. ( D) Women as homemakers place

22、more importance to family than work. 29 _can not be looked down upon according to the passage? ( A) People who have got a big fortune from parents ( B) Young people who receive money from the government ( C) Women who choose to stay as homemakers ( D) Employees who are lazy at work 30 The best title

23、 of the passage might be _. ( A) The Development of American “Work Ethic“ ( B) Flexible Working-time Arrangements ( C) The Work in America ( D) The Role of Work in America Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 31 Lond

24、oners are great readers. They buy a vast number of newspapers and magazines and even of books especially paperbacks, which are still relatively cheap in spite of the ever-increasing rises in the cost of printing. They still continue to buy “proper“ books, too, printed on good paper and bound between

25、 hard covers. There are many streets in London containing shops which specialize in bookselling. Perhaps the best known of these is Charring Cross Road in the very heart of London. Here the bookshops of all sorts and sizes are to be found, from the famous one which boasts of being “the biggest book-

26、shop in the world“ to the tiny, dusty little places which seem to have been left over from Dickens time. Some of these shops stock, or will obtain, any kind of books, but many of them specialise in second-hand books, in art books, in books on philosophy, politics or any other of the many subjects ab

27、out which books may be written. One shop in this area specializes in books about ballet(芭蕾舞 )! 31 Compared with “paperbacks“, as is suggested in this passage, “proper“ books are _. ( A) more costly ( B) more valuable ( C) more difficult to read ( D) more enjoyable to read 32 This passage has mention

28、ed all of the following except _. ( A) the size of the books ( B) the size of the bookshops ( C) the Londoners as enthusiastic readers ( D) the various subjects of books 33 The biggest book-shop in the world is perhaps _. ( A) a praise of the shop from the author of the passage ( B) a praise of the

29、shop from readers in London ( C) words quoted from the shop owners advertisement ( D) a lie by the shop owner to cheat the reader 34 When the author mentions “the tiny, dusty little places“, he refers to _. ( A) very dirty bookshops ( B) very old bookshops ( C) very useful bookshops ( D) very handy

30、bookshops 35 The last sentence of this passage expresses the authors _. ( A) curiosity ( B) amazement ( C) doubt ( D) disbelief Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answ

31、ers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 36 June 15, 2007 Dear Sir, Your shipment of twelve thousand “Smart“ watches was received by our company this morning. However, we wish to make a number of complaints concerning the serious delay in delivery and your failure to carry out our instru

32、ctions with regard to this order. Late delivery of the goods has caused us to disappoint several of our most valued customers. The second complaint concerns the mismatch in color between the watches we ordered and those delivered. As a result of the above problems, therefore, we feel that the most s

33、uitable course of action is to return to you unpaid any of the goods considered unsatisfactory. We look forward to your prompt reply. Yours sincerely, Marks Swift Managing Director, Johnson & Sons Ltd. There are (46) “Smart“ watched in the shipment. This letter of complaint concerns the serious (47)

34、 and the mismatch (48) . Later delivery caused the disappointment of several (49) . Those watches will be returned to the seller (50) . Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. T

35、han you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 40 A demand deposit B fixed deposit C face value D cash payment E Automatic Teller Machine F black market G cable transfer H chain bank I high rate savings J not transferable K open an account L current account M irr

36、evocable credit N credit card O receipt in foreign currency 51. ( )现金支付 ( )电汇 52. ( )定期存款 ( )开户 53. ( )不得转让 ( )自动柜员机 54. ( )面值 ( )不可撤销信用证 55. ( )活期存款 ( )高息储蓄 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60

37、) following them. 46 “Lets have an imu!“ exclaims one of the Scouts. That settles it, for everyone considers an imu one of the tastiest meals at camp. This is the way it is prepared. A hole eighteen inches deep and eighteen inches square is dug and lined with rocks. A pile of crisscross(十字形 ) firewo

38、od is built up on a platform of split wood. On the third layer of wood is placed a layer of flat stones. The fire is kept burning until the stones are almost white hot. Stones and coals are then leveled off in the bottom of the hole. Vegetable tops or sweet leaves wild grape, sweet gum, sycamore (梧桐

39、 ) are moistened and thrown in. On top of the leaves is placed a two-and-one-half-pound chicken or game bird for every three Scouts. Also for each Scout there is one white potato, one sweet potato, one carrot, two ears of corn, and, for dessert, one apple. All this is covered with more leaves, then

40、with a piece of dampened heavy cloth, and all is buried beneath earth so that no steam can escape. In three to four hours it is time to feast. 46 What is an imu? Its one of _. 47 Where is the firewood laid? _. 48 How are the stones healed? The stones are heated by _. 49 Where are the heated stones f

41、inally placed? They are placed _. 50 How is the food finally covered? It is covered with a piece of _. 51 All of these arrangements were a prelude to the ball, the hostess ultimate aim. ( A)所有这些安排都只是这次舞会的序曲,这也是女主人的最终目的。 ( B)所有这些安排都只是这 次舞会的序曲,舞会才是女主人的最终目的。 ( C)这些安排都成了这次舞会的开场戏,这是女主人的最大目标。 ( D)女主人的最终目的

42、是全力为舞会安排一个序幕。 52 Mr. White, who has worked for the customer service center for 12 years, is retiring next month. ( A)怀特先生到下个月退休时已经在顾客服务中心工作 12年了。 ( B)怀特先生下个月将退休,他在顾客服务中心已工作 12年了。 ( C)怀特先生下个月将 退休,他在顾客服务中心成立 12年时就在那里工作了。 ( D)怀特先生要为顾客服务中心工作 12年才能退休。 53 Peter admitted it was unfair that Mary gets away w

43、ith things that Jane would be punished for. ( A)彼得认为,这是不公正的,即做错了事不罚玛丽却罚珍妮。 ( B)彼得认为,玛丽拐走了珍妮为之受罚的物品是不公平的。 ( C)彼得承认,玛丽做错了事不受罚而让珍妮代其受罚是不公平的。 ( D)彼得承认,做 错了事玛丽逃脱惩罚而让珍妮受到惩罚是不公平的。 54 Ocean transportation is widely used because it is a relatively low-cost way to transport goods, and it can easily handle lar

44、ge shipments. ( A)人们在宽阔的海面上运输货物,因为它价格低并且运货量大。 ( B)海洋运输被广泛使用,因为很容易用大船运送较为低廉的商品。 ( C)人们广泛使用海洋运输,因为它运费较低而运 量较大。 ( D)海洋运输被广泛使用,因为它运量大,并且容易航行。 55 Taking notes in class is not a trifling (细小的 )thing. It reflects ones ability to understand and make a logical arrangement of the highlights (重点 )of a chapter

45、in a course. Today we have two ways of taking notes: one is to copy everything written by the teacher on the blackboard. The other is to choose the important, useful and key points to write down. Notes are very helpful resources, and are especially important for test/preparation. 一、 Part V Writing (

46、25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an letter or composition according to the following information. 56 假如你是王宏,男, 26岁,毕业于广州大学,从今天报纸上得知某公司招聘翻译或导游,你认为自己具备条件,希望得到面试的机会。 大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 431答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section i

47、s to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and

48、D. 1 【听力原文】 Mall: The red shirt is 10 dollars and the white one is 2 dollars more. Woman: The gray one is twice as much as the white one. Question: How much is the gray shirt? 1 【正确答案】 D Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorde

49、d conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. 2 【听力原文】 M: May I help you? W: Yes, I want to buy some shoes to repl


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