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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 445及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) Have met for several time. ( B) Classmates. ( C) Dont know each other before. ( D) Friends. ( A) The temperature dropped below freezing. ( B) It was very cold. ( C) It was mildly cold in the early winter last year. ( D) It was ver

3、y cold during Christmas time. ( A) The woman hopes for a good pay. ( B) The woman dislikes her present work. ( C) The woman is sure to have a new job. ( D) The woman shows interest in the job. ( A) The bookstore. ( B) The supermarket. ( C) The post office. ( D) The library. ( A) $50. ( B) $250. ( C)

4、 $500. ( D) $1,000. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a questi

5、on, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) She is going to the park. ( B) She is going to the exhibition. ( C) She is going to a concert. ( D) She is going to attend a meeting. ( A) Clever. ( B) Mad. ( C) Stupid. ( D) Lazy. Section C Directions: This sect

6、ion is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 8 Who was the most important person in

7、the speakers childhood? The speakers_. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 9 The news he had landed on the moon spread all over the

8、 world. ( A) which ( B) that ( C) what ( D) as 10 Its already ten oclock. Its time we _ the meeting. ( A) would start ( B) start ( C) will start ( D) strated 11 After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _ tractors in 1998 than the year before. ( A) as twice many ( B) as many twice

9、 ( C) twice as many ( D) twice many as 12 _ of the machines on display were made in China. ( A) Second-fifths ( B) Two-fifth ( C) Two-fifths ( D) Second-fifths 13 When I visited your country again last year I found it completely_. ( A) to be changed ( B) changed ( C) to change ( D) changing 14 Nobod

10、y knew what this guy _ all these years. ( A) had been doing ( B) have being doing ( C) was doing ( D) has been doing 15 _ with his assignment, the professor told Jack to write it again. ( A) Not satisfying ( B) Not having satisfying ( C) Not to satisfy ( D) Not being satisfied 16 His drunken driving

11、 resulted in a serious accident, _ 10 people to death. ( A) caused ( B) causing ( C) having caused ( D) to cause 17 The May Day Holiday _ over, we must now get down to work. ( A) be ( B) being ( C) to have been ( D) to be 18 So loudly _ that people could hear it out in the street. ( A) did the stude

12、nts play the music ( B) the students playing the music ( C) the students played the music ( D) have the students played the music Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 19 If Robinson_(learn

13、) how to swim, he wouldn t have been trapped on that island. 20 His great effort in designing the new model was well (pay) _ in the en 21 His mother being very worried, he regrets (tell) _ her that he has lost his job. 22 I saw the man (knock) _ down by a ear in the street. 23 Presently he made the

14、suggestion that they (carry on) _ their conversation in French. 24 I began to learn the guitar, and (discover) _that I was pretty good at it. 25 Most students _ (take) sixty credits by the time they graduate. 26 Its known to everyone that to smoking _(permit) in the library. 27 He might have been ki

15、lled in that car accident yesterday if he (take) _ part in that activity with the team. 28 Greatly (encourage) _ by his friends, Jack has signed up for the singing competition. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 thr

16、ough 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 29 The process of recycling can give things not only a new life but, in some cases, a different one. Glass bottles, for example, can become drinking glasses. First, the base is remo

17、ved from the bottle. Then the bottle is turned upside down and the neck is attached to the base. The used bottle that would have been thrown away has now become a good-looking drinking glass. It is not easy to make this happen, though. The biggest problem is how to attach the base to the neck of the

18、 bottle turned upside down. Two South African businessmen, Sean Penrith and Philip Tetley, looked for a large glass manufacturer that could do it. But they had no luck. So they experimented for eight months. After many bottles were broken, they found a way. Their company, called Green Glass, won a B

19、usiness of the Year award in 1994. It was voted among the best new businesses in South Africa. The inventors received worldwide patent rights to own the process they developed. More recently, the Green Glass idea has expanded into markets in Europe and the United States. Green Glass U.K. says on its

20、 Website that it now makes 150,000 glasses per year. The factory in Cornwall, England, employs 10 people. The company says it saves 90 percent of the energy normally used to make recycled glasses. The energy is saved because the glass is not melted. The glass is heated, however, to strengthen it. Th

21、e Green Glass process takes about three hours to make a bottle into a drinking glass. The bottle goes through seven machines, all designed and built by the company itself. Broken bottles cannot be used. So Green Glass U.K. says it must find bottles anywhere it can. 29 What is the main idea of the pa

22、ssage? ( A) An Energy-saving way to recycle bottles into drinking glasses. ( B) How to make drinking glasses. ( C) Recycling gives used bottles a new life. ( D) Green Glass received worldwide patent rights. 30 The processes of making drinking glasses by Green Glass are a. the bottle is turned upside

23、 down. b. the neck is attached to the base. c. the base is removed from the bottle, d. the glass is heated to strengthen it. ( A) a, d, c, b ( B) c, a, b, d ( C) c, d, b, a ( D) a, c, b, d 31 How long does it take to make out a glass according to Green Glass Company? ( A) Eight months. ( B) Ten days

24、. ( C) Three hours. ( D) Seven minutes. 32 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ( A) The new way of recycling used bottles is said to save 10 percent of the energy normally used to make recycled glasses. ( B) Each year, Green Glass Company makes 150,000 glasses at most. ( C) Many

25、 bottles are broken when making a new drinking glass. ( D) The seven machines used to make glasses are all designed and built by the company itself. 33 The energy is saved because _. ( A) the factory only needs ten people to produce glasses ( B) in the new way, broken bottles can be used, too ( C) t

26、he inventors received worldwide patent rights to own the process they developed ( D) the glass is heated to strengthen it Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 34 Memo Date: January 15, 2002 To: Employees in Research

27、and Development Department From: Mary Silvers, Project Manager Re: New Flex-Time Policy Beginning March 1, 2002 The company is offering a new flex-time schedule to all employees. You must sign up for this plan by Feb. 20, 2006, in order to use it. Components of the Plan Employees must agree to: * Wo

28、rk 40 hours a week (except normal vacation time, sick leave, or holiday weeks) * Work a minimum of 4 days a week * Work no more than 12 hours a day * Arrive at work no later than 9:30 a. m. * Leave work no earlier than 3: 30 p. m. (unless you have completed 40 hours that week) Scheduling Considerati

29、ons Employees may schedule work time as long as it fits the above criteria. Employees who sign up for this new flex time scheduling must declare their work hours during the previous week. The supervisor will take responsibility for recording each employees work schedule. Employees who wish to try th

30、is new plan must stay on it for three months before returning to the current policy. Employees who may want to start it later, must wait until January of the next calendar year to sign up. Important Reminder Remember Sign up by Feb. 20 to take advantage of the new Flex-Time schedule. 34 The memo is

31、about ( A) the employees will take responsibility for recording each employees work schedule ( B) supervisor who may want to start it later, must wait until January of the next calendar ( C) New Flex-Time Policy Beginning March 1, 2002 ( D) employers may schedule work time as long as it fits the abo

32、ve criteria 35 From the passage we know that standard memos are divided into segments to _ . ( A) organize the information and to help achieve the writers purpose ( B) start it later and wait ( C) sign up ( D) to try a new plan and stay on 36 From the passage, we may find the purpose of a memo is us

33、ually found in the _ . paragraph. ( A) second ( B) last ( C) middle of the ( D) opening 37 The purpose statement of a memo gives your _ it and forecasts what is in the rest of the memo. ( A) reason for writing ( B) reason for thinking ( C) information to memory ( D) information to remember 38 Memo i

34、s an abbreviation to ( A) memory ( B) memoir ( C) memorandum ( D) menu Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 39 G

35、entlemen, Your letter of September 10 brought us the invoice (发货清单 ) of your last shipment; and with the exception of the item forming the subject of this letter, we have found all the goods quite satisfactory. With regard to the 30 pcs. No. 100 Silk Crepe, however, we much regret to find ourselves

36、under the necessity of rejecting them, as they are wrong in both quality and width. The quality is far below the pattern on which we placed the order with you; the width is narrower by 2 inches than that ordered. These errors on your part will cause us to disappoint our important customers, to whom

37、the goods must be delivered, and we are now placed in a very awkward position. We hope you will put the matter fight at once, letting us know by cable what you are going to help us out. Carelessness of this kind makes us incline to give our orders to your competitors. Yours faithfully Complaint of d

38、efective quality: 1) Products complained: (46) . 2) Problems: The defective products have (47) and it is (48) than that ordered. 3) These products will certainly bring disappointment to (49) of the buyer. 4) The buyer expects (50) of this problem from the seller. Task 4 Directions: The following is

39、a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 44 A self-help bank B virtual bank C clearing bank D policy bank E bank outlets F financ

40、ial reform G wholly state-funded commercial bank H monetary policy I price-rise index J pro-active fiscal policy K over-issuance of currency L individual income regulatory tax M value-added tax N Asian financial crisis O The Central Bank P commercial bank 51.( )积极财政政策 ( )金融改革 52.( )清算银行 ( )自助银行 53.(

41、 )商业银行 ( )物价指数 54.( )虚拟银行 ( )中央银行 55.( )货币政策 ( )亚洲金融危机 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 49 Ugly Is Only Skin-deep It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exte

42、rior beats an air-cooled engine. It wont boil over and ruin your piston rings. It wont freeze over and ruin your life. Its in the back of the car for better traction on snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas. After a while you get to like so much about the VW, you even

43、 get to like what it looks like. You find that theres enough legroom for almost anybodys legs. Enough headroom for almost anybodys head. With a hat on it. Snug-fitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. Theyre so airtight, its better to open the window a crack first! T

44、hose plain wheels are each suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesnt make the other wheel bump. Its things like you pay the 1585 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesnt add a thing to the cost of the car. Thats the beauty of it. 49 What does the ad talk ab

45、out? It talks about _ . 50 What is beneath the humble exterior? Beneath that humble exterior beats an _ . 51 How many miles will it give you to a gallon of gas? _ miles. 52 What will happen when a bump makes one wheel bounce? The bounce doesnt make the _ bump. 53 How much should you pay for the VW?

46、54 Today the electronic computer is used in solving mathematical problems having to do with weather forecasting and putting satellite into orbit ( 轨道 ). ( A)今天电子计算机应用于解决一些数学问题,这些问题不得不处理天气预报和把卫星送入轨道。 ( B)今天电子计算机被用于解决数学问题,这些问题与天气预报和把卫星送入轨道有关。 ( C)今天电子计算机不得不被用于解决天气预报和把卫星送入轨道一类的数学问题。 ( D)今天电子计算机不得不被用解决数

47、学问题的方法处理天气预报和把卫星送入轨道等问题。 55 The computers available range from easy-to-learn ones to the most powerful ones. ( A)现有的计算机有从简单易学到功能极强各种类型。 ( B)现有的计算机在简单易学和功能很强的范围内变化。 ( C)有效的计算机或者简单易学,或者功能极强。 ( D)计算机可提供给初学到能力极强的不同程度的人。 56 One out of five Chinese studying abroad goes to the United States. ( A) 5个中国人中的一个

48、正在美国学习。 ( B) 5个中国人中的有一个出国是去美国学习的。 ( C)去国外学习的中国人中有 1/5去了美国。 ( D) 1/5的中国留学生去了美国。 57 In international marketing negotiations, it is advisable for small and medium-sized exporters not to limit their discussions to pricing issues ( A)在对国际市场进行的谈判中,明智的做法是中小型的出口者不要把商谈限制在定价问题上。 ( B)在进行国际营销的谈判时,中小规模的出口商最好不要把商谈仅限于价格上。 ( C) 在进行国际营销的谈判之际,中小规模的出口商不把商谈局限于价格上是可取的。 ( D)在国际市场的谈判上,它建议中小型的出口者不要局限他们的讨论于定价问题上。 58 Let it be known that Mr. Li Ming, native of Chengdu, Sichuan Province, male, born on April 15, 1981, having specialized in Hardware Technolo


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