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1、大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 180及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct an

2、swer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Yes, I do. But I dont like reading novels at night. ( B) I like reading novels on Sunday. ( C) No, I dont. ( D) I like watching TV in the evening. ( A) I usually go to school at seven in the morning. ( B) I go to bed at ten every day. ( C) My mother

3、 usually goes to bed at seven in the evening. ( D) I usually get up at seven every day. ( A) It is pink. ( B) Yes, I like it. ( C) No, I like red. ( D) White. But my favorite color is red. ( A) Im fine. ( B) Dont worry. ( C) I have a bad cold. ( D) Thank you. ( A) He lives in that street. ( B) Lets

4、go. ( C) Yes, I did. ( D) Im so sorry to hear that. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a

5、 question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) She loves to come along. ( B) She feels it a pity not to be able to join them. ( C) She doesnt like a party. ( D) She spent a nice day in that way before. ( A) Jill. ( B) Lucy. ( C) Jane. ( D) John. ( A)

6、 In a bank. ( B) In a restaurant. ( C) In a grocery shop. ( D) In a radio studio. ( A) Two turns. ( B) Four turns. ( C) One turn. ( D) Three turns. ( A) Its 6:15. ( B) Its 6:05. ( C) Its 5:35. ( D) Its 5:45. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage ha

7、s some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the blank in order of numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.

8、11 There are some great differences between a traditional family and a modern one. The first important difference is in the (11) . In the past, the husband was the only one who worked outside the home. And it was the husband who usually made decisions about (12) . But now the husband is not the only

9、 one who may do so. The (13) is in the womans role. In the past, a woman worked until she had children. But now she works outside the home even when she has children. (14) , she is busier. The final difference is in the role of the children. In the past, children were mostly (15) by their mother. Bu

10、t now children have to get up early and get ready for school themselves and some of them may even have to make breakfast themselves. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from

11、the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 What he said _ reasonable this time. ( A) tastes ( B) sounds ( C) looks ( D) feels 17 Seldom _ my neighbor in such good mood(心情 ) since I moved here. ( A) I saw ( B) I have seen ( C) have I seen ( D) Do I seen 18 He is going to pick up his parents, so we _ wi

12、th him. ( A) neednt to go ( B) dont need go. ( C) neednt go ( D) neednt going 19 The situation will continue to become worse _ we take some measures. ( A) when ( B) because ( C) if ( D) unless 20 It is said that this medicine is _ against fever. ( A) economic ( B) easy ( C) expensive ( D) effective

13、21 He has changed his _ about spending so much money on the book. ( A) brain ( B) head ( C) mind ( D) thought 22 While _ in Paris, the old artist picked up some French. ( A) staying ( B) stay ( C) stayed ( D) to stay 23 Please wait me for a moment. I will be ready ( A) by the way ( B) right away ( C

14、) at last ( D) in that case 24 If you travel in a strange place, a tour _ may save you a lot of time. ( A) director _ ( B) helper ( C) guide ( D) assistant 25 If you dont _ smoking and drinking, she will break up with you. ( A) gave up ( B) give up ( C) had given up ( D) will give up Section B Direc

15、tions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 26 The room wants _ (clean) before National Day. 27 She asked the tailor to _ (short) her trousers. 28 Do not judge a man by his _ (appear) 29 _ (luck), she survived

16、the air crash. 30 We were all surprised at Marys rare _ (able) to imitate other people. 31 If you intend _ (visit) the National Garden, please contact me soon. 32 John went to town yesterday and had his computer _ (repair) there. 33 He has been working very hard and his schoolwork has shown much _ (

17、improve) since last term. 34 Weve almost run out of gas, so wed better _ (stop) at the next gas station to fill up. 35 _ (walk) along Fifth Avenue for a while, they decided to have dinner at Rockfeller Centre. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfin

18、ished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 36 Many people in the world live in big cities, which are often dirty and difficult places to live in. So, some cities will get bigger. They will al

19、so get higher, and lower, because people will begin to live under the ground as well as in tall buildings. Scientists also say that men can begin to live in cities under the sea, when there is not enough space on the land. Of course, these new cities will be very expensive, and difficult to build, b

20、ut they are not impossible. Already, some countries are building places to live under the ground so their people can go there if there is a new war. There are underground cities in Switzerland and China, built by the government to help some of the people live after a great war. But will the people c

21、hange if they live under the ground for a long time? For example, some fish go blind if they live in the dark for a long time. People will not go blind, because there will be light underground, but they may change in some way. Scientists say that people who live in cities today are losing their sens

22、es of smell, touch and taste. They cant smell the dirty air, they cant taste the chemicals in their food. These senses are not as strong as before, when people lived in the country and grew their own food. The city has changed that. What will the underground city change us? 36 People will live under

23、 the ground because_. ( A) its neither hot nor cold there ( B) theyll be afraid of the war ( C) there 11 be less space on the ground ( D) theyll make their life comfortable 37 The passage tells us_. ( A) some new cities have been built under tile ground ( B) itll be difficult to build the new cities

24、 under the ground ( C) people will spend much money building new cities under the ground ( D) both B and C 38 Some countries try to build some palaces under the ground so that people will be able to live there_. ( A) when summer comes ( B) when a war breaks out ( C) because they think itll be safer

25、for them ( D) when theyre fed up with the life on the land 39 People will lose some senses under the ground because_. ( A) the world are polluted ( B) its dark there ( C) they cant see the far-away things ( D) they cant grow their own food in the sun 40 In the authors opinion, the cities have change

26、d peoples senses except_. ( A) the sense of smell ( B) the sense of taste ( C) the sense of sight ( D) both A and B Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 41 5 Steps to Becoming a Better Net worker We all have places t

27、o go and people to impress (or at least get them to remember us!). Unfortunately, no one ever teaches us how to mingle with a crowd and leave an impression. Here are five steps to becoming a snazzy networker in your own right. 1. You dont have to be an Extrovert: Most people think that the best net

28、workers are the extroverted bubbly types. Not at all ! Some of the best networkers I know are actually introverts. Why? Because they are usually better listeners. At events where everyone is trying to talk, a genuine listener stands out from the crowd. People remember those who listen to them. 2. We

29、ar a Scarf: . or a wild tie or a bold necklace. You dont have to consider yourself stylish, but do pick one item to wear that allows you to stand out. 3. Do Something Nice: Doing something nice for people is always appreciated and remembered. 4. Keep in touch with the people you meet. It is best to

30、email someone two days after a conference or an event. They will still remember you, but will also have had enough time to unwind and catch up on other Business. 5. Be a Hub: A hub is a connector. Find a way to connect people with what they need and you will be valued. 41 If you want to be a good ne

31、tworker, you should_. ( A) not dress up smartly ( B) do something nice ( C) not see the people you met anymore ( D) keep talking when you are with friends 42 Which of the following is TRUE?_ ( A) Listening to others is better than talking in some circumstances. ( B) You should introduce to everyone

32、you dont know. ( C) Not emailing someone is a good way. ( D) You dont have to keep in touch with the people you met. 43 “INTROVERTS“ are the kind of people who_. ( A) are good at communicating with people ( B) are export-oriented ( C) always talk to others ( D) are good listeners 44 What is this pas

33、sage talking about?_ ( A) How to be a good leader. ( B) Several ways to do business. ( C) How to be a successful net worker. ( D) How to keep in touch with people. 45 Which one of the following is mentioned in the Paragraph One? _ ( A) Be a nice person. ( B) Be a connector. ( C) Be a good listener.

34、( D) Be a talkative person. Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 46 Theres the emperor of northern India, Shah J

35、ehan, also called the King of the World. In 1612, Shah Jehan married Mumtaz Mahal. Madly in love, they had 14 children over the next 20 years. But then sadness came. As Mumtaz was about to give birth to child number 14, she said she had heard her unborn baby cry out. It was a sign of death. And as M

36、umtaz lay dying, she asked Jehan to build a lasting memorial(纪念物 ) to celebrate their love. When the heartbroken Jehan appeared eight days after his wifes death, his people were shocked to see that his coal-black hair had turned snow-white. Putting away his sadness, Jehan ordered his wifes dying wis

37、h carried out. More than 20,000 workers labored nearly 22 years to complete the construction. In 1653, Jehan placed Mumtazs remains in the center under the building. And then, son number five, Aurangzeb, murdered his brothers and took over the power from his aging father. Jehan lived the rest of his

38、 days-eight years, to be exact-imprisoned not far from the Taj Mahal. Jehan was only allowed to climb onto the top of his prison to see the timeless treasure from a distance. But never again would he be allowed to visit it-until he was buried next to his wife. Today 25,000 people visit the Taj Mahal

39、 each day. Though the reason for building the tower was a strange, sad story, those who see its breath-taking beauty are reminded of the happiness that inspired(激发 的灵感 )its construction. 46 The Taj Mahal was first built as _. 47 Mumtaz thought _was a sign of death. 48 People were shocked to see that

40、 Jehans coal-black hair had _after his wifes death. 49 _took over the power from Jehan. 50 We learn from the text that Mumtaz probably died in _(which year). Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese

41、 in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 51 A. Goods in great demand J. Local and subsidiary products B. Goods for everyday consumption K. Out-of-stock commodity C. Aluminum product L. Smuggled goods D. Leather goods M. Fragile goods E

42、. Articles of handicraft art N. Certified goods E Export goods withdrawn for sale on home market O. Livestock products G. Cosmetics P. Nutriment H. Duty-free goods Q. Negotiated-priced goods I. Durable consumer goods R. Inferior goods 51 ( ) 农畜产品 ( ) 手工艺品 52 ( ) 免税商学品 ( ) 日用消费品 53 ( ) 次品 ( ) 走私货 54

43、( ) 紧俏商品 ( ) 出口转内销商品 55 ( ) 议价商品 ( ) 脱销产品 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 56 MEMO OF AN ANSWER TO A STAFF To: Chang Jiahua From: Peng Zhe Subject: Request for Paid Educatio

44、n Leave Date: April 30, 2004 In response to your request for one year of paid education leave to take a degree in literature, I have to inform you that we cannot authorize this leave. While we appreciate your desire to improve your knowledge, we feel that literature is not directly related to your p

45、resent position and to the goals of this organization. The Personnel Administration Act, Article 26, is very specific and states that “paid education leave must be granted only when the required training is directly related to the job or would facilitated promotion of an employee“. I am aware of you

46、r great interest in literature, and I would like to point out that you could gain advantage to apply for leave without pay. Furthermore, this branch offers financial help for employees who take evening courses. If you need additional information on the above, do not hesitate to contact me at any tim

47、e. 56 How long is the paid education leave that Mr. Chang plans to have? 57 In what field does Mr. Chang plan to study? 58 What reason does Peng Zhe give to refuse Mr. Changs request? Because Mr. Changs education program is not related to his present position and _ of this company. 59 What suggestio

48、n does Peng Zhe give to Mr. Chang? To apply for _ . 60 What will be provided if Mr. Chang wants to take evening courses? 61 Einstein is so famous that there is no one who doesnt know him. ( A)爱因斯坦并不有名,所以每一个人都不知道。 ( B)爱因斯坦是那样有名,以至于无人不晓。 ( C)爱因斯坦是那样有名,以致人人不知道。 ( D)爱因斯坦是那样有名,但几乎没有人不 知道。 62 He didnt go straight home after school, but went to work as waiter in a restaurant. ( A)放学后他没有直接回家,而是到一家餐馆当服务员。 ( B)放学后他没有按时回家,而是先到一家餐馆当服务员。 ( C)放学后他先直接回家,然

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