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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 296及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) Shed like to get tickets for the game very much. ( B) Shes not interested in the game. ( C) Shes already got some tickets for the game. ( D) She feels sorry that the man has misunderstood him. Section B Directions: This section is

3、 to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choic

4、es marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) Jim often goes to the cinema. ( B) Jim goes to the cinema once a week. ( C) Jim doesnt like watching TV. ( D) Jim seldom stays at home. ( A) A teacher. ( B) A manager. ( C) A doctor. ( D) A computer engineer. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability t

5、o comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 4 How much has China reduced its population since 1970? China has al

6、ready cut its rate of population growth by _. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 5 We cant go into all the details of the case now

7、; I merely mention it _. ( A) in no case ( B) by the way ( C) for a start ( D) at a time 6 Time _, I shall invite you to dinner tonight. ( A) permitted ( B) that permitting ( C) is permitted ( D) permitting 7 Busy he is. he can fulfill the task ahead of schedule. ( A) because ( B) no matter how ( C)

8、 although ( D) as 8 The old man and his dog were _ to each other. ( A) helped ( B) attached ( C) formed ( D) engaged 9 My aunts health is _, if not poorer than _. ( A) as poor, my uncle ( B) as poor as, my uncles ( C) so poor as, my uncles ( D) as poor as, my uncle 10 Is he _ much from his injuries?

9、 ( A) suffering ( B) bearing ( C) standing ( D) tolerating 11 He _ the train if he hadnt been stuck in traffic jam on the way to the railway station. ( A) couldnt miss ( B) wouldnt have missed ( C) mustnt have missed ( D) shouldnt miss 12 There is no knowing _ may happen in that case. ( A) which ( B

10、) that ( C) who ( D) what 13 The boy asked the teacher to excuse _. ( A) him to interrupt her ( B) him from interrupting her ( C) that he has interrupted her ( D) his interrupting her 14 Mary has _ his wedding until September. ( A) put up ( B) put forward ( C) put out ( D) put off Section B Directio

11、ns: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 15 You are required to (fast) _ the seatbelt when driving so as to protect yourself. 16 The Chinese people are doing things no one (do) _ so far. 17 I dont think it wort

12、hwhile (spend) _ tens of thousands of dollars on the furniture. 18 (judge) _ from my experience, he will be late. 19 (Worst of all), the “greenhouse effect“ could cause polar ice caps (to melt), (raising) sea level (too high) that some cities would vanish. 20 The water in the river (pollute) _ since

13、 the factory was put into production. 21 In the near future the computers (use) _ even more widely. 22 I looked (hurry) _ over the apples in the basket and took one that looked good. 23 Many a student _ (ask) the same questions by the teacher in yesterdays class. 24 After the flood, life was (extrem

14、e) _ difficult for the farmers in this area. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 25 The World

15、Wide Web is more than just news, stock reports, and electronic storefronts. Its also one of the best sources for information on recreational activities. From model trains to motorcross (摩托车越野 ), from genealogy to gymnastics, if someone is “into it“, chances are theres a web page about it. Interested

16、 in movies? All of the major film studios maintain web sites where you can download sound and video clips from their latest releases. There are thousands of fan pages devoted to movies and TV programs. Yahoo!s X-Files category alone, for instance, contains hundreds of sites created by, shall we say,

17、 extremely enthusiastic fans of the show. Theres even a whole sub-category devoted to fans who want to see the two leads on the show have a relationship. If the moving image doesnt thrill you, there are other media to indulge in. You can listen to audio samples from four favorite band, look at far d

18、rawings from Japanese anim (硬树脂 ) shows, or read the literature of Emily Dickinson, Virginia Wolfe, or any of a thousand other authors whose works are either wholly reprinted or expected online. Interactive games are also a popular web activity. Chess enthusiasts can play real-time, graphically enha

19、nced games with people from all over the world. Those interested in interactive role-playing games will find their favorites in Yahoo!s Computer Games: Role Playing category. If youre just interested in going solo, there are whole galleries of innovative games that will keep you occupied for a long

20、time. 25 Whats the meaning of “Clips“ in the first paragraph? ( A) Short pieces. ( B) Ingredients. ( C) Episodes. ( D) Currents. 26 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? ( A) You can download music and video clips from the latest releases on websites. ( B) Little is

21、 wholly devoted to fans who want to see the two leads on the show have a relationship. ( C) Therere some categories containing hundreds of sites created by fans of the show. ( D) You cant find other media to indulge in if videos dont attract you. 27 We can inferred from the passage that _. ( A) not

22、all the film studios maintain websites where you can download sound and video clips ( B) you can enjoy movies and music clips from websites ( C) therere many fans with a wide range of favorites of the shows ( D) you can listen to audio samples or literature of Emily Dickinson, Henry James, tec. 28 I

23、f the moving image doesnt thrill you, you are most likely to _. ( A) listen to audio samples from your favorite, bands ( B) look at fan drawings from Japanese anim shows ( C) read the literature of Emily Dickinson, Henry James, Charles Dickens, etc. ( D) all of the above 29 Which one is the most app

24、ropriate title of the article? ( A) Yahoo!s X-Files ( B) Yahoo!s Categories ( C) Yahoo!s Sub-categories ( D) Movies and Music Online Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 30 “One time, I couldnt find Paro and was look

25、ing for him everywhere,“ says one caretaker at the Kirara nursing home in Japans Nanto City. “Finally I found Paro sleeping in a patients bed.“ Paro is a robotic baby sealcovered with white furthat was developed over 12 years at a cost of some $10 million by Japans National Institute of Advanced Ind

26、ustrial Science and Technology. Nanto is one of the first cities in the world to experiment using robots to help care for the elder citizens. According to the nursing staff, Paro, which responds to human voices and loving touches, has become part of the family. In fact, nurses often find elderly pat

27、ients covering the robot in blankets and trying to feed it snacks, even though Paro cant really eat. Its no surprise that Japan is turning to technology for help with one of its most troublesome problems: an aging population. Japan is said to be with 28% of the population expected to be 65 years or

28、older by 2010.Fewer young people would like to be caretakers. Perhaps robotic companions can ease some of the burden. But whether robots can adequately handle this responsibilitypositively impacting both the health and well-being of the elderlyremains an open question. Alan Beck directs one such stu

29、dy. He said they placed Aibo, a robotic dog made by Sony, in the homes of isolated senior citizens to determine whether the robotic pet can improve quality of life. Though the final results have not yet been published, preliminary(初步的 ) conclusions indicate that the robotic dog is treated much like

30、a family pet, drawing behaviors commonly associated with companionship, including sharing thoughts and feelings. Beck says participants felt more comfortable and less lonely with Aibo. Dr. Takanori Shibata, the creator of Paro, and his colleagues found that robot interaction lowered stress, elevated

31、 moods and decreased depression. Additionally, Paro encouraged communication and social behavior among subjects. Whats more, Shibata found that brain activity increased 50% in patients with dementia(痴呆 )after just twenty minutes with Paro. Caretakers were positively affected as well. The robots not

32、only decreased nursesstress levels but also gave them something to discuss with their elderly patients. 30 What are Paro and Aibo according to the authors introduction? ( A) They are family pets. ( B) They are robotic caretakers. ( C) They are robotic animal companions. ( D) They are toys for senior

33、 citizens. 31 Japan is turning to the research of robotic animals because ( A) it can do the jobs of a nurse ( B) it helps cure elderly patients ( C) it is popular to many families ( D) it has an aging population and fewer caretakers 32 What did the creator of Paro himself find about robot interacti

34、on? ( A) It can adequately impact the health and well-being of the elderly positively. ( B) It stimulates brain activity of patients with dementia. ( C) It has little effect on lowering stress, elevating moods and decreasing depression. ( D) It only positively affected the patients. 33 Which of the

35、following statement is true? ( A) Nanto is the first city to experiment with using robots to help care for the elder citizens. ( B) Paro can respond to human voices and loving touches. ( C) Companion robots have the ability to eat. ( D) Aibo can understand thoughts and feelings of human being. 34 We

36、 can infer that the authors attitude towards the robotic companion is _. ( A) suspicious ( B) confused ( C) optimistic ( D) disagreeing Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write y

37、our answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 35 A company needs staff not only who have the right qualifications and experience, but also who are happy to fit in with the companys way of doing things. Our managers have to accept the idea that everyone working here is a colleague and

38、that spending time actually in the store with colleagues and customers, rather than in their office, is part of the job. For management post, we organize pre-interview group exercises to measure team-working and leadership skills, sometimes along with activities to assess personal qualities. In all

39、our interviews we pay attention to body language. And like all employers, we want to take on staff who are at ease with colleagues and customers so it is important to watch the way candidates behave, as well as listen to what they have to say. Interview Staff needed: both have the right (46) and fit

40、 in with (47) of doing things. Expectation from the managers: the employees spend time in the store with (48) . Pre-interview group exercises: designed to measure team-working and (49) of candidates. The interviewers will pay attention to (50) in all their interviews. Task 4 Directions: The followin

41、g is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 40 A-socialist economy B-capitalist economy C-collective economy D-planned economy

42、E-controlled economy F-rural economics G-liberal economy H-mixed economy I-political economy J-protectionism K-primary sector L-private sector M-public sector N-economic channels O-economic balance P-economic fluctuation Q-economic depression R-economic stability S-economic policy T-economic recover

43、y U-economic trend V-economic situation 40 ( ) 经济平衡 ( ) 经济复原 41 ( ) 公共部门 ( ) 社会主义经济 42 ( ) 经济趋势 ( ) 经济波动 43 ( ) 混合经济 ( ) 政治经济学 44 ( ) 自由经济 ( ) 经济形势 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) followin

44、g them. 45 Room 504, Xiamen Hotel March 15th, 2005 Dear Sir or Madam, I arrived in Xiamen from Nanjing this morning by Express Train No.25 . At the Nanjing station I registered a trunk, but when I went to your luggage office to draw it this afternoon. I was told it was missing. The check I hold is N

45、o. 100694 . I shall be very much obliged if you will kindly trace the missing article at once, as there are in it many important things. of which I am in urgent need. My trunk bears my personal name “James White”. I am now staying in Room 504, Xiamen Hotel. If you have retrieved it, please inform me

46、 soon or contact me by calling 8765432. Thanks! James White 45 When does he arrive in Xiamen? 46 Which train does he take? 47 Where does he register his trunk? At_ 48 What is the number of the check he holds? 49 Where is he staying now? 50 We wish that you hadnt had such a lot of work to do last eve

47、ning because we know that you would have enjoyed the party. ( A)我们真希望你昨晚没那么多工作要做,因为我们都知道你肯定希望享受晚会之乐 。 ( B)我们希望你昨晚没那么多工作要做,因为我们都知道你能分享晚会的欢乐。 ( C)我们昨晚还希望你没那么多工作要做,因为我们都知道你肯定已经享受到了晚会的快乐。 ( D)我们真希望你昨晚没那么多工作要做,因为我们都知道你肯定愿意享受晚会的欢乐。 51 We live in a time when, more than ever before in history, people are mo

48、ving about. ( A)我们在那里住了一段时间,当时,比历史上以往任何时期都多的人们都在四处走动。 ( B)我们在那里住了一段时间,当时,人们正在比历史上任何时期都多地四处走动。 ( C)我们生活在一个时代里,在这个时代里,人们正在比历史上任何时期都多地四处走动。 ( D)我们生活在一个人们四处奔波甚于历史上任何时期的时代。 52 In the current job market, once you obtain practical experience as well as higher education, you are bound to find a good job. (

49、A)现今的求职市 场上,你曾有过实践经验及高学历,可以找到一份好工作。 ( B)现今的求职市场上,尽管你有实践经验及高学历,但找到一份好工作的机会很少。 ( C)现今的求职市场上,你一旦有高学历也有实践经验,就一定能找到一份好工作。 ( D)现今的求职市场上,你一旦有高学历也有实践经验,也不一定能找到一份好工作。 53 He insisted on purchasing another house, which he had no use for. ( A)他已经没有什么用处了,但还要坚持再头一套住房。 ( B)他坚持 要再买一套房子,尽管他并无此需要。 ( C)他坚持再买一套没什么用的房子。 ( D)他坚持再买一套闲置无用的房子。 54 T


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