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1、大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 459及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct an

2、swer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Sony, you cant. ( B) Im busy now. ( C) Thank you. ( D) Sure. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialo

3、gues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Hell give the woman help. ( B) Hell do the work himself. ( C) He cant finish the work alone. ( D) He cant help the woman. Section C Directions:

4、 In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage has some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the blank in order of numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third

5、 reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. 3 Reading is pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like sport: your eagerness and【 11】 and quickness make you a good reader. Reading is【 12】 , not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes

6、your mind work. Your own imagination works【 13】 the authors or even goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas【 14】 as you understand his. As a result of reading, you will become better,【 15】 kinder or more gentle. Section A D

7、irections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 8 Many of our dreams _ impossible in the past have come true. ( A) were considered ( B) to be considered (

8、 C) considering ( D) considered 9 Once environmental damage _, it takes many years for the system to recover. ( A) is done ( B) will be done ( C) has done ( D) is to be done 10 That war _ 2 years. ( A) stayed ( B) finished ( C) lasted ( D) completed 11 It is hot outside. Id rather you _ the room. (

9、A) not leave ( B) dont leave ( C) wont leave ( D) didnt leave 12 It was Japan _ launched the war against China. ( A) that ( B) when ( C) whom ( D) which 13 If you had _ the doctors advice, you would have recovered already. ( A) followed ( B) listened ( C) heard ( D) made 14 They have _ stories about

10、 animals behavior. ( A) talked ( B) told ( C) said ( D) Spoken 15 I am still unable to make myself_in the discussion, which worries me a lot. ( A) to be understood ( B) understanding ( C) understood ( D) understand 16 _ aloud is a very useful way to learn English. ( A) Read ( B) Reads ( C) Reading (

11、 D) Being read 17 We are delighted at the news _ they have started the business cooperation youre your company. ( A) that ( B) when ( C) which ( D) what Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets

12、. 18 Spring Festival is a (tradition)_ festival in China. 19 They are having their house (paint) _. 20 It is not hard for one (do) _ a bit of good. 21 Dont worry. She will give you a call as soon as she (reach) _ Shanghai. 22 The teacher raised her voice to make herself (hear) _. 23 We should get ou

13、rselves (prepare) _ to meet the challenge of the society. 24 My uncles _ (marry) is destined to fail. 25 He always has great trouble (understand)_what the teacher says in class. 26 In these five years, the foundation (基金会 ) (collect) _ a large amount of money. 27 This picture (take) _ by a young rep

14、orter in Beijing last month. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 28 Toronto-The chairman of th

15、e World Anti-Doping Agency said Friday his agency would complete 3,500 drag tests in the 12 months before the Salt Lake games, including 1,200 in the two months before the opening ceremonies. “What we want is that ou 28 How many drugs tests will be conducted before the Salt Lake Olympic Games? ( A)

16、4, 700. ( B) 1,200. ( C) 3,500.00 ( D) 2, 300. 29 What can be inferred from the underlined statement? ( A) All Olympic athletes are only winners, not heroes. ( B) Some Olympic athletes are only winners, not heroes. ( C) Some heroes are Olympic winners. ( D) All of the Olympic champions are both hero

17、es and winners. 30 According to the third paragraph, which of the following statement is me? ( A) 24 results showed the actual use of illegal drugs. ( B) The commission will make more analysis of all the 2, 500 tests. ( C) 24 out of 2, 500 tests showed possible positive results. ( D) 2, 500 tests wi

18、ll be conducted on athletes after the Olympic games. 31 The future goal of World Anti-Doping Agency is _. ( A) to set an anti-doping code for the 2004 Olympic Games ( B) to tell the general public the danger of taking illegal drugs ( C) to set different anti-doping code for different countries ( D)

19、to set a singe anti-doping code accepted by the governments of Olympic countries 32 According to Pound, which of the following statements is NOT true? ( A) Anyone who has taken the illegal drugs will be found out. ( B) Drugs tests will make the competition fair play. ( C) All athletes seem to have t

20、aken the illegal drugs. ( D) The role of the Agency will probably be changed in the future. Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 33 If you ever have a chance to go to Finland (芬兰 ), youll probably be surprised to fin

21、d how “foolish“ the Finnish people are. You can go anywhere for one dollar, tell the driver to drop you at any place, say that you have some business to attend to, a 33 The word “foolish“ in the first paragraph probably means _. ( A) friendly ( B) crazy ( C) stupid ( D) funny 34 We may conclude from

22、 the statement “And the driver will not show the least sign of anxiety“ that _. ( A) the taxi driver is quite aware of the social customs ( B) the taxi driver has confidence in the passengers good faith ( C) the taxi driver has got used to such a thing ( D) all of the above 35 The dining rooms in al

23、l big hotels _. ( A) serve their guests free of charge ( B) also serve the people who dont live in the hotel free of charge ( C) check the guests registration card carefully ( D) are easily cheated by people 36 The statement “With so many loopholes in everyday life, surly Finland must be heaven to t

24、hose who love to take petty advantages“ means _. ( A) Because people are very lazy to correct the mistakes in their daily life, it provides a good chance for those who like taking advantages ( B) Since people take everything easy in the daily life, Finland is a safe place for those who enjoy benefit

25、ing from such carelessness ( C) There are so many advantages to take in the daily life that those who are fond of making good use of it find Finland is a good place ( D) People all like to live in Finland because the Finns enjoy much freedom 37 The phrases “which is which“ and “what is what“ suggest

26、 _. ( A) the Finns are foolish ( B) the Finns are simple-minded ( C) the Finns take things seriously ( D) the Finns dont take precautions against others Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). Y

27、ou should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 38 FAQ about the SITES Internship(实习 ) Program 1. What kind of internships does SITES offer? SITES (Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service) offers internships in exhibition planning, public relations, marketi

28、ng, and fundraising(筹款 ). 2. How much time does an internship take? An internship requires at least 20 hours per week. Some interns work full-time (40 hours per week). An internship may last between one and four months. 3. Can I explore more than one topic or skill? According to your interests and t

29、he needs of our organization, you may be involved in more than one project. 4. Who may apply? Individuals who have completed at least one full semester at an undergraduate college or university. Graduate students are also encouraged to apply. 5. Will I get paid for my internship? Because of limited

30、funding, SITES internships are volunteer positions. 6. Where can I stay during my internship? See the Internship Housing Guide for reference. FAQ about the SITES Internship Program 1. SITES offers internships in exhibition planning, (46) , marketing and fundraising. 2. An internship will last one to

31、 (47) . 3. You can take part in more than one project, according to your interests and the needs of our organization. 4. People who have completed at least (48) at an undergraduate college or university can apply. 5. SITES internships are (49) as a result of limited funding. 6. To know where to stay

32、 during your internship, please see the (50) for reference. Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO.

33、 51-55. 43 Aad BApt CCorp DIQ EGMT FWTO GVOA HBBC ICD JUFO KOPEC LUNESCO Minfo NVIP Opop PROM QBC RBS SMA TMBA UPE Vradar 51. ( )体育 ( )重要人物 52. ( )不明飞行物 ( )格林尼治标准时间 53. ( )理学士 ( )联合国教科文组织 54. ( )智商 ( )公寓 55. ( )世界贸易组织 ( )工商管理硕士 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage

34、 you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 48 November 15, 2007 Dear Sirs: Thank you for your letter of 2 November. We are delighted to hear that you are pleased with the refurbishment (刷新 ) of your hotel. As you know in our line of work, we depend on goo

35、d re- ports about our projects to win further business. Our clients always shop around and look for references before committing themselves. With your permission, we would like to use your hotel as a reference when we discuss similar refurbishments in the hotel industry. Would you agree to our sugge

36、sting that future clients should call you? It would also be most helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at your hotel. We would, of course, stay overnight at least. Ill call you next week to hear your reaction. Thanks again for you kind words. Yours faithfully Smith Manager 48 What

37、happened to the clients hotel? The hotel _. 49 According to the writer, how can he win farther business? Depend on _ about his projects. 50 What do the clients usually do before they clean their hotels? They always shop around and _. 51 What does the writer want to use the hotel they have just refur

38、bished? 52 What would the company do if other clients come to see the reference hotel? They would _ at least. 53 Scientists have been trying to come up with biological explanations for the difference between boys and girls. ( A)科学家们已经努力提出用生物学来解释男孩与女孩间的这种并异。 ( B)科学家们已经试图把男生与女生之间的差异用生物来解释。 ( C)科学们一直试图

39、从生物学的角度来解释男孩和女孩间的差异。 ( D)科学家们已经试图提出男孩和女孩生理上的差异。 54 He could pay the doctor for the writer. ( A)他可以为了医生和作家付钱。 ( B)他可以为医生和作家付钱。 ( C)他可以替医生付钱给作家。 ( D)他可以替作家付钱给医生。 55 The library is open every day except Sunday from half past eight in the morning till five in the afternoon. ( A)除了在星期日,图书馆上午八点半起至下午五点开放外,

40、其余时候全天开放。 ( B)除了星期日以外,图书馆每天上午八点半起至下午五点钟打开。 ( C)除了星期日以外,图书馆每天上午八点半起至下午五点钟开放。 ( D)包括星期日在内,图书馆每天上午八点半起至下午五点钟开放。 56 The hostess went out of her way to make my daughter feel at home. ( A)女主人走出去使我女儿感到在家。 ( B)女主人走出去使我女儿感到在家一样自由。 ( C)女主 人竭尽全力使我女儿感到在家。 ( D)女主人竭尽全力使我女儿感到在家一样自由。 57 Assistant Marketing Manager

41、Wanted We are looking for a lively and intelligent(有才智的 )person to join our team as soon as possible. The work will involve telephoning and corresponding(通信 )with our overseas clients and agents, and some travel, mainly to European countries. Applicants should be fluent in at least one foreign langu

42、age. Experience in marketing would be preferred. 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an letter or composition according to the following information. 58 This part is to test your ability to do practical writi

43、ng. You are required to complete an advertisement according to the information given in Chinese. 说明:根据以下信息,填写一张招聘广告。 ABC公司是一家大型的纺织品公司。产品主要出口欧盟、北美地区。公司成立十多年来,一直处于行业领先地位,在客户中有着很好的信誉。公司计划 2006 年在广州设立分公司,现诚聘以下人员: 1销售人员 2会计 要求: 本科及以上学历; 熟练掌握计算机操作; 至少 3年相关领域工作经验; 有团队精神; 能够按时完成工作,愿意承受一定的压力。 有意者请 登陆 投递简历。 Word for reference: 纺织品 textile WANTED _ 1. _ 2. _ Requirements: _ Additional information: _ 大学英语三级( B级)模拟试卷 459答案与解析


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