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1、大学英语六级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 79及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Stay Away From Cyber Cafes. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1目前很多学校举行 “远离网吧 ”活动 2举行 “远离网吧 ”活动的原因 3我的看法 2 For this part, you are allowed 30

2、minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Take Advantage of Reference Books. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1日前许多大学生过于依赖各种参考书 2过分依赖参考书的弊端 3我的观点 3 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On the Choice of Career. You should

3、 write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1一些大学生认为职业选择应该以符合兴趣为出发点 2也有大学生认为应该看是否有好的发展前景 3我的观点 4 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Stock Speculation on Campus. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1近年来许多在校大学生开

4、始炒股 2大学生炒股的利弊 3我的观点 大学英语六级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 79答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 【正确答案】 Stay Away From Cyber Cafes It is reported that a campaign named “Stay Away From Cyber Cafes“ has been launched recently in many schools. A large number of students have solemnly promised that they will not enter cyber cafes an

5、y longer. Special attention should be paid to the phenomenon that the wide spread of cyber cafes exerts a lot of negative influences, especially on the young people. Firstly, teenagers make up a large portion of the customers at local cyber cafes, where they spend much of their time playing computer

6、 games, and neglect their study. Secondly, some cafes offer unhealthy programs that involve violence and sex, and then crime is committed by some minors. In addition, some cafes are illegally run, where safety cant be guaranteed. From my perspective, cyber cafes do great harm to teenagers and cause

7、bad effects on their studies. Thus, it is a meaningful activity for the students and we should make efforts to support it. 【试题解析】 第一段介绍目前很多学校举行 “远离网吧 ”活动,学 生们庄严承诺,保证以后不再进网吧。 第二段表明举办 “远离网吧 ”这个活动的原因。网吧的普及给我们带来了很多负面的影响,尤其是青少年沉溺于网络游戏,忽视了学习。有些网吧涉及一些不健康的暴力和色情内容,诱使未成年人犯罪,更有些非法运营的网吧,安全得不到保证。句子 Firstly, teen

8、agers make up a largeportion of the customers at local cyber cafes, where they spend much of their time playingcomputer games, and neglect their study既有从句,又有非谓语动词,句式结构复杂。 第三段阐述自己的观点,即 “远离网吧 ”这个活动非常有意义,应大力提倡。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Nowadays, various kinds of reference books for college students have come

9、 into existence. Many students soon find themselves totally relying on these books. It should be admitted that reference books have brought great convenience to students. Conversely, excessive reliance on these books has also caused negative effects. Firstly, students who have reference books are mo

10、re likely to totally believe everything that is covered in these books and neglect teachers instructions. Secondly, with reference books, many students tend to be absent from school and become lazy to think about how to solve problems on their own. Last but not least, there are so many different kin

11、ds of reference books that a great number of low-quality ones are also among them, which will make students confused. As a college student, I agree that reference books are of great use in pursuit of knowledge. However, it is not sensible to rely on them too much. After all, reference books will nev

12、er replace what we are able to obtain from teachers and classes. 【试题解析】 第一段提出各种参考书的出现使大学生在学习上越来越依赖它们。末句使用了 find oneselfdoing sth的短语是一个亮点句。 第二段从三个方面阐述大学生过分依赖参考书的弊端。首先,过分相信参考书的内容会忽略老师课上的讲授;其次,部分学生开始出现逃课的倾向;最后,参考书种类繁多,鱼龙混杂,一些低质量的版本会误导学生。末句使用 There be句型,并在其中套用了 which引导的非限制性定语从句,增加了句子的层次。 第三段提出自己的观点,大学生应

13、该理智地对待和使 用参考书。第一句使用了“be of+n ”的结构,表达的是形容词的意义。例如: This is a book of great value to us (这本书对于我们很有价值。 ) 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 On the Choice of Career In recent years, there is no consensus among college students about the choice of career. Some students are in favor of the view that when choosing a job, i

14、nterest plays the key part and should be the first priority, while others take a completely different side, firmly believing that career prospects are more worthwhile. Students holding the first view think that interest will contribute to more happiness and satisfaction at work, with which they coul

15、d work in a more relaxing way and make progress more easily. Otherwise, they will suffer from depression for lack of interest. However, supporters of the second view argue that one should pay more attention to career prospects while making a choice, which will surely lead to better development of a

16、person himself sooner or later. Therefore, they believe that it is career prospects that count most. Personally, I deem that career prospects are the right element to think about because they can bring about ones success both in career and in life. In this sense, only career prospects can bring a pe

17、rson happiness and satisfaction in the long run. 【试题解析】 第一段提出职业选择问题,指出大学生对此问题有不同的观点和态度。第二句中第一个连词 that引导同位语从句,解释说明 view的内容;后面由连词 while引起对比,并使用 believing引导的分词结构作伴随 状语。 第二段对两种不同的观点进行分析。第一种认为大学生择业应该以兴趣为出发点,因为这样可以在工作中获得更多的愉悦和满足感;第二种认为职业选择应该更注重发展前景,理由是有前景的工作可以使个人有更好的发展。末句使用了六级写作加分句型 强调句,句子结构为 “Itis was+被强

18、调部分 +that who+其余部分 ”。例如: It is my parents who have put so muchpressure on me (给我施加如此多压力的人是我的父母。 ) 第三段阐述自己的观点,提出职业前 景应该是职业选择中更被重视的内容,因为从长远来看,只有具有职业前景的工作才能给人带来幸福感和满足感。末句为only引导的部分倒装结构,为六级写作亮点句型。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Stock Speculation on Campus In recent years, with the growing consciousness of investmen

19、t, the stock market has attracted many university students. It has become a fashionable idea among many students that trading stocks is better than saving money. Every coin has two sides and stock speculation is no exception. When it comes to the advantages, many people reckon that students should l

20、earn to manage personal finances. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve success in the fiercely competitive society. Stock speculation can help to train this important capability, which is beneficial to their future. However, we should never neglect the disadvantages of this phenomenon. Student

21、s who spend too much time in stock speculation will inevitably put their study aside. In addition, most students have neither strong financial support nor mature mind to stand the pressures and failures in the stock market. In my opinion, although students can gain some useful abilities through stoc

22、k speculation, they cannot neglect their major task. It is more sensible to spend more time on study than to be involved in the risky investment. 【试题解析】 第一段提出随着投资意识的增强 ,大学生炒股成为一种热门现象。第二句使用 that引导的同位语从句,增加了句子的层次。 第二段分析大学生炒股的利弊。一方面,大学生炒股可以锻炼理财能力,增加社会经验;另一方面,大学生沉迷于炒股会浪费过多的时间,荒废了学习。第二句使用了 When it comes to句型,意思是 “提到,说起 ”,是六级写作常用句型,用于引出一种观点。例如: When it comes to theInternet, different people have different opinions (谈到互联网,人们对之持不同 观点。 ) 第三段表明自己的观点:大学生应该将更多的时间放在学习上,而不是沉迷于这种风险投资。 【知识模块】 作文


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