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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 269及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Chemical element Na. ( B) Protein from fish. ( C) Vitamin C. ( D) High fat. ( A) His blood pressure is high now. ( B) He cant bear too much salt in his food. ( C) He needs to lower his blood pressure. ( D) He wants to look young. ( A) She has high risk of

2、heart attack. ( B) She has high risk of stroke. ( C) She has high blood pressure. ( D) She has high level of cholesterol. ( A) Invite the man to watch TV together. ( B) Go to health club to lose weight. ( C) Take exercise every morning. ( D) Lose weight just like the mans wife does. ( A) From watche

3、s on their wrists. ( B) From watches of the rich. ( C) From clocks in the shops. ( D) From clocks in the squares. ( A) Watches were a sign of wealth. ( B) Watches were important for the workers. ( C) Watches were inexpensive to buy. ( D) Watches were fashion accessories. ( A) The economy growth. ( B

4、) The new equipment. ( C) The industrialization. ( D) The sales promotion. ( A) The significance of “punctuality. “ ( B) The change of the value of time in history. ( C) The history of industrialization. ( D) The development of watches and clocks. Section B ( A) Having friends in common. ( B) Bearin

5、g unique charms. ( C) Having complementary features. ( D) Possessing similar characters. ( A) Friends are more alike brothers and sisters. ( B) It is simple for friends to start a conversation. ( C) Friends have some genes in common. ( D) Friendship can go much deeper with time. ( A) The study resea

6、rched nearly 2 000 people. ( B) Most of the individuals in the study are from Asia. ( C) The study compared related strangers and friends. ( D) The individuals in the study are not good at making friends. ( A) Genes affecting sense of hearing. ( B) Genes related to sense of smell. ( C) Genes about s

7、ense of touching. ( D) Genes concerning sense of taste. ( A) It required Georgia to overwork. ( B) It was related to checking peoples teeth. ( C) It made Georgia tired and unhappy. ( D) All the patients she cared for were rich people. ( A) It was the one that she wanted to do in the rest of her life

8、. ( B) It made her stressed both mentally and physically. ( C) It made her uplifted through the contact with coworkers. ( D) It involved the practice of yoga as a part of treatment. ( A) To open a studio. ( B) To keep healthy. ( C) To release pressure. ( D) To become an instructor. Section C ( A) Th

9、ere is little chance. ( B) It becomes bad very quickly. ( C) There is much chance. ( D) Itll be finished very soon. ( A) Parents. ( B) Boss. ( C) Close friends. ( D) Senior colleagues. ( A) The road to hell is paved with good intentions. ( B) Ill call him. when hell freezes over. ( C) Something is g

10、oing to hell in a hand basket. ( D) She has really been to hell and back. ( A) It is very difficult to learn. ( B) It is rarely known by people. ( C) It has the same root with Italian. ( D) It is very easy to learn. ( A) Things are contained in a memorable tune. ( B) The brain is positively stimulat

11、ed. ( C) Things are arranged in logical sequence. ( D) The brain is in an emotional state. ( A) Using Chinese songs with English lyrics. ( B) Using English songs with English lyrics. ( C) Using Chinese songs with Chinese lyrics. ( D) Using English songs with Chinese lyrics. ( A) The influence of tim

12、es on family values. ( B) How the American society changes with times. ( C) The influence of times on personal values. ( D) How the Americans love view changes with times. ( A) A husband, a wife and their parents. ( B) A husband, a wife and their grandparents. ( C) A husband, a wife and their brothe

13、rs and sisters. ( D) A husband, a wife and their children. ( A) Bring honor to the family name. ( B) Advance the happiness of individuals. ( C) Obey the order of the elderly. ( D) Promote the welfare of the family. ( A) The American family is rarely self-supporting. ( B) Americans want to make indep

14、endent career decisions. ( C) Americans regard equality of opportunity as a basic value. ( D) The United States is an aristocratic society. 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 269答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 W: I cant believe my eyes, Bill. Are you having a salad for lunch? No hamburger? M: Get used to it, Susan. Im off

15、 burgers for good.(l)Most fast food is loaded with Na a kind of chemical substance. Ive been reading about a new healthy snack food. Its made from fish. Have you heard anything about it? W: No, I havent. But I dont like fish very much anyway. But why are you interested in lessening your salt intake?

16、 M:(2)My doctor says I should cut back on Na-rich foods to lower my blood pressure. Actually, my blood pressure isnt that high, but they say it increases with age. W: I would have thought you were too young for that. Well, Im glad youre starting to pay more attention to your diet. M: Ive been eating

17、 lots of fruits and vegetables recently. I want to lower my risk of heart attack and stroke, too. Recently, my family are trying to eat more healthy food. W: So am I.(3)Thats why Ive been trying to lower my cholesterol(胆固醇 )level. Just like you, Im now trying to lose a few pounds, too. M: In that ca

18、se,(4)you should come to my health club with me. Can you tear yourself away from the TV tonight? W: Youve joined a health club? I would never have dreamed that youd take something like this so seriously. (4)Why not? If you can break your unhealthy eating habits, I can surely break a sweat. M: I can

19、do 100 push-ups in a row. Dont get jealous. You will do it someday. 1. Which substance can be found in most fast food according to the man? 2. Why does the man want to reduce salt in the food? 3. What problem does the woman have concerning health? 4. What is the woman going to do from now on? 1 【正确答

20、案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是根据男士的话,大部分快餐中都含有什么物质。对话中男士提到了自己已经不再吃汉堡这类食物,并补充说大部分的快餐中含有化学物质钠。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是男士为什么想要降低食盐摄入量。对话中男士提到医生建议他少吃富含钠的食物以降低血压,尽管男士的血压现在还不是太高,但是血压会随着年龄的增长而升高。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本提问的是女士有什么样的健康问题 。对话中,女士提到她最近正在降低胆固醇水平。由此可见,女士的健康问题是胆固醇高。高心脏病与中风风险以及高血压都是男士所具有的问题。 【知识

21、模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是女士从现在开始打算做什么。对话中女士提到自己在减肥,于是男士邀请女士加入他的健身俱乐部,女士表示同意。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 W:(8)Watches and clocks seem as much a part of our life as breathing or eating. And yet, do you know the development of watches and clocks? Joseph, nice to meet you. Could you tell us something about

22、 watches and clocks? M: Jennifer, nice to meet you, too. Actually, watches and clocks were rare in the United States until the late 1850s.(5)In the late 1700s, people didnt know the exact time unless they were near a clock. Those delightful clocks in the squares of European towns were built for the

23、public. W: After all, at that time, most citizens simply couldnt afford a personal timepiece. M: Well,(6)until the 1800s, in Europe and the United States, the main purpose of a watch, which, by the way, was often on a gold chain, was to show others how wealthy you were. W: Um. well, talking about wa

24、tches, we have to mention one word “wristwatch“ that makes us realize the significance of “on time.“ M: The word “wristwatch“ didnt even enter the English language until nearly 1900. By then, the rapid pace of industrialization in the United States meant that measuring time had become essential.(7)A

25、nd since industrialization made possible the manufacture of large quantities of goods, watches became fairly inexpensive. W: Yes, efficiency was now measured by how fast the job was done. Being “on time“ had entered the language and life of every citizen. M: Um, recently I often thought that those w

26、ho have left watches are likely to lose their sensitivity to time. 5. Where did people know the exact time in the late 1700s? 6. Why did the Europeans wear watches in the 1800s? 7. What factor made wristwatches more affordable to citizens? 8. What do the speakers mainly discuss? 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题

27、问的是在 18世纪末人们从哪儿知道确切时间。对话中男士提到在 18世纪末人们除非走到钟表附近才能知道确切时间,而这些钟表通常立在欧洲城镇的广场上为大众服务。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是在 19世纪欧洲人为什么要戴表。对话中男士提到在欧洲和美国,人们戴手表的主要目的在于其金链上,即炫耀财富。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是什么因素使大众也能买得起手表。对话中男士 提到了工业化使得大批量生产成为可能,也正因为如此,手表变得相当便宜。由此可知,大众能买得起手表的主要原因是工业化。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【正确答案】 D 【

28、试题解析】 本题问的是讲话者谈论的主要内容。对话开头女士提到现如今手表和时钟已经成了我们生活中的重要物品,接下来男士具体介绍了手表和时钟的发展。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 9 【听力原文】 (9)When we make friends, it can help to have something in common. Researchers and anyone who has ever struck up conversation with a stranger know this. But a new study published in the Proceedings o

29、f the National Academy of Sciences finds that commonality among friends goes far deeper:(10)Friends resemble each other genetically. In fact, the genetic similarity was enough to create an explanation from which researchers can predict. Scientists were confident that those in a group of genes will b

30、e friends. This confidence was at the same level as they currently have for predicting a persons chances of obesity or schizophrenia. Friends, it turns out, have about the same amount of genes in common as fourth cousins, or people who have the same great-great-great grandparents, which amounts to a

31、bout one percent of genes, according to the study.(11)The researchers pulled data from 1 932 individuals most of whom were of European descent controlled for already well-established factors like peoples tendency to befriend those of similar ethnic backgrounds. The study compared pairs of unrelated

32、friends against pairs of unrelated strangers. The research showed that we have more DNA in common with the people we pick as friendjs than we do with strangers in the same population. Fowler and Christakis found that(12)friends are most similar in genes that affect sense of smell, which comes with n

33、o obvious explanation. They hypothesize that people with similar smell genes might encounter each other in similar smelling environments and then become friends. But they suspect that “there is more to the story than that. “ 9. What may help in making friends with strangers? 10. What does the new st

34、udy find? 11. What can we learn about the study? 12. What genes are most similar among friends? 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是什么可能会帮助与陌生人交朋友。短文开头提到当我们交朋友的时候,如果相互之间有些共同之处将会比较容易成为朋友,研究人员和任何与陌生人进行过谈话的人都知道这一点。也就是说,有相似性格的人更容易交朋友。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是新的研究有什么发现。短文中提到一项新的研究表明,朋友间的共同之处不仅仅存在于性格方面的相似处,他

35、们在基因上是很相似的。因此,此项新的研究发现,朋友在基因上有共同点。 【知 识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是关于研究的信息。短文中提到这项研究从对 1932人的研究中得出数据,也就是对将近 2000个人进行过研究。短文中提到,研究对象大部分是欧洲后裔,因此排除 B)项;短文中提到,这项研究比较了几对不相关的朋友和不相关的陌生人, C)项与其意思相反,因此排除;短文中并未提到研究对象擅不擅长交朋友,因此排除 D)项。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是朋友间什么基因最相似。短文最后提到 Fowler和Christakis发现朋友之

36、间主要是在那些影响嗅觉方面的基因上存在相似之处,虽然人们并不能很好地解释这一现象。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【听力原文】 Six years ago, there was nothing Tiffany Georgia loved more than getting up and going to(13)her job as a dental hygienist at a community health clinic. Georgia had always believed firmly in service work and giving back to her community, a

37、nd she was thrilled to work at a place that provided care for patients who couldnt afford it on their own. But when the economy took a dip in 2008, Georgia found herself jobless. The government grants and donations that once provided funding for her position no longer existed. Then Georgia took a jo

38、b as a hygienist with a company called Pacific Dental Services. Now working in a corporate environment, she had to adjust to the idea that she could only treat patients who had enough money.(14)It didnt feel right to Georgia to work for a company that turned away patients who had no money, but neede

39、d care so badly. Around this time, she began to rethink her assumption that she would spend the rest of her career in health care. As her new job wore on, Georgia became increasingly unhappy. The work itself was stressful, and she didnt feel uplifted by her coworkers. So when(14)(15)she began practi

40、cing yoga to relieve the mental and physical stress her job brought her, what started as a coping mechanism quickly became a passion. Then she enrolled in a 200-hour teacher training program and became a certified yoga instructor. Since then, she has been much happier. She now teaches 12 classes a w

41、eek and hopes to open her own studio next year. Even better, she finally feels like shes doing what she was put on this earth to do: give to others. 13. What can we learn about Georgias job at the community health clinic? 14. What did Georgia think about her job at the Pacific Dental Services? 15. W

42、hat is Georgias initial purpose of practicing yoga? 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是关于 Georgia在社区卫生诊所的工作的信息。短文开头提到六年前, TiffanyGeorgia最喜欢做的事就是起床去上班,她在一个社区卫生诊所做牙科保健员。由此可知, Georgia的工作与检查人们的牙齿有关。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解 析】 本题问的是 Georgia如何看待她在太平洋牙科服务所的工作。短文中提到在太平洋牙科服务所工作,她不得不去适应只能给有钱人治疗的想法,因为公司拒绝为没有钱但却急需治疗的人提

43、供服务, Georgia感到在这样一家公司工作是不对的。下面接着指出 Georgia练习瑜伽以释放工作带给她的身心压力,由此可知, Georgia在太平洋牙科服务所的工作使其感到有身心压力。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是 Georgia练习瑜伽的最初目的是什么。短文末尾提到,Georgia开始练习瑜伽,刚开始只是为了释放工作带给她的身心压力,最后却成为一项让她热爱的事业。所以说 Georgia开始练习瑜伽只是为了释放压力。 【知识模块】 听力 Section C 16 【听力原文】 In an earlier lecture, we talked a l

44、ot about the Devil. In many religions, the Devil is the most powerful spirit of evil. Religious leaders teach that hell is where the Devil lives. They also say hell is the place where bad people go after they die. So today we are going to learn something about hell. Many people think of hell as a ho

45、t place full of fire.(16)So, a snowball would not have much of a chance there. And that is where this expression comes from: snowballs chance in hell. Lets say you applied for a promotion at work. But so did your bosss daughter. You do not have a snowballs chance in hell. Your boss is not going to h

46、ire you over his daughter. It will be a cold day in hell and when hell freezes over also mean the same thing: there is no chance that something will happen. For example, if you have a fight with a friend and never want to talk to him again, you could say, “It will be a cold day in hell before I ever

47、 call him again. Our friendship is over!“ Or “Sure, Ill call him. when hell freezes over!“ But be careful.(17)These expressions are very informal and very strong. You would only use them with your close friends and peers. (17)So if your boss asks if your work will be done before you go home, you wou

48、ld never say, “Itll be a cold day in hell when that happens.“ unless you want to lose your job. Hell is reported to be not only hot, but miserable. So, if something is going to hell in a hand basket, it is becoming very bad very quickly. If you have been to hell and back, you have been through a ver

49、y difficult period and lived to tell about it. Here is an example: Im glad to see that Julie is back to her old self. Me, too. Shes been through so much this past month. Her mom died, her son got really sick and then she was in that terrible car accident. Wow, she has really been to hell and back. But if you do want to visit hell, there is a road you can take: the road of good intentions. Let me explain.(18)When we say “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,“ we mean that positive intentions may have negative outcomes. “Paved“ h


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