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1、大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 13及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 中国把转变增长方式作为战略重点 (strategic focal point),努力使经济增长建立在提高人口素质、高效利用资源、减少环境污染、注重质量效益的基础上。中国坚持以信息化 (IT industry)带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,走新型工业化道路,加快产业结构 (Industrial structure)优化升级,大力发展先进制造业、高新技术产业(newtech industry)特别是信息产业、生物产业,提高服务业比重和水平。加强基础产业基础设施 (infrastructure

2、facilities)建设,充分发挥结构调整 (structural readjustment)对增长方式转变的作用。 2 联合国下属机构世界旅游组织公布的数据显示。中国游客对全球旅游业的贡献最大。中国游客去年花在出境游上的支出创了新纪录,达到 1020亿美元,同 2011年相比增长了 40。联合国世界旅游组织在其网站上发布的一份声明中说,这一增幅令中国迅速超越德国和美国这两个之前是出境游支出最高的两 个国家。 2012年德美两国出境旅游支出均同比增长 6,约 840亿美元。 3 中国酒具 (wine sets)有悠久的历史,并有各种各样的形状和尺寸。在材料方面,有陶器 (pottery)、铜

3、器、瓷器 (porcelain),玉器、玻璃酒具,还有那些用其他材料制成的酒具。中国的酒具集优雅和良好的品味于一身,还有精致的装饰(adornment)。拿着酒杯,饮酒者通常在体味这具有文化和艺术魅力的器具 (utensil)之时,不堪重负这美学的 (aesthetic)感受。在古代中国,酒具也是礼仪制度(ceremonial system)的一部分。森严的等级制度 (stringent hierarchy system)下,不同社会地位和职位的人应该使用不同的酒具。中国酒具的所有类型就像中国古代文化的一面镜子。 4 今天中国的老百姓一直用酒来庆祝他们的幸福生活。当有人建新房子、结婚、开业、发

4、财或长寿,他都应邀请人来喝酒。在现代,饮酒这一游戏没有过去那么雅致了,实在是很可惜,过去的饮酒通常有诗歌和音乐助兴。今天,饮酒只是玩简单的猜拳游戏,还伴随着很多酗酒。而且在现在看来,友谊也只取决于酒量的大小。 “如果我们 是好朋友,就喝干;如果不是,那就喝一口吧 ”,这在聚会中是一种常见的敬酒措辞。 5 在婚礼上,敬茶仪式 (the tea ceremony)也是一种双方见面的方法。因为中国的家庭可以扩展,可能会有一二百人,在追求期没有介绍给某个人是完全可能的。在老一代那里,族长 (patriarch)可能不只一个妻子,而且不是所有的家庭成员都关系密切 (in good terms)。因此,在

5、敬茶的时候,这对夫妇会给所有家庭成员敬茶,并正式称呼他们。喝茶象征着接受进入这个家庭,拒绝意思是反对婚礼,不过没有听过有拒绝的,因 为这样会 “丢脸 ”。老人会给新婚夫妇红包,而新婚夫妻会给未婚的年轻人们红包。 大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 13答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 China considers changing the growth made a strategic focal point, strives to base economic growth on the enhancement of the quality of i

6、ts human resources, efficient use of natural resources, reduction of environmental pollution, and emphasis on the quality and efficiency of its economy. China will take a new road of industrialization using the IT industry to promote industrialization and letting industrialization support the develo

7、pment of the IT industry. It will quicken the pace of optimizing and upgrading its industrial structure, develop advanced manufacturing industry, high- and new-tech industry, especially the IT and biological industries, increase the proportion of the service sector and improve the level of services,

8、 strengthen the construction of infrastructure facilities of basic industries, and bring into full play the function of structural readjustment in the change of the growth mode. 【知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 The figures from the United Nations World Tourism Organization show that Chinese travelers are making

9、the most contributions to the global tourism industry. Chinese travelers spent a record $ 102 billion on outbound tourism last year, a 40% rise from 2011. That surge sent China screaming past Germany and the U.S. the former No. 1 and No. 2 spenders, respectively which both saw tourist outlays increa

10、se 6% year-on-year to around $84 billion in 2012, the UNWTO said in a statement on its website. 【知识模块】 汉译英 3 【正确答案】 Chinese wine sets have a long history and come in a wide array of shapes and sizes. In terms of material, there are pottery, bronze, porcelain, jade, glass wine sets and those made wit

11、h other materials. Chinese wine sets are elegant and in good taste, with exquisite adornment. Holding the cup, the drinkers are usually overwhelmed with aesthetic feelings, experiencing the cultural and artistic charm of the utensil. In ancient China, wine sets were also part of the ceremonial syste

12、m. There was a stringent hierarchy system, under which people of different statuses and positions were supposed to use different wine sets. All types of Chinese wine sets serve as a mirror of ancient Chinese culture. 【知识模块】 汉译英 4 【正确答案】 Ordinary Chinese people today have always just used alcohol to

13、help them celebrate the happiness in their lives. When someone builds a new house, marries, starts a business, makes a fortune or lives a long life, he should invite people in for a drinking session. In modern times it is a pity that the games that go with drinking are not the elegant ones of the pa

14、st that involved poetry or music. Today, drinkers just play simple finger-guessing games along with a lot of heavy drinking. It also seems today that friendship depends only on the volume of drink being consumed. “If we are good friends, then bottoms up; if not, then just take a sip“ is a common phr

15、ase exchanged during gatherings. 【知识模块】 汉译英 5 【正确答案】 The tea ceremony during a wedding serves as a means for both parties to meet with each other. As Chinese families can be rather extended, and there may be one or two hundred people, it is entirely possible during a courtship to not have been intro

16、duced to someone. This was particularly true in older generations where the patriarch may have had more than one wife and not all family members were always on good terms. As such, during the tea ceremony, the couple would serve tea to all family members and call them by their official title. Drinki

17、ng the tea symbolized acceptance into the family, while refusing to drink symbolized opposition to the wedding and was quite unheard of since it would result in a loss of “face“. Older generations would give a red envelope to the matrimonial couple while the couple would be expected to give red envelopes to the unmarried younger ones. 【知识模块】 汉译英


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