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1、大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 64及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 经过多年的摸索,绿色交通的发展理念早已成为我国交通运输行业发展的共识。根据规划,到 2020年,我国交通运输行业有关指标将比 2005年实现大幅提升,基本建成绿色循环低碳交通运输体系。要实现这一目标,加快 智能交通系统 (intelligent transportation system)与信息化建设,不断推动多项信息化技术应用在交通领域应用成为重要的工作着力点。信息化技术应用在 交通领域的广泛铺开,不仅展现出良好的发展前景,也促使相关领域的企业加大合作力度。 2 保护和弘扬先人创造的优秀

2、非物质文化遗产 (intangible cultural heritage),是全民族的共同责任,也是中国文化产业发展的重点。非物质文化遗产是中华传统文明的一部分,凝聚着中华民族文化的精华。截止到 2011年底,我国有 36个项目列入 联合国人类非物质文化遗产名录 (UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists),居世界第一。根据文 化部公布的信息,我国共有 87万个非遗项目,可以说历史有多悠久,民间艺术就有多悠久;文化有多灿烂,民间艺术就有多灿烂;生活有多美好,民间艺术就有多美好。 3 联合国 (United Nations)新标准规定,一个地区 65岁

3、及以上的老人占总人口的 7,该地区视为进入 老龄化社会 (aging society)。老龄化对国家财政造成巨大影响。老龄化的影响不止于此。老龄化社会里,劳动力市场、储蓄方式以及人口流动都会发生变化。中国社会保障制度并不健全,多数老年人都依靠家人赡养。小家 庭增多、传统价值观的缺失,都使老龄化问题更加严重,并对中小家庭造成了沉重负担。 4 最近,北京 雾霾 (haze)天气增多, PM 2 5指数居高不下空气质量越来越差。 2013年,一种新型涂料产品问世,这种新涂料不仅节能环保,还将在应对城市雾霾中发挥重要作用。这种高科技涂料产品应用于占城市地表的建筑墙体,能有效控制和遏制城市雾霾。专家认为

4、,研发出这类高科技的环保产品很重要,但把这种高科技产品应用在驱散雾霾、让老百姓享受到蓝天白云才体现了其真正的价值。 5 中国实施九年制 义务教育 (compulsory schooling system),也就是说,所有的孩子都必须上学读九年书,完成小学和初中的学业。小学是六年制。在学校里,学生上语文、初等算术和德育等课程。此外还有体育课和 课外活动(extracurricular activities)。外语,如英语,在小学高年级是选修课。中学教育分两个阶段,即三年初中和三年高中。从初中开始,学生就学习化学、物理和生物等理科课程和历史、地理、外语等文科课程。并且,学校大力提倡体育活动。高中教

5、育是初中的继续,学生要上文、 理科各种指定的课程。 大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 64答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 With many years of groping, the idea of the development of green transportation has already been the common sense in Chinas development of transportation industry. According to the plan, compared to 2005, the relevan

6、t indicators of Chinas transportation industry will rise sharply by 2020 and a green, cycle, and low-carbon transportation system will be basically established. To achieve this goal, we should accelerate the intelligent transportation system and information technology development and keep promoting

7、many information technologies application as the key work focuses in the transportation field. The extensive information technology application in the transportation field not only presents a good development prospect, but also facilitates the enterprises in the relevant fields to enlarge their coop

8、eration. 【知识模块】 翻译 2 【正确答案】 Protecting and promoting the excellent intangible cultural heritage created by our ancestors is the common responsibility of the whole Chinese nation and the emphasis of the development of Chinas culture industry. Chinese intangible cultural heritage is a part of the trad

9、itional Chinese civilization, condensing the essence of Chinese national culture. By the end of 2011, China has 36 projects listed on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists, ranking the first in the world. According to the information released by Ministry of Culture, there are 870 thousand in

10、tangible cultural projects in China. In a manner of speaking, the longer the history is, the more everlasting the folk arts could be; the more splendid the culture is, the more glorious the folk arts could be; the better the life is, the more beautiful the folk arts could be. 【知识模块】 翻译 3 【正确答案】 Acco

11、rding to the new standard of the United Nations, a society is considered an aging society when the proportion of aged 65 and above is more than 7%. The impacts of aging society on state finance are huge. However, the influences are much wider. In an aging society, labor markets, saving patterns and

12、migration movements still change. Social safety nets are weak, with most of the elderly depending on family support. Declining family size and the erosion of traditional values magnify the challenge and place a heavy burden on small households. 【知识模块】 翻译 4 【正确答案】 Recently, hazy weather in Beijing ha

13、s been increasing and PM 2.5 has been staying at a high level. The air quality in Beijing is getting worse. A new type of paint came out in 2013. This type of paint not only is energy-saving and eco-friendly, but also will play an important role in coping with haze in urban areas. This high-tech pai

14、nt can effectively control haze in urban areas by using it on the building walls in cities. The experts point out that the research and development of this kind of high-tech green products is undoubtedly important, and its application for dispersing haze and making blue sky available to people will

15、show its real value. 【知识模块】 翻译 5 【正确答案】 China has adopted a nine-year compulsory schooling system, which means all children are required to attend school for at least nine years. Students have to complete both the primary school program and the junior school program. Primary school requires six year

16、s. Pupils are required to take a variety of subjects such as the Chinese language, fundamental mathematics and moral education from school. They also take part in sports and extracurricular activities. Foreign languages such as English are optional courses in the senior years of the primary educatio

17、n. High school education has two parts, 3-year junior high school program and 3-year senior high school program. From junior high school, students begin to learn a variety of science subjects such as chemistry, physics and biology and humanity subjects such as history, geography, and foreign languages. Furthermore, physical education is enthusiastically encouraged. Senior high school education is a continuation of junior high school. Students take specific subjects in either science or humanity subjects. 【知识模块】 翻译

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