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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 494及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Phenomenon of Empty Nest. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 注: “空巢老人 ”指那些到了退休年龄, 身边却无子女与之共同生活的老人。 1如今的空巢老人逐渐增多 2这种现象出现的原因 3如何解决由此带来

2、 -的问题 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in t

3、he passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 Sound Effects Snorers(打鼾的人 ) have always been made jokes. In cartoons, their nasal roar 1ifts the roof off houses. In situation comedies, the

4、res the wife who rolls her eves at her snoring bedmate. But in reality, its not all that funny. In fact, snoring can be a nightmare for snorers and their troubled partners. who may wake up several times a night to poke, and maybe hoist loved ones onto their sides for a 1ittle relief. Risks of Snorin

5、g Problems But the nightly racket is more than a potential relationship strain. According to the latest research, an increasingly older and heavier population may make this condition an even greater health risk than we previously thought. For Maggie Moss-Tucker. successful treatment for a longtime s

6、noring problem came almost by accident. One fall morning in 2005, she saw a sign at her local gym seeking snorers as volunteers for a study at Bostons Brigham 【 C19】 _ your child from one academic system to another during this time can 【 C20】 _ a child academically. At the very least, the parent sho

7、uld learn what the differences in curriculum are and try to keep the child in one system for all of the high school years. 58 【 C1】 ( A) staying ( B) continuing ( C) moving ( D) convincing 59 【 C2】 ( A) experienced ( B) qualified ( C) learned ( D) satisfied 60 【 C3】 ( A) strongly ( B) candidly ( C)

8、mainly ( D) indirectly 61 【 C4】 ( A) worries ( B) concerns ( C) decisions ( D) alternatives 62 【 C5】 ( A) demanding ( B) supporting ( C) regarding ( D) considering 63 【 C6】 ( A) suggests ( B) lulls ( C) cautions ( D) urges 64 【 C7】 ( A) educated ( B) better ( C) appropriate ( D) advanced 65 【 C8】 (

9、A) addition ( B) fact ( C) general ( D) advance 66 【 C9】 ( A) available ( B) capable ( C) understandable ( D) mobile 67 【 C10】 ( A) based ( B) relied ( C) found ( D) established 68 【 C11】 ( A) self ( B) nation ( C) home ( D) university 69 【 C12】 ( A) important ( B) intensive ( C) individual ( D) inv

10、aluable 70 【 C13】 ( A) considerate ( B) primary ( C) worthwhile ( D) consequent 71 【 C14】 ( A) international ( B) mixed ( C) complicated ( D) original 72 【 C15】 ( A) unfortunately ( B) fortunately ( C) primitively ( D) unbelievably 73 【 C16】 ( A) for ( B) in ( C) on ( D) by 74 【 C17】 ( A) substitute

11、 ( B) survey ( C) alternate ( D) establish 75 【 C18】 ( A) decrease ( B) keep ( C) ensure ( D) enhance 76 【 C19】 ( A) studying ( B) living ( C) moving ( D) keeping 77 【 C20】 ( A) handicap ( B) develop ( C) assist ( D) shape 四、 Part VI Translation (5 minutes) Directions: Complete the sentences in the

12、blanks by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. 78 When you grade the students performance, _(请一定要考虑他们的努力程度 ). 79 This festival was set up _ (纪念那个伟大的哲学家和教育家 ). 80 In my eyes, due to his intelligence _ (毫无疑问,与其说他是老板,不如说他是导师 ). 81 Im pretty positive that if you had been more cautious

13、, _ (你本来是可以通过那场资格考试的 ). 82 If you firmly believe that a certain goal is beyond reach, _ (有可能你会证明自己是对的 ). 大学英语六级模拟试 卷 494答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 【正确答案】 The Phenomenon of Empty Nest Currently, both in urban and rural areas, it is hard to observe three or four generations living under th

14、e same roof. Many old people live by themselves, while their children study or work somewhere. These old people are referred to as the old in the empty nest. Two reasons result in this matter. For one reason, due to the fierce competition and globalization, many young people have to pursue their car

15、eer in a remote place. For the other reason, the improvement in economy and housing condition makes it possible for a family to have more than one apartment. Therefore, the young and the old live separately. Old people in the empty nest are likely to feel lonely and depressed. Joint efforts must be

16、made for them. Firstly, the government and community should engage their attention to establish clubs for the older to kill their spare time. Secondly, the young should always extend their love to the old. Last but not least, old people themselves should enjoy a colorful life by cultivating hobbies.

17、 【试题解析】 开门见山,解释空巢老人的社会现象,并对其进行定义。另外,generations living under the same roof“世代同堂 ”的家庭生活模式,和现在的空巢老人形成鲜明对比。 分析产生这种社会的原因。运用衔接短语表达多种原因,使文章结构清晰 :Two reasons result inFor one reason , For the other reason , Therefore 原因之一:子女在外出工作,无暇照顾父母。 fierce competition“激烈的竞争 ”为加分词。 原因之二:子女喜欢自由,与父母分开居住。其中 make it possib

18、le to do sth为亮点结构。 提出解决措施:分别从政府和社区、年轻一代以及老人自己三个方面提出建议,呼吁大家齐心合力解决问题。其中 engage their attention“引起某人的注意 ”是高分表达。 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to th

19、e passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节归纳题。从文章首段和几个小标题中多次出现

20、 snoring可知,本文主要从三个方面说明打鼾的问题,重点介绍了其危险性和治疗方法。由此可知 D概括最全面准确,所以为正确答案。 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节推断题。通过原文可知, Moss-Tucker现在是 56岁,她是大约 10年前开始 (nearly a decade earlier)患上打鼾的毛病的,由此推知当她开始打鼾时应该是 46岁左右。 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节辨认题。根据原文可以得知,当人们患有这种睡眠呼吸暂停症的时候,他们会不时地停止呼吸,或者一晚上能醒过来 100多次,故不难得出答案为 B。 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节推断题。通

21、过原文可以了解到,根据睡眠杂志的调查研究发现,患有打鼾的人群患高血压的几率比普通人高出 40%,患心脏病的几率比普通人高 34%,患中风的几率比普通人高 67%,比较这些数字可推知这些打鼾的人群得中风的可能性最大,故 D为正确答案。 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 同义转述题。本题要考查国家睡眠基金会所做的调查的相关结果。从原文可以得知,近 1/3的人都患有打鼾的毛病并且年龄越大,情况越糟糕,但是出乎人们意料的是,女性和男性患有打鼾的毛病几乎是一样的普遍。由此可知答案为 C。 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 同义转述题。从原文可知,因为打鼾的毛病是慢慢形成且逐渐加重的,以致人们意识不到

22、这种病症的严重性。本题容易误选 A,但注意题 干要求的是 Michael Twery的观点故排除 A。 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节辨认题。根据原文可知,睡觉时呼吸暂停最普遍的治疗方法就是 using a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure(or CPAP)machine,故答案为 D。 9 【正确答案】 FORCEOXYGENINTOTHEAIRWAY 【试题解析】 细节辨认题。此处需要填入动词性成分与 to构成不定式。由定位句里的同位语结构可知,此处应填入 force oxygen into the airway。 10 【正确答案】 NAS

23、ALAIRFLOW 【试题解析】 同义转述题。此处要填入名词性成分作 improve的宾语。本题考查如何通过手术来治疗打鼾的毛病。根据原文可知,扩宽空气通道和加快呼吸气流都对治疗打鼾有效。由此得出答案为 nasal airflow。 11 【正确答案】 PILLARPROCEDURE 【试题解析】 细节辨认题。此处需要填入名词与 UPPP LAUP, Somnoplasty并列,也是治疗打鼾的一种手术类型。本段中一共提到四种手术类型分别是UPPP, IAUP, Somnoplasty和 Pillar procedure。由此得出答案为 Pillar procedure。 Section A D

24、irections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the

25、pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. 12 【听力原文】 M: I havent heard from Nancy since she entered medical school I wonder how shes doing W: Well, I understand she gave our department secretary her new address and phone number Why dont you try t

26、o get in touch with her? Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士说 Nancy可能给秘书留了新的地址及电话号码,还问男士为什么不试着与 Nancy联系。但要与 Nancy联系就得先从秘书那里得到联系方式,故选 D。 13 【听力原文】 M: Wheres Professor White this morning? W: Hes a little under the weather. He got soaked in the heavy rain the night before l

27、ast and you know his health Q: What does the woman say about Professor White? 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 听音时要抓住关键词组 a little under the weather(身体不大舒服 ),got soaked in the heavy rain(淋了大雨 ),此外女士还补充了一句 you know his health,这些都说明 Professor White身体虚弱, A正确。 14 【听力原文】 W: This machine has so many buttons I cant figu

28、re out which one makes it run M: Youd better read the instructions first Pressing the buttons at random may cause the machine to break down Q: What would the woman most probably do first? 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题关键是要听到男士说 “你最好先看 使用指南。 ”由此可知,A(阅读操作手册 )正确。 15 【听力原文】 W: Are you about to join the rally aga

29、inst the recent police brutality of the students during a concert? M: Well, rather than jump to conclusions just yet, I think Ill find out what really happened. There are two sides to every story, you know? Q: What does the man imply? 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 男士说他不想草率下结论 (jump to conclusions),他要弄清楚到底发生了什么

30、,因为事物都具有两面性。其言外之意就是,他想在表明立场之前了解更多内情,故选 D, take a stand意为 “表明立场 ”。 16 【听力原文】 W: The new dorm rooms are great this year You should sign up for a room this year M: Actually I tried to But I was told I needed to live with another roommate. Q: What can we learn from the conversation about the man? 16 【正确

31、答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士说 “但我被告知需要和另一个室友一起住 ”,其潜台词就是不喜欢有室友,故 C为答案。 17 【听力原文】 W: You must have passed through lots of rural areas during your trip Do you enjoy the country? M: Yes when youve been staying in an rural areas for a change. Everything is relaxed and easy The scenery is beautiful Q: Why does the ma

32、n enjoy the country? 17 【正 确答案】 D 【试题解析】 关键句是男士说的 “当你在都市里待太久,你会为了改变一下而去欣赏农村 ”, D中的 the sense of flesh-ness(新鲜感 )与 for a change相对应,故选D。 18 【听力原文】 M: What an accident! If you had been careful things would not be as they are W: What do you mean, it was my fault? If it were, surely I would take all resp

33、onsibility for it. Q: What does the woman mean? 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题关键在于理解女士说的那个句子, “这是我的错 ?如果这是我的过错,我当然会承担所有的责任。 ”注意该句使用了虚拟语气,虚拟语气往往表示与现实相反,事实上女士认为她不应该对该事负责任,故 B正确。 19 【听力原文】 W: Professor Brown,I know your course has no absence policy But I have to have foot surgery next Monday and cant be here M:

34、 Medical excuses are one of the few exceptions I make. Q: What will Professor Brown most probably do? 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 女士提到了不得缺勤规定 (no absence policy),男士则提到了medical excuses属例 外情况之 -(exception),其言外之意是允许学生因病缺勤,故选 C。 20 【听力原文】 M: Honey, the basketball game is about to start And could you bring some c

35、hips and a bowl of ice cream?Anduha slice of pizza from the fridge W: Anything else? M: No, thats all for now Hey, honey, you know, theyre organizing a company basketball team, and Im thinking about joining. What do you think of it? W: Humph. M: “Humph“! What do you mean “Humph“? I was the star play

36、er in high school. W: Yeah, twenty-five years ago. Look, I just dont want you to have a heart attack running up and down the court. M: So, what are you suggesting? Should I just abandon the idea? Im not that out of shape. W: Well, you ought to at least have a physical check before you begin. I mean,

37、 it has been at least five years since you played at all. M: Well, okay, I agree with you. W: And you need to watch your diet and cut back on the fatty foods, like ice cream. And you should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. M: Yeah, youre probably right. I should do something to improve m

38、y diet. W: And you should take up a little weight training to strengthen your muscles or perhaps try cycling. Oh, and you need to go to bed early instead of watching TV half the night. M: Hey, youre starting to sound like my personal fitness instructor! W: No, I just love you, and I want you to be around for a long, long time. 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 对话开头男士说 “他们正在组建一支公司篮球队,我在考虑要参加 ”,因此 A正确。


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