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1、大学英语六级(阅读)模拟试卷 23及答案与解析 一、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the info

2、rmation given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 0 Do You Take Expired Medications? Lots of people do. Heres what you need to know. Last week, Debi Loarie was straightening h

3、er medicine cabinet when she noticed a 2003 expiration date on some Sudafed. She decided to check everything in her Highland Park, I11., home. “I would say 70 percent of the medicine I had in my cabinet was expired, “ she says, “Nobody looks. I had stuff from 2001, 19%. “ She tossed it all. “Why do

4、you want to take a chance, “ she says. “When youre really sick, and you want to feel better, you need that to work. “ Loarie is not alone in holding onto expired medications. This month a survey of more than 1,000 adults by the pharmacy chain Medicine Shoppe found that 65 percent of Americans said t

5、hey took expired medication. Unlike Loarie, more than half of them said they took them knowingly. So, does the expiration date matter? Experts say it depends on the individual drug and on storage conditions. Over time, medications do lose some of their strength. “Usually, the worst thing that could

6、happen is it wont be as potent as you expect it to be, “ says Dr. Edward Langston, a pharmacist and family physician in Lafayette, Ind., and chair-elect of the American Medical Association Board of Trustees. But it can be a more serious problem. Some drugs such as the epinephrine(肾上腺素 )used to treat

7、 anaphylactic shock(过敏性休克 )by people allergic to bee stings and certain foods lose effectiveness faster than others. “When youre having a potentially fatal reaction, thats not the time you want to find out the drug isnt as potent as it should be, “ says pharmacist Michael Negrete, vice president of

8、professional affairs for the California Pharmacists Association. Store Epi-Pens at a consistent temperature, and promptly replace expired ones. Storage is important for all drugs. Medications break down more quickly in unstable environments. Incredibly, the bathroom, where, according to the survey,

9、49 percent of Americans store their medications, is a poor choice because of fluctuating temperatures and humidity.(The kitchen, where 29 percent keep their drugs, is a problem for the same reasons.)“Drugs degrade more rapidly in such conditions, “ says Negrete. Its also important to remember that m

10、edicine often comes in colored vials to keep out light, which can degrade some drugs. A bedroom, where the temperature is consistent and where medications can be kept out of humidity and sunlight is a better option. In general, expiration dates are shorter on injected medications and longer on oral

11、ones. “Anything that comes in a solution form has the potential to degrade very rapidly, “ says Todd Cecil, vice president of standards development for the United States Pharmacopeia(USP), the standard-setting authority for prescription and over-the-counter drugs and dietary supplements. “When items

12、 are in solution, theres a lot more ability for changes in a molecule to happen vs. in a solid form. “ Some products, like aspirin, may last for years past their expiration dates. As aspirin ages, it may become more acidic, smell like vinegar and upset the stomach more, says Langston. “If it has a p

13、eculiar odor about it, there must be some decomposition. “ Many drugs are fine long after their expiration date. An FDA study of 122 drug products including Cipro and amoxicillin(both antibiotics) for the U. S. Department of Defense, published in July 2006, found that 88 percent were OK up to five y

14、ears after their original expiration date. Despite the FDAs findings, most experts say its not worth it for the rest of us to take a chance on expired medications. For one thing, the military stores its medications in their original, unopened containers, under rigorously controlled conditions, not i

15、n humid bathroom cabinets. “My recommendation is, if its expired, its expired. Youre not going to get the effects you intended, “ says pharmacist Bill Bailey, director of specialized care centers for Medicine Shoppe. “The medicine may not work as you intended or have the effects you intended. “ Not

16、surprisingly, drugs are more likely to last longer when theyre sealed. “Once you open a bottle up, you begin to have air in there, humidity, in some cases different temperatures and sunlight, “ says Bailey. The FDA requires manufacturers to submit expiration dates based on “real-time stability data“

17、 when they apply for new drug approval. These dates are usually about two years after manufacture, says Langston, but drug makers can submit data and petition for a longer date later, using so-called accelerated stability studies and actual realtime stability data. The longest shelf life is five yea

18、rs. Stability testing is usually conducted at 77 degrees, but manufacturers may do accelerated testing at up to 104 degrees. “They run mat through their computer models and make a reasonable estimate, “ says Langston. These tests arent intended to be accurate to the day. “Its a lot of science, and a

19、 little bit of art, “ says Langston. To get rid of expired drugs, check with your local pharmacy, city and county to see if they dispose of medications. If not, remove labels with personal information and then put medicine in the trash in a childproof container. Be careful, particularly with dangero

20、us drugs. “There are people who rummage through old garbage,“ says Langston. “There are reasons medications are prescription drugs. “ What does the government recommend? “Theres no clear guidance at the federal level,“ says Negrete. In fact, government agencies, along with manufacturers and groups l

21、ike the American Pharmacists Association(APhA), are looking into the disposal issue now. “It is so difficult,“ says Rogene Waite, a spokeswoman for the U. S. Drug Enforcement Administration. “Anything you can come up with is going to have an opposite side. Theres not going to be any easy answer. The

22、 best answer we have right now is: people are working on it, and stay tuned. “ The East Bay Municipal Utility District in Oakland, Calif. , is working with the Drug Enforcement Administration to set up a pilot project to allow medicine disposal at pharmacies and other locations. The U. S. Environmen

23、tal Protection Agency has no regulations about disposal. “ Theres just the agency encouraging consumers to be environmentally smart,“ says EPA spokeswoman Enesta Jones. Currently, the EPA is evaluating proposals for the disposal of unwanted and unused medications. The bottom line: clean out the medi

24、cine cabinet. Besides getting rid of drugs that may not be at their full strength, you could get some unexpected benefits. Once she got rid of two dozen old bottles, Loarie realized she had more cabinet space. And she felt so good about her efforts that she decided to tackle the expired food in her

25、kitchen, too. 1 Whats the finding of the survey by the pharmacy chain Medicine Shoppe? ( A) Most of the respondents dont know the expired medication can cause serious problems. ( B) The majority of the respondents think expired medications can meet emergencies. ( C) More than 50% of the respondents

26、take expired medications knowingly. ( D) Most of the respondents take medications without noticing the expiration date. 2 When medications are over the expiration date, _. ( A) some of their effectiveness will lose ( B) their effectiveness cant be influenced ( C) they may aggravate the disease ( D)

27、they may threaten ones life 3 Where are medications more suitable to be stored according to the passage? ( A) In the bathroom. ( B) In the kitchen. ( C) In the bedroom. ( D) In the study room. 4 According to Todd Cecil, which form of the medication is more likely to degrade? ( A) Liquid. ( B) Pill.

28、( C) Capsule. ( D) Powder. 5 What do most experts think of the expired drugs? ( A) They agree most of expired drugs could be taken. ( B) They think most of expired drugs are stable. ( C) They dont oppose people to try expired drugs. ( D) They disapprove of taking expired drugs. 6 When drug manufactu

29、res ask for the approval of new drugs, they are demanded to _by the FDA. ( A) present expiration dates ( B) do stability testing ( C) make a reasonable evaluation ( D) submit real-time stability data 7 What does Langston think of manufacturers tests? ( A) They are not worth believing. ( B) They are

30、accurate but in lack of evidence. ( C) They are scientific but a little inaccurate. ( D) They are scientific and precise completely. 8 If the local pharmacy doesnt dispose of expired medications, you should put them in a container which is_. 9 The Federal Government doesnt show clear recommendation

31、on the problem of_. 10 Recently, the EPA is evaluating proposals about the disposal of_medication. Section A Directions: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest

32、 possible words. 10 The first step to defeat an enemy is to pin down his exact identity and how he operates. Hypertension chronic, abnormally raised blood pressure causes heart attacks, strokes and a multitude of other nasty conditions. Around a third of Americans and Britons suffer from it. It is t

33、hus a worthy enemy and nailing its cause is a priority. Until now, this has mostly seemed to lie in the kidneys. But Hidefumi Waki and Julian Paton of Bristol University think they have gathered some valuable new intelligence by studying the brain. In a previous experiment Dr Waki and Dr Paton had f

34、ound that rodents(啮齿动物 )with high blood pressure expressed some genes differently in an area of the brain, called the solitary nucleus(孤束核 , which sets the bodys normal blood-pressure level. One of these genes was called “junctional adhesionmolecule-1“ or JAM-1 for short. It is a molecule normally f

35、ound in the walls of blood vessels that attracts clotting and immune cells in other words, it causes inflammation(炎症 ). So the pair decided to look at JAM-1 in further depth. They found that in rats with high blood pressure JAM-1 levels were raised not only in the brain but also the kidney, lungs an

36、d skeletal muscle. To find out whether this was the cause or effect of high blood pressure, they then transferred the JAM-1 gene into the solitary nucleus of normal rats. After two weeks, these rats suffered from higher blood pressure than rats that had not received the gene. Previously, experts tho

37、ught that high blood pressure was caused by the kidneys. The idea was that the kidneys failed to sense the blood pressure. This then caused the lungs to make a hormone that increases blood pressure, leading to a chain of events that raised pressure throughout the blood-vessel network. All blood-pres

38、sure-lowering drugs work by seeking to put this right. Yet blaming the kidneys cannot be the full explanation of what is going on, because only half the sufferers respond to blood-pressure-lowering drugs. Although these findings are preliminary, they have far-reaching implications. Variations in the

39、 JAM-1 gene and its expression may explain why high blood pressure tends to run in families, although it is also caused by a poor diet. The finding also shows that the brain could increase the activity of the sympathetic nerves, the part of the nervous system involved in stress response. Ultimately,

40、 the finding could hasten the development of drugs that would attack hypertension at its source, stopping its deadly consequences in their tracks. 11 According to the passage, the first step to heal hypertension is to_. 12 What controls the rodents normal blood-pressure levels? 13 The experiment of

41、transferring JAM-1 into the normal rats is intended to prove the relationship between high blood pressure and_. 14 What were the previous drugs intended to do to lower high blood pressure? 15 The findings of JAM-1 are very important because they could promote further research for drugs that would de

42、al with hypertension at the right_. Section B Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. 15 Starvation of the spirit cannot

43、be seen on the scale or in the bottom of a toilet bowl. It lurks in the hollow eyes of a person who is slowly giving up on life. If I learned one thing at the clinic, it is that the greatest damage eating disorders do is mental: they are a cancer of the soul. Its not about how much you weigh, even t

44、hough thats what you think about constantly. Becoming very thin is really just a symptom the sickest person is not always the skinniest. Like addictions, restriction is used to numb the pain, to gain a sense of control, power and relief. The depression, fear and hopelessness ache far more than a bon

45、y body. Eating disorders are abusive, selfish and deadly but the media glamorizes them by giving them attention, even when showing a bony model on the verge of death. I have seldom come across a truly honest article about the emotional and mental burden of loss of appetite and bulimia(暴食症 ). Instead

46、, its a strange show: look how skinny so-and-so got, look at the bones and the loose clothing and the sad feeding tubes snaking through their noses. “Horrible,“ we say when we hear about self-induced vomiting or week-long fasts, but later I overhear the dull conversations in the girls bathroom: “I w

47、ish I had that kind of willpower.“ Its sick. In America, we hold up weight-loss, rather than health, as achievement. Each week, someone presented a timeline of her life to the whole group. Some patients were in their early teens, and couldnt see why their behavior was harmful. Others were in their 2

48、0s, telling stories of broken families and unsuccessful treatment. The story that most deeply affected me, however, was that of a 40-year-old woman who had spent her life fighting against anorexia(厌食症 ). She was no longer skinny: her eating disorder had caused a thyroid(甲状腺的 )condition that made her

49、 overweight. She had lost everything to her illness. She migrated from one treatment facility to the next, in the hospital in-between, searching for something to make her whole. She had a very successful career, but she spent every night alone. She was smart, kind, funny and lively, but anorexia masked these qualities and sent her into despair. Now she sat among young girls just starting life, but already tortured by sickness. “I am your worst nightmare, “ she said. “Dont be


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