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1、大学英语六级(阅读)模拟试卷 24及答案与解析 一、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the info

2、rmation given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 0 Apple Expands Its Touchy-feely(使人动心的 )Vision This weekends launch of Apples iPad in the US with an international debut expe

3、cted later in the month will be a polarising moment. The television news will linger on the queues outside Apple stores, and fans will be seen drooling(垂涎 )over these latest shiny objects of techno-lust. Doubters, meanwhile, will point out that general purpose tablet-style computers such as this hav

4、e always bombed before and if the touch-screen interface is so revolutionary, why is Apple going to sell an old-fashioned keyboard to plug into it? To focus on issues such as these, though, would be to miss the point. This launch is about much more than just another piece of personal technology hard

5、ware, no matter how desirable. For the iPad is an extension of the most significant new development in computing since the birth of the personal computer. If it takes off, it would seal Apples rebound to the very top of the heap in the computing world. Starting with the iPhone in 2007 and followed b

6、y the iPod touch the same year, Apple has been changing the way people relate to intelligent portable devices. Touch has become the interface and connected “app stores“ the new place to find services and content. Between them, the iPhone and the touch already represent the fastest-growing new comput

7、ing platform in history, according to Mary Meeker, internet analyst with Morgan Stanley. With the iPad, Apple is now staking out a big piece of extra territory for this platform. General purpose, tablet-style devices have proved a graveyard for technology companies before. But with a model honed on

8、the iPhone, Apple starts with a better chance than others. And even if initial sales are disappointing as they were for the iPod and iPhone Apple has at least outlined the shape of a big new potential market for the army of software developers who have hitched their fortunes to its technology. The i

9、Phone/iPod touch/iPad platform is defined by a number of ingredients. Mark Rolston, chief creative officer of Frog Design, a design company with a heavy emphasis on technology products, calls this “casual computing“ a more personal and intuitive way to interact with intelligent devices, and the info

10、rmation and services they make available. Touch, the most obvious aspect of this new paradigm(范例 ), is more than just an easy and direct way to issue commands. It also brings tactile pleasure: stroking the device to elicit the desired result is an important part of the experience. Another aspect is

11、the ease with which it fits into the flow of daily life. There is no need to boot it up, or even to flip up a lid: just look at the screen and tap a couple of times. The iPad may not have the same extreme portability as the iPhone, but it shares the same heritage. A third important element of this n

12、ew platform is its end-to-end nature. It draws information from closely connected services over the internet, turning a simple gadget into the delivery mechanism for a carefully designed experience. The venerable combination of iPod and iTunes, now seven years old, supplied the blueprint, but the iP

13、hone and App Store and this weekend the iPad and iBook Store have extended the idea. These characteristics are not unique to Apple. Others have been racing to copy it. Amazon, with its Kindle and connected book store, applied some of these lessons to the book world even before Apple. Google, with it

14、s heavy investment in online services, poses a particular challenge. It has already demonstrated internet-powered capabilities on Android, its own mobile software platform, that should make Apple blanch: an image recognition service, for example, that identifies a picture of any landmark taken on a

15、handset, or an instant voice translation capability. Google is gathering momentum. It is preparing to launch a second software platform, called Chrome OS, later this year, with the aim of creating a more streamlined way of delivering internet-based services. It took less than a year and a half from

16、the launch of the iPhone for the first smartphone built on Googles software. A rival to the iPad may take half that. With its mastery of creating end-to-end experiences, however, as well as the big early lead chalked up by the iPhone, Apple is still the company to beat. It is tempting to trace advan

17、ces in technology by the higher speed, lower price or greater convenience they bring. But the real power of a new platform lies in the new forms of behaviour it makes possible, most of which cannot be anticipated. John Seely Brown, a former head of the Xerox research labs that gave birth to much of

18、the underlying technology of personal computing, credits Apples platform with changing everyday life in unexpected ways. He calls the iPhone, for example, a “curiosity amplifier“ any dinner-party conversation is liable to lead to someone pulling out their iPhone to resolve a dispute or check a fact,

19、 changing the direction of the discussion. “The full impact of a technology that fits into everyday life like this has yet to be understood, “ he says. It is not immediately clear how the iPad will fit this picture. It comes, at launch, dressed mainly as a media consumption device a better place tha

20、n the iPhone to read books, watch video, or flick through new electronic versions of magazines that offer video as well as text and pictures. But, as with the iPhone, the real story will lie in how it is taken up and used and how quickly other application developers find ways to exploit its unique c

21、haracteristics to create new experiences. There are certainly reasons for doubt. The larger screen may make it less portable than a smartphone, its lack of a built-in keyboard less useful as an input device than a PC or Mac. But the iPads 9.7 inch, high-resolution screen is about to become the virgi

22、n territory on which the computer industrys next dreams will be sketched. 1 According to the passage, those who are doubtful of Apples iPad will say that ( A) Apples competitiveness is declining ( B) the fans high expectations are kind of false scent ( C) its launch is just to widen Apples brand inf

23、luence ( D) there are flaws in its touch-screen interface 2 According to the author, whats the significance of the launch of iPhone, ipod touch and todays iPad? ( A) They set an acceptable price for the majority of consumers. ( B) They make its devices more and more multifunctional and versatile. (

24、C) They alter the way people relate to intelligent portable devices. ( D) They are more stylish products. 3 Whats Mary Meekers attitude towards the launch of Apples iPad? ( A) She doubts that it will make Apple lose its current superiority in computing world. ( B) She believes it will become a repre

25、sentation of the computing platform. ( C) She believes it will contribute to the developmental trend of computer market. ( D) She doubts that it may suffer defeat as other tablet-style devices. 4 How does Mark Rolston think of Apples products such as iPad and iPod touch? ( A) They help Apple expand

26、its customer groups. ( B) They give people not only convenience but also tactile pleasure. ( C) They just simplify the way to issue commands. ( D) They outline the shape of potential computer market. 5 Which of the following best shows the end-to-end nature of Apples new platform? ( A) It obtains in

27、formation from closely connected services over the Internet. ( B) It makes iPad have the same extreme portability as the iPhone. ( C) It combines iPad with Apples other products. ( D) It enables the users to elicit the desired result quickly. 6 Which of the following steps is taken by Amazon? ( A) A

28、pplying free e-books to users in the Internet. ( B) Investing heavily in online services. ( C) Identifying a picture of any landmark taken on a handset. ( D) Combining its e-book reader with connected book store. 7 Whats the direct purpose of Googles launching its Chrome OS software platform? ( A) T

29、o seize the market of new computer technology. ( B) To prepare for the launch of its iPad-like computers. ( C) To meet the challenge of Apples new platform. ( D) To offer a better way of delivering internet-based services. 8 Apples superiority in_makes it the company to beat. 9 John Seely Brown does

30、nt think people have understand the full impact of_ which is an integral part of daily life like iPhone. 10 IPads_may indicate the computer industrys next important research field. Section A Directions: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the pas

31、sage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. 10 The world is going through the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever witnessed. The process sweeps from hyperactive America to Europe and reaches the emerging countries with unsurpassed migh

32、t. Many in these countries are looking at this process and worrying: Wont the wave of business concentration turn into an uncontrollable anti-competitive force? Theres no question that the big are getting bigger and more powerful. Multinational corporations accounted for less than 20% of internation

33、al trade in 1982. Today the figure is more than 25% and growing rapidly. International affiliates account for a fast-growing segment of production in economics that open up and welcome foreign investment. In Argentina, for instance, after the reforms of the early 1990s, multinationals went from 43%

34、to 70% of the industrial production of the 200 largest firms. This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smaller economic firms, of national businessmen and over the ultimate stability of the world economy. I believe that most important forces behind the massive M N (for NO) if th

35、e statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 【知识模块】 阅读 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 最后一句说怀疑人 士会指出,这类一般通用的平板电脑以往在市场中一直遭遇惨败 而且,如果触摸屏界面真的如此具有革命性,那么苹果公司为何还打算出售供 iPad外接的老式键盘呢 ?言外之意是他们认为苹果的这款电脑的触摸屏界面存在缺陷。 D项是对文意是正确推断。 【知识模块】 阅读 2 【正确

36、答案】 C 【试题解析】 第二句与第三句间存在因果关系。第二句指出无论 iPad有多令人想往,它都决非仅仅是另一件个人高科技硬件产品。接下来由因果连词 for引出原因: iPad是个人电脑 (PC)诞生以来,计算机领域最重要的一项新发展 的延伸。后面第五句指出该公司先是在 2007年推出 iPhone,随后又在在同年推出 iPod touch,它一直在改变着人们与智能便携设备有关的方式。由以上可知,上文说的“新发展的延伸 ”也就是说在人们与智能便携设备连接的方式上的发展。故苹果的三款产品的诞生的最重要的意义都在于其改变了人们与智能便携设备的连接方式。故 C项正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 3 【正

37、确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此段都是 Mary Meeker的观点。第一、二句指出 Mary Meeker称, iPhone与 iPod Touch共同代表着有史以来发展最快的新型计算机平台。通过推出 iPad,苹果公司如今又让这一平台延伸出一块广袤的新领域。最后一句中又指出即使 iPad销量不好,它也至少也会使苹果公司为大批软件开发者勾勒出了一块既大又有潜力的新市场的轮廓。由此推断出她认为 iPad将为计算机市场的发展做出贡献。 C项正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 第二句指出 Mark Rolston,将 iPad这样的电脑称为 “休闲电脑 ”一种更加个人化和

38、直观化的、与智能设备 (及其所提供的信息和服务 )互动的 模式。触摸便是这一新模式最显著的特性:它不仅是一种简单且直接的发布指令的方式,而且还带来了触觉上的乐趣。故 B项符合此意,正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 第一句说 Apple新平台的第三个重要特性是它的端到端的性质。第二句对此特征做了进一步的解释:它通过互联网从密切关联的各项服务中获取信息, A项正确。其他三项不是此特征的体现。 【知识模块】 阅读 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本段讲到了其他公司和苹果公司的端到端连接的特征相似的一些做法。其中第三句说亚马逊早于 Apple之前就将 Kindle电子

39、阅读器和与其相关的书城相结合,给图书业提供了借鉴。 D项正是此意,其中的 ebook reader就是指文中的 Kindle。故为正确答案。其他三项都是谷歌所采取的措施。 【知识模块】 阅读 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 第六句指出 Google打算在今年晚些时候推出名为 Chrome OS的第二个软件平台,旨在以更高效无缝的方式提供基于互联网的服务。 with the aim of表明其目的,故 D项正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 8 【正确答案】 end-to-end experiences and iPhone 【试题解析】 第一句便指出不过,鉴于其在打造端到端体验方面的优势、以及iP

40、hone显著的先发优势,苹果公司仍将在竞争中胜出。由此看出苹果的优势体现在终端到终端体验方面及 iPhone上。 【知识模块】 阅读 9 【正确答案】 a technology 【试题解析】 题目将最后一句说。 John Seely Brown说,对于像 iPhone这样融入日常生活的新技术,人们尚未充分了解其影响。题干中 which引导的定语从句对应文中的 that引导的从句,直接获取答案 a technology。 【知识模块】 阅读 10 【正确答案】 9.7 inch, high-resolution screen 【试题解析】 第四句指出人们对 iPad心存疑虑,第五句指出 iPad

41、存在的缺点,最后一句指出 iPad的 9 7英寸高分辨率显示屏,将成为计算机业播种下一个梦想的处女地。由此推断计算机业的下一个重点研究领域的方向是 9 7 inch, high-resolution screen。 【知识模块】 阅读 Section A Directions: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the state

42、ments in the fewest possible words. 【知识模块】 阅读 11 【正确答案 】 competition 【试题解析】 根据线索词 worry定位到第一段最后一句,文中说许多人目睹了商业并购潮,担心这种并购会演变成为一种反竞争的力量,也就是说他们担心会与竞争相反,故这里填 competition。 【知识模块】 阅读 12 【正确答案】 stability 【试题解析】 根据线索词 Argentina定位在第二段最后两句话上,文中提到由于阿根廷跨国公司比例的增加,人们对世界经济的最终稳定深感忧虑。这里关键是理解 This phenomenon指的是哪种现象,这里

43、需要填 stability。 【知识模块】 阅读 13 【正确答案】 lower 【试题解析】 根据线索词 the mergers of telecom companies定位在第四段,文中指出电信公司的合并,似乎并没有给消费者带来价格的提升,相反通讯价格快速降低,故这里应该填 higher的反义词 lower。 【知识模块】 阅读 14 【正确答案】 be watched 【试题解析】 根据线索词 not hurt和 merger movement将答案定位在第四段末和第五段段首,文中说没有迹 象表明这种并购使消费者受到了伤害,但事实上,这种并购潮必须引起重视,题干是原文意思的正确综述。这里

44、填 be watched。 【知识模块】 阅读 15 【正确答案】 Lender of last resort 【试题解析】 根据线索词 Alan Greenspans定位到最后一段,文中提到艾伦 格林斯潘对于银行界的超级合并提出了警告,他提出质疑:谁将作为最后贷款人去监督、规范、管理那些将要成立的超级大银行 ?其他银行业最后受到监督、规范的机构被称作 lender of last resort,由此 得出答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 Section B Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is follo

45、wed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. 【知 识模块】 阅读 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 推理判断题。文中第二段第一句话提到尽管最高法院裁定,没有宪法权利支持医生帮助病人自杀的行为,但实质上,法院支持了医学界的 “双效 ”原则。也就是说事实上,医生帮助病人自杀这种行为是不合法的。由此推断出 B项正确, C项错误。第三段说医生曾用大剂

46、量吗啡来控制的是晚期病人的病痛,而非所有病人,选项 A错误; D项在文中找不到依据。 【知识模块】 阅读 17 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 观点态度题。第五段第一句指出 George Annas的观点:讲医德的医生出于正当的医学目的开药方,即使那种药会加速病人的死亡,也不能说这个医生违法了,由此推断出他是赞成医生开高剂量的止痛药的, C项正确。其他三项均不是他的观点。 【知识模块】 阅读 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实细节题。文中第七段提到报告指出了临终护理中存在的两个问题,一是对病痛的处理不足,二是鲁莽地使用一些无效的强制性医疗手段。由此可以看出 B项是对存在的第一个问题的正

47、确描述。其他三项不符合文章原意。 【知识模块】 阅读 19 【正确答 案】 A 【试题解析】 语义理解题。本题考查熟词在具体语境中的含义,根据第七段最后一句话此词出现的短语 aggressive use及后面的 problems一词判断其词义应该是消极的,再根据后面的问题:可能会致使病人死亡的过程延长,由此推断这种用药行为是冒险性的, A“鲁莽的,大胆的 ”符合意思,正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 20 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 事实细节题。第九段最后一句话说乔治 安纳斯认为行医资格理事会 “必须明确表明如果判定病人在痛苦中死亡是因医生处理不力造成的,那么应 该吊销该医生的从医执照 ”,从这

48、句话我们可以看出 D项正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 21 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 推理判断题。由第二段可知, Trulia可以提供全美最大的 50个市场的最新租买比指数,人们可以在 Trulia“check out”房产信息。由此可以推断出, Trulia最有可能是一个房地产搜索引擎,故 A项正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 22 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 推理判断题。第四段中 Nelson认为一些地区的公寓买比租要贵的原因是失业率的降低和富裕家庭把钱付清使共有公寓价格上涨,另外避免了房地产泡沫,是另一个房价没有下降的原因,也就是说这些都是租比买划算的原因,故 C项正

49、确。反之,如果失业率高居不下,经历过房地产泡沫则可以推断出房价会上升,租比买贵,故 AB两项错误。第一段中提到购房税收抵免到期是人们观望是否该买房的一个原因,也就是说在有税收抵免的情况下,人们是愿意买房子的,可以推断出这种情况下租比买贵,故 D项错误。 【知识模块】 阅读 23 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实细节题。第五段提到虽 然总体的租买比更倾向于出租, Nelson提醒有意购房者应考虑一下其他因素,故 B项正确。原文中 Nelson提醒人们注意是否是买房的好时候,租房不是 Nelaon的建议,故排除 A项。原文提到靠倒卖房子迅速暴富的日子已经过去了,大多数人们是为了居住,不是说建议人们衡量倒买房子可获得的利益,故 C项错误。原文没有提到 Nelaon建议人们仔细考虑房价是否会继续下降,排除 D项。 【知识模块】 阅读 24 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 观点态度题。第七段提到 Alex Barron对房市看跌, 他预计房市在跌到谷底之前还会再降 10至


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