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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 149及答案与解析 Section A ( A) She lacks confidence in herself. ( B) She is not interested in oral English. ( C) She has never signed up for any contest before. ( D) She is sure to win the competition. ( A) The lecture for next Monday is cancelled. ( B) The lecture wasnt as successful a

2、s expected. ( C) The woman may attend next Mondays lecture. ( D) The woman doesnt want to attend the lecture. ( A) She is not in good health for her age. ( B) She likes the job of feeding fish. ( C) She finds her new job interesting. ( D) She feels unfit for her new job. ( A) He will beat his oppone

3、nts by a few votes. ( B) Hes the most promising candidate for the school board. ( C) He will be supported by many taxpayers. ( D) Hes unwise to propose a cut in the school budget. ( A) In a hotel. ( B) In a snack bar. ( C) On a plane. ( D) At a tourist agency. ( A) Its impossible to get to the Peopl

4、es Square by bus. ( B) The man doesnt know how to get there by bus. ( C) The woman will not take the subway. ( D) The subway is more convenient than the bus. ( A) She had a minor accident. ( B) She caught a serious cold. ( C) She cared too much about her looking. ( D) She got stuck in the traffic. (

5、 A) The woman is showing how to turn on a light. ( B) The man is sitting near the window. ( C) The man has got a bad headache. ( D) The woman is asked to adjust the air-conditioner. ( A) To prepare a class presentation. ( B) To watch TV program. ( C) To help him cure his headache. ( D) To study for

6、a hard test with him. ( A) He didnt know that she was enrolled in the course. ( B) He thought she preferred to study alone. ( C) He had made arrangements with others. ( D) He had done poorly on a recent test. ( A) He quarreled with Elizabeth recently. ( B) He heard Elizabeth did poorly on the last t

7、est ( C) He doesnt want to bother Elizabeth so late. ( D) He would rather study in his own dormitory. ( A) A basic medical kit. ( B) Some food for weekend. ( C) The 3-day emergency supplies. ( D) A sleeping bag and a tent. ( A) Packing sweets is unwise for health reasons. ( B) Cooking warm meals can

8、 lift peoples spirits. ( C) It is wise to buy easy-to-prepare food. ( D) Its necessary to get food cooked in advance. ( A) A very overcrowded place. ( B) A tightly sealed container. ( C) A comfortable resort like a hotel. ( D) A place lacking water and food. ( A) Two-way radios. ( B) Mobile phones.

9、( C) Credit cards. ( D) Sleeping bags. Section B ( A) What are needed in a love relationship. ( B) What kinds of people are most popular. ( C) How to avoid an unhappy conflict. ( D) How to become someone special. ( A) People tend to go to extremes in daily life. ( B) People try all out to build a pe

10、rfect relationship. ( C) People change themselves easily in marriage. ( D) People feel comfortable with common partners. ( A) Responsibility and intelligence. ( B) Tolerance and adaptation. ( C) Cheerfulness and surprise. ( D) Willingness and expectation. ( A) The right hand. ( B) The left hand. ( C

11、) Both hands. ( D) It depends. ( A) 2 years old. ( B) 3 years old. ( C) 4 years old. ( D) 8 years old. ( A) The younger they are, the less they use both of their hands. ( B) They become one-handed and start using both hands alternately. ( C) One of their hands develops more skillfully as they age. (

12、 D) Most children in the world are bom right-handed. ( A) He runs a store selling appliances. ( B) He is a master of ceremonies. ( C) He holds a financial consultancy. ( D) He is a sales manager. ( A) Because they fail to find their favorite models. ( B) Because they feel disappointed at the poor se

13、rvice. ( C) Because they just come to see the prices of goods. ( D) Because they think Stevenson overcharges them. ( A) He will be with them whenever they need advice. ( B) He will be responsible for the quality of what he sells. ( C) He will deliver the goods to the given address. ( D) He will offe

14、r them a free wedding ceremony. ( A) Stevensons authority. ( B) Stevensons self-confidence. ( C) Stevensons generosity. ( D) Stevensons truthfulness. Section C 25 Every morning, when I drive past the street corner, I can always see the big sign standing outside the gas station. The sign lists the pr

15、ice of gasoline per gallon. However, in the past few months, the number never seemed to【 B1】 _. My family, school mates and co-workers have all been complaining about this【 B2】 _ issue. The car is one of the most【 B3】 _means of transportation in southern California; people even say, “We can not live

16、 without cars! “ According to scientific predictions, we will【 B4】 _ gasoline in 50 years. People will not be able to drive cars, take planes or even sail ships. When the time comes, hardly anything will【 B5】 _ normally. In this case, governments will have to provide【 B6】 _ to research departments t

17、o develop new forms of energy on which cars can run. One idea, for example, is that people in California will be able to drive solar-powered cars since it is【 B7】 _ sunny most of the time. In other states, there are people developing new forms of fuel involving alcohol【 B8】 _ gasoline or new combina

18、tions like gasoline plus corn oil. Who knows what forms of new energy people will be using in the future? Without problems 【 B9】 _, there will be no new solutions. Society needs to move forward. Sometimes, we need these【 B10】 _ to motivate us to achieve great things. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】 29 【

19、B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 149答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 M: The university is going to hold an English Speech Contest. Many of my friends are going to enter for it. How about you? W: Do you think I could ever win anything if I took part in it? Q: What

20、 do we learn about the woman from the conversation? 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据选项可预测话题为女士对比赛的信心或兴趣如何。反问句的含义往往是字面意思的否定,女士认为自己即使参加了也赢不了,故答案为 A。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原文】 W: I am sorry I wasnt able to attend the lecture last Monday. I learned it was quite a success. M: You may make it up. Another presentation on the

21、 same topic is scheduled for the same time next Monday. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据选项可以预测话题 可能是讲座的信息以及女士是否愿意或有机会参加。女士说上周一没听成讲座很遗憾,听说讲座非常成功,男士说下周一还有,故选 C。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 M: Hi Mary, havent seen you for ages. How are you going with your new job? W: Not so well.

22、I feel like a fish out of water doing that .job. Q: What does the woman mean? 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士被问及新工作时,说: “不怎么好,感觉自己像离开水的鱼。 ”故答案为 D。其实也只有 D是否定的,与 Not so well一致,所以即使没有听懂后面的补充说明也应该做对。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 W: Have you heard that Carter is running for the school board? M: Yes, and I also heard that he

23、wants to cut the school budget. The stupid guy says it will save the taxpayers money and believes they will vote for him. Q: What does the man think of Carter? 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 男士用 stupid来称呼 Carter,可知是不看好他的,故选 D。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 M: By the way, may I have my breakfast in my room? Im not an early

24、riser. W: Of course, sir. Just ask for room service and theyll see to it that you wake up to enjoy your order any time. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 由选项可知本题问地点。抓住关键词 room service“客房服务 ”即可判断出对话发生在宾馆,故 A正确。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力原文】 W: Excuse me, sir. Is it possi

25、ble to get to the Peoples Square by bus from here? M: Yes, but no bus here goes directly to your destination. You have to transfer twice. Why not take the subway instead? Its much less complicated. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据选项预测对话与问路有关。注意听建议句型 Why not 后的内容,答案中的 c

26、onvenient是对原文 less complicated的同义转述。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 M: Good morning, Ms. Hoe. Whats troubling you? W: I began to have a sore throat and a running nose the day before yesterday. And now, Ive started to cough. Q: Whats the womans problem? 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 选项都是 She开头,预测对话跟女士的遭遇有关,注意听女士的话语。 sore th

27、roat“喉咙痛 ”, runningnose“流鼻涕 ”, cough“咳嗽 ”,都是感冒的症状。跟事故、塞车、外貌无关,故 B正确。 【知识模块 】 听力 8 【听力原文】 M: Would you please help me adjust the air flow? Its blowing right on my head. Im a bit cold. W: Sure. Just turn the knob here in whichever direction you like. You can also shut it off by switching it tightly to

28、 the right. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 男士嫌冷,让女士帮他调气流量,女士告诉他可以旋转圆形的控制开关,也可以关掉它。 D中的 air-conditioner是 air flow的同义表达,故 D正确。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 W: Hi, Kaven. Your roommate told me that I could find you in the TV lounge. What are you doing here? M: What does it look like

29、 I am doing? W: Well, it looks like you are watching television, but we have a linear algebra mid-term tomorrow, so I thought youd be studying for it and maybe I can study with you. M: Oh, well, I was just taking a break. This linear algebra stuff gives me a headache if I work on it too long. W: I k

30、now what you mean. Ive been working on it for three hours already. Im beginning to go cross. Id been thinking at the sample problems. I just dont get some of them. M: But I cant believe you are coming to me. I mean you do know what I got on the last test, dont you? W: Yeah, I know. You told me. I ju

31、st thought two heads might be better than one. M: Yeah, thats a nice idea But. you know, I wish I knew that person in our class who got a hundred on the last test. She didnt miss a question. Umm. was it Elizabeth? W: Oh yeah, Elizabeth! She is a friend of mine. Shed be a big help right now. Why dont

32、 I give her a call? M: What! At this hour? Its already ten thirty. I dont wanna impose on her. W: Yeah, I guess you are right. But you know what? She owes me a big favor. Lets at least give her a call and see what she says. Maybe going over some of the problems with us would help her review the mate

33、rial. M: Its worth a try. 9. Whats the womans purpose of looking for the man? 10. Why is the man surprised that the woman wants to study linear algebra with him? 11. Why doesnt the man want to call Elizabeth? 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项都是不定式短语,本题可能询问目的。女士说: “我们明天有线性代数期中考试。我想你应该在学习,也许我可以跟你一起学习。 ”故 D正确。 【知识模

34、块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 男士说: “我真不敢相信你居然来找我。我的意思是你应该知道我上次考试的成绩,不是吗 ?”由此可推断出他上次考得不好,所以 D正确。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据选项猜测,问题应该和 Elizabeth有关,听音时要留意。 男士说: “什么 ?这个时间 ?已经 10: 30了。我不想去打扰她了。 ”故 C正确。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 W: Hi, Tim. Are you doing some last-minute shopping before the weekend? M: Actuall

35、y, Im looking for supplies to put together 72-hour kits for my family. W: Whats that? M: Basically, a 72-hour kit contains emeggency supplies you would need to sustain yourself for three days in case of an emergency. W: So, what do you keep in it? M: Well, you should have enough food and water to la

36、st you three days, and you might want to pack a basic water filter in case your only water source turns out to be a pool of bug-infested water. W: Ugh! M: As for food, you should keep it simple: food that requires little or even no preparation and that doesnt spoil. W: That makes sense. M: Then, you

37、 have to decide on the type of shelter you might need.14You might have to evacuate to a shelter, possibly with hundreds or thousands of other people. W: That doesnt sound very fun. everyone packed together like sardines in a can. M: I always pack a sleeping bag or small, lightweight tent in the even

38、t that I have to survive on the street or in a park. W: Wow. What about money? I have a credit card. M: That will help. But youd better be prepared with coins and cash, and having small bills is a must. W: So, what do you do to communicate with other family members in case you get separated? M: I al

39、ways pack two-way radios to communicate with the group. You can never depend on cell phones. Plus, you should decide on a meeting point in case your family gets separated. W: Well, that sounds like a detailed plan. 12. What does the man want to buy? 13. What does the man say about food? 14. What doe

40、s the woman think of an emergency shelter? 15. What should be relied on in communication with the group according to the man? 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 第一轮对话中男士就提到了主题词 72-hour kits,后来又解释说 a 72一 hour kit包括三天的应急供应品,故答案为 C。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据选项可知问题与食品有关,听到 As for food时注意捕捉后面的信息:关键词是 little no pre

41、paration,即 C。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 听到 shelter时注意相关描述,关键在于理解习语 packed like sardines in a can“像罐头里的沙丁鱼 ”,比喻拥挤不堪。所以 A正确。如果听到了男士说的 “可能和成百上千的人住在一起 ”也可以大概猜出女士的话意。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 四个选项都是物品,听音时要注意与对话内容匹配。男士说: “我使用无线电与团队交流,你绝不能依赖手机 ”。所以 A正确。对话结尾常常是出题之处。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 16Ar

42、e you looking for a good relationship with someone special? What type of person is the best person for you? Is it the person with the highest IQ? Is it the most beautiful or most handsome person? How about the richest person or the most ambitious? Is your ideal partner the most traditional or the mo

43、st modern person? Is he or she the person like you, or most unlike you? The answer, psychologists say, is none of the above. Why? Because they are all extremes. In a number of research studies, psychologists asked couples these questions. The answers were clear.17Most people are happy with moderatio

44、n with partners who are not the most or the best, or the least or the worst. People are more comfortable with partners who are not so special. The research showed several other important things. In a love relationship, two things can cause trouble. First, trouble happens when both people get angry q

45、uickly. This is not surprising. Second, trouble happens when people dont expect to change themselves in a relationship. Do you stay calm when you disagree with someone? Are you ready to change yourself?16/18If you can tolerate disagreement and are willing to change, maybe you are ready for a serious

46、 relationship. 16. Whats the passage mainly about? 17. Whats the result of the research studies? 18. According to the speaker, what are essential for a serious love relationship? 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 原文开头用问句提到 “和什么样的人发展良好关系,怎样的人最适合自己,理想伴侣 ”等,继而谈到心理学家的研究结果,最后总结恋爱关系吊必要的两点,因此 A正确。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【正确答案】 D 【

47、试题解析】 原文说,大多数人对 “适度 ”感 到快乐,人们和不那么特别的伴侣在一起时更舒服。 D表达的正是此含义,故为答案。 【知识模块】 听力 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原文最后提到,如果你能容忍不同意见,并且愿意做出改变,那就可能是为一段认真的关系做好准备了。 B是对原文 tolerate和 change的同义表达。 【知识模块】 听力 19 【听力原文】 Approximately 90% of people in the world are naturally right-handed. Why is this so, and are we born one way or

48、the other? The answer to this question is rather complicated. In babies and young children, no single side becomes dominant until around the age of eight. At 12 weeks, babies usually use both hands equally, but by 16 weeks, they mostly use the left hand for touching.21By 24 weeks, they have changed

49、again and start using both hands. Then at 28 weeks, they become one-handed again, although this time it is the right hand that is used more. At 32 weeks, they start using both hands again. Whan they reach the age of 36 weeks, there is another change, with most babies now preferring to use the left hand. Between 40 and 44 weeks, the right hand is once again more used. At 48 weeks, babies switch to using their left hands again, and then between 52 and 56 weeks, the right


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