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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 203及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Close to home. ( B) Far away from home. ( C) Good academic reputation. ( D) Money-back guarantee. ( A) Nearly 12 percent. ( B) More than 12 percent. ( C) Less than 10 percent. ( D) Nearly 10 percent. ( A) A violent hurricane. ( B) Long-lasting hot weather.

2、 ( C) A destructive earthquake. ( D) Severe flooding. ( A) Heavy rains havent stroke Queensland for a long time. ( B) People in Queensland have done some preparation for it. ( C) There was no reports about peoples missing or injury. ( D) The bad weather may be tough for couples. ( A) 27 years old. (

3、 B) 18 years old. ( C) 37 years old. ( D) 45 years old. ( A) They refuse to realize their political power. ( B) They hope to go abroad for further study. ( C) They have power to decide the new government. ( D) They favor the current Congress party. ( A) The unemployment rate is high. ( B) The house

4、market breaks down. ( C) The frustrated political situation. ( D) Prices of goods rise sharply. Section B ( A) Having her bicycle repaired. ( B) Conducting a market survey. ( C) Lecturing on business management. ( D) Hosting an evening TV program. ( A) He worked as a salesman. ( B) He coached in a r

5、acing club. ( C) He repaired bicycles. ( D) He served as a consultant. ( A) He found it more profitable. ( B) He wanted to be his own boss. ( C) He didnt want to start from scratch. ( D) He didnt want to be in too much debt. ( A) They are all the mans friends. ( B) They work five days a week. ( C) T

6、hey are paid by the hour. ( D) They all enjoy gambling. ( A) Paper processing. ( B) Food transporting. ( C) Roads building. ( D) Train manufacturing. ( A) It has gradually given way to service industry. ( B) It remains a major part of industrial activity. ( C) It accounts for 80 percent of the regio

7、ns GDP. ( D) It has a history as long as paper processing. ( A) Lack of resources. ( B) Shortage of funding. ( C) Transport problems. ( D) Poor management. ( A) Competition from rival companies. ( B) Product promotion campaigns. ( C) Possible locations for a new factory. ( D) Measures to create job

8、opportunities. Section C ( A) They shared many extracurricular activities. ( B) They had known each other since childhood ( C) They shared mutual friends in school. ( D) They had many interests in common. ( A) At a local club. ( B) At Joes house. ( C) At the boarding school. ( D) At the sports cente

9、r. ( A) Social divisions will break down if people get to know each other. ( B) One has to be respectful of other people in order to win respect ( C) It is hard for people from different backgrounds to become friends. ( D) Durable friendships can be very difficult to maintain ( A) In his buildings p

10、arking lot. ( B) Near the entrance of a park. ( C) At a street corner. ( D) At a parking meter. ( A) It had been stolen by someone. ( B) It had been moved to the next block. ( C) It had been parked at a wrong place. ( D) It had been taken by the police. ( A) In a neighboring town. ( B) In the city g

11、arage. ( C) At the Greenville center. ( D) At a public parking lot. ( A) Creativity as shown in arts. ( B) Famous creative individuals. ( C) A major scientific discovery. ( D) The mysteriousness of creativity. ( A) It is the source of all artistic work. ( B) It starts soon after we are born. ( C) It

12、 is something people all engage in. ( D) It helps people acquire knowledge. ( A) Natural curiosity. ( B) Critical thinking. ( C) Logical reasoning. ( D) Creative imagination. ( A) It is part of everyday life. ( B) It is a unique human trait. ( C) It is yet to be fully understood. ( D) It is beyond o

13、rdinary people. 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 203答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 How do you choose a college? Some of you might choose a school based on the courses that it offers. Some might choose one thats close to home, or really far away. But how about for a money-back guarantee? Lansing Community College in Mic

14、higan is offering that deal to some students. If you take certain classes, and if you dont get a job within one year after you finish, you can get your money back! There is some fine print to this. You cant miss any classes, you have to do all your assignments, and you have to prove that youve been

15、looking for a job. Its an interesting idea, especially in a state whose unemployment rate is nearly 12 percent. 1. What may be the advantage for Lansing Community College? 2. What is the unemployment rate in Michigan? 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻开头列举了影响学生选择大学的因素,然后用转折引出另一种因素 “退回学费 ”,并说 Lansing Community Col

16、lege就是有提供这一福利给学生,D项复现原词 money-back guarantee,故选 D项。新闻确实有提到离家距离远近影响学生择校,但这并不是 Lansing Community College的优点,排除 A、 B项。C项 “良好的学术声望 ”没有在新闻中提到。 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据新闻的最后一句话,可知密歇根州的失业率接 近 12。故 A项正确。预读选项可知只有两个数据,听音时还应特别注意与这两个数据相关的信息。 3 【听力原文】 Well, were taking you to Australia next today, where the state of

17、 Queensland in northeast Australia is struggling through the effects of a powerful hurricane. If Queensland sounds familiar, this same region was hit with severe flooding recently. This time, the disaster is Cyclone Yasi. Yasi could be one of the worst hurricanes Australia has ever seen. We want you

18、 to look at this video. You can see what looks like a sign that got blown down, flying through the street, being ripped apart. People in Queensland were warned about Yasi a few days ago, so they had some time to get ready. But one official said it could be a tough couple days. 3. What are the Austra

19、lians suffering from? 4. What can we learn about Yasi from the news? 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻中指出澳大利亚东北部的昆士兰州正在抵御强烈的飓风,澳大利亚人正在与飓风抗争。所以正确答案是 A项。新闻中谈到昆士兰最近刚遭受过洪灾,但这并不是当前的灾难,排除 D项 “洪灾 ”。 B项 “长时间的炎热天气 ”和 C项 “毁灭性的地震 ”均没有在新闻中提到。 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻中指出,昆士兰州几天前就发出了飓风的预警,因此灾民有时间提前为灾害做准备 (hadsome time to get read

20、y)。 B项 “昆士兰民众已经为抗击飓风做了准备 ”正确。新闻中提到,昆士兰州听得很耳熟,因为它不久前刚刚遭遇洪水, A项与新闻内容相反。 C项 “无人员失踪或受伤的报道 ”在原文中并没有提到。新闻中讲的是一名官员称,这将是艰难的几天。 D项利用 couple一词制造干扰。 5 【听力原文】 India is home to more than 1.2 billion people and second only to Chinas population. Because of that huge population and the fact that its a federal repub

21、lic like the U.S. India is often called the worlds largest democracy. Indias population is also young. Its median age is 27 years old. In the U.S. that age is closer to 37. Its no wonder why so many Indians who are close to the voting age of 18 are realizing they have political power. This is someth

22、ing that countrys politicians are noticing, too. Many young people are first time voters. Given that Indias youth makes up half of its billion plus population, how Indias young vote will determine the countrys future. They are obviously really frustrated with current political situation in their cou

23、ntry. The only government these youngsters have really known is the current Congress party Led One, which is in power for the last ten years. During that time, prices have risen sharply. The price of petrol is doubled. Some young people are going to vote for a different party, one that will fight in

24、flation and will take firm action to control inflation in the difficult global economy. 5. What is the median age in India? 6. What can we learn about the young people in India? 7. What is the current largest economic problem in India? 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻中提到印度人年龄的中位数 (medianage)是 27岁,故选 A项。新闻中几处提到年

25、龄问题,应注意辨别。 B项是印度年轻人 可以选举的年龄, C项是美国人年龄中位数。 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,印度年轻人 18岁就有投票权,而由于他们占了总人口的半数,他们的投票意向会决定国家的未来,即哪个政党执政,故 C项 “他们有权力决定新政府 ”为答案。新闻中只是说年满 18岁就可以行使政治权力 (political power),并没有提到年轻人是否会拒绝行使这权力, A项 “他们拒绝行使政治权力 ”无法得知。 B项 “他们希望到国外深造 ”没有在新闻中提到。新闻末尾提到,现在的执政党 Led One产生诸多问题,年轻人会选其他政党, 故 D项 “他们支持现在的执

26、政党 ”错误。 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 问题询问的是印度现在最大的经济问题,新闻中提到 (prices have risen sharply),并举了油价的例子,因此答案是 D项。 A项 “就业率低 ”和 B项 “房市崩溃 ”均没有在新闻中提到。新闻提到当前印度的政治状况明显堪忧,政府无法解决通货膨胀问题,但题目问的是经济问题,排除 C项。 Section B 8 【听力原文】 W: Good evening, and welcome to this weeks Business World, the program for and about business people. T

27、onight we have Mr. Steven Kayne, who has just taken over an established bicycle shop. Tell us, Mr. Kayne, what made you want to run your own store? M: Well, I always loved racing bikes and fixing them. When I was working full-time as a salesman for a big company, I seldom had time to enjoy my hobby.

28、 I knew then that as soon as I had enough money to get my own business going, Ill do it. I had my heart set on it and I didnt let anything stand in my way. When I went down to the bank and got a business loan, I knew Id love being my own boss. Now my time is my own. I open the store when I want and

29、leave when I want. W: You mean you dont keep regular hours? M: Well, the sign on my store says the hours are ten to six, but if business is slower than usual, I can just lock up and take off early. W: Have you hired any employees to work with you yet? M: Yeah, a couple of friends of mine who love bi

30、king as much as I do. They help me out a few days a week. Its great because we play cards or just sit around and talk when there are no customers. W: Thank you, Mr. Kayne. We wish you success in your new business. 8. What is the woman doing? 9. What did Mr. Kayne do before he took over the bicycle s

31、hop? 10. Why did the man take over a bicycle shop? 11. What do we learn about the people working in the shop? 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据选项推测本题问的是一位女士在做某事。女士一开始就说欢迎来到本周的商务世界,这是一个关于商务人士并且为商务人士提供服务的节目。据此我们可以判断女士是这一节目的主持人,因此选 D。 A“修理自行车 ”、 B“做市场调查 ”及 C“做商业管理的演讲 ”在女士的话中完全没有提及。对话开头便出现了关键词 program,符合长对话 “听到什么选什么

32、 ”的原则。 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 通过选项内容结合其所用的过去时态判断本题问男士过去的职业。男士说他在一家大公司作全职 销售的时候很少有时间享受自己的爱好。由此判断他在开自行车店前是一名销售员,故应选 A。 B、 D无中生有, C是根据对话中的男士说喜欢修理自行车 (fixing)而设置的干扰。 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 通过选项判断会问男士做某事的原因。男士提到当他从银行得到贷款,他知道自己喜欢当自己的老板。因此选 B。本题 B复现了原文 being hisown boss,符合长对话 “听到什么选什么 ”的原则。其他三项均为无中生有,注意 C中的词组 start

33、from scratch意为 “从零开始 ”。 11 【正确答 案】 A 【试题解析】 当女士问他是否雇人帮忙的时候,他回答说有几个和他一样喜欢自行车的朋友一个星期会来帮几天忙,可知在店里帮忙的都是男士的朋友,故应选A。 B的 five days a week过于具体,原话只说是 a few days; C中的 paid by the hour无中生有; D的 gambling过度推断,对话仅说他们有时会在一起打扑克,不能说明他们好赌。 12 【听力原文】 W: Well, the main activities in the region were historically steel an

34、d paper processing, I think. M: Yes, but Im not quite sure about the status of those industries now. Could you tell us something about that? W: Yes, of course. In fact, they are less significant, but steel-related manufacturing still accounts for 44% of industrial activity. So its still very importa

35、nt. In fact, 80% of Spams machine tools are from the Basque Country. As for paper processing, theres still a little. But its no longer what it once was in the region. So, is that clear? M: Yes, thanks. W: Now, to get back to what I was saying, theres a lot of unemployment as well as geographical pro

36、blems in the region. M: Sorry, Victoria. What do you mean by geographical problems? W: Well, what I mean is the area is very hilly, mountainous in parts. So there used to be transport problems. Now though there are new train links and better roads, but it may be that some smaller towns inland remain

37、 not very well connected, is that OK? Does that make sense? When we talk about specific location suggestions for the factory, well see this in more detail, so well come back to this question, OK? M: OK, right. W: So I was about to say something about the workforce in the region and the level of trai

38、ning and education. In general, its very good and improving. 12. What was one of the main industrial activities in the region? 13. What does the woman say about steel-related manufacturing in the region? 14. What problems hinder the regions development? 15. What will the speakers discuss later? 12 【

39、正确答案】 A 【试题 解析】 选项均是 “名词 +动名词 ”的形式,均表示某一行业,听音时要注意相关信息。对话一开始女士就说该地区历史上主要的活动是钢铁生产和纸张加工, A属于其中之一,故选 A。其他三项分别出现了听力原词 transport, roads,train和 manufacturing,但对话并没有提到食品运输、道路建设或火车制造, B、C和 D均排除。 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 通过选项中的 give way to, remain, account for等推测问题关于某行业的发展变化。女士说实际上尽管钢铁生产和纸张加工没有以前重要了 (less significa

40、nt),但钢铁生产仍然占到整个工业的 44,仍很重要 (still important), B中的 amajor part与此对应,故为答案。 A“让位于服务业 ”中的 service industry并没有在对话中提及: C利用对话中的 80制造干扰,对话说的是西班牙有 80的机器工具来自 Basque Country,与 钢铁生产占 GDP的比例无关;对话并非对钢铁生产和纸张加工的历史长短作比较,故排除 D。 but一词后往往是出题点,听音时要留意转折处。 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从选项关键词 lack, shortage, problem, poor推测是问某种负面问题。女

41、士提到该地区有失业 (unemployment)及地理问题(geographicalproblems)。之后解析地理问题实际上是指运输问题 (transport problems):尽管现在有了新的火车线路和和更好的公路,但一些内陆小镇还是交通不太 便利。因此选 C。 A中的 resources, B中的 funding和 D中的 management在女士的谈话中没有提及。谈话提到 transport problems,符合 “长对话听到什么选什么 ”的原则;而且 but一词后的内容往往是考查点所在。 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题需要在听到关键词的基础上进行一定的推断。在对话的

42、最后,女士提到将要说一下这个地区的劳动力 (workforce)以及培训和教育水平的问题,这和采取措施创造工作机会 (create job opportunities)有关,因此 选 D。女士在对话的最后谈到了 workforce,故推断下文应该与工作或就业有关,只有 D中的 job与此相关。 Section C 16 【听力原文】 I first met Joe Gans when we were both 9 years old, which is probably the only reason he is one of my best friends. If I had first m

43、et Joe as a freshman in high school, we wouldnt even have had the chance to get to know each other. Joe is a day student, but I am a boarding student. We havent been in the same classes, sports or extracurricular activities. Nonetheless, I spend nearly every weekend at his house, and we talk on the

44、phone every night. This is not to say that we would not have been compatible if we had first met in our freshman year. Rather, we would not have been likely to spend enough time getting to know each other, due to the lack of immediately visible mutual interests. In fact, to be honest, I struggle eve

45、n now to think of things we have in common, but maybe thats what makes us enjoy each others company so much. When I look at my friendship with Joe, I wonder how many people Ive known whom I never disliked but simply didnt take the time to get to know-Thanks to Joe, I have realized how little basis t

46、here is, for the social divisions that exist in every community. Since this realization, I have begun to make an even more determined effort to find friends in unexpected people and places. 16. Why does the speaker say Joe Gans became one of his best friends? 17. Where does the speaker spend most of

47、 his weekends? 18. What has the speaker learned from his friendship with Joe? 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据录音开头的 both 9 years old,判断和 childhood相关。录音开头提到,说话人与 JoeGans在他们 9岁时相遇,而这很可能就是 JoeGans是他最要好的朋友之一的唯一原因。据此推断因为他们从小就相识了解,所以成为了好友,故应选 B。说话人特别提到他和 Joe Gans从来没有参加过共同的课外活动,故 A错误;而 C中的 “共同的朋友 ”也没有提及:短文中也提到他们之间缺乏共

48、同的兴趣 (lack of immediately visible mutualinterests),因此 D也错误。 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据选项判断问题关于地点。说话人提到他几乎每个周末都在 Joe家度过。因此应选 B。说话人提到 every weekend at his house,符合 “短文听力听到什么选什么 ”的原则,同时转折词 Nonetheless后往往是考查重点。 18 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 说话人说,很多人他认识却从来没有喜欢过,这只是因为自己没花时间去了解。多亏了 Joe他才意识到,社会各阶层之间的差异 (social divisions)其实

49、没什么实际基础。换言之,社会间的差异或隔阂其实可以通过相互 了解而消除,因此选 A。 C、 D均含负面意义,与短文中的正面例子不符,故可首先排除;B主要提到 “互相尊重 (respect)”的问题,这在文中并未提及,故也可排除。文中提到了 social divisions,符合 “短文听力听到什么选什么 ”的原则。 19 【听力原文】 It was a bad night for Louis. His research in the neighboring town had taken longer than he expected. It was late and he was very tired when he drove home. He turned into his buildings parking lot, but all the spaces were full. He drove back out onto the street looking for a parking space. The first block was full. The next block was almost empty. Louis didnt see a n


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