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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 268及答案与解析 Section A ( A) The asset of the US there has been frozen. ( B) The conflict there threatens the U.S. national security. ( C) Rallies are planned to protest the war there. ( D) The U.N. Security Council is involved in the issue there. ( A) Four Sudanese. ( B) The U.S. pre

2、sident. ( C) Reporters. ( D) George Clooney. ( A) Consumers give up motorcycles. ( B) Some politicians suggest cutting down prices of gasoline. ( C) Oil companies are not satisfied with it. ( D) Some congressmen think oil companies should be examined. ( A) It might not work. ( B) Consumers will fina

3、lly benefit from it. ( C) It is good for oil industry. ( D) It should also be imposed on other industries. ( A) At 4:35 pm local time. ( B) At 4:35 am local time. ( C) At 4:25 am local time. ( D) At 4:25 pm local time. ( A) The US Geological Survey first reported the earthquake. ( B) Indias Meteorol

4、ogical Department has predicted the earthquake. ( C) A newly-built building collapsed in the earthquake. ( D) Three thousand people were reported dead in the earthquake. ( A) Because he had a heart attack after the earthquake. ( B) Because he jumped from a fourth-floor balcony. ( C) Because he was b

5、adly injured during the quake. ( D) Because he suffered a stroke after the earthquake. Section B ( A) He finds it hard to afford the rent all by himself. ( B) He feels lonely living all by himself. ( C) He needs to find somebody to make the apartment more comfortable. ( D) He wants to get help with

6、his courses from his roommate. ( A) The carpet in the living room is soiled in several places. ( B) The carpet in the living room is worn out in several places. ( C) The toilet is clogged and the sink has a few leaks. ( D) The windows in the bathroom can keep out rain and snow. ( A) He used some car

7、dboard to keep it shut. ( B) He applied some super glue to keep the hinges on tightly. ( C) He pushed a box against the door to keep it shut ( D) He pushed a chair against the door to keep it shut. ( A) Find a job for the man. ( B) Split the rent. ( C) Help Dave fix up the house. ( D) Look for anoth

8、er place. ( A) Confident. ( B) Hesitant. ( C) Determined. ( D) Doubtful. ( A) His traveling experiences. ( B) His knowledge of languages. ( C) His policy-making ability. ( D) His hard-working. ( A) An export salesman working overseas. ( B) A trainee working through every branch. ( C) A production ma

9、nager in a branch. ( D) A policy maker in the company. ( A) Trainees are required to sign contracts initially. ( B) Trainees performance is evaluated occasionally. ( C) Trainees starting salary is 870 pounds. ( D) Trainees cannot quit the management scheme at will. Section C ( A) Americans are too a

10、ttached to their cars. ( B) American cars are too fast. ( C) Automobiles threaten human health. ( D) Automobiles are the main public transportation tools of USA. ( A) Because they pollute the air. ( B) Because they are natural hazards. ( C) Because they are increasing in numbers. ( D) Because people

11、 dont walk so often. ( A) Control of natural hazards. ( B) Control of heavy traffic. ( C) Control of heart disease. ( D) Control of man-made hazards. ( A) 4. ( B) 5. ( C) 6. ( D) 7. ( A) They are shy and sensitive. ( B) They are quiet and sensitive. ( C) They are shy and suspicious. ( D) They are qu

12、iet and reserved. ( A) The way people sleep shows their personality. ( B) It is easy to change a persons sleeping style. ( C) Crouched in the fetal position is the most popular sleep pattern. ( D) Flat on the stomach with the hands at the sides of the head, is the most unusual position. ( A) In June

13、 or July. ( B) In July. ( C) In May or June. ( D) In May. ( A) Professors and researchers. ( B) Foreign guests and students. ( C) News people and entertainers. ( D) Professors and leaders. ( A) Harvard. ( B) Yale. ( C) Princeton. ( D) Cornell. ( A) Be optimistic and do your best. ( B) Love school an

14、d get good grades. ( C) Make your campus life colorful and relaxing. ( D) Enjoy making friends on campus. 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 268答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 (1)In a statement, the US president says he is taking the action, because the conflict in Darfur threatens the national security and foreign policy

15、 of the United States. The asset freeze is being imposed on four Sudanese identified by the U.N. Security Council as being involved in organizing and carrying out cruel and violent actions in Darfur. The presidents order comes days before rallies are planned in Washington and throughout the United S

16、tates to protest the three-year war in Darfur. (2)Celebrities such as Academy Award winning actor George Clooney are scheduled to speak at the rally. Clooney, who just returned from a trip to the Darfur region, told reporters in Washington the worlds attention needs to be focused on what he called t

17、he “first massive murder of the 21st century.“ 1. Why is the U.S. president taking actions in Darfur? 2. Who is scheduled to speak at the rally? 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻开头提到,美国总统表示,他正在采取行动,因为在 Darfur的冲突已经威胁到美国的国家安全和外交政策 (threatens the national security and foreign policy of the United States), B中的 threa

18、tens the U S national security提到了其中一点,故为正确答案。 A“美国财产被冻结 ”张冠李戴,新闻是说 4个苏丹人的财产被冻结。美国总统的声明发表在集合之 前 (days before rallies are planned),故 C所说的集会不可能是总统采取行动的原因。 D只是胡乱拼凑了新闻中的 U N Security Council和 involved, “联合国参与其中 ”并非美国总统采取行动的原因。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻提到,社会名流,如奥斯卡金像奖得主演员 George Clooney计划在游行集会上演讲,故选

19、D。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 When the top U.S. oil companies announced huge increases in profits this week, many consumer advocates raised complaints. At a time when American motorists are paying record-level prices for gasoline,(3)some in the U.S. Congress think the oil company profits should be examined

20、closely. The U.S. Senate Finance Committee is seeking tax return information on top U.S. oil companies from the Internal Revenue Service and some politicians are calling for a windfall profits tax. Of course, oil companies oppose such a move, citing similar or even higher profit increases in other i

21、ndustries, such as real estate, that have not caused controversy.(4)Oil industry analysts, however, say a windfall profits tax might be counterproductive. Bob Tippee, editor of Houston-based Oil and Gas Journal, says large oil company profits could benefit consumers in the end. 3. What are the react

22、ions to the oil companies huge increases in profits? 4. What do the oil industry analysts think of the windfall profits tax? 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻提到,对于石油公司的高利润 ,某些美国国会的议员认为对石油公司的利润需密切观察 (should be examined closely), D所说与此相符。消费者虽然有怨言 (raised complaints),并没有说放弃使用摩托车, A错误。汽油的价格高昂是事实,但新闻并没有提到 “政客建议要降低油价

23、”, B错误。新闻只提到石油公司反对征收暴利税 (windfall profits tax),并没有提到他们是否满意高额的利润, C错误。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻提到,石油分析家说征收暴利税可能 达不到预期的目标,有反作用 (counterproductive),考生即使听不懂该词的意思,也可从下一句的 “石油工业的高利润最终会让消费者受益 ”可知,分析家并不反对石油公司有高利润,即对“征收暴利税 ”是持反对意见,故 A为正确答案。 B“消费者最终受益 ”和 C“对石油公司有利 ”都对 “征收暴利税 ”持正面态度,与新闻所说相反。 D“对其他行业也征收暴利

24、税 ”没有在新闻中提到。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 An earthquake measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale has hit northeast India, near its borders with Myanmar and Bangladesh, killing at least nine people. (5)The quake hit at 4:35 am local time about 29 km northwest of Imphal, the capital of Manipur state, according to the

25、 US Geological Survey. Strong quakes have been felt across the region. The earthquake was originally reported to have measured 6.8 on the Richter scale. Indias Meteorological Department said it struck at a depth of 17 km. The earthquake cracked walls and(6)a newly-built six-storey building in Imphal

26、 collapsed, police said. Other buildings were also reported to have been damaged. At least six people have been killed in Manipur and more than 30 injured, the Press Trust of India news agency reported. In the neighbouring Bangladesh, three people were reported dead while dozens were being treated i

27、n hospital for injuries sustained during the quake.(7)A 23-year-old man died when he suffered a stroke after the quake while two others died of heart attacks, news agency AFP quoted police as saying. A university student, who jumped from a fourth-floor balcony to escape, was among the severely wound

28、ed, the agency added. 5. When did the earthquake happen? 6. What do we know about the earthquake from the news report? 7. Why did the 23-year-old man die? 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据选项可以判断问的是时间,而且四个选项比较相似,听录音时要重点留意新闻中的相关信息。新闻一开始就提到,根据美国地质勘探局的消息,当地时间凌晨 4点 35分发生了地震 (The quake hit at 4: 35 am local time),故B为答

29、案。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻提到,地震使许多墙倒塌了,并且一幢新建的六层高的建筑倒下了 (a newly-built six-storey building collapsed), C所述与此一致,为答案。 A、 B中的机构 US Geological Survey和 Indias Meteorological Department都有在新闻中出现,但所说的事情 “首先报告地震 ”和 “预测了地震 ”都没有在新闻中提到。新闻中陆续报道各地的伤亡人数,都是零星的数量,远远达不到 D所说的3000人。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选

30、项均以 Because开头,可判断问的是原因,并且根据 heart attack、 jumped from a fourth-floor balcony、 badly injured、 suffered a stroke可以推测某人做了某事产生了不好的后果,听录音时要留意新闻中相关信息。新闻最后提到,一名 23岁的男子在地震后因中风而死亡 (suffered a stroke after the quake),故 D为答案。 A“地震后心脏病发作 ”和 B“从四楼阳台跳下来 ”都不是这个23岁男人的死因, C“他在地震中受了重伤 ”没有在新闻中提及。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 8

31、 【听力原文】 M: Hi, Shelley. Come on in. W: Uh, yeah, I stopped by to see if you were still looking for a roommate to share your house. M: Yep. I sure am.(8)Ever since I cut back on my working hours to go to school, Ive been really strapped for cash. Hey, let me show you around the place. Uh, heres the l

32、iving room. W: Oh.(9)It looks like you could use a new carpet. and those stains? M: Well. Ive had a few problems with some former roommates. I know it needs to be cleaned, but I just dont have the money to do it right now. W: Oh. And what about the kitchen? M: Right this way. Look. Its completely fu

33、rnished with all the latest appliances, except.(10)Well, the refrigerator door is broken. a little bit. and it wont shut all the way. It needs fixing, but dont worry.(10)Ive pushed a box against it to keep it shut. W: Hmm. Great. Well, how about the bathroom? . No, no. Dont tell me. The toilet is cl

34、ogged or the sink has a few leaks. M: No, those work fine. Well, theres another slight problem. The windows. Ive put up a piece of cardboard to keep out the rain and snow, and if it gets a little cold, you can always turn up the heat. W: Hey,(11)I think Ive seen enough. I cant believe youve survived

35、 under these conditions. M: So what do you think? You really cant beat a place like this for $450 a month. So it has its problems, but we can fix those. W: Uh, no, thank you. I think Ive seen enough. 8. Why does the man need to share his apartment with a roommate? 9. What is true about the mans hous

36、e? 10. What has the man done to temporarily fix the refrigerator door? 11. What will Shelley probably do after shes seen the place? 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 对话开始,女士就提出了对话主题:看男士是否还需要人合租。男士急切地说: “要啊 !自从为了上学减少了工作时间以来,我的钱就很紧张了。 ”故A正确。从选项来看,本题问男士的情形。答题关键是男士说的 strapped for cash,它与 A中的 afford the rent构成紧密的相关性。其他选

37、项就没有这种相关的内容。 (口语中, cash即 money, be strapped即 “身无分文的 ”。 ) 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 女士看到 房间里的地毯时说: “看来你该换新地毯了 那些污渍是怎么回事 ?”可见 A正确。 soiled意为 “污染的,脏的 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士说冰箱门坏了,关不紧。 “我用个箱子顶着它使它合得拢。 ”C正确。由选项知,本题问他是如何 “使它关紧 ”的。关键词包括 cardboard, super glue(超级胶水 ), box, chair。根据这些关键词, “听到什么选什

38、么 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话结尾处,女士对该房子 已毫无合租兴趣: “我想我已经看够了。真难以相信,你在这样的条件下还能生活 !”因此 D正确。本题必须根据女士的语气推断。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 W: Now Ive got your background, lets talk about the management trainee scheme. What exactly do you think a manager does? M: I dont know a great deal about the work. W: But

39、 have you got any ideas about it? You must have thought about it. M: (12)Well, er, I suppose he has a lot of, er, what is called, policy-making to do. And, mm, hed have to know how to work with people and all about the company. W: Mmm. M: Yes, I, er, should think a manager must know, er, something a

40、bout all aspects of the work. W: Yes, thats right. We like our executive staff to undergo a thorough training. Young men on our trainee scheme have to work through every branch in the company. M: Well, if I had to do it, I suppose.(13)But I was thinking that my French and German would mean that I co

41、uld specialize in overseas work.(14)Id like to be some sort of an export salesman and travel abroad. W: You know the charm of traveling abroad disappears when youve got to work hard. Its not all fun and game. M: Oh, yes, I realize that.(13)Its just that my knowledge of languages would be useful. W:

42、Now, Mr. Smith, is there anything you want to ask me? M: Well, theres one or two things. Id like to know if Id have to sign a contract, what the salary is and what the prospects are. W: With our scheme, Mr. Smith, there is no contract involved. Your progress is kept under constant review. If we, at

43、any time, decide we dont like you, then thats that! We reserve the right to dismiss you. Of course, you have the same choice about us.(15)As for salary, youd be on our fixed scale starting at 870 pounds. For the successful trainee, the prospects are very good. 12. How does Mr. Smith sound when asked

44、 what a managers role is? 13. What does the man think is his advantage of working overseas? 14. What does Mr. Smith say he would like to be? 15. What is true about the management trainee scheme? 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 对话开始,女士问男士: “你认为经理确切的职责是什么 ?”男士回答说 “对这种工作我所知不多 ”。在女 士的一再要求下,男士支支吾吾地说,经理要做许多决策。因此可以说,男士

45、对回答这个问题没有把握,缺乏信心。 B正确。选项很简单,四个表示情绪和心理的形容词,估计问某人的心态。这种题须根据听到的话语进行推理判断。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士说他会法语和德语,这意味着他擅长在海外工作,接着他说了自己的求职意向。女士说当努力工作时,去海外出差的魅力会消失,并非总是很有趣。男士回应说他认识到这点,他只是觉得自己掌握的语言知识会有帮助,可见他认为自己擅长在海外工作的优势是 自己懂几门语言,故选 B。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士说: “我想做一名出口业务员,可以去国外旅行。 ”A正确。四个选项均是职务名称

46、。在 “面试 ”场景下,应当问求职者应聘的职务。 B中的trainee与对话中的 trainee scheme含义并不相同。实际上 B项的内容是女士说的, A项的内容是男士说的,听清问题,也可以根据说话人做出选择。 C、 D均未提及。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 对话快结束时女士提到: “关于工资,按我们 固定的工资级别标准,起点是 870英镑。 ”C正确。 【知识模块】 听力 Section C 16 【听力原文】 Professors from Yale University agreed in a panel discussion tonight (16)t

47、hat the automobile was what one of them called “Public Health Enemy No. 1 in This Country“. Besides polluting the air and overcrowding the cities, (17)automobiles could cause heart disease “because we dont walk anywhere any more,“ said Dr. H. P. Richard Weinerman, professor of medicine and public he

48、alth. Dr. Weinermans sharp accusation against the automobile came in a discussion of human environment on Yale Reports, a radio program broadcast by Station WTIC in Hartford, Connecticut. The program opened a three-part series on “Staying Alive“, (18)“For the first time in human history, the problem

49、 of mans survival has to do with his control of man-made hazards,“ Dr. Weinerman said. “Before this, the problem had been the control of natural hazards.“ 16. What is the main idea of the passage? 17. Why could automobiles cause heart disease? 18. For the first time, what does the problem of mans survival have to do with? 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 短文开头即称汽车是 “该国公共健康的头号敌人 ”,整篇文章即围绕此主题展开,故答案 C。短文开头句通常是主题所在,听出 automobile和 health enemy No.1,即可准确答题。万一开头句漏听了,全文多处提到汽车对人的危害, disease, survival, hazards等词也可帮助确定短文主题。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【正确答案】 D 【试 题解析


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