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1、大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 278及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 曾几何时,人们还对 “80后 ”评头论足,或感叹他们是 “垮掉的一代 ”,或认为他们很嫩很青涩。如今, “80后 ”已经长大了,他们中将首次出现 30岁群体。论语说, “三十而立 ”,而我们却无法把 “80后 ”与而立画上等号。调查显示,五成以上 80后的职场人在工作上力不从心;近五成调查对象无房无车,且处于未婚状态。 2 就像向中国出售商品的公司会看到收益有损失一样,中国经济活动放缓有着世界性的影 响。包括澳大利亚、巴西和东南亚在内的其他国家近年来都看到了巨大的利润,因为中国对自然资源有需求

2、。中国的需求下降已经对很多商品的价格有了影响。上周,中国财政部长楼继伟表示,今年的经济增长率可能为 7,而这不一定是 “底线 ”。 3 四合院 (siheyuan)是中国传统民居中最重要的形式。它数量多,分布广,并且在汉族、满族、白族以及其他少数民族中十分流行。大多数房屋采用木质框架。主屋建在南北走向的轴线上,两个厢房则位于四合院的两侧。家庭中的长者住在主屋中,而两翼则是年轻一代的卧室。妇女住在 内院,客人和男仆住在外院,这种分布符合 封建礼制 (feudal regulations)。四合院遍布中国的城乡,但由于各地自然条件和生活方式各有不同,因此发展出各自的特征。北京的四合院是最具代表性的

3、。 4 对于大学毕业生来说,找到一份好工作始终不是件那么容易的事情。他们常常弄不懂为什么那么多的雇主不答复他们的求职信。他们说虽然附上了回信的信封,他们却只字未闻,或至多收到一张不冷不热的便条,宣布他们申请的那个职位已有人填补了。求职应聘者常常怀疑空缺是不是给朋友和亲属们占去了,怀疑广告只 不过是登一登摆摆样子的。他们中的很多人厌倦了到处投求职信,他们觉得只要能够碰对人,获得一次面试的机会,他们的求职申请就会成功。 5 春节 (Spring Festival)是中国最重要的节日,是为了庆祝农历的新年。中国的春节期间,人们会遵守很多习俗。春节的前一天晚上,一家人通常聚在一起吃丰盛的团圆饭,饺子是

4、春节期间最传统的食物。在许多地方,人们喜欢燃放鞭炮,在大门上贴春联。孩子们很喜欢春节,因为他们可以吃到好东西,穿上新衣服。他们还可以得到父母给的压岁钱,这些钱可以给他们带来好运。春 节大约持续半个月,在此期间,人们走亲访友,互拜新年,并借此机会好好休息一下。 大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 278答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 【正确答案】 There was a time when people made frivolous remarks about the post-1980s generation, or exclaimed them as the “be

5、at generation“ or thought them were wet behind the ears. Nowadays, these post-1980s have grown up, some of whom have just turned 30 for the first time. The Analects of Confucius said that “one should plant his feet upon the ground at the age of thirty“, but it is still hard for us to equate the post

6、-1980s generation with those being well-established. Surveys show that more than fifty percent of the post-1980s working people feel their ability falling short of their wishes and nearly half of them cannot afford a car and a house and havent married yet. 【知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 Just as the revenue of

7、companies selling commodities to China suffer loss, a slowdown in Chinese economic activities has a global effect. Because of Chinas demand for natural resources, countries include Australia, Brazil and others in Southeast Asia have seen huge profits in recent years. The decrease in demand from Chin

8、a has extended an effect on the prices of commodities. Last week, Chinas finance minister Lou Jiwei announced that this years economic growth rate could be 7% and that this may not be the “bottom line“. 【知识模块】 汉译英 3 【正确答案】 Siheyuan is the most important form of Chinese traditional dwellings. It is g

9、reat in number, wide in distribution and very popular among the Han, Man, Bai and other minorities. Most of the houses are made of wood framework. The principal room is built on the south-north axis, and the wing-rooms are located on both sides of the siheyuan. The elders in a family live in the pri

10、ncipal room and the younger generations in wing-rooms. Women live in the inner yard, while guests and male servants live in the outer yard, which conforms to the feudal regulations. Siheyuan is pervasive in towns and villages throughout China, but each developed its own characteristics as a result o

11、f the respective natural conditions and different ways of life. Siheyuan in Beijing is the most representative. 【知识模块】 汉译英 4 【正确答案】 For university graduates, it is not always so easy to find a good job. They often wonder why so many employers do not respond to their applications for jobs. They say t

12、hat even though they enclose the envelopes used to reply a letter they hear nothing at all or at most receive an impersonal note saying that the position they applied for has been filled. Therefore, applicants always doubt whether the vacancies are taken up by employersfriends or relatives and the a

13、dvertisements are only put out for show. Many of them get tired of posting cover letters around and feel that as long as they could obtain an opportunity to interview with the right person, they will successfully apply the job. 【知识模块】 汉译英 5 【正确答案】 Spring Festival is the most important festival in Ch

14、ina and it aims to celebrate the lunar calendars new year. Over the Spring Festival, people will observe many customs. In the evening before the Spring Festival, families commonly get together to have a big reunion dinner. Dumplings are the most traditional food during this period of time. In many p

15、laces, people are fond of setting off firecrackers and pasting Spring Festival couplets on the entrance door. Children are into the festival very much, for the reason that they can eat delicious food and wear new clothes. They can also get some money from their parents as a Lunar New Year gift, which can bring them good luck. The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days, during which people visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes“ and also have a good rest. 【知识模块】 汉译英


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