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1、大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 337及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 无人便利店 (unattended convenience stores)是新零售中的一种,是零售的延伸。有人还是无人不是无人便利店的核心,因为只要是需要陈列商品,完全没有工作人员的协助,从短期来看,是不太现实的。对消费者来说,无人便利店最首要的条件是便利,能保证消费者获得良好的购物体验。加强个人诚信体系建设,加大 违约成本 (breach cost)是保证无人便 利店健康发展的基础。虽然每间便利店都无人值守,但是顾客都可以通过视频获得人工服务。 2 进入冬季,各地 雾霾 (haze)严重

2、,空气质量令人担忧。人们越来越清晰地认识到,社会经济快速发展决不能以破坏环境、浪费资源为代价。目前我国的经济增长方式依然粗放,经济发展与环境保护矛盾突出。我国面临着资源短缺、能源紧张、生产效率偏低等问题,只有坚持绿色、循环、低碳的发展之路才能保证我国经济增长的可持续性。 3 近几年, 真人秀节目 (reality shows)发展迅速,近乎泛滥 。尽管真人秀种类繁多,但有一个共同点一一接近真买,贴近至活。本土真人秀节目最主要的问题在于原创性低,大部分都是对国外节目的借鉴和模仿。我们需要集思广益,不断收集新鲜想法,做出既有积极教育作用和社会意义又能让人感觉眼前一亮的真人秀节目,来弘扬真善美,传递

3、正能量。 4 经过十多年的建设和发展,中国 高铁 (high-speed railway)已逐步成熟化,现在已成为中国在新时代的一张亮丽的名片。中国高铁为人们构筑起了生活新时空,提供了优质的公共服务,成为中国社会经济发展的强大推动力。中国高 铁以其速度快、运能大、能耗低、污染轻等独特优势,吸引着世界各国的眼球。这标志着中国的高铁建设已经走出中国,走向世界。 5 民宿 (Minshuku)是指利用自家空闲房间,给旅客提供可以体验乡野生活的一种新的住宿方式。和传统的旅馆不同的是,民宿往往没有高级奢华的设施,但因为能让人体验当地风情和一种不同的生活,因此十分流行。民宿在世界各国的叫法略有差异,比如,

4、在欧洲是 农庄式民宿 (Accommodation in the Farm),加拿大是 假日农庄 (Vacation Farm),而美国则多见 居家式民宿(Homestay)或青年 旅舍 (Hostel)。 大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 337答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 Unattended convenience stores are extension and one of the new forms of retailing. The core of unattended convenience stores is not wheth

5、er they are unattended or not, because it is not realistic, in a short term, to display goods without the assistance of staff. For consumers, the most important prerequisite of unattended convenience stores is convenience, which must ensure that consumers get a good shopping experience. Effective in

6、dividual credit system and high breach cost is the basis for the sound development of unattended convenience stores. Although every convenience store is unattended, consumers can be served through videos. 【知识模块】 翻译 2 【正确答案】 When winter is approaching, the haze is heavy all over the country, and the

7、air quality makes people worry. People increasingly realize that we should not develop social economy at the cost of environmental destruction and resource wasting. Right now, Chinas economic growth mode is still extensive, and the contradiction between economic development and environmental protect

8、ion is becoming more and more serious. China is faced with some problems, such as resources shortage, energy crisis and low production efficiency. Only by sticking to a green, circulatory and low-carbon development can we ensure the sustainability of our economic growth. 【知识模块】 翻译 3 【正确答案】 In recent

9、 years, reality shows develop fast, almost to the overflowing point. Although there are various reality shows, a common point is that they are close to reality and close to life. The main problem of the reality shows in our country lies in low originality. Most of them are borrowed from or imitate r

10、eality shows of other countries. In order to make refreshing reality shows with positive educational meaning and social significance, we must put heads together and collect creative ideas continuously to carry forward the true, the kind and the beautiful, and to deliver positive energy. 【知识模块】 翻译 4

11、【正确答案】 After more than ten years of construction and development, Chinas high-speed railway has gradually matured and become a bright business card of China in the new era. It has built up a new space time for people lives, provided high-quality public service, and become a powerful driving force fo

12、r the economic development of Chinese society. China s high-speed railway attracts worldwide attention for its unique advantages such as high speed, large capacity, low energy consumption and light pollution. It symbolizes that the construction of China s high-speed railway has gone out of China to

13、the world. 【知识模块】 翻译 5 【正确答案 】 Minshuku refers to a family operated accommodation to provide visitors with a new experience of country life. Different from traditional hotels, there are no superior and luxurious facilities in Minshuku. But it is extremely popular because it offers people a chance to experience the local custom and a different way of life. The name of Minshuku varies from country to country. For instance, it is called Accommodation in the Farm in Europe, Vacation Farm in Canada, Homestay or hostel in America. 【知识模 块】 翻译


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