TAUg- Runtime GlobalPerformance Data Access using .ppt

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1、TAUg: Runtime Global Performance Data Access using MPI Kevin A. Huck, Allen D, Malony, Sameer Shende and Alan Morris khuck,malony,sameer,amorriscs.uoregon.edu Performance Research Laboratory Department of Computer and Information Science University of Oregon http:/www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/tau/,Mo

2、tivation,Growing interest in adaptive computations Decisions at runtime based on dynamic state Application adapts to current execution conditions problem state and performance Scalable parallel performance measurements Good solutions exist for parallel profiling and tracing profiling: Dynaprof, mpiP

3、, HPMToolkit, TAU tracing: KOJAK, Paraver, TAU Use of performance tools in adaptive applications Integrate with performance measurement infrastructure Requires means to access performance data online,Need For A Runtime Global Performance View,Performance data collected locally and concurrently Scala

4、ble efficiency dictates “local” measurements save data in processes or threads (“local context”) Done without synchronization or central control Parallel performance state is globally distributed Logically part of applications global data space Offline tools aggregate data after execution Online use

5、 requires access to global performance state How does an application access performance data? Abstract interface (view) to global performance state Extend performance measurement system to collect data,Related Work,Performance monitoring OCM / OMIS Wismuller1998 Peridot Gerndt2002 Distributed perfor

6、mance consultant Miller1995, Roth2006 Computational steering Falcon Gu1995 Echo / PBIO / DataExchange Eisenhauer1998 Online performance adaption Autopilot Ribler2001 Active harmony Tapus2002 Computational Quality of Service Norris2004, Ray2004,Solutions Approaches,Any solution needs to take into con

7、sideration: Granularity of global performance data to be accessed Cost of observation Approach 1: Build on global file system Tool dumps performance data to the filesystem Application processes read from file system Approach 2: Build on a collection network Additional threads, processes or daemons (

8、external) Gather and communicate performance data MRNet (Paradyn) Arnold2005 and Supermon Sottile2005 Our approach: Build on MPI and TAU (TAUg),Tarzan and Taug,“The ape-mans eyes fell upon Taug, the playmate of his childhood, Tarzan knew, Taug was courageous, and he was young and agile and wonderful

9、ly muscled.”,Jungle Tales of TarzanEdgar Rice Burroughs,TAUg (TAU global),TAU global performance space TAU aggregates local parallel performance measurements Uses application communication infrastructure (MPI) Application-level access to global performance data TAU API lets application create perfor

10、mance views Application abstractions as basis for performance view TAU aggregates performance data for a view (internal) TAUg infrastructure focuses on: Portability Scalability Application-level support,TAUg System Design,Global Performance Space,Views and Communicators,Global performance communicat

11、or subset of MPI processes,Global performance view subset of global profile data,TAUg Programming Interface,TAUg uses both TAU and MPI TAUg method interfaces Designed in MPI style Callable from C, C+, and Fortran. View and communicator definition void static TAU_REGISTER_VIEW() void static TAU_REGIS

12、TER_COMMUNICATOR() Called after MPI_Init() Get global performance view data void static TAU_GET_VIEW(),View and Communicator Registration,void static TAU_REGISTER_VIEW(char* tau_event_name,int* new_view_ID );void static TAU_REGISTER_COMMUNICATOR(int member_processes,int number_of_processes,int* new_

13、communicator_id );,Registration Sample Code,int viewID = 0, commID = 0, numprocs = 0;/* register a view for the calc method */ TAU_REGISTER_VIEW(“calc()“, ,Registration Implementation Details,Registering a communicator Creates a new MPI communicator Uses process ranks from MPI_COMM_WORLD Used by TAU

14、g only TAUg maintains a map MPI_COMM_WORLD new communicator rank Returns a TAUg communicator ID Not MPI_Comm object reference Ensures TAUg can support other communication libraries,Getting Global Performance Data View,void static TAU_GET_VIEW(int viewID,int communicatorID,int type,int sink,double* d

15、ata,int* outSize ); Choices for type: TAU_ALL_TO_ONE (requires sink process) TAU_ONE_TO_ALL (requires source process) TAU_ALL_TO_ALL (sink parameter ignored),Getting View Sample Code,double *loopTime; int size = 0, myid = 0, sink = 0; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, if (myid = sink) /* do something wi

16、th the result. */ ,Getting View Implementation Details,TAUg gathers local performance data Calls TAU_GET_FUNC_VALS() Stops all performance measurements for process Updates profile to current values Package view data as custom MPI_Datatype Send to other processors according to type TAU_ALL_TO_ONE (us

17、es MPI_Gather() ) TAU_ONE_TO_ALL (uses MPI_Scatter() ) TAU_ALL_TO_ALL (uses MPI_Allgather() ),Experiment 1: Load Balancing Application,Simulate a heterogeneous cluster of n processors n/2 are 2x as fast as other n/2 nodes Situation where external factors affect performance Application wants to load

18、balance work Load is initially divided evenly After each timestep - application requests a TAUg performance view - redistributes load based on global performance state Only one TAUg performance view Application-specific event Execution time for work,Load Balancing Simulation Results,26% speedup with

19、 load balancing at all processor counts,33% optimal distribution,Experiment 2: Overhead in Weak Scaling Study,sPPM benchmark (3D gas dynamics) 22 global performance views monitored One for each application function (not including MPI) 8 equal-sized communicator groups per experiment 1, 2, 4 and 8 pr

20、ocesses per group (4 experiments) Get performance data for all view at each iteration Run on MCR LLNL - 1152 node dual P4 2.4 Ghz Weak scaling study up to 64 processors Investigate TAUg overhead Never exceeds 0.1% of the total runtime 0.026 seconds of total 111 seconds with 8 processors 0.081 second

21、s of total 115 seconds with 64 processors,TAUg Overhead in sPPM Weak Scaling Study,TAUg events are not major contributors to total runtime,64 processors percent inclusive times,TAUg Overhead in sPPM,0.081 seconds of total 115 seconds 64 processors,Experiment 3: Overhead in Strong Scaling Study,ASCI

22、Sweep3D benchmark (3D neutron transport) One global performance view exchanged one event: “SWEEP” (the main calculation routine) One communicator consisting of all processes all processes exchange performance data every timestep Run on ALC LLNL - 960 node dual P4 2.4 Ghz Strong scaling up to 512 pro

23、cessors Investigate TAUg overhead Never exceeds 1.3% of the total runtime 0.094 seconds of total 77 minutes with 16 processors 2.05 seconds of total 162 seconds with 512 processors,TAUg Overhead in Sweep3D,TAUg events are not major contributors to total runtime, even when exchanging with 512 process

24、ors each timestep,512 processors, strong scaling example, times shown are inclusive percentage,TAUg Overhead in Sweep3D,2.05 seconds of total 162 seconds 512 processors,Discussion,TAUg currently limits global view access Single event and single metric (exclusive) Simplified implementation for view d

25、ata type Need flexible view data specification Multi-view access Limited view communication types Only three communication methods collective with barrier Can imagine more sophisticated patterns send and receive with pairwise and non-blocking No performance data processing,Future Work,Provide full a

26、ccess to TAU performance data Provide better view specific and communication Develop helper functions Basic statistics: average, minimum, maximum, Relative differentials: between timesteps and processes Examine one-sided communication in MPI-2 Support non-synchronous exchange of performance data Int

27、egrate in real applications,Conclusion,An application may desire to query its runtime performance state to make decisions that direct how the computation will proceed TAUg designed as an abstraction layer for MPI-based applications to retrieve performance views from the global performance space TAUg

28、 insulates the application developer from complexity involved in exchanging the global performance space TAUg is as portable as MPI and TAU, and is as scalable as the local MPI implementation. Overhead is inevitable, but minimized and under the applications control,Support Acknowledgements,Departmen

29、t of Energy (DOE) Office of Science contracts University of Utah ASCI Level 1 ASC/NNSA Level 3 contract Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Department of Defense (DoD) HPC Modernization Office (HPCMO) Programming Environment and Training (PET) NSF Software and Tools for High-End Computing Research Centre Juelich Los Alamos National Laboratory www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/paracomp/tau,


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