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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 644及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Is Offering Seats Compulsory for Young Passengers? You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below. 1有人认为公交车上年轻人必须给老人让座 2有人认为年轻人没有义务给老人让座 3你

2、的看法 Is Offering Seats Compulsory for Young Passengers? 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the

3、 statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Are Your Kids Eating Junk? Develop Healthy Eating Habits In Your Children The other day I wa

4、tched a very informative documentary Vive La Cantine! (Long live the Canteen!). There was a chef and a dietitian (营养学家 ) who went to 2 canteens in France to see the condition in which children, about 8 years old, were served food. It was really very unpleasant and shocking. The children were served

5、chips and other “junk food“ (Powder and water for soup!) on a daily basis. They deliberately avoid any vegetables placed on their plates despite genuine efforts made by the cooks at the canteens to make them food from fresh vegetables. This gave me food for thought because this is a very grave issue

6、 when children at this tender age, still in a stage of active physical growth, do not eat vegetables. This article will be focused mostly on vegetables because these are the main foods which are a problem for children. Educate your children about the different types of vegetables Take some junk food

7、s like chips, burgers, etc. and add a few vegetables like beet, spinach and celery and ask your kid the names of each food item. Ill bet you that your child will know ALL the junk food and will fail to know the names of about 30% of the vegetables. Educating their children about the basics of health

8、y eating is an area where most parents fail. So the first thing Ill recommend is to familiarize your kids with the different vegetables there are, their tastes, their textures, their colors, their flavors in food. Let them actually experience the joy of fresh vegetables and hopefully this will help

9、them get rid of the bad image vegetables ingrained (根深蒂固 ) in childrens minds. Stop rewarding your kids Most parents try to bribe their children into eating vegetables by coaxing (劝诱 ) them with rewards. This kind of behavior will instill (灌输 ) the idea that vegetables are something that they are fo

10、rced to eat for a reward. If there are no rewards, your children wont bother eating the vegetables. If you are doing this, you must STOP it now because you will only be fooling yourself and your kids for a “short period“. How long do you think you can bribe your kids to eat vegetables? If you want y

11、our kids to gain healthy eating habits for the rest of his/her life, you must start by explaining to them why eating vegetables are good for them. They wont be able to understand this at first but be inflexible (不退让的 ) (not forceful). Explain each time that kids must eat vegetables to stay healthy a

12、nd smart. Stop punishing your kids Like the rewarding kids, there are some parents who go to extreme measures in order to make their children finish their meals. These experiences will make the children create a hatred for vegetables. Dont shove the vegetables down his/her throat but rather be patie

13、nt and take the time to explain to your children that vegetables will do their health good. Actually cook them food Most parents actually buy foods for their kids or just microwave something they put together like the “powder and water to make soup“ food. First of all, outside food does not equal ho

14、me cooked food. You have no control of the ingredients used to make the food, basic stuff like salt, sugar, oil. No, you must not put your kids on a diet but it doesnt hurt to have a control on health enemies like this especially as the rates of obese kids are escalating. Also, most of the instantan

15、eous foods which take just a few minutes to cook are actually junk food. Let your kids taste a real carrot soup with real carrots in it instead of just powder and water. Limit the pocket money Kids today have too much money and not enough control. Limit their pocket money so that they dont buy candy

16、 or a chocolate bar every time they are hungry. Prepare them a healthy lunch meal instead of giving them money to buy food to eat. Give your kids healthy snacks Instead of giving him two chocolates, two candies, or one chocolate and biscuit, why not treat him to a chocolate and an apple or a yogurt

17、and some biscuit. He will like it and also eat healthily at the same time. Hide the vegetables in the dishes Despite your various attempts you find your kid still not enjoying the vegetable you have cooked for him, then it is time for you to resort to some guerrilla tactics (游击战术 ). You must try to

18、hide the vegetables in the dishes you prepare for him. You can crush vegetables for pasta sauces or you put the vegetables on a pizza. You can also make shakes and smoothies from fresh vegetables. There are many secret ways to prepare dishes with vegetables which are not so apparent. If you are disc

19、overed by your kids, you may be accused of “cheating“ but at least you are sacrificing yourself for the goods of your children. Make them watch educational cartoons on food and nutrition Children are easily influenced by what they watch on TV. The proof: a cartoon from Ireland known as Food Dudes is

20、 already getting children hooked on vegetables. The Food Dudes are 4 preteens called Razz, Rocco, Charlie and Tom who fight against the evil General Junk and his sidekicks who are depriving the world of fruits and veggies! The teens get their superpowers by consuming healthful foods like raspberries

21、 (Razz), broccoli (Rocco), carrots (Charlie) and tomatoes (Tom). Be a model to your children And last but not least, be a model to your kids. Avoid bad eating habits in front of your children as children are very intelligent persons and they can learn very quickly to emulate (模仿 ) your eating habits

22、. Also if youre practicing healthy eating habits, its a lot easier to convince children to do the same. Kids are very smart nowadays. You will lose many battles at first but you will win the war eventually if you stick to the above guidelines. Use your imagination. 2 What did the program Vive La Can

23、tine!reveal about childrens diet at school? ( A) Most food served for children tastes unpleasant. ( B) Kids have only junk food to choose from at school. ( C) Many children dont eat vegetables as their daily food. ( D) Children enjoy a balanced diet thanks to the cooks. 3 According to the author, mo

24、st parents fail to_. ( A) tell their kids important facts about healthy eating ( B) serve their children with fresh vegetables at home ( C) warn their kids to stay away from junk food ( D) teach their children ways to recognize junk food 4 Why should parents stop rewarding their kids for eating vege

25、tables? ( A) It changes kids eating habits. ( B) It has only short-term effects. ( C) It may lead to overeating. ( D) It costs parents too much money. 5 When explaining why kids must eat vegetables, parents need to_. ( A) understand nutrition ( B) express the idea carefully ( C) be a forceful speake

26、r ( D) be persistent and patient 6 If parents punish their kids for not eating vegetables, kids will_. ( A) form healthy eating habits gradually ( B) feel hatred for their parents ( C) have a strong dislike of vegetables ( D) change their negative attitudes to vegetables 7 The author suggests that h

27、ome cooked food_. ( A) is rich in salt and sugar ( B) tastes worse than outside food ( C) is just a waste of time for parents ( D) helps control childrens weight 8 According to the passage, too much pocket money causes a problem that_. ( A) children are more difficult to control ( B) children tend t

28、o eat unhealthily ( C) children become greedy for money ( D) children form a habit of wasting money 9 For kids who dislike vegetables, parents can try some secret ways to make the vegetables less _in the dishes. 10 The example of Food Dudes illustrates that watching_ about vegetables attracts childr

29、en to vegetables. 11 Its important that parents avoid_in the sight of their quick-learning children. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the

30、 conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) He hasnt been hard on her. ( B) He always finds fault with her. ( C) He wont revenge h

31、imself on her. ( D) He will change his attitude to her. ( A) Go over the list. ( B) Go for an outing. ( C) Go shopping for his mum. ( D) List everything his mum needs. ( A) They cater chiefly to tourists. ( B) They are busy all the year round. ( C) They stay closed until summer comes. ( D) They prov

32、ide quality service to their customers. ( A) The yard of their old house. ( B) The room they are going to move into. ( C) The quality of the furniture they bought. ( D) The feeling they have of their neighborhood. ( A) The man had the car repaired. ( B) The speakers car has to be replaced. ( C) The

33、couple were involved in an accident. ( D) The speakers car was stolen and the man found it. ( A) She bought the skirt on her birthday. ( B) It was a wedding gift from her friends. ( C) She thanked the man for buying her the skirt. ( D) Her boyfriend presented it to her as a gift. ( A) The rent is to

34、o high. ( B) He doesnt like the suburbs. ( C) He cant afford the high taxes. ( D) Its too expensive to hire taxies. ( A) All rooms are taken. ( B) There is just a single room. ( C) There are only double rooms. ( D) Many spare rooms are available. ( A) Men who like donkeys. ( B) Men who love to laugh

35、 loudly. ( C) Men who are humorous. ( D) Men who feel donkeys are silly. ( A) They go out to enjoy a jazz concert. ( B) The man invites her out to have a dinner. ( C) They have a good conversation over coffee. ( D) The man comes to have dinner at her home. ( A) Dating service agent and customer. ( B

36、) Colleagues working in the same office. ( C) Interviewer and interviewee in a survey. ( D) Close friends who talk about almost everything. ( A) Policeman and driver. ( B) Program host and guest. ( C) Poll taker and passenger. ( D) Politician and supporter. ( A) When on normal duty. ( B) Whenever th

37、ey go out. ( C) When chasing a drug smuggler. ( D) When chasing an armed criminal. ( A) Absolutely agree. ( B) Partly agree. ( C) Absolutely disagree. ( D) Partly disagree. ( A) Britain should join the EEC earlier. ( B) It is necessary for Britain to stay in. ( C) It is difficult for Britain to live

38、 in the EEC. ( D) Britain should try to benefit from the EEC. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the b

39、est answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) A wide variety of guide dogs. ( B) The training of guide dogs. ( C) The selection of guide dogs. ( D) Ways to work with guide dogs. ( A) Dogs chosen for guiding the blind must be intelligent and patient. ( B) Some kinds of dogs are born to

40、be guide dogs. ( C) At the age of two guide dogs begin a five-month intensive course. ( D) Most blind people could find the guide dogs helpful. ( A) Teaching the guide dogs to watch traffic and safely cross the street. ( B) Placing the guide dogs with their future owners. ( C) Showing the guide dogs

41、 how to avoid dangerous situations. ( D) Educating the guide dogs to obey any command of their owner. ( A) 4%. ( B) 10%. ( C) 14%. ( D) 25%. ( A) The birthrate is on the decrease recently in America. ( B) Age is no longer an indication of ones marriage. ( C) The society demands more and more nowaday

42、s. ( D) The aging of population causes many social problems. ( A) People dont have to act their age. ( B) People should have their own judgments. ( C) One is never too old too learn. ( D) People must respect the old and cherish the young. ( A) Pets value in medical research. ( B) What pets bring to

43、their owners. ( C) How pets help people calm down. ( D) Peoples opinions of keeping pets. ( A) If he has a pet companion. ( B) If he has less stress of work. ( C) If he often does mental calculation. ( D) If he is taken care of by his family. ( A) They have lower blood pressure. ( B) They become mor

44、e patient. ( C) They are in higher spirits. ( D) They are less nervous. ( A) People with dogs did more exercise. ( B) Dogs lost the same weight as people did. ( C) Dogs liked exercise much more than people did. ( D) People without dogs found the program unhelpful. Section C Directions: In this secti

45、on, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks num

46、bered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 Today we are going to practice evaluating the main tool used when addressing groups the【 B1】 _. There are three main elements that co

47、mbine to create either a positive or negative【 B2】 _for listeners. They can【 B3】 _in a voice that is pleasing to listen to and can be used effectively, or they can create a voice that doesnt hold the attention, or even worse causes an【 B4】 _reaction. The three elements are volume, pitch and pace. Wh

48、en talking about volume, keep in mind that a good speaker will adjust to the size of both the room and the audience. Of course, with an【 B5】 _device like a microphone, the speaker can use a【 B6】 _tone. But speakers should not be【 B7】 _on it. A good speaker can speak loudly without shouting. The seco

49、nd element pitch is related to the highness and lowness of the sounds. High pitches are for most people more difficult to listen to, so in general, the speaker should use the lower【 B8】 _of the voice.【 B9】 _ The third element, pace this is how fast or slow words and sounds are articulated should also be varied.【 B10】 _. Pauses ought to be used to signal transitions or create anticipation. It can be very effective when moving fro


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