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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 672 及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Public Service Advertising. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1目前,公 益广告越来越普遍 2公益广告的重要性 3我认为 The Importance of Public

2、 Service Advertising 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the informa

3、tion given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 The Quantified SelfCounting Every Moment The idea of measuring things to chart progress towards a goal is commonplace in large

4、 organizations, governments and companies. But this quantitative method is rather less widespread among individuals, with the notable exceptions of people who are trying to lose weight or improve their fitness. Most people do not routinely record their moods, sleeping patterns or activity levels, tr

5、ack how much alcohol or coffee they drink or chart how often they walk the dog. But some people are doing just these things. What they share is a belief that gathering and analyzing data about their everyday activities can help them improve their livesan approach known as “ self-tracking“ or “self-q

6、uantifying“. In some ways this is not a new idea. Athletes and their coaches commonly make detailed notes on nutrition, training sessions, sleep and other variables. Similar strategies have long been used to combat health problems like allergies (过敏 ). But new technologies make it simpler than ever

7、to gather and analyze personal data. Sensors have shrunk and become cheaper. This makes it much easier to take the quantitative methods used in science and business and apply them to the personal sphere. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the notion of marrying technology with self-improvement originated in Sa

8、n Francisco, where Gary Wolf, a journalist and author, co-founded the “Quantified Self“ blog in 2007. This led to regular meetings, which are now held in about 50 cities around the world. “Almost everything we do generates data. “ says Mr. Wolf, “Data from phones, computers and credit cards are most

9、ly used by companies to target advertising, recommend products or spot fraud. But tapping into the stream of data they generate can give people new ways to deal with medical problems or improve their quality of life in other ways. “ Quantify this Self-quantifying is being taken seriously by start-up

10、s, in Silicon Valley and elsewhere, which are launching new devices and software aimed at self-trackers. It may even provide a glimpse of the future of health care, in which a greater emphasis is placed on monitoring, using a variety of devises, to prevent disease, extend lives and reduce medical co

11、sts. To see how self-tracking rewards, consider the example of David, an investment banker in London. With his routine of early starts and 11-hour days, he found that he had trouble falling asleep, and worried that this affected his concentration at work. He started using a headband made by Zeo, a s

12、tartup based in Newton, Massachusetts. It tracks sleep quantity and quality by measuring brainwave activity to determine how long the wearer spends in light, deep and rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep. David recorded his sleep data along with information on his diet, health supplements, exercise and al

13、cohol consumption, uploading it all onto the Zeo website. He now sleeps for an average of seven-and-a-half hours a night, up from six hours before he began his self-tracking experiment. “ I feel more relaxed , sharper and more switched on,“ he says. “ Seeing the facts on your computer screen makes t

14、hem difficult to ignore. “ Some self-quantifiers can come across as a little odd. Not everyone carries out experiments to see whether wearing orange glasses or performing regular hopping exercises can improve sleep quality, or whether (as has been claimed) eating butter improves arithmetic ability.

15、An obvious problem is that self-quantification experiments lack strict controls and clinical trials. There could also be placebo (安慰剂 ) effects. “With self-tracking you never really know whether it is your experiment that is affecting the outcome, or your expectations of the experiment,“ says Nancy

16、Dougherty, a self-tracking enthusiast who works as a hardware engineer at Proteus Biomedical, a medical-devices company in Redwood City, California. She found that taking virtual pills labelled “happy“ , “calm“ , “focus“ and “will power“ had a noticeable impact, even though she knew they were placeb

17、os. But with careful design of experiments there is scope for self-tracking to produce useful data. The Zeo, for example, has already generated the largest-ever database on sleep stages, which revealed differences between men and women in REM-sleep quantity. Keeping track Tens of thousands of patien

18、ts around the world are already sharing information about symptoms and treatments for hundreds of conditions on websites such as PatientsLikeMe and CureTogether. This has yielded valuable results. The growing number of self-tracking devices now reaching the market will increase the scope for large-s

19、cale data collection, enabling users to analyse their own readings and incorporate them with those of other people. The thumb-sized Fitbit, for example, made by a company of the same name based in San Francisco , clips onto a belt to measure activity levels and sleep patterns. A readout (读出器 ) shows

20、 steps walked, stairs climbed and calories burned. Information is also uploaded wirelessly to a website that analyses and displays the data and lets users compare notes with their friends. Jawbone, also based in San Francisco, has released the Up, a wristband that communicates with an iPhone and can

21、 also measure physical activity and sleep patterns. GreenGoose, yet another San Francisco start-up, has devised tiny motion sensors that can be attached to everyday items, sending a wireless signal to a base-station whenever the item is used. A sensor can be attached to a toothbrush, for example, or

22、 a watering can, or the collar of a dog, making it possible to measure and track how often you brush your teeth, water your plants or walk your dog. The companys aim is to establish a platform for the gamification (游戏化 ) of everyday activities. As populations age and health-care costs increase, ther

23、e is likely to be a greater emphasis on monitoring, prevention and maintaining “wellness“ in future, with patients taking a more active rolean approach sometimes called “Health 2.0“. With their sleep monitors and health dashboards, the aficionados (狂热爱好者 ) of self-tracking may end up being seen as p

24、ioneers of this model. “ We were inspired by our knowledge of this history of personal computing. “ Mr. Wolf says. “ We asked ourselves what would happen if we convened (召唤 ) advanced users of self-tracking technologies to see what we could learn from each other. “ Self-tracking may look weird now,

25、but the same was once true of e-mail. And what geeks do today , the rest of us often end up doing tomorrow. 2 As to the individual application of the quantitative method, the author is surprised to find that_. ( A) the number of people who use it is rather large ( B) the way people apply the method

26、is not scientific ( C) people who really need the method rarely use it ( D) most people dont approve the use of the method 3 People who conduct “self-tracking“ believe that the approach_. ( A) is helpful for life improvement ( B) can improve their mathematics ( C) can better personal relationships (

27、 D) is good for natural environment 4 What makes the use of quantitative methods easier in personal daily life? ( A) More professional instructors appear. ( B) Detailed instructions are released. ( C) Media coverage has increased greatly. ( D) Devices become smaller and cheaper. 5 According to Gary

28、Wolf, people can obtain new ways to solve medical problems and improve life quality through_. ( A) exploring the secrets of nature ( B) making use of the date they turn out ( C) tapping into the outer space ( D) developing computer technology 6 What did the headband made by Zeo help David do? ( A) C

29、oncentrate on his daily work. ( B) Relieve his sleepiness and headache. ( C) Track his sleep quantity and quality. ( D) Record information on his daily life. 7 According to the author, what is an obvious disadvantage about self-quantification experiments? ( A) People who take them may be considered

30、odd. ( B) The fee to take them is extraordinarily high. ( C) They lack strict controls and clinical trials. ( D) They may have side effects on the users. 8 Nancy Dougherty knows that_. ( A) the virtual pills she takes have placebo effects ( B) the experiments she takes affect her income ( C) she wil

31、l probably die from overdose ( D) she will get useless data from self-tracking 9 The launch of more and more self-tracking devices into the market will expand the scope of_ 10 GreenGoose establishes a platform for changing everyday activities into games for their sensors can be attached to_. 11 Self

32、-tracking will probably gain world acceptance and popularity, even though it presently_ Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation

33、 and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Improve community service quickly. ( B) Study French with him. ( C) Practice French with local peop

34、le. ( D) Find out some French courses. ( A) The gallery might be closed before they arrive. ( B) The gallery is a right place to visit. ( C) It isnt worth getting upset about the delay. ( D) Its relaxing to appreciate paintings. ( A) Pick up the woman at five. ( B) Meet the woman at the restaurant.

35、( C) Buy some food from a restaurant. ( D) Repair his car after dinner. ( A) She needs to change a roommate. ( B) She is angry with the time change. ( C) Her roommate cant come to the meeting. ( D) Her roommate is a terrible message-taker. ( A) He prefers Germany to other European countries. ( B) He

36、 prefers large notes when traveling. ( C) Hed rather take travelers checks than cash. ( D) He lost his wallet when traveling in Europe. ( A) His classes are very difficult. ( B) He will publish a book soon. ( C) His work is well respected. ( D) He is often interviewed by the press. ( A) Its good of

37、Jones to help his friend. ( B) Its convenient to move at weekend. ( C) Not many people spend weekends at home. ( D) Jones helped them put up a new tent. ( A) Hed like to take the woman to work. ( B) Hell try to get a ride from someone else. ( C) Judys home is nearer to the office. ( D) Judy has agre

38、ed to give him a ride. ( A) They have a type of membership for a period of a season. ( B) They make a work-out plan according to your habits. ( C) They provide a personal trainer without payment. ( D) They only give you a suitable type of exercise equipment. ( A) Qualified. ( B) Young. ( C) Irrespon

39、sible. ( D) Unskillful. ( A) Find proper time for exercise. ( B) Know how beauty comes. ( C) Change the course constantly. ( D) Never give up for any excuse. ( A) The employees must work from 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. ( B) The lunch break is always from 12 to 1. ( C) The employees sometimes have to w

40、ork extra time. ( D) The working time depends on employees themselves. ( A) Take the lunch break on time. ( B) Work overtime every day. ( C) Finish the work on time. ( D) Cannot leave earlier. ( A) She has to be responsible to the man first. ( B) She shares the same office with the man. ( C) She is

41、good at working independently. ( D) She needs to receive skill training first. ( A) Start her routine work. ( B) Learn how the work is done. ( C) Offer her bank account details. ( D) Drive the company car. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each pass

42、age, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) There are only fried chicken and hamburgers. ( B) Fried chicken is healthier than hamburgers. (

43、C) Most schools are aimed at improving dining halls. ( D) Most schools are trying hard to upgrade their lunch programs. ( A) Never eat the school lunch. ( B) Wait in the lunch line. ( C) Take a packed lunch to school. ( D) Order pizza and hot dogs less. ( A) Enjoy some home-made favorites. ( B) Have

44、 better pizza and hot dogs. ( C) Have chicken soup and apples. ( D) Save a lot of money. ( A) He was born during the First World War. ( B) He went to St Albans School at eleven. ( C) He preferred Physics to Mathematics. ( D) He stayed three years in Cambridge. ( A) Physics. ( B) Mathematics. ( C) Me

45、dicine. ( D) Science. ( A) Denis Sciama. ( B) Stephen Hawking. ( C) Fred Hoyle. ( D) Isaac Barrow. ( A) Their lifestyle and culture. ( B) Their mood and condition. ( C) The dining environment. ( D) The amount of working time. ( A) The bad environment of restaurants. ( B) The wide access to unhealthy

46、 foods. ( C) Promotion of unprocessed food products. ( D) Lack of regular physical examination. ( A) Remove food labels. ( B) Eat foods high in fiber. ( C) Look for foods high in salt. ( D) Weigh yourself everyday. ( A) They become more upset and worried. ( B) They watch their health more carefully.

47、 ( C) They are likely to intake more calories. ( D) They tend to eat some junk foods. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second tim

48、e, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 More and mor

49、e foreign students experience their independent life in the quest to gain a western education. They are surrounded by an【 B1】 _culture, environment and social norms, while being away from family and friends. What would【 B2】 _overseas students do in their preparations to study overseas? Get to know your new home before you land in it. There is no【 B3】 _for good preparation. Arm yourself with background knowledge by【 B4】 _information about the country you are going to. Learning about the


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