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1、大学英语四级(阅读)模拟试卷 39及答案与解析 Section B Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. 0 Why DIY? The reasons why people engage in DIY

2、 have always been numerous and complex. For some, DIY has provided a rare opportunity for creativity and self expression. For others it has been an unwelcome necessity, driven purely by economic considerations. Then there has been a group which feels that a building can never be a home unless it has

3、 been altered and modified to reflect a change of occupancy. A final group has traditionally adopted the measure that if you want a job done well, you must do it yourself. The same four basic species of DIYers exist today, although these various motives may now share some substantially similar chara

4、cteristics. The perfectionist in search of the good job done well is often also driven by a desire for creativity. There are also two new categories of motive the pursuit of DIY as a leisure activity and DIY as a form of occupational therapy. These, again, share some characteristics with other reaso

5、ns. DIY as necessity There is a significant number of young homemakers (38% of our interviewees) for whom there is no option but DIY. Their new home, whether bought on a mortgage (抵押 ) which consumes a major part of their income, or rented at similarly challenging rates, will often require essential

6、 redecoration and even structural repair. Some of these people are reluctant first-time DIYers. They would much prefer to hire professionals, but cant afford to do so. The majority, however, welcome the opportunity that need has forced upon them to get involved for the first time in the real busines

7、s of creating a home with all of its unfamiliar physical labor and the learning from the beginning of new techniques. In time, many will move to one of the other categories of DIYer, continuing to exercise their new found talents and enthusiasm when no longer forced by financial restrictions to do s

8、o. DIY as territorial marking Even those who have bought a brand new “starter home“, the type which becomes increasingly popular around the edges of our towns and cities, will feel compelled to add personal touches of a less dramatic kind to disguise its otherwise boring and expressionless nature. P

9、utting a “personal mark on the place“ was one of the most frequently reported motives for DIY, with 72% of sample seeing this as being a very important aspect. DIY as self-expression Many young people today are frustrated artists their potential creative talents just waiting for the chance to reveal

10、 themselves. There are also those seeking opportunities for a sense of achievement and personal fulfillment. DIY provided just such opportunities for the overwhelming majority of our interviewees (84%). They spoke at length of their sense of pride after completing their very first DIY task, and abou

11、t how this experience gave them the drive to tackle more ambitious projects. This sense of creative achievement comes both from the choices made by the first-time DIYer the selection of colors, textures and components to apply to the “canvas“ of the home and from the application of specific skills a

12、nd techniques. The manufacturers of DIY materials clearly understand this and now provide a wide range of “arty“ products to fuel creative urges. At the same time, they make the materials themselves much easier to use the DIY equivalent of painting by numbers. Special paint effects, which once requi

13、red the specialist knowledge and training of the true professional, can now be achieved straight out of the can with a simple brush. Hence, a new generation of home decorators takes pride in new-found talents. DIY as perfection-seeking A large proportion of first-time DIYers (63%) distrust builders

14、and decorators. They feel that most are “cowboys“ and that even the more reputable ones are very unlikely to have the same loving attention to detail and care as the DIYer. Some had previously suffered from the so-called repairs of small builders, while others were proud of the fact that no tradesma

15、n of this kind had ever set foot in their home. Within this group there were those who were content for builders to perform basic or structural work, and to undertake tasks such as plastering which are beyond the competence of most DIYers, particularly the younger beginner in our sample. The finishi

16、ng work, however, was something these people kept for themselves the final “perfecting“ of what otherwise would be just an ordinary result. This drive for perfection was also evident among the “strippers“ in this group. The idea of putting wallpaper over existing paper, or even paint on the top of p

17、receding coats, was to be cursed. Everything needed to be taken back to the bare plaster or the naked wood before any new decoration could be applied. Some interviewees recognized that this search for perfection could sometimes go too far: “Its puzzling me really. Theres always something Im working

18、on. Im never happy with anything.“ The problem perfectionists face is that progress can be very slow. One young female partner of such a perfectionist said, “My boyfriend spent so long decorating the bedroom that I had to hire in someone to do the living room.“ The living room was finished first. Wh

19、en perfectionists are obliged, by nagging or circumstance, to speed things up, other problems can result: “The only time I rushed a job was when we had friends coming for the weekend. I was so unhappy with it that I painted it again after they had gone.“ DIY as leisure activity For a significant min

20、ority of first-timers (28%), DIY is seen as a new and entertaining pastime. It is not really work, but something similar to entertainment, shared by both partners and even the children in the case of young families. “Its just great fun,“ one of our samples said enthusiastically. The idea that DIYing

21、 is similar to a trip to the lions of Longleat may seem strange. But for these interviewees home-making was sufficiently different from, and infinitely preferable to, the dull routines of weekday work to constitute a weekend break. The results of such activity were rewarding, but probably less so th

22、an engaging in the activity itself. DIY as therapy “It has healing powers, doesnt it? Im always in my own little world when Im doing DIY its great.“ So said a young man of 27 in our sample. “For me its occupational therapy,“ said another interviewee. For them and others it was their way of getting r

23、id of stress after a long day at work a way of relaxing and using the repetitive nature of many DIY tasks as a way of relaxing. Others hinted at a similar process, where DIY was almost an end in itself, rather than just a means to achieving a better home. In this sense they were similar to those who

24、 saw DIY as a form of leisure, but it was the psychological effects which were emphasized by 18% of our sample. While people in this group might sound upset, lacking the basic social skills to get a life outside of the home, they were quite the opposite. DIY provided a transitional stage between wor

25、k and play something which allowed them to relax and rid themselves of tensions, becoming more capable of social communication in the process. 1 Besides the traditional motives of DIY, the new categories of motive include the pursuit of DIY as_ . ( A) economic necessity ( B) chances of creativity (

26、C) a leisure activity ( D) self-expression 2 What does buying a new home on mortgage mean to the young homemakers? ( A) It costs more money than renting a home. ( B) It is as challenging as renting a home. ( C) It is the last option they would choose. ( D) It costs even more than food and drinks. 3

27、The reluctant first-time DIYers would rather be able to_. ( A) hire professionals to do the homemaking ( B) decorate their new home more beautifully ( C) find less expensive decoration materials ( D) learn the techniques of decoration at school 4 A brand new “starter home“ becomes more and more popu

28、lar_. ( A) with young married couples ( B) near the urban areas of big cities ( C) as advertisers keep promoting it ( D) around the border of towns and cities 5 Nowadays, special paint effects can be achieved by_. ( A) anyone with a painting machine ( B) specially-trained professionals ( C) any DIYe

29、rs with simple tools ( D) few people with artistic knowledge 6 A large proportion of first-time DIYers use the term “cowboys“ to refer to_. ( A) DIY material manufacturers ( B) builders and decorators ( C) ambitious and creative DIYers ( D) professional interior designers 7 It has been found that mo

30、st young DIY beginners are not competent enough for _. ( A) plastering ( B) plumbing ( C) gardening ( D) roof tiling 8 “Strippers“ are people who are driven by the pursuit of DIY as_. 9 A significant minority of first-timers (about twenty-eight percent of the interviewees) take DIY as _ 10 People wh

31、o take DIY as a form of leisure and those who take DIY as therapy similarly think of DIY as_. 10 Looking back on my childhood, I am convinced that naturalists are born and not made. Although we were all brought up in the same way, my brothers and sisters soon【 11】 their pressed flowers and insects.

32、Unlike them, I had no ear for music and languages. I was not an【 12】 reader and I could not do mental arithmetic. Before World War I we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the【 13】memory of the house we lived in and of my room and my toys. But I do have a crystal-clear memory of the do

33、gs, the farm animals, the local birds, and above all, the insects. I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love of the natural world and my【 14】 had led me into varied investigations. I love discussing my【 15】 topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil while reading about other peoples ob

34、servations and【 16】 . Then something happens that brings these observations together in my conscious mind. Suddenly you fancy you see the answer to the riddle, because it all seems to fit【 17】 together. This has resulted in my publishing 300 papers and books, which some might【 18】 with the title of

35、scientific research. But curiosity, a keen eye, a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a scientist. A scientist requires not only【 19】 but hard training, determination and a goal. A scientist, up to a point, can be made. A naturalist is born. If you can【 20】 the two, y

36、ou get the best of both worlds. A. combine B. connect C. self-discipline D. enthusiasm E. regulations F. discoveries G. dim H. eventually I. abandoned J. honor K. disposed L. modest M. favorite N. early O. perfectly 11 【 11】 12 【 12】 13 【 13】 14 【 14】 15 【 15】 16 【 16】 17 【 17】 18 【 18】 19 【 19】 20

37、【 20】 20 Some Americans are a little nervous about the nations future, but others feel secure, knowing that the man they consider the most powerful person in the world isnt going anywhere. Just who is this behind-the-scenes guy they think has more power than George W. Bush ever will? Hes Alan Greens

38、pan, a 74-year-old expert economist who heads the Federal Reserve, commonly known as the Fed. Unlike the president, who has to please the voters and compromise with Congress, Greenspan doesnt have to answer to anyone. But that doesnt mean his job is easy. Basically, Greenspan is in charge of keeping

39、 the nations economy stable. The economy is sort of like a balloon: blow in too much air, and it pops. But with too little air, it falls to the floor. Greenspan helps decide when to blow more air into the economy. In this case, the air in a balloon is the amount of money in the economy. Greenspan ca

40、n make the economy grow by increasing the money supply, or keep the economy from inflating too much by decreasing the money supply. His goal is for the economy to grow and contract gradually. Rapid changes can harm businesses and consumers. After years of very high growth, the American economy is st

41、arting to slow down. Recently, corporations have been making less money and people are starting to have a harder time finding jobs. Greenspan is hoping to ease the economy into a soft landing. Its just like to make the car come to a gentle stop instead of hitting a brick wall. If he succeeds, the co

42、untry will avoid two possible problems: rising prices and high unemployment. At the Feds meeting, Greenspan and the other members decided that the economy was growing at an OK rate, but that there is a possibility of a serious slowdown, and in order to solve that, they could lower interest rates at

43、the next meeting in an attempt to encourage people to borrow and spend. While theres no way to know what they will decide, one thing is certain: the decisions that Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Board make will affect everyone who earns, borrows or spends money. 21 It is certain that Greenspan_.

44、( A) is more powerful than George W. Bush ( B) has to answer to someone in the government ( C) is an expert economist directing the Federal Reserve ( D) has to please the voters and compromise with Congress 22 Greenspan keeps the economy stable by_. ( A) blowing sufficient air into it ( B) controlli

45、ng the money supply ( C) raising prices of commodity ( D) reducing unemployment rate 23 According to the fourth paragraph, decreasing the money supply can keep the economy from_. ( A) developing too fast ( B) growing too slowly ( C) changing too rapidly ( D) remaining too stable 24 Greenspan may hel

46、p the country to avoid the problems EXCEPT_. ( A) rising prices ( B) high unemployment ( C) economic slowdown ( D) bank loans 25 The passage mainly discusses _. ( A) why Greenspan is respected by many people in the United States ( B) what Greenspan does to affect everybodys life ( C) what Greenspan

47、does to balance the economy in the United States ( D) how Greenspan became the director of the Fed 25 There seems never to have been a civilization without toys, but when and how they developed is unknown. They probably came about just to give children something to do. In the ancient world, as is to

48、day, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another. In societies where social roles are rigidly determined, boys pattern their play after the activities of their fathers and girls after the tasks of their mothers. This is true because boys and girls are being prepared, even in

49、 play, to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult world. What is remarkable about the history of toys is not so much how they changed over the centuries but how much they have remained the same. The changes have been mostly in terms of craftsmanship, mechanics, and technology. It is the universality of toys with regard to their development in all parts of the world and their persistence to the present that is amazing. In Egypt, the Americas, China, Japan and among


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