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1、托业阅读(词汇与语法)模拟试卷 14及答案与解析 一、完成句子 1 The president expects that in the extended negotiations Mr. Taylors problem-solving skills will be better _than before. ( A) assembled ( B) conceded ( C) noticed ( D) utilized 2 The stock price for the company fell _after the news that the president was involved in

2、the fraud case appeared in a major newspaper. ( A) sharp ( B) sharply ( C) sharpen ( D) sharpness 3 The sales department has already finished its budget estimates, but we have not completed_yet. ( A) ours ( B) us ( C) our ( D) ourselves 4 The store will be going out of business next month, so it sel

3、ls its products at prices_below their standard prices. ( A) some ( B) so ( C) well ( D) such 5 Due to continuous financial difficulties, the CEO of the company_announced that they would merge with its main competitor. ( A) comparably ( B) officially ( C) normally ( D) strictly 6 Mr. Butler is schedu

4、led to deliver a presentation on October 20, which gives him two full weeks_preparation. ( A) for ( B) to ( C) until ( D) by 7 The focus groups for the new products will be fully_on the purpose and details of it at the beginning of the orientation. ( A) assessed ( B) briefed ( C) ridiculed ( D) expo

5、sed 8 Mr. Cooper will be attending the weekly meeting on May 2,_which time he will offer details about the project. ( A) with ( B) at ( C) on ( D) across 9 Robin Island is such an exotic place that it_millions of tourists each year. ( A) appeals ( B) attracts ( C) visits ( D) provides 10 Service rep

6、resentatives are advised to _all customer complaints to the customer service center. ( A) forwards ( B) forwarding ( C) forward ( D) forwarded 11 Sales of Sparkle beverage products _increase during the hot summer season. ( A) openly ( B) rigidly ( C) approximately ( D) frequently 12 For_printer perf

7、ormance, customers are encouraged to use genuine parts made by our HJ Electronics. ( A) optimal ( B) optimize ( C) optimally ( D) optimization 二、短文填空 12 To: Daniel Anderson From: Nicole Butler Re: Transfer Date: February 15 Dear Mr. Anderson, I am writing to let you know that your internal transfer

8、has been_. As of March 1, you will be switching from the sales department in our headquarters in Rockwell to the customer service department in our branch office in Hillwood. You will receive a promotion to the assistant manager and also have a higher salary. In the Hillwood branch, you_to Richard C

9、lark, branch manager. Please contact Richard as soon as possible to discuss your specific assignments. In addition, I encourage you to complete any unfinished business in your current job and help train your_before you leave your position at the end of February. Congratulations, and I wish you all t

10、he best. Regards, Nicole Butler ( A) approved ( B) canceled ( C) interrupted ( D) appreciated ( A) reported ( B) will report ( C) reporting ( D) were reported ( A) attendant ( B) recipient ( C) occupant ( D) replacement 15 If you want to have a memorable vacation, check our variety of tour packages.

11、 Each of our tour packages_transportations, guide, equipment, park entrance fee, and lunch. All tours leave at 9 a.m. and return at 5 p.m. One of the best choices for comfort and quiet for travelers on a budget is the Anniston Island. Its ten minutes from the airport and close to many local restaura

12、nts and tourist attractions. For example, the Lighthouse tour takes you inside the highest and oldest _structure on the island. It was built in 1850 to guide ships into the eastern harbor. _your vacation pleasurable, we book only the best quality hotel for our travelers. All hotels have a modern exe

13、rcise center, a swimming pool, and saunas. ( A) will be included ( B) used to include ( C) included ( D) includes ( A) placing ( B) standing ( C) facing ( D) lengthening ( A) Having made ( B) Making ( C) To make ( D) Being made 18 Centerfield High School Recycling Initiative I called this meeting to

14、 discuss_aspects of the new recycling initiative. So far we have noticed a dramatic decrease in the amount of plastics and paper waste going to the dump since the installation of the color coordinated wastebaskets placed _the school. The monetary incentives given to the dorm that returns the most re

15、-usable containers have also been a_. We are on track to cut garbage output by over 45%. Our future plans include setting up a recycling program with local agricultural businesses, who we will supply with organic waste from our cafeteria for use as feed and fertilizer on their farms. ( A) variety (

16、B) vary ( C) various ( D) varies ( A) among ( B) throughout ( C) out of ( D) between ( A) failure ( B) durability ( C) success ( D) mess 21 The purpose of the mission statement is twofold. The first purpose is to give consumers and clients an idea of what values the business deems_. The second purpo

17、se is to give employees of the business a clear idea of what their goals are while employed. A mission statement should be clearly stated in order to avoid confusion or the possibility of a double meaning. The importance of being clear cannot be taken _as the mission statement of a business can beco

18、me the trademark and _the business is known for. Any distortion of the statement could cause distrust in consumers and misunderstanding among the employees. ( A) important ( B) importantly ( C) more importantly ( D) most importantly ( A) meticulously ( B) slightly ( C) consistently ( D) lightly ( A)

19、 whether ( B) what ( C) that ( D) whom 托业阅读(词汇与语法)模拟试卷 14答案与解析 一、完成句子 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 词汇:动词 1这是一道词汇选择题,选项均为动词。 2 that从句的主语是 Mr Taylors problem一 solvingskill(泰勒先生解决问题的技巧 ),原文意思是 “期待解决问题的方法可以更加灵活 ”。因此 (D)为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 单词形态:副词 1这是一道单词形态选择题,选项均为 sharp的不同形式。 2不及物动词 fell后须填一个副词,因

20、此 (B)为正确选项。 3能和增加或减少连用的副词有: sharply、 markedly、 dramatically、 significantly、substantially、 considerably、 remarkably, noticeably、 rapidly、 increasingly 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 语法:代词 1选项均为代词。 2空格需填入名词做动词complete的宾语,因此名词性物主代词 (A)为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 词汇:副词 1 below引导 的介词结构须用一个副词来修饰

21、。2 above、 below、 ahead of、 in advance、 after, before、 behind等介词和副词well一起使用,表示 “一下子提高降低在之前提前落后 ”等语义。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 词汇:副词 1这是一道词汇选择题,选项均为副词。 2位于announced(宣布 )前并可修饰它的副词只有 (B)选项 officially,意为 “正式宣布 ”。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 词汇:介词 1这是一道词汇选择题,选项均为介词。 2两周时间用来准备发言,需要表示目的的介词 for。因此 (

22、A)为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 词汇:动词 1这是一道词汇题,选项均为动词。 2 expose(暴露 )要接介词 to,语义上也不通顺, (D)选项排除。 3 brief做主动态时,后接介词 on,组成 brief sb onsth(对某人做某物的说明 ),焦点小组的人是听说明的对象,应使用被动语态,因此 (B)为正确选项。 【知识模块 】 词汇与语法 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 词汇:介词 1这是一道词汇题,选项均为介词。 2与特定的日期相搭配时应使用介词 on,但与 time相搭配时应使用 at,因而 (B)项为正确选项。 【知识模块

23、】 词汇与语法 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 词汇:动词 1 (A)选项不及物动词 appeals须和介词 to连用,因而排除。 2主语 it不能做探访罗宾岛的主体,因此 (C)选项 visit排除。 3 (D)选项provides后出现人时,固定搭配为 provide sb with sth(向某人提供某物 ),而具体提供什么并没有交代,因而排除,原文意思是 “吸引许多游客 ”,因此 (B)为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 语法: to不定式 1动词 advise常以 be advised+to不定式 (被建议 ) 的形式出现 .2 to不定

24、式后面要接动词原形,因此空格内应填 forward。3 forward作副词意为 “向前地、向将来 ”,作形容词时意为 “向前的、迅速的 ”.作动词时意为 “促进、转寄 ”. 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 11 【正确答 案】 D 【试题解析】 词汇:副词 1这是一道词汇题,选项均为副词。 2表示特定时间内的频繁增长须用 frequently,因此 (D)为正确选项。 3类似这样的副词还有dramatically(戏剧性地 )、 rapidly(迅速地 )、 sharply(急剧地、锐利地 )、unprecedentedly(空前地 )、 markedly(明显地 ) 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 1

25、2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 单词形态:形容词 1这是一道词汇形态选择题,选项均为optimize的不同形式。 2空格内须 填入一个形容词来修饰名词。因此形容词(A)optimal为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 二、短文填空 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 词汇:动词 1这是一道词汇选择题,选项均由动词构成。 2后面句子的意思是 “内部人员升职得到批准 ”,因此 (A)为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 语法:时态 1选项均为不同时态。 2电子邮件的发送时间为 2月 15日,人员调动的时间为 3月 1日,因

26、而应使用将来时, (B)项为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 词汇:名词 1这是一道词汇选择题,选项均为名词。 2原文意为 “人员调动前,应向接替者提供帮助 ”,因而 (D)项为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 16 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 语法:时态 1从选项看,这是一道考查时态的题目。 2旅游景区中,旅游商品是现在可购买的商品,应使用现在时态,因此 (D)为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 17 【 正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 词汇:分词 1选项均由不同形式的分词构成。 2原文意为 “屹立最久 ”,因此

27、(B)为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 词汇:不定式 1空格后接宾语,被动语态不能接宾语,因此 (D)选项排除。 2 to不定式可以后面接宾语表示目的。原文意为 “为了您度假愉快 ”,因此 (C)为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 单词形态:形容词 1这是一道词汇 形态选择题,选项为 vary的不同形式。 2空格内应填入一个形容词修饰后面的名词,因此 (C)为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 20 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 词汇:介词 1这是一道词汇选择题,选项均为介词。

28、2原文意思是 “校园内全都安放垃圾桶 ”, throughout意为 “到处、四处 ”,因此 (B)项为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 21 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 词汇:名词 1这是一道词汇选择题,选项均为名词。 2由于选项中出现完全相反的词汇 failure(失败 )和 success(成功 ),因此要全面掌握文章的前后内容。前面提到废物利用计划进行得很好,空格前又出现了 also一词,因此(C)success为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 22 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 单词形态:形容词 1这是词汇形态问题,选项均为 importan

29、t的不同形式。 2动词 deem常用作 “I deem it important.”这种形式。空格内应填入一个形容词作宾语补足语,因此 (A)为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语 法 23 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 词汇:副词 1这是一道词汇选择题,选项均为副词。 2 cannot be taken lightly意为 “不能掉以轻心 ”。因此 (D)为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法 24 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 词汇:连词 1这是一道词汇题,选项均为连词。 2空格处应填入能引导名词性从句,且在从句中能充当介词 for宾语的连接代词,因此 (B)为正确选项。 【知识模块】 词汇与语法


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