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1、考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编 11及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 The camel is _by the humps on its back and an ability to go without water for days at a time. ( A) described ( B) characterized ( C) symbolized ( D) personified 2 With all its defects the little play has a real _; it attracts a lot of people ev

2、ery day. ( A) quality ( B) charm ( C) theme ( D) exposition 3 The members of the club_ a plane to lake them on holiday to France. ( A) bought ( B) chartered ( C) leased ( D) borrowed 4 It is agreed that all nations should take measures against terrorism on the basis of the UN_ and other internationa

3、l laws. (2002年中国人民大学考博试题 ) ( A) Charter ( B) Constitution ( C) Concordance ( D) Custody 5 The noise was caused by a dog _ a cat through the garden. ( A) chasing ( B) fighting ( C) catching ( D) following 6 In his _ to further knowledge of the universe, man has now begun to explore space.(2003年南京大学考博

4、试题 ) ( A) attempt ( B) expedition ( C) trial ( D) chase 7 The two friends sat in a comer and _ away to each other about the weather. ( A) talked ( B) chatted ( C) muttered ( D) whispered 8 The boy _ his friend out of the apple by insisting that it was rotten, if not poisonous. ( A) frightened ( B) f

5、orced ( C) cheated ( D) deceived 9 He was in low spirits. Try as we would, we couldnt get him to_up. ( A) pick ( B) turn ( C) show ( D) cheer 10 Even 30 years later, he still _ the memory of his happy and care-free childhood spent in that small wooden house with his grandparents.(2006年财政部财政研究所考博试题 )

6、 ( A) reminded ( B) memorized ( C) cherished ( D) fancied 11 She felt a bit _ in the autumn air so she went in to fetch a coat.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题 ) ( A) chilly ( B) fresh ( C) shivering ( D) cool 12 My father_ the old paint off his bedroom door and had it repainted. ( A) chopped ( B) carved ( C) chipp

7、ed ( D) smashed 13 Im afraid you have no_ but to come along with us. ( A) possibility ( B) chance ( C) choice ( D) selection 14 He grasped her by the throat and started to _ the life out of her. ( A) press ( B) squeeze ( C) choke ( D) block 15 You can make it very difficult for me to speak to you if

8、 you _ to misunderstand me. ( A) happen ( B) choose ( C) select ( D) get 16 Millions of people in the United States suffer from_ back pain that comes from sitting too long at a desk.(2004年西南财经大学考博试题 ) ( A) chronic ( B) casual ( C) catastrophic ( D) elastic 17 Dont judge a crime until you know all th

9、e_. ( A) circumstances ( B) situations ( C) conditions ( D) surroundings 18 In no_ should you do this without help and advice from your doctor restricting the diet of small children can be very dangerous.(2002年 10月中国科学院考博试题 ) ( A) perspectives ( B) restrictions ( C) circumstances ( D) consequences 1

10、9 The minister _ the latest crime figures as proof of the need for more police. ( A) cited ( B) offered ( C) illastrated ( D) depicted 20 She_the high unemployment figures as evidence of the failure of the government policy.(2002年上海交通大学考博试题 ) ( A) cited ( B) recited ( C) listed ( D) lifted 21 What d

11、oes it feel like to be a_ after 20 years in the army? ( A) citizen ( B) populace ( C) civilian ( D) commonplace 22 Although it was written over one hundred years ago, it is still the_ history text in many schools. ( A) typical ( B) customary ( C) practical ( D) classic 23 Children in school are_into

12、 grades, according to how much they know. ( A) clarified ( B) classified ( C) identified ( D) sorted 24 The current political _ of our country is favourable for foreign investments. ( A) weather ( B) temperature ( C) climate ( D) status 25 In order to get the business done, he tried to _ his evil in

13、tentions with apparent friendliness.(2006年厦门大学考博试题 ) ( A) cloak ( B) protect ( C) devise ( D) fix 考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编 11答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解 析】 characterize vt以 为特征,是 的特征。 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 charm n.魅力;引人喜爱的特征,迷人的特性。 quality n.质量;品质,特性。 theme n.题,题目。 exposition n.阐述,讲解。 3 【正

14、确答案】 B 【试题解析】 charter vt包租 (飞机、车、船等 )(如: Our school chartered three buses for the trip )。 lease vt租得 (一般指房屋或土地 )(注 :buy和 borrow均不可能 ) 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题意为 “各国达成协议,所有的国家都应以联合国宪章和其他国际法为基础来反对恐怖主义 ”。 charter的意思是 “宪章 ”, the UN Charter的意思是“联合国宪章 ”; constitution的意思是 “宪法,章程,惯例 ”; concordance的意思是“和谐 ”; cus

15、tody的意思是 “保管 ”。四个选项中只有 A为正确答案。 5 【正确答 案】 A 【试题解析】 chase vt.追逐,追赶。 fight v.斗争,打架,战斗。 catch vt捉住,抓住。 follow v.跟随,紧跟;跟在 后面。 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题空格处是说追求宇宙的更多的知识。 chase的意思是 “追求,追赶 ”; attempt的意思是 “努力,尝试 ”: expedition的意思是 “远征,探险 ”; trial的意思是 “试验 ”。四个选项中只有 D项符合题意。 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 chat vi. n闲谈,聊天 (如: They

16、were chatting away about old times He dropped in for a chat last night )。 talk vi.讲话,交谈;谈论 (注: talk要比 chat稍正式点: chat是闲聊的意思 )。 mutter vi轻声低语,小声抱怨。whisper v.低语,耳语。 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 cheat vt欺骗,骗取 (尤指骗人钱财 )(如: That shop often cheats its customers to cheat sb out of his money )。 frighten vt吓唬,使惊恐 (句型: f

17、righten sb; frighten sb into out of+动词 ing形式; be frightened of)。force“强迫,迫使 (某人做某事 )(句型: force sb to+动词原形; force sth on sb )。 deceive vt欺骗,蒙骗 (句型: deceive sb; derive sb into+动词 ing形式 )。 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 cheer up(使 )高兴起 来, (使 )振作起来 (如: I cheered up at the good news The news cheered him up )。 pick up

18、拿起,捡起: (停下车 )让人上车;好转,改进,提高 (速度 )。 turn up到达 (约定地点 ),出现; (东西 )被找到;开大,调大 (音量等 )。 show up(按约定 )来到,露面。 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 cherish the memory of意为 “怀念 ” 。 remind sb of sbsth意为 “使某人回想起 ” ; memorise意为 “记忆,记起 ”; fancy意为 “想象,幻想 ”。 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题空格处是说她觉得有点冷。 A项的 “chilly寒冷的 ”符合题意。其他三项 “fresh新鲜的; shiveri

19、ng发抖,打碎: cool凉爽的 ”都不正确。 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 chip vt削下,凿下 (屑片、碎片 )(chip a piece from the edge of a cup; chip the old paint from the side of a ship)。 chop vt (用斧头 )砍,劈,斩。carve vt雕刻;把 切成碎片。 smash vt粉碎:打碎。 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 choice n选择,抉择;供选择的东西 (have no choice but to+动词原形;除做 外别无他法;非 不可:只有 才行;另一说法是 There

20、 is no choice for sb but to+动词原形;类似的说法还有: have no alternative but to+动词原形 )(其他两个名词不是习惯搭配 )。 14 【正确答案 】 C 【试题解析】 choke vt使窒息,使噎住;塞满,塞住 (如: The smoke almost chocked me He choked when he ate his food too quickly )。 press vt催促,逼迫; (用手 )按,压。 squeeze vt用力挤压:压缩;压榨。 block vt堵塞,阻塞。 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 choose

21、to(do sth )宁愿,决定。愿意;偏要 (做某事 )(后面跟不定式 )(如: Its not my business how she chooses to live She did not choose to accept my present )。 happen(to+动词原形 )碰巧,恰好 (后面跟不定式 )(如: I happened to be out when you called )。 get to+动词原形 (表示一个渐进的变化过程,如: get to know sb )(select后面不能跟不定式 )。 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题空格处是忍受长期的背痛。

22、 A项的 “chronic慢性的、 长期的 ”符合题意,如: chronic colitis(慢性结肠炎 )。其他三项 “casual偶然的、临时的;catastrophic悲惨的、灾难的; elastic弹性的 ”都不正确。 17 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 circumstance n (一般用复数 )(与某人或某事相关的 )条件,情况;(pl.)境遇,经济状况 (如; I dont remember all the circumstances of the quarrel If you knew all the circumstances you would excuse me, t

23、o bein easy difficult circumstances, under in the circumstances在目前情况下; under in no circumstances意为 “在任何情况下都不 ”,放在句首时句子要用倒装语序 )。situation n形势,局面,环境,状况。 condition n (先决 )条件; (pl )环境;状态,状况。 surroundings n (pl.)周围的事物,环境。 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题 空格处是说在任何情况下都不该这么做。四个选项中,in(under)no circumstances的意思是 “在任何情况下

24、都不 ”,是固定搭配;perspectives的意思是 “观点,想法 ”; restrictions的意思是 “限制 ”; consequences的意思是 “后果,结果 ”。只有 C项符合题意。 19 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 cite vt.引用,引证;传讯,传唤 (如: The lawyer cited a previous case to support his argument Its no use citing the Bible to someone who doesnt believe in God )。 offer vt.给予,提供,提出。 illustrate vt对

25、 作插图说明;说明,阐明。 depict vt.描绘;描写,描述。 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题空格处是说 “引证了高失业的数据 ”。 A项的 “cited引证 ”符合题意。如: Its no use citing the Bible to a non-Christian (对非基督徒引用圣经是没 用的。 )其他三项 “recited背诵,朗读; listed列出: lifted提高 ”都不正确。 21 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 civilian n.(与军人相对的 )平民,百姓。 22 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 classic标准的,权威性的 (如: The sui

26、t was a classic style, a classic example of bureaucratic inefficiency)。 typical(of)a.典型的,有代表性的。customary a. 习惯性的, 习俗性的。 practical a.实际的,实用的。 23 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 classify vt把 分类,把 分级。 clarify vt.澄清;阐明。identify vt认出:鉴定;认为 等同于 (with)。 sort(out)vt. 分类,整理。 24 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 climate n.气候。 weather n天气。 temperature n.温度。 status n (在社会上的 )地位,身份。 25 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题是说为了做成生意,他努力用表面的友好来掩盖实际的邪恶意图。四个选项中, A项 cloak的意思是 “掩盖,掩饰,覆盖 ”, B项 protect的意思是 “保护 ”, C项 devise的意思是 “设计,发明,图谋 ”, D项 fix的意思是 “使固定,装置,修理,准备,安装,凝视 ”。根据题意, A项为正确答案。


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