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1、职称英语(综合类) C级模拟试卷 9及答案与解析 一、 词汇选项 (第 1-15题,每题 1分,共 15分 ) 下面每个句子中均有 1个词或短语在括号中,请为每处括号部分的词汇或短语确定1个意义最为接近选项。 1 These figures do not take into account the changes that have taken place in recent years. ( A) consider ( B) call ( C) catch ( D) cancel 2 I have no alternative but to report him to the local p

2、olice. ( A) opinion ( B) means ( C) choice ( D) selection 3 We all know that Sharon is a woman of strong political convictions. ( A) suggestions ( B) beliefs ( C) statements ( D) claims 4 The local authorities will take measures to deal with noise pollution in the area. ( A) power ( B) control ( C)

3、learning ( D) government 5 Hundreds of cyclists assembled in Central Park in Pudong this morning to take part in the event. ( A) appeared ( B) walked ( C) met ( D) combined 6 Argument among the speakers at the conference is bordering on violence. ( A) is close to ( B) is beside ( C) is next to ( D)

4、is alongside 7 We consume a lot more than we are able to Produce. ( A) waste ( B) buy ( C) use ( D) sell 8 She overcame her initial shyness and really enjoyed the evening. ( A) coming ( B) beginning ( C) happening ( D) existing 9 The football team, for the most part, were confident of winning the ma

5、tch. ( A) mostly ( B) partly ( C) only ( D) really 10 I wonder what your aim in life is. ( A) attitude ( B) symbol ( C) goal ( D) action 11 There are a limited number of books on this subject in the library. ( A) large ( B) total ( C) small ( D) similar 12 How do you account for your absence from th

6、e class last Thursday? ( A) explain ( B) examine ( C) choose ( D) expand 13 They had a far better yield than any other farm miles around this year. ( A) goods ( B) soil ( C) climate ( D) harvest 14 The town is famous for its magnificent church towers. ( A) ancient ( B) old ( C) modern ( D) splendid

7、15 Have you got a spare pen? ( A) a short ( B) an extra ( C) a thin ( D) along 二、 阅读判断 (第 16-22题,每题 1分,共 7分 ) 下面的短文后列出了 7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择 A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请 选择 B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择 C。 16 Hercules Once upon a time there was a great Greek hero, Hercules. He was taller and stronger t

8、han anyone you have ever seen. On his shoulder he carried a club and in his hand he held a bow (弓 ). He was known as the hero of a hundred adventures. Hercules served a king. The king was afraid of him. So again and again he sent him on difficult tasks. One morning the king sent for him and told him

9、 to fetch three golden apples for him from the garden of the Singing Maidens (歌女 ). But no one knew where the garden was. So Hercules went away. He walked the whole day and the next day and the next. He walked for months before he saw mountains far in the distance one fine morning. One of the mounta

10、ins was in the shape of a man, with long, long legs and arms and huge shoulders and a huge head. He was holding up the sky. Hercules knew it was Atlas, the Mountain God. So he asked him for help. Atlas answered, “My head and arms and shoulders all ache. Could you hold up the sky while I fetch the go

11、lden apples for you?“ Hercules climbed the mountain and shouldered the sky. Soon the sky grew very heavy. When finally Atlas came back with three golden apples, he said, “Well, you are going to carry the mountain for ever. Im going to see the king with the apples.“ Hercules knew that he couldnt figh

12、t him because of the sky on his back. So he shouted: “Just one minutes help. My shoulders are hurting. Hold the sky for a minute while I make a cushion (垫子 ) for my shoulders.“ Atlas believed him. He threw down the apples and held up the sky. Hercules picked up the apples and ran back to see the kin

13、g. 16 Hercules was the tallest man in the world. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 17 Hercules worked in the kings garden. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 18 Hercules was given many difficult tasks because the king wanted to get rid of him. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 19

14、 Atlas was the giant who held up the sky. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 20 Atlas ran faster than Hercules. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 21 Atlas got the golden apples for Hercules because he wanted to be the king himself. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 22 Hercules fi

15、nally managed to get the apples by defeating Atlas. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 三、 概括大意与完成句子 (第 23-30题,每题 1分,共 8分 ) 下面的短文后有 2项测试任务: (1)第 23-26题要求从所给的 6个选项中为第 2-5段每段选择一个最佳标题; (2)第 27-30题要求从所给的 6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。 23 Estee Lauder Died 1 The child of Central European immigrants who created

16、 an international cosmetics (化妆品 ) empire and became one of the most influential women in US, has died on Saturday. Estee Lauder died at her home in Manhattan, New York City, a company spokeswoman said. She was 97. 2 Born in Queens, New York in 1908, Lauder was the daughter of a Hungarian mother and

17、 a Czech father. 3 Lauder began her business career by selling skincare products developed by her uncle John Schotz, a chemist; to beauty salons (美容院 ) and hotels. In 1930, she married Joseph Lauder who became her* partner. The company, which became known as Estee Lauder, took off after World War II

18、. 4 In 1953, the company introduced its first perfume (香水 ), Youth Dew, the first of a range of fragrances that has now grown to more than 70. They include: Aramis, a line of products for men, launched in 1964; and Clinique, a range of odourless (无嗅的 ) cosmetics, which followed in 1968. 5 By the tim

19、e she retired in 1995, Lauder was presiding over a multibillion-dollar enterprise, which now ranks number 349 in the Fortune 500 list of largest US companies. In 1998, she was the only woman to feature in Time magazines selection of the 20 most important business geniuses of the last century. There

20、were two secrets to her success: her gift for selling things and her tireless energy and determination never to accept second best. 6 Even after her retirement at the age of 89, Lauder remained closely involved. Beauty, Lauder believed, was the most important thing in life. 7 She wrote in her 1985 a

21、utobiography, “Estee, a Success Story“: “In a perfect world, wed all be judged on the sweetness of our souls. But in our less than perfect world, the woman who-looks pretty has a distinct advantage and, usually, the last word.“ 23 A. Early career B. Childhood C. Products D. Retirement E. Cosmetics e

22、mpress F. Birth 23 Paragraph 2_ 24 Paragraph 3_ 25 Paragraph 4_ 26 Paragraph 5_ 27 A. at the age of 97 B. as the most important thing in life C. by John Schotz D. in 1908 E. in cosmetics F. on the sweetness of our souls 27 Lauder regarded beauty_ 28 Lauder died_ 29 Before marriage, she sold products

23、 formulated_ 30 After retirement, she continued to show interest_ 四、 阅读理解 (第 31-45题,每题 3分,共 45分 ) 下面有 3篇短文后有 5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题选 1个最佳选项。 31 Preserving Nature for Future Demands for stronger protection for wildlife in Britain sometimes hide the fact that similar needs are felt in the rest of Europe. Stu

24、dies by the Council of Europe, of which 21 countries are members, have shown that 45 per cent of reptile (爬行动物 ) species and 24 per cent of butterflies (蝴蝶 ) are in danger of dying out. European concern for wildlife was outlined by Dr Peter Baum, an expert in the environment and natural resources di

25、vision of the council, when he spoke at a conference arranged by the administrators of a British national park. The park is one of the few areas in Europe to hold the councils diploma (证书 ) for nature reserves (自然保护区 ) of the highest quality, and Dr Baum had come to present it to the park once again

26、. He was afraid that public opinion was turning against national parks, and that those set up in the 1960s and 1970s could not be set up today. But Dr Baum clearly remained a strong supporter of the view that natural environments needed to be allowed to survive in peace in their own right. “No area

27、could be expected to survive both as a true nature reserve and as a tourist attraction,“ he went on. The short-sighted view that reserves had to serve immediate human demands for outdoor recreation (户外娱乐 ) should be replaced by full acceptance of their importance as places to preserve nature for the

28、 future. “We forget that they are the guarantee of life systems, on which any built-up area ultimately depends,“ Dr Baum went on. “We could manage without most industrial products, but we could not manage without nature. However, our natural environment areas, which are the original parts of our cou

29、ntryside, have shrunk (缩小 ) to become mere islands in a spoiled and highly polluted land mass.“ 31 Recent studies by the Council of Europe have indicated that ( A) Britain is the only country where wildlife needs more protection. ( B) all species of wildlife in Europe are in danger of dying out. ( C

30、) there are fewer species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe than elsewhere. ( D) many species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe need protecting. 32 Why did Dr Baum come to a British national park? ( A) Because he needed to present it with a councils diploma. ( B) Because he was concerned abo

31、ut its management. ( C) Because it was the only national park of its kind in Europe. ( D) Because it had never before received a diploma from the Council. 33 The last sentence in the second paragraph implies that ( A) people should create more natural environment areas, ( B) people would go on prote

32、cting national parks, ( C) certain areas of countryside should be preserved. ( D) people should defend the right to live in a peaceful environment, 34 In Dr Baums opinion, the view that a nature reserve should serve as a tourist attraction is ( A) idealistic. ( B) revolutionary. ( C) short-sighted.

33、( D) traditional. 35 Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph? ( A) We have developed industry at the expense of countryside. ( B) We have forgotten what our original countryside looked like. ( C) People living on islands should protect natural resources for their survival. ( D

34、) We should destroy all the built-up areas. 36 Home Heating Central heating became popular only after the Civil War. Typically, coal-burning furnaces (火炉 ) fueled the early systems. Natural gas had developed into the leading fuel by 1960. Its acceptance resulted in part from its wide uses. Because i

35、t comes primarily from U.S. and Canadian fields, natural gas is also less vulnerable (脆弱的 ) than oil is to war. Oil remains the most important fuel in a few areas, such as New England. Electric heating dominates most areas with mild winters and cheap electricity, including the South and the Northwes

36、t. It was made popular at least in the South by the Iow cost of adding electric heating to new houses built with air-conditioning. Bottled gas, which is somewhat more expensive than utility gas, is the fuel of choice in rural areas not served by utility pipelines. Wood is the leading heating fuel in

37、 just a few rural counties. Home heating, which accounts for less than 7 percent of all energy consumed in the U.S., has had a commendable (值得赞扬的 ) efficiency record: from 1978 to 1997, the amount of fuel consumed for this purpose declined 44 percent despite a 33 percent increase in the number of ho

38、using units and an increase in house size. The U. S. Department of Energy, however, forecasts that energy used in home heating will rise by 14 percent over the next two decades. That rise is small considering an expected 21 percent increase in the number of houses and the trend toward larger houses.

39、 Natural gas and electricity will probably dominate the home heating market for the next two decades. Solar (太阳的 ) heating never became popular because of cost and limited winter sunlight in most areas; in 2000 only 47, 000 homes relied on it. 36 Natural gas didnt become the leading fuel until ( A)

40、1978. ( B) 1960. ( C) 1997. ( D) 2000. 37 What fuel is the dominant fuel in New England? ( A) Gas. ( B) Electricity. ( C) Wood. ( D) Oil. 38 The word “consumed“ in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by ( A) used. ( B) burned. ( C) delivered. ( D) pumped. 39 According to paragraph 3, energy consumed

41、in home heating over the next two decades will increase by ( A) 33 percent. ( B) 31 percent. ( C) 21 percent. ( D) 14 percent. 40 Which of the following statements is NOT true, according to the article? ( A) Natural gas comes partly from Canadian fields. ( B) Bottled gas is more expensive than utili

42、ty gas. ( C) Equipment for home heating has been considerably improved. ( D) Solar heating dominated America in 2000. 41 Sleepless at Night It was a normal summer night. Humidity (湿气 ) hung in the thick air. I couldnt go to sleep, partly because of my cold and partly because of my expectations for t

43、he next day. My mum had said that tomorrow was going to be a surprise. Sweat stuck to my aching body. Finally, I gathered enough strength to sit up. I looked out of my small window into the night. There was a big bright moon hanging in the sky, giving off a magic light. I couldnt stand the pressure

44、anymore, so I did what I always do to make myself feel better. I went to the bathroom and picked up my toothbrush and toothpaste. I cleaned my teeth as if there was no tomorrow. Back and forth, up and down. Then I walked downstairs to look for some signs of movement, some life. Gladiator, my cat, fr

45、ightened me as he meowed (喵喵地唱出 ) his sad song. He was on the old orange couch (长沙发 ), sitting up on his front legs, waiting for something to happen. He looked at me as if to say, Tm lonely, pet me. I need a good hug (紧抱 ).“ Even the couch begged me to sit on it. In one movement I settled down onto

46、the soft couch. This couch represented my parents marriage, my birth, and hundreds of other little events. As I held Gladiator, my heart started beating heavily. My mind was flooded with questions: Whats life? Am I really alive? Are you listening to me? Every time I moved my hand down Gladiators bod

47、y, I had a new thought; each touch sang a different song. I forgot all about the heat and the next days surprise. The atmosphere was so full of warmth and silence that I sank into its arms. Falling asleep with the big cat in my arms, I felt all my worries slowly move away. 41 The author of the passa

48、ge could not go to sleep partly because ( A) it was too cold. ( B) ii was too dry. ( C) he had a cold. ( D) he had a fever. 42 What was the weather like that night?. ( A) It was chilly. ( B) It was windy. ( C) It was fine. ( D) It was cloudy. 43 The author brushed his teeth over and over ( A) to rel

49、ieve himself of the pressure. ( B) to ease his toothache. ( C) to shake off the cold. ( D) to remove the dirt. 44 Gladiator was the name of ( A) a movie. ( B) a pet, ( C) a couch. ( D) a song. 45 What did the couch represent? ( A) A new thought. ( B) Different songs. ( C) A comfortable life. ( D) Happy memories. 五、 补全短文 (第 46-50,每题 2分,共 10分 ) 下面的短文有 5处空白,短文后有 6个句子,其中 5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。 46 Mind Those M


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