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1、金融英语业务知识练习试卷 14及答案与解析 一、单项选择题 1 Excess reserves for American banks are equal to_. ( A) total reserves minus discount loans ( B) vault cash minus required reserves ( C) deposits with the Fed minus vault cash plus required reserves ( D) vault cash plus deposits with Federal Reserve banks minus require

2、d reserves 2 Banks are important to the study of money and the economy because they_. ( A) provide a channel for linking those who want to save with those who want to invest ( B) have been a source of rapid financial innovation that is expanding the alternatives available to those wanting to invest

3、their money ( C) are the only important financial institutions in economy ( D) all of the above ( E) only A and B of the above 3 The interest on EUR30 881 for 12 days at 7 per cent is_. (Ignore tax on interest income) ( A) EUR142.14 ( B) EUR35.54 ( C) EUR71.07 ( D) EUR213.21 4 Terminals that directl

4、y connect a retail store with the bank of its customers are known as ( A) point of sale terminals ( B) impact terminals ( C) retailer terminal units ( D) automated teller machines 5 The distinction between passbook savings deposits and time deposits is that_. ( A) the former pay interest, whereas th

5、e latter do not ( B) the former are available only at thrift institutions, whereas the latter are available only at commercial banks ( C) the former do not have scheduled maturity dates, whereas the latter do ( D) actually there is no distinction between these two types of deposits 6 Which of the fo

6、llowing financial institutions are most likely to encounter short-run liquidity needs?_. ( A) Pension funds ( B) Life insurance companies ( C) Consumer finance companies ( D) Property and casualty insurance companies 7 The actual production of US currency is accomplished_. ( A) exclusively by the Fe

7、deral Reserve Bank of New York ( B) by each of the Federal Reserve Banks ( C) by the Department of Commerce, which oversees the nations commercial banks ( D) by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing 8 If the Federal Reserve were to adopt the goal of a constant money supply, it could achieve this goal

8、 by_. ( A) taking the discount rate as the appropriate target for the federal funds rate ( B) buying Treasury bills when the interest rate falls and selling them with it rises ( C) forbidding banks to hold excess reserves ( D) using any or all of its policy tools to offset changes induced by the beh

9、avior of banks and their depositors 9 Financial markets improve economic welfare because_. ( A) they allow funds to move from those without productive investment opportunities to those who have such opportunities ( B) they allow consumers to time their purchases better ( C) they weed out inefficient

10、 firms ( D) all of the above ( E) both A and B 10 Financial intermediaries can substantially reduce transaction costs because their large size allows them to take advantage of_. ( A) poorly informed consumers ( B) standardization ( C) economies of scale ( D) their market power 11 Financial markets h

11、ave the basic function of_. ( A) bringing together people with funds to lend and people who want to borrow funds ( B) assuring that the swings in the business cycle are less pronounced ( C) assuring that governments need never resort to printing money ( D) both A and B ( E) both B and C 12 Which of

12、the following is correct?_. ( A) The members of the Board of Governors are appointed for 20-year terms. ( B) The chairperson of the Board of Governors has an 8-year as chair. ( C) The FOMC conducts the Federal Reserves open market operations. ( D) The Federal Reserve System has 14 regional Federal R

13、eserve Banks. 13 Super-NOW accounts combine_. ( A) limited checking facilities with unlimited liquidity ( B) unlimited check-writing privileges with money market interest rates ( C) limited checking facilities with stock option privileges ( D) limited checking facilities with constant yields 14 In a

14、 correspondent banking relationship, a small bank holds deposits at a larger bank. The deposit then becomes_for the small bank and_for the larger bank. ( A) an asset / an asset ( B) an asset / a liability ( C) a liability / an asset ( D) a liability / a liability 15 The Board of Governors of the Fed

15、eral Reserve System is located in_. ( A) New York City ( B) Washington, D.C. ( C) Chicago ( D) Los Angeles 16 _is a computerized network in the US for transfer of international payments linking up a number of international banks with offices in New York City. ( A) BACS ( B) CHIPS ( C) CHAPS ( D) SWI

16、FT 17 Which of the following is not true of credit unions?_. ( A) Credit unions are nonprofit depository institutions mutually organized and owned by their members. ( B) Members deposit their savings and these funds are then lent to the general public. ( C) Their net income is tax-exempt. ( D) All o

17、f the above are true. 18 Federally chartered banks_. ( A) are required to be insured by the FDIC ( B) are under the supervision of the Comptroller of the Currency ( C) are members of the Federal Reserve System ( D) all of the above 19 The following are the most commonly used ratio measures of bank r

18、eturn except_. ( A) ROA ( B) ROE ( C) RAROC ( D) NIM 20 Which of the following is not a reason for the government to regulate financial markets and financial intermediaries?_. ( A) To increase the information available to investors ( B) To ensure the soundness of the financial system ( C) To interve

19、ne in daily businesses of financial intermediaries ( D) To improve control of monetary policy 金融英语业务知识练习试卷 14答案与解析 一、单项选择题 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。根据超额准备金的定义,美国银行的超额准备 金等于库存现金与存放联储银行存款之和再减去法定准备金。故本题选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 2 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 答案为 E项。经济中除银行这一重要的金融机构外,像保险公司、证券公司、基金公司、信托公司、财务公司以及在国外还有储蓄机构、

20、房屋互助协会 (Building Society)等金融机构,它们对经济的发展都起到了十分重要的作用。本题 A项和 B项正确,故选 E项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。经过计算, 本题中的利息为: EUR3088l736512=EUR07,故选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 答案为 A项。 point of sale terminal, POST“销售点终端机 ”。automated teller machine, ATM“自动柜员机 ”。将商家与银行计算机线路直接连接起来的是销售点终端机。故本

21、题选 A项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。活期存款存折账户 (passbook savings deposit )与定期存款 (time deposit, )区别在于前者无到期日,而后者有明确的到期日。故本题选C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。除选项 D“财产和灾害保险公司 ”外,其余 A项、 B项、 C项中的养老基金、寿险公司和消费信贷公司的负债均是长期的,不会遇到短期流动性问题。故本题选 D 项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。美

22、国的货币铸造实际上是由铸造局 (the Bureau of Engraving and Printing)完成的。故本题选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。当美联储希望货币数量保持稳定时,可采用能够对冲抵消由于银行和存款人行为导致货币数量波动的政策工具。故本题选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 9 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 答案为 E项。 time“安排 的时间,为 选择时机 ”。 weed out“清除,淘汰 ”。金融市场使多余资金从没有很好投 资机会的人手中转移到那些有机会的人手中;同时使消费者更好地进行自己的消费安排

23、;但并不能淘汰无效企业。故本题选 E项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。相对于个人而言,金融中介之所以能降低交易成本在于它们可利用规模经济效应。故本题选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 答案为 A项。 pronounced“显著的,明显的 ”。金融市场的基本职能是将资金盈余者与资金短缺者连接在一起。故本题选 A项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。美国联邦储备委员会由 7人组成,全部由总统任命,参议院批准,任期 14年,每 2年离任 1人;委员

24、会的主席和副主席由总统从7名委员中任命,任期 4年;联邦公开市场委员会主要专门负责公开市场业务的实施,从而指导货币政策的全面贯彻执行;区域性的联邦储备银行共有 12个。本题中,只有 C项正确,故选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。 super-NOW account“超级可转让支付命令账户 ”,将享有无限的支票开立权利与享有货币市场利率的权利结合起来的存款账户。与普通的可转让支付命令账户的区别在于:利率更高;有最低存款余额的要求,为 2 500美元。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】

25、 答案为 B项。在代理银行关系中,同业存款必然是存款人的资产和被存放银行的负债。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。联邦储备委员会设在华盛顿。故本 题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。 BACS是一个由英国主要大银行组成并所有的组织,目的在于使银行间的资金清算和支付得以顺利进行。 CHAPS是 Clearing House Automated Payments System的缩写,清算所自动支付系统。在英国,是由英格兰银行、伦敦清算银行、合作银行、中央信托储蓄银行、国

26、民邮政转账银行和苏格兰银行等几家大银行所组成的,银行间的资金清算和划拨电脑网络系统。 CHIPS是 Clearing House Interbank Payments System的缩写,清算所银行间支付系统。指以纽约票据交换所为中心,主要为国内外银行办理有关欧洲美元的交换和清算业务的一个计算机网络系统。 SWIFT是 Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunications的缩写,环球银行间电讯协会,用于传输金融数据和外汇的计算机网络系统。本题是指纽约的清算所银行间支付系统,故选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 17

27、【正确答案】 B 【试题解 析】 答案为 B项。储蓄互助社属于非盈利性的存款机构,其资金来源为会员存款,资金运用仅限于为会员而非社会公众提供融资,其收入是免税的。本题中 B项的说法不正确,故选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。联邦注册银行都必须由联邦存款保险公司加以保险,由货币监理官管理,同时也是联邦储备系统的成员银行。本题中 A项、 B项、 C项都正确,故选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。 ROA(return on asset)“资产收益率 ”,反映银行的资产运营效率,

28、即银行资金运用获得净回报的能力,是用税后净收入除以总资产。ROE(return on equity)“股本收益率 ”,衡量银行股东的投资利率回报账面价值,是用税后净收入除以总股本。 RAROC (riskadjusted return on capital)“风险调整后的资本收益 ”,指投资人承担单位风险时所可能获得的最大收益,是用贷款收入除以风险资本。 NIM(net interest margin)“净利差 ”,衡量银行利息业务的获利能力,是 用净利息收入除以生息资产。最常用的衡量银行回报的指标包括 ROA、 ROE和NIM三个,不包括 RAROC。故本题选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 20 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。本题四个选项中除 C项表示的 “干预金融中介的日常业务 ”不是政府监管金融市场和金融中介的原因,其余都是,故选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识


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