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1、金融英语业务知识练习试卷 33及答案与解析 一、单项选择题 1 Duration is affected by_. ( A) coupon rate ( B) term to maturity ( C) interest rates ( D) all of the above 2 What factors would you look for in a bond when seeking to minimize your interest rate risk? ( A) Low coupon payments and a long term to maturity. ( B) High yie

2、ld to maturity and low coupon payments. ( C) High coupon payments and a short term to maturity. ( D) Low yield to maturity and a long term to maturity. 3 Hedging refers to_. ( A) acceptance of a foreign exchange risk ( B) the covering of a foreign exchange risk ( C) foreign exchange speculation ( D)

3、 foreign exchange arbitrage 4 Financial risks that arise from human or technical problems are_. ( A) market risks ( B) liquidity risks ( C) operational risks ( D) currency risks 5 RAROC is defined as the ratio of risk-adjusted return to economic capital, which is attributed on the basis of the follo

4、wing risk factors except_. ( A) market risk ( B) credit risk ( C) operational risk ( D) political risk 6 Which of the following best defines investment risk?_. ( A) The risk of an alternative investment doing better than the chosen investment. ( B) Changes in dividend payment rates. ( C) The chance

5、that interest rates will change. ( D) The chance that the return will be less than expected. 7 Why might an investor choose a pooled fund for his money? Because_. ( A) the price of shares can go down as well as up ( B) personal investors cannot deal directly with the market ( C) a diversified portfo

6、lio carries less risk ( D) stockbrokers commissions are low 8 Which of the following statements most accurately describes the risk element in investing? ( A) Investment returns rise as risk rises. ( B) The risks are always large. ( C) Investment returns can be guaranteed and risk is irrelevant. ( D)

7、 There is no risk in investing you can always sell an investment. 9 Which of the following is a traditional method of eliminating the exchange risk?_. ( A) Currency borrowing ( B) Forward contracts ( C) Currency options ( D) Currency accounts 10 You are currently holding a portfolio of bonds. Intere

8、st rates are expected to increase over the next few months. In order to protect your investment, your bond portfolio should contain bonds with the following characteristics:_. ( A) low convexity and low coupons ( B) low convexity and high duration ( C) high convexity and high coupons ( D) high durat

9、ion and high convexity 11 Under a hire-purchase agreement, the goods_. ( A) remain the property of the hire-purchase company until the agreed number of payments have been made ( B) legally belong to the hirer once the first payment has been made ( C) always remain the property of the hire-purchase c

10、ompany ( D) legally belong to the hirer after one-third of the hire-purchase price has been paid 12 Which of the following would be considered a loan secured by real estate?_. ( A) A credit card loan ( B) Subordinated debt ( C) Bank capital ( D) A mortgage 13 The legal relationship between a bank an

11、d a customer with an overdraft is respectively ( A) creditor; debtor ( B) debtor; creditor ( C) mortgagor; mortgagee ( D) mortgagee; mortgagor 14 Debts incurred by someone who is borrowing to finance the purchase of land or buildings, with the asset serving as collateral, are called_. ( A) preferred

12、 stocks ( B) real estate securities ( C) common stocks ( D) mortgages 15 Which of the following is not correct?_. ( A) Asset securitization refers to the packaging and selling of loans and other assets backed by securities. ( B) Asset securitization allows Flasset portfolios to become more liquid. (

13、 C) Asset securitization originated in the real estate and remains to be solely applied to mortgages. ( D) Theoretically all assets and loans can be securitized, so long as it is profitable to do so or the benefits to the FI from securitization outweigh the costs of securitization. 16 A company rest

14、ructures its debt_. ( A) to avoid default on the existing debt or to take advantage of an interest-rate decrease. ( B) by either exchanging existing debt with new debt ( C) by lengthening the period of time over which the loan will be repaid ( D) all of the above 17 When interest rates rise, borrowe

15、rs of_may suffer from financial hardship. As a result, borrowers tend to prefer_. ( A) insured mortgagesconventional mortgages ( B) ARMs. fixed-rate mortgages ( C) zero down payment mortgagesamortized mortgages ( D) fixed-rate mortgages. ARMs 18 _is the ratio of the amount of the mortgage loan to a

16、propertys appraised value. ( A) Mortgage ratio ( B) Liabilities to net worth ratio ( C) Loan-to-value ratio ( D) Principal-to-price ratio 19 A home owner who is convinced that interest rates will rise in the future should finance a new home purchase with a (an) _. ( A) variable-rate mortgage ( B) ad

17、justable-rate mortgage ( C) transitional mortgage ( D) fixed-rate mortgage 20 Adjustable-rate mortgages have the effect of_. ( A) reducing risk for borrowers ( B) shifting risk from lenders to borrowers ( C) shifting risk from borrowers and lenders to a third party ( D) eliminating risk 金融英语业务知识练习试卷

18、 33答案与解析 一、单项选择题 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。那些愿意承担 50概率风险的个人被称为风险爱好者 (riskloving individual)。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。票面利率、期限和利率是影响持续期长短的因素。故本题选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英 语业务知识 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。投资者在选择债券时,要将利率风险降到最低,就应该选择支付高额定息,且期限较短的债券。故本题选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答

19、案为 B项。 hedging“套期保值 ”,是指市场参与者为了规避某一个市场上的风险 (包括价格风险、利率风险、汇率风险等 ),而在另一个市场上所采取的风险对冲措施。 Cover the risk“规避风险,保值 ”。套期保值在外汇买卖中是指规避外汇风险的一种方法。故本 题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。 operational risk“操作风险 ”,是指银行经营过程中,由于技术设备出现问题或操作人员、管理人员的失误或犯罪引起的风险。本题系指操作风险,故选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】

20、 答案为 D项。风险调整后的资本收益 (RAROC)考虑的风险因素包括市场风险、信用风险和操作风险。本题中 D项之意 “政治风险 ”不在 RAROC的风险因素之内,故选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。 bust“破产 ”。 investment risk“投资风险 ”。现在投入的价值是确定的,而未来可能获得的收益是不确定的,这种收益的不确定性,即为投资的风险。故本题选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。投资者可以通过联合投资组成多样化的投资组合方式,以降低投资风险。故本题选 C项

21、。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 A项。投资有风险,一般与收益成正比。本题中只有 A项是正确的,故选 A项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。传统的规避汇率风险的方法是远期合同,而货币期权则属于衍生产品,不是传统避险工具。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。 convexity“凸性 ”,指收益率变化 l所引起的久期的变化。凸性用来衡量债券价格收益率曲线的曲度。当两个债券的久期相同时, 它们的风险不一定相同,因为它们的凸性可能是不同

22、的。在收益率增加相同单位时,凸性大的债券价格减少幅度较小;存收益率减少相同单位时,凸性大的债券价格增加幅度较大。因此,在久期相同的情况下,凸性大的债券其风险较小。在预期收益率上升时,应尽量减少债券价格 (即资本收益 )的下降幅度,选择凸性大,同时固定收益率 (息票率 )高的债券。这样,可使债券投资的总收益率尽可能高。故本题选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 A项。 hirepurchase“租购 ”,指买方 购买货物时先付一部分押金,取得货物,然后分期付款。在最后一笔货款付清以前,货物所有权仍为卖方所有,如果买方不能按期付款,卖方有权收回货

23、物。故本题选 A项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。 subordinated debt“次级债务 ”。商业银行的次级债务是指固定期限不低于 5年 (包括 5年 ),除非银行倒闭或清算,不用于弥补银行日常经营损大,且该项债务的索偿权排在存款和其他负债之后的商业银行长期债务。Mortgage“(不动产 )抵押贷款,按揭 ”。本题 中除 D项之意是以不动产作为抵押,其余都不是,故选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 A项。 mortgagor“抵押人,押出人 ”。 mortgagee“受押人,

24、押入者 ”。透支业务属于银行短期贷款业务,银行与客户之问属于贷款人与借款人的关系。故本题选 A项。答案为 D项。 collateral“抵押品 ”。本题系指不动产抵押贷款,即借款人将所购地产或房产作抵押获取购买资金的贷款方式,故选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。 FI是 financial institution的缩写,表示 “金融机构 ”。 asset securitization“资产证券化 ”,是指将已经存在的信贷资产集中起来,进行结构性重组,并重新分割为证券转售给市场上的投资者,而该信贷资产在原持有者的资产负债表可以消失也可

25、不消失,由此可进一步对资产证券化进行本质上的解释,即它是将贷款或应收贷款转换为可转让工具的过程,如将批量贷款进行证券化销售,或者将小额、非市场化且信用质量相异的资产重新包装为新的流动性债务证券。资产证券化的核心在于 对贷款中风险与收益要素的分离与重组,使其定价和重新配置更为有效,从而使参与各方均受益。根据资产证券化的定义, A项正确;资产证券化的运用提高了金融机构的资产组合的流动性,因此, B项正确;资产证券化虽然起源于住房抵押贷款,但目前已广泛应用于除住房抵押贷款以外的其他贷款和资产,如汽车贷款、信用卡贷款、助学贷款和企业应收账款等,因此, C项错误;理论上,所有的贷款和资产都可以证券化,只

26、要金融机构进行证券化的收益超过成本即可,因此, D项正确。本题中只有 C项错误,故选C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 16 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。 debt restructuring, debt rescheduling“债务重组 ”,指当债务人无力偿还其到期债务或当市场利率下降时,由债权人牵头对债务人的债务进行重新处理的做法和过程,包括:延长还本付息的时限、重新确定债务利率、重新确定本金和利息的支付期限、以新债务与旧债务进行瓦换。本题中 A项、 B项、 C项均是关于债务重组的正确论述,故选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题

27、解析】 答案为 B项。 insured mortgage“已保险抵押贷款 ”。 conventional mortgage“传统抵押贷款 ”。 adiustablerate mortgage, ARM“可调利率抵押贷款 ”。 fixedrate mortgage“固定利率抵押贷款 ”。 zero downpayment mortgage“零首付抵押贷款 ”。 amortized mortgage“分期偿还的抵押贷款 ”。当利率上升时,可调利率抵押贷款的借款人可能会因为利率的上升使自己的负担加重。因此,借款人更乐于接受固定利率抵押贷款。故本题选 B项。 【知识模 块】 金融英语业务知识 18 【

28、正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。 liabilities to net worth ratio“负债与资产净值之比 ”。Loan-to-value ratio缩写为 LTV ratio“抵押率 ”,指抵押贷款与一项资产的评估价值之比。故本题选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 19 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。当预期利率上升时,借款人应申请固定利率贷款,以避免利率上升风险。故本题选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 20 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。可调利率抵押贷款将利率风险山贷款人向借款人转移。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识


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