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1、金融英语业务知识练习试卷 41及答案与解析 一、单项选择题 1 Callable bonds are bonds in which_. ( A) the borrower has the right to pay off all or part of the bond before the scheduled maturity date ( B) the lender has the right to recall all or part of the bonds principal value before the scheduled maturity date ( C) coupon pa

2、yments can be suspended for a brief period of time ( D) the issuer has defaulted 2 Bonds that can be changed to shares of common stock are said to be_. ( A) callable ( B) general obligation ( C) convertible ( D) zero-coupon 3 Preferred stockholders receive_. ( A) coupon payments ( B) fixed dividend

3、payments ( C) variable dividend payments ( D) payment in the form of additional stock 4 Amortization refers to the process of_. ( A) collecting on overdue mortgages ( B) replacing worn-out physical capital with new equipment ( C) gradually repaying the principal on a mortgage ( D) replacing common s

4、tock with preferred stock 5 Which of the following is not true?_. ( A) Common stock is a security that represents ownership in a corporation. ( B) Authorized stock is the maximum number of shares that a corporation is legally permitted to issue under its articles of incorporation. ( C) Outstanding s

5、lock is stock that has not been bought by investors. ( D) None of the above. 6 How does the acid test ratio differ from the current ratio?_. ( A) It excludes stocks. ( B) It excludes trade debtors aged over three months. ( C) It is based on future balance sheets rather than the present. ( D) The rat

6、io is audited and included in the financial statements. 7 When earnings per share is computed, dividends on preferred stock are_. ( A) added because they represent earnings to the preferred stockholders ( B) subtracted because they represent earnings to the preferred stockholders ( C) ignored becaus

7、e they do not pertain to the common stock ( D) reported separately on the income statement 8 Which of the following statements is not correct?_. ( A) A bond issue is a technique for subdividing a very large loan into many small, transferable units. ( B) Bond interest payments are contractual obligat

8、ions, whereas the board of directors determines whether or not dividends will be paid. ( C) As interest rates rise, the market prices of bonds rise; as interest rates fall, bond prices tend to fall. ( D) Bond interest payments are deductible in determining income subject to income taxed, whereas div

9、idends paid to stockholders are not deductible. 9 A deposit denominated in dollars held by a bank in Asia is called as_. ( A) dollar-denominated currency ( B) orient dollar ( C) Asian dollar ( D) Eurodollar 10 Assume that a security has two possible outcomes. There is a 75 percent chance the yield w

10、ill equal 10 percent and a 25 percent chance the yield will equal 20 percent. The expected yield for this security is_. ( A) 15 percent ( B) 12.5 percent ( C) 17.5 percent ( D) 13.5 percent 11 In general, the more liquid an asset the_. ( A) less it is likely to yield ( B) greater its risk of default

11、 ( C) lower its market price will be ( D) more it will add to bank profits 12 The interest rate printed on the face of a bond is called the_. ( A) coupon rate ( B) prime rate ( C) printed rate ( D) nominal rate 13 A rise in interest rates leads to_. ( A) capital gains for bondholders ( B) capital lo

12、sses for bondholders ( C) income gains for bondholders ( D) income losses for bondholders 14 If the reserve requirement ratio were equal to zero, then_. ( A) the deposit multiplier would be infinitely large ( B) required reserves would be equal to zero ( C) the banking system would theoretically be

13、able to create an infinitely large amount of demand deposits ( D) all of the above 15 Financial intermediaries primary function in financial markets is to serve as_. ( A) ultimate borrowers ( B) ultimate lenders ( C) ultimate savers ( D) middlemen 16 Suppose the Fed buys $10 million in government se

14、curities from a commercial bank. If the required reserve ratio is 0.25, what is the maximum amount by which checkable deposits in the banking system can change?_. ( A) +$10 000 000 ( B) +$25 000 000 ( C) +$40 000 000 ( D) -$40 000 000 17 Suppose the annualized yield on a 91-day Treasury bill is 25%.

15、 If you invested $10 000 in this bill, how much would you have to pay for this security?_. ( A) $11250 ( B) $10 012.50 ( C) $9 998.75 ( D) $9 968.93 18 Who are the first to bear financial losses incurred by the bank?_. ( A) The depositors ( B) The debtors ( C) The bank capital shareholders ( D) The

16、bank employees 19 A government is faced with a balance of payments deficit. It may take action to deal with this by doing all of the following except . ( A) devalue the currency ( B) reduce interest rates ( C) restrict consumer spending ( D) restrict imports 20 According to the principle of comparat

17、ive advantage, countries_. ( A) should specialize in producing goods they have lower opportunity cost for ( B) should export goods they can produce at lower input costs ( C) will specialize in producing goods which they can produce at lower input costs ( D) should specialize in producing goods they

18、have lower absolute costs for 金融英语业务知识练习试卷 41答案与解析 一、单项选择题 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 答案为 A项。在可赎回债券中,发行人 (借款人 )有权在到期前收回全部或部分所发行的债券。故本题选 A项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。可以转化成普通股的债券是可转换债券。故本题选C项。 【知识模块】 金融 英语业务知识 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。优先股股东获得的股息是固定的。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案

19、为 C项。 amortization“分期偿还 ”,是指抵押贷款中逐渐归还本金的过程。故本题选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。 authorized stock“法定股本 ”,是指一个公司可以发行的各类股票的最高额。法定额列入公司的执照中,但可 以由公司股东依据有关法规进行调整。并非所有法定的股票额都要发行,许多公司都将没有发行的部分留待将来需要资金时再发行。 Outstanding stock“已发行的股票 ”,指一个股份公司已售出的、流通在外的股票。本题 C项对 outstanding stock的论述恰好与事实相反,故选 C项。

20、 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 答案为 A项。 stock“存货 ”,同 inventory。酸性测试比率与流动比率的区别在于其在计算流动资产时,将存货排除在外。故本题选 A项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。 earnings per share, EPS“每股净收益 ”,是本年盈余与普通股流通股数的比值,在计算时应将优先股的红利排除在外。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。发行债券是一种将大额贷款划分为许多小额的,可转让的部分的方法;债券

21、利息的支付是一种合同义务,但是否支付红利,则是由公司董事会决定的;利率与债券的市场价成反比;债券利息的支付可作所得 税扣减,但支付给股东的红利则不可作税收扣减。本题中,只有选项 C的论述是错误的,故选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。亚洲银行所持有的美元账户也称为欧洲美元。故本题选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。根据题意,该证券的预期收益率 =75 lO +2520 =5,故选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 答案为 A项。通常来

22、说,资产的流动性和它的收益率成反比。故本题选 A项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 答案为 A项。 prime rate“基准利率,优惠利率 ”。债券票面上的利率为息票率。故本题选 A项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。利率上升将导致债券价格下降,即投资人遭受资本损失。故本题选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。如 果准备金要求为零,则法定准备金为零,存款扩张倍数将趋于无穷大,理论上银行系统可以无限度地创造大量活期存款。本题中A项、 B项、 C

23、项的内容都正确,故选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。金融中介在金融市场中的最初职能是充当中间人。故本题选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。根据题意,银行系统所能创造的最大存款金额 =$10 million1 0 25=$40million, 故选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 答案为 D项。设该证券的售价为 x,则以下方程成立: (10 000一x)X9l365=25%。本题经过计算, x=$9 993,故选 D项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 答案为 C项。银行一旦遭受损失,首先由股东承担损失。故本题选 C项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 19 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 答案为 B项。本题中 B项指出的 “降 低利率 ”会使资本流入减少,将进一步加剧国际收支赤字,而其他三个选项的论述都能校正赤字现象,故选 B项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 答案为 A项。根据比较优势原理,每个国家都应集中生产那些机会成本较低的商品。故本题选 A项。 【知识模块】 金融英语业务知识


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