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1、雅思(写作)模拟试卷 120及答案与解析 1 Now, air travel has become much cheaper than in the past. Some people say that is a positive development, while some people disagree with this. What do you think? 2 Air transport is increasingly used to export fruits and vegetables to countries where they can not be grown or a

2、re out of season. Some people say it is a good thing, but other people think it can t be justified. What is your opinion? 雅思(写作)模拟试卷 120答案与解析 1 【正确答案】 Nowadays, people can choose to travel by bus, train, ship, and airplane. In the past, travelling by air was too expensive to be popular, but things a

3、re different now: air travel has become much cheaper. Therefore, I argue that this is definitely a positive development. Firstly, airplane travels extremely fast, thus it saves us a lot of time. We know that in the past, travelling from Britain to America by ship would take at least a month, but now

4、 it only needs five to eight hours. One can start out from Britain in the morning and join friends in the States for dinner! In fact, thanks to the fast speed of airplane, many lives have been saved. Secondly, travelling by air is safer than by any other means of transport. There are car crashes hap

5、pening here and there on highways, taking away thousands of lives every day. People may think that train and ship are much safer than airplane, but statistics show that the rate of an airplane crash is far lower than these two means of transport. I have travelled by air dozens of times and Im quite

6、confident about the safety of air traveling. Sure enough, apart from some worries about the safety of airplane, people are also worried that due to the cheaper prices of air tickets, there will be more and more people choosing to travel by air, thus resulting in huge consumption of fuel and severe a

7、ir pollution. This is indeed a problem worth our deep consideration. However, I firmly believe that with the development of science and technology, new types of fuel will definitely be found and then, air travel will pose no threat at all to the environment. From the foregoing discussion, we can see

8、 that air travel becoming cheaper and cheaper is absolutely not a bad thing. 2 【正确答案】 Nowadays, we have more choices of fruits and vegetables in our lives. For example, people living in the south of China are able to eat fruits and vegetables from the north or even from abroad. This should be attrib

9、uted to the convenience brought about by air transport. First of all, airplanes have made possible the transport of fruits and vegetables over long distances. In the past when there were no airplanes, this was completely impossible as fresh fruit and vegetable get bad ard rotted easily. With the app

10、earance of air transport, what would have taken several days, a few weeks or even months in the past now only takes a couple of hours to be done, therefore, fruits and vegetables from faraway places are able to get onto our tables as fresh as newly picked. Second, air shipping fruits and vegetables

11、has enhanced the economic development and the quality of life of the people of both the exporting and importing places. If the fruits and vegetables of a certain place can be transported within a short period of time to other places or countries, the local people and the government would benefit in

12、the first place. This is easy to understand in that both the local people and the government would have cash in hand. In the second place, the people and governments of the places where fruits and vegetables are transported to are also benefited. The markets would have more varieties to offer and th

13、e governments would have more tax to collect. Sure, air transporting fruits and vegetables consumes large amounts of fuel and human labour and these make the prime reasons for many people to say no to it. Besides, due to the high cost of shipment, these fruits and vegetables are usually very expensive when they finally appear on the markets. However, it is consumers who decide whether they will buy them or not, therefore, it is always a good thing that they at least have more choices. From the foregoing discussion, we see that air transporting fruit and vegetables is fully justified.


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