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1、雅思(写作)模拟试卷 165及答案与解析 1 Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women? 2 Some people feel that entertainment workers (e.g. film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree?

2、Which other types should be highly paid? 雅思(写作)模拟试卷 165答案与解析 1 【正确答案】 Now, most of the jobs in society that are high-paying, powerful, and demand a lot of responsibility are held by men. I think the government should reserve a percentage of these jobs for females. Firstly, the problem of unfair empl

3、oyment distribution comes from social convention. At a young age most girls are not encouraged to pursue political achievement, business success, or professional prestige. On the other hand, boys are told to do these things. As a result, men hold the high level jobs but this does not mean they are v

4、ery good at what they do. If the government set a quota for hiring women to do high level work, such as working in the government itself, then perhaps women would be more inspired to be ambitious in their life plans. Furthermore, to legislate a percentage of high level jobs for women would work to f

5、ight the unwritten sexist rules of the workplace. For instance, if a man and a woman both compete for a managerial position of a company, and both are equally qualified and have the same experience and background, there is little doubt who would get the job. Even more, if the man is less qualified a

6、nd less experienced than the woman, the man would still probably get the job because of his sex. Therefore, the government should reserve a certain percentage of high level jobs to ensure that some highly trained women could be hired. On the other hand, there are many arguments against the use of a

7、quota system for women. It is true that the injustice and discrimination could be reversed. This is to say that some qualified men might be denied a job while some unqualified women would be given one. Nevertheless, a quota system would break down some barriers between the men and the women. With th

8、e help of this practice, the sexism in the workplace will disappear gradually. To sum up, from what I have mentioned above, it is not difficult to get to the conclusion that the government should reserve a percentage of these jobs for females. 2 【正确答案】 I agree with the view that stars in the enterta

9、inment business are usually overpaid. This is true whether we are considering stars of films, sports or popular music, and it often seems that the amount of money they are able to earn in a short time cannot possibly be justified by the amount of work they do. However, it is also true that it is onl

10、y those who reach the very top of their profession who can get these huge salaries. So the size of salary that stars expect is closely linked to the competition they have to overcome in order to reach success. Furthermore, the majority of stars do not hold their top positions long. Sport stars and p

11、op stars, for example, are soon replaced by the next younger, more energetic, generation, while the good looks of most films stars quickly fade. So this relatively short working life may be some justification for the very high pay. Unfortunately, professionals from the other fields, who make a much

12、greater contribution to human society, are paid so much less that it is hard to disagree with the statement. Teachers, nurses, laboratory researchers, etc. are never listed among the best-paid professionals, yet, they are more important to our well-being and our future than the stars who earn their

13、fortune so quickly. In conclusion, I think there may be some reasons why entertainment stars earn high salaries but overall I agree that they are overpaid. The gaps between their earnings and those of people who work less selfishly for the good of society cannot be justified. Such professionals should be much better appreciated and better paid.


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