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1、雅思(写作)模拟试卷 171及答案与解析 1 Should capital punishment be abolished? What is your opinion? 2 Juvenile delinquency is increasingly common. Discuss the reasons and make some suggestions. 雅思(写作)模拟试卷 171答案与解析 1 【正确答案】 In recent years, an increasing number of people have begun to challenge against the existing

2、 practice of capital punishment, they argue that in a civilised and enlightened society, such a barbaric and cruel practice should be abolished. But, on the other side, there are also many people who strongly advocate the remaining of capital punishment, saying that the world would be in great chaos

3、 and full of blood and violence without death penalty. It is quite natural that people seldom reach a total agreement on such a long-running controversy. Those people who approve of the practice of death penalty hold that it is the best deterrent to crime. It will always remind would-be criminals th

4、at crime does not pay so that they will think twice before they commit a crime. The decline of heinous crime has a direct correlation with the implementation of capital punishment. Secondly, it serves a just reward for the heartless and merciless malefactors while a great spiritual comfort to the vi

5、ctims family. The third merit lies in that it is very economical to end the life of a person guilty of crimes for which even death is an insufficient punishment. The practice helps lessen the prison crowding and thus cuts down on government budget. Towards the same issue, many others who advocate th

6、e abolition, however, argue that in a highly modernised world, it is inhuman and barbaric to take away ones life on any pretext. They believe in that life is precious and irreversible and that only God can take away ones life. Moreover, capital punishment can not scare off the criminals. Up to now,

7、there is no evidence showing the direct correlation between the practice and the declining incidence of felony. We should offer the offender a chance to mend his/her way and take over a new life. The criminals can be safely locked up in prisons and receive education through labour. Both sides of the

8、 argument have very strong feelings and sound reasons. After a thorough consideration, for my part, I am in favor of the former view that we should retain the time-honored catholicon to ensure a safe and comfortable living environment to all these law-abiding citizens. An old saying best expresses m

9、y attitude: “Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people.“ 2 【正确答案】 Pistols shooting, gun flashes, people screaming hysterically and running in panic, confusion everywhere. This was not a scene from a Hollywood movie, but a recent shooting incident at an American school. The most appalling th

10、ing was that the emotionless and brutal killer was a teenager boy. This is a typical example of the increasingly disturbing panorama of juvenile crimes plaguing our society. In the first place, the juvenile delinquency can be attributable to the rising divorce rate and family violence. It is reporte

11、d that the juvenile delinquency is proportional to the high divorce rate. In such families, children are usually not properly taken care of, and to make things worse, their psychology may probably be distorted. Also, living in a family full of violence, children take it for granted that violence is

12、the best way to resolve problems and they are likely to adopt the measure of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth“. Thus, it is likely that such children may easily be led astray and even worse, they may embark on the criminal road. What is more, the over-description of violence on the media i

13、s another vital cause to be considered. Nowadays, many programmes are full of crime, violence, pornography and bloody contents; they are often glorified and polished to attract youngsters eyes and to be conveniently imitated. Watching too many these programs, children may become isolated, violent an

14、d aggressive. Thus, their committing crime seems easy to be understood. Given the seriousness of this problem, we have no alternatives but to adopt some feasible and effective measures. To begin with, relevant laws should be set down and implemented to crack down youth crimes. What is more, the fami

15、lies should be reinforced and proper guidance and support should be given to the youth. Finally, crime, violence, pornography and bloody contents shown in media should be banned and the measures to reduce stress from both education and society should be rendered to youngsters. Only when these measures are taken will the rate of juvenile delinquency fall down.


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