1、雅思(口语)模拟试卷 26及答案与解析 一、 Speaking Module (10-15 minutes) 1 1. PART 1 The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics. EXAMPLE Your home Where do you live now in a fiat, a house or a dormitory? Who do you live with? Do you think your home needs
2、 any improvements? Are you planning to move to live in a different place? Clothes Do you like shopping or window shopping for clothes? Do you prefer casual or formal clothes? Do you like the latest fashions? Whats your favourite clothes colour? Parks and public gardens Are there many parks or public
3、 gardens where you live? Do you ever go to any of these places? How often do you go to any of these places? What do you like to do when you go to a park or public garden? 2 2. PART 2 Describe something you would like to learn. You should say: what you would like to learn how you would learn it when
4、and where you would learn it and explain why you would like to learn this. You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You will have one minute to think about what youre going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish. 3 3. PART 3 Discussion topic: Learning Example qu
5、estions: How do students learn at schools in your country? How could the learning process be improved at schools in your country? In your country, do adults often continue formal studies while they are working? Which subjects do you think it will be important to learn in the future? What do you thin
6、k of learning via the Internet? 雅思(口语)模拟试卷 26答案与解析 一、 Speaking Module (10-15 minutes) 1 【正确答案】 Your home I live in a three-bedroom house on the outskirts of this city. I live with my wife, who is 32 and our two kids an eight year-old boy and a five year-old girl. Actually, it does. There was a storm
7、 here last week and it blew some of the tiles off our roof. It doesnt matter too much now, but I should get it repaired before winter. Our garden fence is also in poor condition and Im going to deal with that myself tomorrow. Not permanently. We are very happy where we are. There are good schools ne
8、arby and shopping and transport are excellent. Im planning to go abroad on a short course, so, in that case, Ill be living away from home temporarily. Clothes I wouldnt say that I like it, but I dont mind shopping for clothes once every two or three months. My wife likes it she goes far more often t
9、han I do. She usually window shops though. She doesnt buy new clothes every time she goes. It depends on the situation. If Im attending an important meeting or going to a formal party, I like to dress in a formal suit. Otherwise, you know, at home or when I go out with my family or friends, I prefer
10、 wearing casual clothes, like jeans and a polo shirt. No. I really dont follow fashion. My wife does, a little. The problem with fashion is that it changes so quickly and it can prove very expensive! My friends dont follow fashion either, so theres no kind of “competition“ between us to see who is w
11、earing the latest style. Blue. I have blue jeans, two dark blue suits and several blue shirts of varying shades, from light to dark. Its my favourite colour. Actually, its my wifes favourite colour too! She has a few very nice blue dresses, skirts and blouses. Our son has decided that he likes black
12、. Our daughter hasnt shown any preference yet! Parks and public gardens Theres a park very close to our home and another perhaps 20 or 25 minutes walk away. Both of them have plenty of space for kids to run around or play team sports like football and cricket. Our son goes to the nearest park with h
13、is friends almost every day for a kick-around. We take our daughter to the park a few times a week, but we dont let her go alone because shes only five. Only when I go with my kids. When I was a kid, I also went to the local park virtually every day to play football with my mates. One thing is diffe
14、rent though. When I was a kid, people would let their dogs run around the park, but nowadays people keep their dogs on leads. I think people are nervous about the possibility, of a dog biting a child. Two or three times a week, I guess. Oh, theres also a botanical garden in the city centre and we go
15、 there perhaps twice a year. When I go with my kids, they usually want to have fun with their friends, so I just sit down on a bench and read a book or chat to any other parents who happen to be there. In summer, its very pleasant just to sit and read for a while. Occasionally, I or one of the other
16、 parents has to be referee for a football match between two groups of boys. 2 【正确答案】 I would like to learn how to make things out of wood like small tables, shoe racks or things like that. I learnt a little woodwork at school, but Im ashamed to say that I didnt really pay much attention to it. It wo
17、uld be nice to make something and be able to look at it and say “I made that!“ rather than only having things in the house that were bought from a shop. Theres a college not far from our home that offers evening and weekend classes. If they offer a woodwork class for adults, Id be very tempted to si
18、gn up. I imagine that it would take several weeks maybe even months to become satisfactory at it. Perhaps Ill enquire next week! 3 【正确答案】 Learning is much more interactive than when I was at school. In the past, teachers taught and students spent almost all the time at their desks, writing in their
19、notebooks and doing exercises. Nowadays, students use computers, go on trips to various places and younger kids play games that help them learn. I know some parents who are a little traditional and think that these new methods are a waste of time, but I have to disagree. My son loves his classes and
20、 my daughter learns a lot at kindergarten. I only hope that they retain their love of learning! I think that the learning process would be improved if there were fewer students in each class. There are about 25 kids in my sons class, which is far too many in my opinion. Id like to see about 15 in ea
21、ch class, so that teachers could give each child more individual attention. I know that it would cost more to do this, as more teachers would have to be hired, but I would be prepared to pay higher taxes to help cover it. The majority dont, but it is becoming more common. Its mainly younger adults s
22、ay up to the age of 35 that want to study in the evenings and at weekends. They often want to rise quickly within their companies and getting higher qualifications is one way to achieve that aim. The most popular kinds of courses are those related to management and finance, since people with qualifi
23、cations are most likely to be promoted to middle- and upper-management positions. I think that the two most important subjects will always be your native language and maths. Employers see those as basic requirements for employees. Without them, you are highly unlikely to get a good job. After those,
24、 Id say computing pretty much essential in the modern world then a foreign language, preferably English since its so widely spoken. Other languages are useful though, particularly Spanish, Arabic and Chinese. Id like my kids to learn a non-European language. Science is also very important, since sci
25、ence is obviously closely associated with technology. Id say that geography, economics and history are useful, but not as important as the other subjects I have mentioned. I think that the main benefit is that it allows more people to study and allows them to study flexibly. Whenever they have time,
26、 they can access materials even if its the middle of the night! On the other hand, I sometimes wonder about the quality of the courses offered online and I still think that learning from, or with, a teacher is the most effective way of learning, since there is interaction between teacher and student.