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1、雅思(听力)历年真题试卷汇编 7及答案与解析 0 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Tourism Survey Example Answer Name: Robert Goddard Destination: Melbourne Total number of visits: 【 L1】 _ Best thing about the city: 【 L2】 _ Favourite attraction: 【 L3】 _ Best thing about

2、the destinations dining options: 【 L4】 _ of food Method of transport to destination: by 【 L5】 _ Age group: 【 L6】 _ Income level: 【 L7】 _ Purpose of visit: on business 【 L8】 _ Occupation: 【 L9】 _ writer for a travel magazine Opinion of cost of accommodation: 【 L10】 _ 1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5

3、 【 L5】 6 【 L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 【 L10】 10 Label the map below.Write the correct letter, A-E, next to questions 11-15. 11 Science Museum 12 National History Museum 13 Car Park 14 Shopping Mall 15 Primary School 15 What is the improvement of each main point of interest in the area? Choose FI

4、VE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 16-20. A New entrance B Free lunch provided C Free information provided D Increase in size E Additional signs F New exhibitions G New structure 16 CarPark 17 Primary School 18 Science Museum 19 National History Museum 20 Sh

5、opping Mall 20 Choose the correct letter, A, B orC. 21 The proposal will ( A) be reviewed by two examiners. ( B) be added to the final grade. ( C) be returned with feedback. 22 The proposal will consist mostly of ( A) topics. ( B) methods. ( C) results. 23 For the practice paper, the tutor has direc

6、ted the students to make sure to ( A) pay attention to time limits. ( B) write at least 6,000 words. ( C) keep on topic. 23 Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 24 There is no need to_lots of people. 25 Pay attention to the_of the final report. 26 Prepare_, o

7、ne for the teacher, another for the students themselves. 27 The deadline of the final paper is_ 28 The students can_their topics before the beginning of April. 29 Students deciding to change topics must deliver a_to the teacher in advance. 30 At the beginning of the report, the hypothesis and an out

8、line of the_are needed. 30 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Advertising Effect The important factor to consider The 【 L31】 _customers must travel affects the probability that they will buy the product. Methods of communication Advertising slogans are easier to

9、remember if there is a 【 L32】 _played with them. Mandys Candy Store appeals to peoples sense of 【 L33】 _to draw in customers. To an ad campaign for digital products, it is 【 L34】 _that is extremely important. Effect on your product sales The customers 【 L35】 _after he or she experiences the ad is mo

10、st important. Marketing strategies On international flights, it is wise for advertisements to be displayed in the common 【 L36】 _of most passengers. Very few young people buy 【 L37】 _ The UNESCO website would be a good place to advertise for companies aiming to improve the 【 L38】 _ One good location

11、 to place ads for sunscreen is the 【 L39】 _ A good scene for a water purification commercial would be 【 L40】 _ 31 【 L31】 32 【 L32】 33 【 L33】 34 【 L34】 35 【 L35】 36 【 L36】 37 【 L37】 38 【 L38】 39 【 L39】 40 【 L40】 雅思(听力)历年真题试卷汇编 7答案与解析 0 【听力原文】 MAN: Hello? WOMAN: Hi, good morning, this is Talia from Pa

12、rrot Bay Travel Agency. Is Robert Goddard there? MAN: Yes, speaking. WOMAN: Im so sorry that I made such an early phone call, and Im calling to ask a few questions about your most recent vacation - could I have five minutes of your time? MAN: Sure thing. WOMAN: Great, thanks. Now, I see here that yo

13、u visited Melbourne. Was this your first visit to Melbourne? MAN: No, I have actually been there twice before. WOMAN: I see. Now, what would you say was your favorite part about Melbourne? MAN: Well, I did like seeing the exotic wildlife, and there are great sites to see, but I have to say I was mos

14、t impressed by the amazing weather. WOMAN: Yeah, the weather there is amazing. Which of the sites listed as part of our official tour did you see, and of those, which was your favorite? MAN: First I saw the theatre, which was beautifully designed. It was not nearly as cool as the Town Hall though -

15、the building is a huge part of Melbournes history. Definitely my favourite. I saw the aquarium too, but wasnt too impressed. WOMAN: I see. Yes, people often have great reviews of Town Hall. Now I would like to ask you about your dining experience. Did you enjoy the food there? MAN: Absolutely -I lov

16、ed it! WOMAN: Im glad to hear it. Could you tell me a little bit about what you most enjoyed about the food? MAN: Being such an international city, I loved the variety - I could find any type of food I wanted. Whether I wanted seafood, burgers, or anything else, you name it and they had it. WOMAN: D

17、id you drive to Melbourne? MAN: No, I flew. I thought about going by train, but in the interest of time I decided to go by plane. WOMAN: Right, I see. WOMAN: And would you mind telling me whether you are under 20, between the ages of 20 and 40, or older than 40? MAN: Er, it would be nice if I were s

18、till under 20. My vacation probably would have been quite different. Actually though, I just turned 41 last week. WOMAN: Oh, happy birthday! So did you treat yourself and fly first class? MAN: Ha! No way. I would love to have a budget that high. Im more in the mid-range income level. I wasnt always

19、though - I spent much of my life in a low-income household. WOMAN: I see. That answers my next question then, of income level. And what was the purpose of this visit? MAN: I had to go there on business a lot before and decided I would go there for tourism this time. WOMAN: I see. And what is your oc

20、cupation? MAN: I am mainly a computer programmer. I also write for a travel magazine on the side, which is why I visited Melbourne before, but its not my main source of income. WOMAN: I see. Wow, it sounds like you work a lot! MAN: Yes, I am very busy, which is exactly why I took a nice week-long va

21、cation to Melbourne. WOMAN: I completely agree. Would you care to comment on your accommodation? MAN: My hotel was good value. Staying in the city can get really expensive, so it was nice to find such a good price for the location and quality. Im glad I didnt end up in some cheap motel in the middle

22、 of nowhere. WOMAN: Im glad you didnt either. Well, thank you for taking part in our survey, and Im glad you enjoyed your vacation! MAN: No problem. Take care! 1 【正确答案】 3/three times 【试题解析】 3 three times本题需填写旅游总次数。录音中 Woman问的 “first time”是陷阱,注意 Man回答的否定和修正 不,实际上之前我去过两次。可见,包括这一次,他总共去过三次。 2 【正确答案】 (am

23、azing)weather 【试题解析】 (amazing)weather本题中 “best thing”相当于 Woman所问“favourite part”的同义替换。注意录音中 Man的完整回答,避免只听前面的干扰信息 “exotic wildlife”。尤其注意听转折词 “but”之后的内容, “most impressed by”才是引出答案的信号词。 3 【正确答案】 Town Hall 【试题解析】 Town Hall录音中 Woman问: and of those, which was your favourite,随后 Man先提到了 theatre,却说 “It was n

24、ot nearly as cool as the Town Hall though”,其中 “not nearly”是 “much lessthan”的意思,可见 it指代的前面提到的 theatre是远不如 Town Hall的。 4 【正确答案】 variety 【试题解析】 variety本题比较简单, Man最喜欢的是当地食物的不同种类、多种多样。 5 【正确答案】 plane 【试题解析】 plane本题考查出行的交通方式。虽然前文出现的是 “thought about going by train”,但 Man最终选择 的交通工具是 plane。在雅思听力中,如果过去的想法、事情与

25、现在的想法及事实不相符,答案通常会聚焦于现在的状况。 6 【正确答案】 over/older than 40 【试题解析】 over older than 40本题注意陷阱信息 “it would be nice if I were still under 20”,该句用虚拟语气表示 “如果还没到 20就好了 ”,实际暗示现在肯定不是 20岁以下。正确答案的信号词是 “actually”。在雅思听力里,一般接在“actually、 in fact”后的 信息才是正确答案。 7 【正确答案】 mid-range 【试题解析】 midrange本题中,第一时间就说出了正确答案 “mid-range

26、”。不过随后却出现了陷阱信息,我们能够有效规避该陷阱的原因同上述第 5题:发生在过去的通常和现在的情形不一样时,题目通常考查的是当下的状况。 8 【正确答案】 tourism 【试题解析】 tourism本题考查旅游的目的。题目已经给了 “on business”作为已知信息帮助我们定位,但是它是先前去那里的目的,这一次的目的是 “for tourism”。 9 【正确答案】 computer programmer 【试题解析】 computer programmer本题考查该男士的职业。其职业有两个,主要是 “computer programmer(计算机程序设计员 )”,另一个是已知信息

27、“writer”。 10 【正确答案】 good value 【试题解析】 good value题目中 “opinion of”相当于录音中 “comment on”的替换, Man的回答即为答案,原文: My hotel was good value,所以答案 为 “good value(划算 )”。一般情况下,此说法的完整表达为 “good value for money”。 10 【听力原文】 Thank you all for coming to our community meeting. As you know, we are excited to unveil our impro

28、vement plan as we look forward to the influx of tourists in the summer months. Ill start with a quick overview of the main points of interest in the area for anyone who may not quite know his or her way around yet, and then Ill get into the improvements made. First off is my favorite, the Science Mu

29、seum, which is on the corner of Saint George Road. If you have not visited it yet, I encourage you to go before the busy season. It is absolutely spectacular - there is even a flight simulator you can try out! Just west of the Science Museum is the National History Museum. Its a site not to be misse

30、d as well, with each floor devoted to a different era in our nations history. There are special exhibits for children with interactive games and fun history lessons, too. If youre looking for parking, it is available on the intersection of Queen Street and South King Street in the Car Park. Standard

31、 hourly and daily rates do apply. The best place for souvenirs is the Shopping Mall, though it gets extremely busy during peak times. You can get there from the tube, or the entrance on Timber Road, just south of Cornwell Road. This area has students everywhere, usually from the Primary School acros

32、s the street from the Shopping Mall. Classes often take field trips and engage in guided tours through the area. So thats the overview of the main sites and hopefully by now Ive given you a general idea of the area. Now Im going to outline the improvements we have made in our efforts to make the exp

33、erience even better for each and every one of our visitors. You probably noticed when you first drove into the Car Park this morning, that there is now additional signage to help avoid confusion. The directions were not entirely clear at first, so we have increased the number of one-way signs indica

34、ting the correct direction of traffic flow. Not far from there, in line with our mission of giving back to the community, we constructed a brand new playground for the Primary School. It is really something to be excited for - the equipment is state-of-the-art and includes swings, a small climbing w

35、all, and even an obstacle course. Now well head north and take a look at the Science Museum. In response to our feedback from past visitors to the museum, there is now free information available outlining not only upcoming IMAX showings, but also natural wonders like meteor showers, eclipses, and ot

36、her cool natural events. The Science Museum isnt the only Museum improving the experience of its visitors. The National History Museum has added an entire new wing to its facility to accommodate the large crowds of people gathering to see the Civil War exhibit, inventions timeline exhibit, and other

37、 wonderful sections of the museum. The increase in space will definitely give a more calm, comfortable experience for visitors. And finally, remember when there was actually a line at the mall entrance from the Tube Station? It was terrible trying to get anywhere from the Tube because foot traffic g

38、ot so backed up sometimes. We have addressed that by adding another entry point into the mall from the other end of the platform to disperse the crowd. So those are the major improvements we have made. Clearly having too many people that want to visit and enjoy what our community has to offer the pu

39、blic is a good problem to have, and I am confident that we have made the changes necessary to accommodate the growing interest in the area. As always, we welcome any questions, comments, or concerns about the new improvement plan. In a few minutes I will open up the floor for questions but you can a

40、lso contact me or any other board member by email or through the city website. Thank you for coming, and I now encourage you to stay for the Questions and Answers panel occurring between now and 10.30. 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 B本题型为选择式地图题,遵循雅思听力的最基本原则,即题号顺序原则。所以第一时间出现的建筑物应该为 “11 Science Museum”。其方位是 “on t

41、he comer of Saint George Road”,即图中已知参照物 Saint George路的街角,锁定答案为 B。 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 A本题录音中指出: National History Museum在 Science Museum的西边。图中画有指南针,这意味着方向指令会以 “N S W E”为主。要求考生在听录音时,培养对方向词的敏感度和判断力。建议把 N S W E放大标好在整张地图上,做题时则省去脑中 “上北、下南、左西、右东 ”的反应时间。 13 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 E录音 中 “parking”提示 “13 Car Park竹即将出现

42、,其方位是Queen Street and South KingStreet的交叉路口。 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 C本题定位相对容易: Shopping Mall附近有地铁,位于 Timber Road的入口,并且在 Cornwell Road的南边。对于地图题,作为已知信息标注在图中的建筑物名称是重要的参照物,在其附近会有答案信息点出现。 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 D本题录音中提到: the Primary School across the street from the Shopping Mall其中 “acrossthe street”意为 “在街对面 ”,显

43、然 Primary School应当位于 Shopping Mall的街对面。 16 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 E定位词 “Car Park”在录音中原词重现,紧接着的 “additional signage”及随后的 “increasedthe number of oneway signs”对应选项 E。 17 【正确答案】 G 【试题解 析】 G本题需要注意的是答案发生了前置,即先听到改变的内容:新建了一个 playground,再听到题干定位词 “Primary School”。 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 C定位词 “Science Museum”原词重现,不远处即出现

44、了答案 “free information available”,所以选项 C为正确答案。 19 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 D定位词 “National History Museum”原词重现,答案聚焦点 “the increase in space”对应选项 D。注意干扰信息 “all entire new wing”,其中 wing表示 “建筑物侧楼 ”的意思,侧楼是相对于主楼 (main building)而言,并不改变其主要的建筑物整体结构,避免选到选项 G。 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 A本题录音中 “mall entrance from the Tube Stati

45、on”提示答案在后, “adding another entry”对应选项 A。 20 【听力原文】 TUTOR: So you were both given your project assignments for your senior thesis today, right? JANE: Yes, and we already have to submit our topics next week! MARK: But how could they give us a grade this soon? TUTOR: No, next weeks due date will not be

46、 counted towards your final grade. The teachers are just going to read your topic and give you feedback. JANE: Oh, I see. So first we should come up with our topics, and then what? TUTOR: Well, once you know what you want to study, you need to think about how youll study it. You need to decide on yo

47、ur research methods. The methods will be the main part of your paper. MARK: What about the results section? TUTOR: Well, I can give you feedback on that, but you will be the one carrying out an experiment and thus will have to produce the results on your own. What I would like to do today is practic

48、e writing research papers before you even begin your report. Ill give you samples of old data from past experience, and you can practice writing results and drawing conclusions. JANE: I think that would be really helpful. MARK: Yeah, it sounds like a lot of extra work, but Im sure it will make our a

49、ctual project easier. TUTOR: You are exactly right. So lets get started. First, lets try this simple experiment on fruit flies. Read the information, and then take 25 minutes to summarise a results and conclusion section. Thats really important - pay attention to the time limit. JANE: OK, does it still have to be 6,000 words? TUTOR: No, dont worry about that. MARK: What if we get off topic? TUTOR: I wouldnt wo


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