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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 39及答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes Raymond Rich of ICT Industries. AGENT: ICT Industries. Just a moment while I put that on the form. Mr Rich said the name of his company was ICT Industries so ICT industries is written in the space. Now we shall begin. You should answer the question

2、s as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 6. AGENT: Ah, good morning, Mr Rich, isnt it? MR RICH: Thats right; Raymond Rich of ICT Industries. AGENT: ICT Industries. Just a moment while I put that on the form. AGENT: Now, youre l

3、ooking for new office space, is that right? MR RICH: Yes, our present lease is due to expire soon and as the company is expanding anyway we need to find somewhere to move to. AGENT: Do you prefer the suburbs, the city or a commercial zone on the outskirts? MR RICH: Well, currently were in a very ple

4、asant suburb but as I said weve outgrown that building. As weve got to move anyway, I think the city centre is where we want to be right In the heart of things. AGENT: I see, anywhere in particular? MR RICH: Yes, somewhere in the vicinity of the main transport centre because I have a large staff and

5、 car- parking in the city is terribly expensive. I think it would be a good idea if we didnt use our cars at all. AGENT: Exactly what size premises are you looking for? MR RICH: Good question. Something more than the 10,000 square metros we have at present should do it. AGENT: Shall we say.12,000 sq

6、uare metros? MR RICH: Thats probably about right. Yes, I think that would meet our needs. AGENT: Just how many employees do you have to accommodate? MR RICH: Forty in all. But only fourteen will have their own offices. The rest will be in open-plan shared offices. AGENT: Oh, I forgot to ask do any o

7、f your employees have extra requirements? Will we need to consider people with disabilities? MR RICH: Yes, actually, there is one In a wheelchair wholl need suitable access and another who can walk just a few paces she uses a mobility scooter, so wed need to make sure all facilities, especially toil

8、et facilities, were suitable and accessible and wed also need to be either on the ground floor or to find a secure place by the lifts for Mrs. Jackson to park her scooter. AGENT: Ill need to keep that in mind when I come up with property for you to look at. Now, when are you thinking of moving? MR R

9、ICH: Well, our current lease expires in August so wed like to have the move completed by then of course. AGENT: Well, there is a very suitable property that I have in mind here in the city but the owners want a lease signed by the end of this month, May. MR RICH: Ooh, too early Im afraid. Id be read

10、y to sign up by the end of June though. AGENT: Shall we say signed up by the 1st of July and moved by the end of that month? MR RICH: Definitely. 1 【正确答案】 city centre 2 【正确答案】 transport centre 3 【正确答案】 12,000 sq(aura) m(terse) 4 【正确答案】 forty/40 5 【正确答案】 wheelchair 6 【正确答案】 July 6 【听力原文】 AGENT: Well,

11、 Ill keep your requirements in mind and let you know when something comes up. Wait a minute. there is vacant office space on the tenth floor of this very building. Would you care to take a look? It has only just become available but I havent started marketing it yet because its in need of a bit of a

12、 makeover. The floor area is about the right size. MR RICH: Good, lets see it then. AGENT: Well, what do you think? Elevator access is great and the lobby area is roomy enough for that disability vehicle you were telling me about. MR RICH: Oh, I dont know, there are too many small offices. Would we

13、be able to take out a few of these walls and make bigger work areas? AGENT: I dont see why not-most of them are just partitions obviously load-bearing walls cant be touched but there arent many of those to worry about. MR RICH: What about kitchen and dining facilities? We like our staff to feel comf

14、ortable eating at work-if they go out for lunch, it often leads to extended lunch hours and lost time. AGENT: Come this way-this is the kitchen. MR RICH: Oh, its a bit poky; wed need to enlarge it somehow. Whats behind the wall here? AGENT: Thats just a storeroom. You could take out that wall and ex

15、pand into that space. MR RICH: Then what would we do for a storeroom? AGENT: Ah, well, see that tiny office near the entrance? It has no external windows or natural light it would make an ideal storeroom. MR RICH: Yes, youre right. The whole place is a bit dilapidated obviously in need of that redec

16、oration you were talking about and I dont just mean a coat of new paint. I think all the light fittings would have to be modernized, those broken blinds have to be replaced and this old blue carpet definitely has to go. AGENT: I agree. Thats something we can negotiate with the owner. But.overall, do

17、 you think it would fit your requirements? MR RICH: Well, you havent given me any indication of what the lease would cost but before we get into that, what are the terms of the lease concerning length of tenancy? AGENT: Well, generally in the city leases are never less than three years. MR RICH: Oh?

18、 I mean we dont mind signing up for that period of time initially but we dont necessarily want to have to move after that weve been in our last place for ten years, you know. AGENT: Well, the usual agreement is a three by three by two thats a contract for three years with entitlement to extension fo

19、r three years and then another two years after that. But let me speak to the owner first. MR RICH: Mum.and one more thing: we have to consider the time frame remember my current lease is due to expire in August. AGENT: Well, with reliable contractors, it shouldnt take more than a couple of months to

20、 do the necessary refit. 7 【正确答案】 walls/partitions 8 【正确答案】 kitchen 9 【正确答案】 carpet 10 【正确答案】 3/three years/yrs 10 【听力原文】 Are you thinking about further study? Well, listen to this before you make a decision. It will help you decide if going on to tertiary study is right for you and it will help you

21、 make good decisions for the right reasons. It includes information about student life, what it will cost and the different ways you can support yourself. What should you think about first? Well, obviously youre thinking about tertiary study and its one of the biggest decisions youll make in your li

22、fe what you decide now will affect the rest of your life. Its the last year of high school for most of you and youre busy and under pressure. Perhaps youre thinking of going abroad, getting a job, or working for just a year or two to save some money before getting back to study. Lets assume youre ch

23、oosing to continue studying next year. Its important that you set yourself goals and plan how youre going to achieve them. First off, career goals: What career do you want to pursue or what is it your parents want you to do? Then, you need to think about employment opportunities at the end of your s

24、tudy. Will your qualification assist you in finding a rewarding job? Thirdly, course selection-exactly what qualifications will you need: for instance, a degree, a diploma or something else? Now, were down to study goals-the number of papers you can study at a time and what sort of grades you would

25、like to attain. 11 【正确答案】 job 12 【正确答案】 career goals 13 【正确答案】 qualification(s) 14 【正确答案】 grades 14 【听力原文】 Now, how do you make all that happen? You might feel overwhelmed by all the choices but there are people and agencies to help: Career Services is a great website with lots of useful information

26、 and a search tool for finding courses and providers throughout the country. Then there are the tertiary education institutions themselves universities and institutes of technology, for example, have comprehensive information on their particular websites. You can find out most anything there. Many c

27、ampuses have a Student Support Association and they can tell you a lot about what to expect. Dont be afraid to ask them anything Im sure theyve heard it all before. It might also be worthwhile to make enquiries with potential employers to see if they will fund, or partially fund, your studies. If it

28、 is a trade you want to learn, the Apprenticeship Scheme will help you earn while you learn. That way youll get valuable work experience while youre studying. If youre still at school, then search out your School Careers Advisor who will have a variety of information and resources at hand and be abl

29、e to give you the kind of guidance you need to make a fully informed decision; and last but not least, dont forget your parents and other family members! They can be of enormous help, too. Oh, one last thing that might help you make up your mind: have you thought of applying for a scholarship? Some

30、embassies, governments and individual institutions offer scholarships to cover part or all of your study fees. Most large libraries have a comprehensive catalogue of the various grants, awards and scholarships that are available. 15 【正确答案】 A 16 【正确答案】 C 17 【正确答案】 B 18 【正确答案】 A 19 【正确答案】 B 20 【正确答案】

31、C 20 【听力原文】 TUTOR: m very glad that the two of you decided to pursue this research topic because I think its not only much needed but very relevant to current psychological concerns about addiction issues in young people. Now, tell me, how did you get started? LEE: Well, we looked around for problem

32、s, or perceived problems, that teenagers in general might encounter and we came up with the extremely popular phenomenon of instant messaging and the implications that the use, or overuse, of this form of communication might have on teen behavior. KIM: Then we decided to propose the concept of insta

33、nt messaging addiction. By the way, do you mind if we abbreviate “instant messaging“ to LM in our discussion? TUTOR: Not at all. But before you go any further, tell me something about the demographic sample you used. LEE: We chose a random sample of teenagers from Kiangs Province, from a typical pub

34、lic middle school, and we considered this group to be representative of teenagers in urban China. We distributed 500 questionnaires and 450 were returned. The sample group was on average aged between 14 and 15 years. TUTOR: Internet addiction, or technological addiction as its sometimes called, has

35、been studied many times before. What makes your research different? LEE: Well, previous studies indicated that Internet-dependent students are more likely to use instant communication, but we wanted to find out primarily whether IM addiction actually exists.and if so, what the symptoms are. KIM: And

36、 secondly, we wanted to know whether IM addiction could be predicted, and finally, whether addiction has an impact on academic performance. TUTOR: Quite a large undertaking. Tell me, what IM addiction symptoms did you identify among teenagers in your sample? KIM: We found four major IM addiction sym

37、ptoms, which are remarkably similar to the symptoms used to identify substance dependence, although here were looking at behavioral addiction, not chemical addiction to drugs, alcohol or the like. LEE: Yes, loss of control was a significant factor which indicates that the addicts had less self-disci

38、pline; they could not control the amount of time they spent on IM; and they neglected their schoolwork, as well as other responsibilities or obligations they might have. Obviously academic performance was adversely affected. TUTOR: Im sure that led to a lot of complaints from family and friends not

39、to mention teachers. KIM: Yes, of course. Another symptom was, as you would expect, a preoccupation with instant messaging they would be annoyed if interrupted when chatting online and they would feel depressed and moody when they couldnt; they would go without sleep in order to chat; and when they

40、were offline they would still be thinking about online chatting. As in chemical addiction, they would need to increase the dose, in this case, of IM time, to get satisfaction. TUTOR: That sounds quite disturbing. LEE: Yes, and as you can imagine, loss of relationships due to overuse of IM was a fact

41、or too. The addicted teenagers would rather chat online than go out with friends or spend time with family, which jeopardized their social relationships and their educational opportunities. KIM: The fourth addictive factor we found was escape. These teenagers used IM as a form of escape from reality

42、 and responsibilities. TUTOR: And can IM addiction be predicted? KIM: Well, we found a definite correlation between shyness and IM addiction. LEE: Not only shyness, but also a feeling of alienation was a predictor too: alienation from family, peers, and school. TUTOR: So the more alienated they feel

43、, the more they look for affection, friendship and social support through IM. KIM: Exactly. But, interestingly, what we found was that alienation was a predictor for addiction but not necessarily related to a high level of IM use. TUTOR: How do you explain that? KIM: One possible explanation we cons

44、idered was that those who were not alienated would communicate frequently with their friends through IM but addicts, on the other hand, are probably looking for friendship through online chatting with strangers. TUTOR: Look, were just about out of time-Im really looking forward to reading your paper

45、 when youve finished it but, before I go, can you quickly sum up your conclusions. LEE: By looking at behavioral patterns and psychological characteristics, we were able to establish that there is a difference between high level of IM use and IM addiction as such. KIM: And that there are certain pos

46、itive predictors for addiction. LEE: And our findings showed that teenagers level of use of IM affected their academic performance. TUTOR: So, youre saying that IM addiction detracts from the students academic performance. LEE: Thats what we set out to prove-and theres absolutely no doubt: addicted

47、students perform badly at school but what we also found is that there is a correlation between the level of IM use and schoolwork. TUTOR: So, not just the addicts suffer low scores. LEE: Precisely. Our results show that the higher the level of IM use, regardless of whether addiction is involved, the

48、 more negative impact there is on academic performance. TUTOR: Your research shows, then, that not only should teachers and parents be on the lookout for those teenagers who might be vulnerable to IM addiction but that parents should pay close attention and provide proper guidance and monitor their

49、teenagers level of use of instant messaging. LEE: Yes, thats it in a nutshell. 21 【正确答案】 questionnaires 22 【正确答案】 loss of control 23 【正确答案】 preoccupation 24 【正确答案】 loss of relationships 25 【正确答案】 escape 26 【正确答案】 shyness 27 【正确答案】 alienation 28 【正确答案】 strangers 29 【正确答案】 negative 30 【正确答案】 guidance 30 【听力原文】 Hello. Im glad so many of you have turned out to hear what I have to say today about the British Isles, that area of the eastern Atlantic that we Americans find so confusing. Im afraid just loo


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