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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 77及答案与解析 0 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer. Car for sale (Mini) Example Age of car: just under 13 years old Colour: 【 L1】 _. Mileage: 【 L2】 _. Previous owner wae a 【 L3】 _. Current owner hae used oar mainly for 【 L4】 _. Frice: may accept o

2、ffers from【 L5】 _. (Note: 【 L6】 _not due for 5 months) Condition: good (recently serviced) Will need a new 【 L7】 _soon Minor problem with a 【 L8】 _. Viewing Agreed to view the car on 【 L9】 _a.m. Address: 238,【 L10】 _Road. 1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5 【 L5】 6 【 L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 【 L

3、10】 11 The Treloar Valley passenger ferry ( A) usually starts services in April. ( B) departs at the same time each day. ( C) is the main means of transport for local villagers. 12 What does the speaker say about the river cruise? ( A) It can be combined with a train journey. ( B) Its unsuitable for

4、 people who have walking difficulties. ( C) The return journey takes up to four hours. 13 What information is given about train services in the area? ( A) Trains run non-stop between Calton and Plymouth. ( B) One section of the rail track is raised. ( C) Bookings can be made by telephone or the Inte

5、rnet. 14 The Rover bus ticket ( A) can be used for up to five journeys a day. ( B) is valid for weekend travel only. ( C) has recently gone down in price. 14 Label the map below.Write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions 15-20. 15 Bus stop_ 16 Car park_ 17 Museum_ 18 Mill_ 19 Potters studio_ 2

6、0 Cafe_ 20 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Advice on writing a dissertation 21 What does Howard say about the experience of writing his dissertation? ( A) It was difficult in unexpected ways. ( B) It was more enjoyable than hed anticipated. ( C) It helped him understand previous course work. 2

7、2 What is Joanne most worried about? ( A) Finding enough material. ( B) Missing deadlines. ( C) Writing too much. 23 What does Howard say was his main worry a year previously? ( A) Forgetting what hed read about. ( B) Not understanding what hed read. ( C) Taking such a long time to read each book. 2

8、4 What motivated Howard to start writing his dissertation? ( A) Talking to his tutor about his problems. ( B) Seeing an inspirational TV show. ( C) Reading a controversial journal article. 24 Choose TWO letters, A-E. What TWO things does Howard advise Joanne to do in the first month of tutorials? A

9、See her tutor every week. B Review all the module booklists. C Buy all the key books. D Write full references for everything she reads. E Write a draft of the first chapter. 26 Choose TWO letters, A-E. What TWO things does Howard say about library provision? A Staff are particularly helpful to under

10、graduates. B Inter-library loans are very reliable. C Students can borrow extra books when writing a dissertation. D Staff recommend relevant old dissertations. E Its difficult to access electronic resources. 28 Choose TWO letters, A-E. What TWO things does Joanne agree to discuss with her tutor? A

11、The best ways to collaborate with other students. B Who to get help from during college vacations. C The best way to present the research. D Whether she can use web sources. E How to manage her study time. 30 Complete the flow chart below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Expertise in c

12、reative writing Background researcher had previously studied 【 L31】 _ Had initial idea for research inspired by a book(the 【 L32】 _ of a famous novelist). Posed initial question why do some people become experts whilst others dont? Read expertise research in different fields. Avoided studies conduct

13、ed in a 【 L33】 _.because too controlled. Most helpful studies-research into 【 L34】 _, e.g. waiting tables. Found participants: four true 【 L35】 _in creative writing (easy to find)and four with extensive experience. Using think aloud techniques, gathered 【 L36】 _data from inexperienced writer.(During

14、 session assistant made 【 L37】 _recordings). Gathered similar data from experienced writers. Compared two data sets and generated a 【 L38】 _for analysis (Identified five major stages in writing will be refined later). Got an expert 【 L39】 _to evaluate the quality of the different products. Identifie

15、d the most effective 【 L40】 _of stages in producing text. 31 【 L31】 32 【 L32】 33 【 L33】 34 【 L34】 35 【 L35】 36 【 L36】 37 【 L37】 38 【 L38】 39 【 L39】 40 【 L40】 雅思(听力)模拟试卷 77答案与解析 0 【听力原文】 Narrator: You will hear a woman talking on the telephone to a man about a car he is selling. First, you have some

16、time to look at Questions 1-4. You will see that there is an example which has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first. Man: Hello, Brian Parks speaking. Woman: Oh hello, Im calling about the advert in the paper. Man: For the car? Woman: Er, y

17、es, the Mini youve got advertised for sale. Man: Oh yes? Woman: I just wanted to find out a bit more information. Man: Of course, what would you like to know? Woman: Its my brother whos interested actually . but hes not in today so he asked me to call you. Man: Fine. Woman: Great, thanks. So its a M

18、ini . Man: Yep. Woman: . and how old is it? Man: Just coming up to thirteen years old. Narrator: The man says the car is just coming up to thirteen years old, so 13 has been written in the space. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Lis

19、ten carefully and answer Questions 1-4. Man: Hello, Brian Parks speaking. Woman: Oh hello, Im calling about the advert in the paper. Man: For the car? Woman: Er, yes, the Mini youve got advertised for sale. Man: Oh yes? Woman: I just wanted to find out a bit more information. Man: Of course, what wo

20、uld you like to know? Woman: Its my brother whos interested actually . but hes not in today so he asked me to call you. Man: Fine. Woman: Great, thanks. So its a Mini . Man: Yep. Woman: . and how old is it? Man: Just coming up to thirteen years old. Woman: And I seem to remember from the ad that its

21、 grey? Man: Thats it. doesnt show the dirt! Woman: Absolutely . anyway the colour shouldnt be a problem for Jeff, you know, the important thing is the quality. Man: Yes, of course. Woman: And what about mileage . with it being pretty old its probably over a hundred thousand? Man: Actually its forty

22、thousand less than that. sixty-two thousand on the clock! Woman: Great! I remember now . Im confusing it with another ad I was looking at. Man: Right. pleasant surprise then. Woman: Yeah. Have you been the only owner. or was there a previous one . ? Man: Im the second one. Before it was owned by a t

23、eacher. who was a very careful driver didnt have any accidents. Woman: Very good. And what about you . what do you tend to use it for? Man: I havent used it all that much . mostly for shopping. you know the sort of thing. Woman: So not much wear and tear. Ill make a note of that. I know Jeff wanted

24、me to check that. Man: Right. Narrator: Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at Questions 5-10. Now listen and answer Questions 5-10. Woman: Now about the price, I see youve got it down as one thousand, two hundred and fifty pounds. Im not sure Jeffll be able to c

25、ome up with that amount. Man: In the ad I did say one thousand, two hundred and fifty or nearest offer. Woman: So would you be prepared to go down to one thousand? Man: Thats really too low, Im afraid. Woman: One thousand, one hundred? Man: I might be able to go to that. Woman: OK, Ill make a note o

26、f that. What about tax? Is it due soon? Man: Got another five months before its due . Woman: Oh, thats a real plus, yes. Ill make a note of that. Man: OK. Woman: Now, you say its in good condition. Man: For its age, Id say yes, definitely. Its just been serviced and there were no major problems. Wom

27、an: Major. ? Man: Id be able to show you the service report. The only thing is: youd have to get a new tyre in the near future . though its still OK, you know, its certainly absolutely safe, at the moment. Woman: OK, fair enough. Yes, I understand. Man: And the garage also mentioned that one headlig

28、ht could probably do with replacing they think theres a fault there, you know, intermittent. Woman: Well, wed obviously look at all the documents. but that sounds very straightforward. Man: Of course. Ive got all the service documents up-to-date and you can look at those. Woman: Well, it all sounds

29、pretty good and I know my brother will be interested. So, would it be possible for him to see the car. hes back from his trip tomorrow . and away tonight, so how about tomorrow? Man: . tomorrow . Wednesday? Im afraid thats not possible. Im out pretty much all day. Woman: Well, Thursday then? Man: Th

30、atd be fine, yeah. Woman: In the morning? Man: Yes, thatd suit me perfectly. Woman: Great. Man: Now, youll need my address. Woman: Oh yes, of course! What is it? Man: Its number two hundred and thirty-eight. Woman: Two-three-eight. Man: London Road. Woman: Oh thats easy enough! Man: Yes, very straig

31、htforward. Woman: So Ill pass on these notes to Jeff and hell see you in a couple . 1 【正确答案】 grey/gray 2 【正确答案】 62000 3 【正确答案】 teacher 4 【正确答案】 shopping 5 【正确答案】 ( )1,100 6 【正确答案】 tax 7 【正确答案】 tyre/tire 8 【正确答案】 headlight 9 【正确答案】 Thursday 10 【正确答案】 London 11 【听力原文】 Narrator: You will hear part of a

32、 podcast for visitors to the popular holiday region called the Treloar Valley First you have some time to look at Questions 11-14. Now listen, and answer Questions 11-14. Speaker: The valley and estuary of the River Treloar forms an unspoilt, beautiful landscape, rich in both wildlife and sites of h

33、istoric interest. There are many ways to explore the area, and public transport links are good. It is possible to leave your car behind, and travel by boat, train or bus, with just short walks in-between stops. The Treloar Valley Passenger Ferry runs between villages along the river estuary, and pro

34、vides a link with the train station at Berry, which is about ten minutes walk from the riverside village of Calton. In the past, the river was the main form of transport in the area, and as in the past, todays ferry service operates according to nature. The river estuary is tidal, and so the ferry t

35、imetable differs from day to day, according to the times and height of the tide. The ferry is also seasonal, normally running between April and September, depending on the weather. A timetable for the whole year can be downloaded from the internet by visiting www dot treloarferry dot co dot uk. If y

36、ou just want to sit and relax, and enjoy the lovely scenery, you can take a river cruise to Calton and back from the nearby city of Plymouth. In the past, steam ships brought early tourists along the same route Queen Victoria and her family enjoyed such a trip in eighteen fifty six. The journey is q

37、uicker these days the round trip takes between four and five hours, depending on tides and weather. If you prefer, you can travel upriver by boat and return to Plymouth by train. All cruise boats and trains have wheelchair access. For more information, and for departure times, ring Plymouth Boat Cru

38、ises on zero one seven, five two eight, two three one zero four. Trains run several times a day throughout the year between Calton and Plymouth, with various stops in-between. They are used by both local commuters and tourists who want to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The highlight of the journey is

39、crossing the river on the stunning viaduct, which was built at the beginning of the twentieth century, and towers one hundred and twenty feet over the water. It is unnecessary to book, and tickets can be bought on the train. For information about fares and timetables, contact National Rail Enquiries

40、 by phone or online. The bus service in the Treloar Valley now connects all train stations and villages in the area. Specially for holiday makers, theres a Rover ticket which can be used at weekends and on national holidays, and allows unlimited journeys on those days. The Rover ticket provides grea

41、t value for money, and is now even cheaper than it was last year. An adult ticket costs five pounds fifty a day, Senior Citizens can travel for four pounds fifty, and a family ticket for up to five people costs just twelve pounds. Tickets can be bought on the bus. Narrator: Now you have some time to

42、 look at Questions 15-20. Now listen and answer Questions 15-20. Speaker: At the centre of the Treloar Estuary area is the historic riverside village of Calton. The main road comes into the village from the south, and for those of you who are arriving by bus, it turns left just before the bridge and

43、 stops in the lay-by on the left hand side. From there its just a short walk to Caltons various attractions. If youre arriving by car, you have to leave it in the main car park. Go over the bridge and take the first turning on the right-Then go on until you come to the end of that road. Its the only

44、 place to park in Calton but theres no charge. If youre interested in local history, theres a museum in Calton with farming, fishing and household implements from the late nineteenth century. As you come in from the south, cross the river and go straight on the same road until you reach the end. Als

45、o on the subject of history, you can go and see the old mill which has recently been renovated and put back into use. Turn left before you come to the bridge-Then go straight on and then take the first turning on the right. This leads straight there. If youre interested in arts and crafts, theres a

46、potters studio where you can watch the artist at work. After crossing the bridge turn left and its the second building on the left. Finally, when you feel in need of refreshments, theres a cafe opposite the old boat house, and a picnic area near the mill. 11 【正确答案】 A 12 【正确答案】 A 13 【正确答案】 B 14 【正确答案

47、】 C 15 【正确答案】 H 16 【正确答案】 F 17 【正确答案】 E 18 【正确答案】 A 19 【正确答案】 B 20 【正确答案】 D 20 【听力原文】 Narrator: You will hear two Geography students talking. An older student, called Howard, is giving advice to a younger student, called Joanne, on writing her dissertation. First you have some time to look at Questi

48、ons 21-24. Now listen, and answer Questions 21-24. Joanne: Hi Howard . I havent seen you for a while. Howard: Hi Joanne. Yeah, theyre keeping us really busy on the postgraduate programme. But how are you? Youll be starting your dissertation soon, wont you? Joanne: Yeah . tutorials start next week .

49、Ive got Dr Peterson. Youll remember it all from last year, of course! Howard: Its not something you forget easily. But seriously, although I didnt expect to enjoy writing my dissertation. and in fact I didnt really find it much fun, I wouldnt have missed the experience . I found it really improved my understanding of the whole degree progra


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